Posted by how not to answer a newbie

tsuki [g2 arabica
rlc] (#143046)

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Posted on
2018-11-29 14:11:43
Not sure if this already exists but oh well

How this works is you ask any question related to the game and the person below you has to answer it incorrectly and post a new question.


Player 1: What does an applicator do?
Player 2: It makes your lion feel pretty since you abandoned it. How do I earn SB?
And so on, and so on...

If the game dies (aka no one replies to the question for a while) and you don't know how to reply to a question, you're allowed to just post a new question and not answer to the one above you!

Lioden rules still apply!

So let's get the fun started!
How do I get rid of my rolled king?

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Edited on 07/10/19 @ 13:29:23 by sleepy 🧸 | clean arabica (#143046)

Matt (#243768)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-03-06 07:32:01
the rarest item in the game is the small meat chunk, they sell low because people are secretly planning to sell them for higher later on, its their evil plan

help my lions ran away what do I do?

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Nekonian (She/They)
{Primal} (#246978)

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Posted on
2022-03-06 07:51:43
You chase away the rest of your lions and they'll all come back eventually with your other lions! Some times they even bring other lions froms other pride's along that ran away! The more you chase away the more looks from other prides they come back with, it's takes a while though for them to come back.

Does anyone know how to get a hybrid?

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Reset (#219558)

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Posted on
2022-03-06 08:21:20

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Matt (#243768)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-03-06 08:36:38
dude, you don't SELL your lions, you chase them off! then the day after, each chased off lion will give you +1000 SB!!

my lion birthed a cub with a "rosette" marking is there something wrong with it?!?!?1

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Harrisheart (#3768)

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Posted on
2022-03-06 08:40:08
Yeah you need to wash the spots off the cubbin with hyena butter -

What's the best way to claim a lioness?

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Edited on 06/03/22 @ 08:40:29 by Harrisheart (#3768)

Simerali (#229212)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-03-06 11:37:43
slap them

what are colour bombs??

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Nekonian (She/They)
{Primal} (#246978)

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Posted on
2022-03-06 11:42:24
They are lions that had horrific accident while hunting or patrolling and turned into freaks of nature that cant hunt, patrol, become brood mothers, give birth or get pregnant and if they are placed in the same den as other non-color bombs they'll make the lion a color bomb. Its best to just sell them to the crazy people who hoard them.

How can I get GB or SB quicker? How do you even get GB?

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Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2022-03-06 11:43:21
set up a pyramid scheme.

what can i buy with Rhino Beetles?

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Simerali (#229212)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-03-06 11:45:26
15 types of jam, each with their own special effect when you feed a lion/lioness e.g strawberry allows you to evade poachers for half an hour

why are people obsessed with dwarves?

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Nekonian (She/They)
{Primal} (#246978)

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Posted on
2022-03-06 11:48:53
Cause they have night vision and are the only lions in the game that can do anything at night, due to their small size you can put 50 into a hunting party at once.

Someone sent me a 'stud' request, what does 'stud' mean?

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Simerali (#229212)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-03-06 11:54:56
stud is lioden slang for gang, they want you to join them in overpowering a stronger lion

why do we have profile pictures?

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Reset (#219558)

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Posted on
2022-03-06 12:45:38

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Simerali (#229212)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-03-06 13:58:28
buy a glacier from the December event shop, out of season they can easily go for 50GB+ each

why doesn't my lion need to drink anything?

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Nekonian (She/They)
{Primal} (#246978)

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Posted on
2022-03-06 14:03:54
Cause they drink each other's blood naturally.

What does impression do/why is important?

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Matt (#243768)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-03-06 14:26:01
its important because if your impression is too high your lion might die because of their lion stans overwhelming them

my cub has 8 instances of inbreeding will it be ok???

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