Posted by how not to answer a newbie

tsuki [g2 arabica
rlc] (#143046)

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Posted on
2018-11-29 14:11:43
Not sure if this already exists but oh well

How this works is you ask any question related to the game and the person below you has to answer it incorrectly and post a new question.


Player 1: What does an applicator do?
Player 2: It makes your lion feel pretty since you abandoned it. How do I earn SB?
And so on, and so on...

If the game dies (aka no one replies to the question for a while) and you don't know how to reply to a question, you're allowed to just post a new question and not answer to the one above you!

Lioden rules still apply!

So let's get the fun started!
How do I get rid of my rolled king?

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Edited on 07/10/19 @ 13:29:23 by sleepy ๐Ÿงธ | clean arabica (#143046)

RatKave (#216292)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-11-27 07:23:14
You need to pay?

You have to go to the Oasis and buy 100 GB then sell it to the person 6you want to gift to enable gifting to that person.

How do you post a reply?

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ฤโ‚ณโฑคโ‚ญ (#218703)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2020-11-27 12:33:00
Type, and click reply to thread!

how get leopon

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Glitchdragon.exe๐Ÿ’š (#208120)

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Posted on
2020-11-27 14:23:16
Ah, well, getting a leopon is a long and hard process. First, you must find a leopard. Secondly, you must find a fusing machine, such as one in Bill's Lab. From there, you can pick one of your lions to fuse with the leopard to get a leopon. However, it's like 100 per fusion attempt and it has a super high rate of failure.

How do you use HTML?

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Quail Heart ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ (#207550)

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Posted on
2020-11-27 15:10:00
An HTML it's a "Highly drugged Temporarely Male Lion", don't ask me why there's not a "D" on "HTML", it's just like that. And it's when you give either your king or your submales a good amount of catnip and they end up higly drugged, but for a temporary amount of time.

What does piety does?

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Edited on 27/11/20 @ 15:10:37 by โญ‘โ˜˜ Quail Heart โ˜˜โญ‘ (#207550)

Suitcase! ๐Ÿ’› (#213783)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-11-27 15:14:11
piety is this thing that gives you better mutie RNG! more piety, more muties! the shamans are hackers and as they give you piety they give you a higher chance to get a random 1% fert/CRB mutie.

What is SB?

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Glitchdragon.exe๐Ÿ’š (#208120)

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Posted on
2020-11-27 15:19:26
It's Shark Bait! You can use them to get shark food items for your pride. Though sometimes the sharks can eat your pride members, so it's really not worth the risk. I'd just get rid of it.

How do you stud another king???

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.:| CERES |:. (#180314)

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Posted on
2020-11-27 15:51:35
You don't. Other players don't exist. They're all robots. Nothing is real.

How do I use this marking applicator on my lion?

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Sebastian(1/25 gb) (#207592)

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Posted on
2020-11-28 11:02:19
You give it to your King and tell him to fly to them(gotta make sure he has his messenger wings first.)

What do I do if Iโ€™ve lost all my lions?

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Jay:Starry dense
colorbomb (#194641)

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Posted on
2020-11-28 14:32:48
you have to explore until you find them and you have to ask them if they want to come back.

What is a bean and why are they expensive?

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Quail Heart ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ (#207550)

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Posted on
2020-11-28 15:18:36
A bean is... Well, a can of beans! And they're really expensive because beans are really rare on lioden, so if you get one you could get a good amount of money!

What's a "pon"?

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Suitcase! ๐Ÿ’› (#213783)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-11-28 20:17:24
A pon is a super rare lioness! 1/10 chance to find her but it's super easy to claim her. you just go shake mane > puff out chest > bite neck > shake mane, and you have to be a dreamboat. She gives you 1-2 muties per litter, even without breeding items!

What is GB?

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Edited on 28/11/20 @ 20:17:40 by ๐Ÿฃ Becka ๐Ÿฃ (goal reach) (#213783)

Shiraaโง (#121597)

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Posted on
2020-11-28 20:22:21
Gerber Baby

How does breeding work?

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Quail Heart ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ (#207550)

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Posted on
2020-12-02 09:08:58
When a lioness is on heat, offer her a bucket of chicken. If she rejects it, congratulations, you're a failure. There's no other way to breed a lioness.

Why my lioness is infertile?

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Suitcase! ๐Ÿ’› (#213783)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-12-02 11:36:23
Because she was born that way and is tired of people asking her about it. You should try and get a
vuka vuka from the oasis if you wanna breed with her.

How do i get a lethal?

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Edited on 02/12/20 @ 11:36:43 by ๐Ÿฃ Becka ๐Ÿฃ (#213783)

Glitchdragon.exe๐Ÿ’š (#208120)

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Posted on
2020-12-02 13:48:32
Inbreeding is the best way to get a lethal! The higher the inbreeding, the better your chances! It also means you keep your bloodlines pure, so more people will want your lions!

How do you craft items again?? I forgot.

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