Stork heart
150+ Moons
He’s an old tom on his walk towards retirement, and with all these years he’s lived comes a sort of understanding of many things. So he’s very knowledgeable and wise, with a deep intuition. He’s also fatherlike, and shares these wisdoms with all his clan, no matter what they’re seeking him out for. Of course he can sometimes think he’s right even when it’s subjective, or flat out wrong. He’s quick to notice these flaws, but that doesn’t mean they don’t happen every now and again. He worries a lot, and is comforted by the faith of his clan in him, so can get a bit snippy if he slips up.
Of course, he’s a happy tom under all that “wise old Mentor”, and loves to just pass the time with his clan mates, especially the older ones who seem to know more and can carry some interesting conversation. He’s not all work, and maybe a quarter play, so it isn’t odd to see him lying in the grass with kits, telling them stories of cats long before their time. He can get a little lost in his play, which some can find a bit unprofessional, but it’s personal for him to make sure every cat knows his love is spread equally.
Born in ValleyClan before it was ValleyClan, he was a Kit at the time of the founders forming it. Grew up as it changed and molded with time. He was a curious kit named for his white coat and long limbs, who then become a courageous warrior, and an unsurprisingly dependable delegate. Chosen without hesitance by one of the former counselors to take his place, and when the time came no cat spoke against it either. He proved himself well in the counselor position, thinking of fast solutions for every problem the clan had faced. Now with the flood, he and the other counselors are expected to act their part, and he isn’t sure how to think his way over this one.
No living family.
Friends include the clan.
Close friends will be determined.
Flood Injuries:
A broken ankle from a chunk of the dam being whisked away by water flow. Crashing into his den as he is coming out of it, catching his ankle at the last second.
18 Moons
With a very loud personality, this she-cat can fill a room with her presence. She’s one who speaks her mind on things, and likes her opinions to be heard. Having no patience for ignorance or narcissism. She admires the shared leadership of ValleyClan, and can become embarrassed by her brothers and sisters aggression, even if she has a temper herself. Easy to start fights and talk back, but not dumb enough to step out of line around cats of higher rank. Despite her anger, she is still respectful of her elders and superiors.
One cause for her hot-headedness might be the tire of seeing the same old rocks and dirt of the territory, which she makes very known, showing distaste for it whenever out on patrol. She yearns for new sights and smells, trees to climb and grass to run in. Wanderlust being one of the few reasons she wants change in the clan. Though no matter how much she wishes for this, her loyalty will always bind her to RockClan and it’s cats.
Was born in a litter of two, named for her dark muddy fur. She was a lot to handle as a kit, to set on becoming a warrior for her own good. It wasn’t a surprise when she had managed to accomplish this, and became a fierce opponent. Though her fighter personality got the better of her, and she bit more than she could chew refusing to submit to a hungry badger. It was just as starved as her and the rest of the clan, so firmly she stood over the prey she’d just caught. The fight was brutal, costing her her tail, which is now little more than a rabbits stub. She hasn’t changed much, still has irrational as before, and now after the flood she will definitely be fighting for some kind of difference.
Family killed in the flood.
Friends will be determined.
Close friends will be determined.
Flood Injuries:
None. She is out on portal when it happens and is only hit by water, knocking the wind out of her at worst.
RP Example:
Her paw kicked out, smacking a jagged pebble from her path as she made the rounds on her second pratrol. It was sunhigh now, and that meant she would be done for the day after this, her schedule also consisting of Dawn Pratrol earlier and that was it. Sunup was one of her favorite times, the rocks where cool on her pads, and the glow of morning left a beautiful golden color laid over RockClans territory.
It actually made the boring scenery look somewhat decent. Now though, it was all grey and brown, and nothing in between besides shadows. She rolled her eyes, head going with them to put emphasis on how annoyed she was. What cat in their right state of mind would even intrude upon RockClan territory, there was nothing here let alone a single scent of prey. It didn’t matter, at least this allowed a sort of escape from her meat-headed clan mates.
Before she could continue mentally complaining about her situation, her hackles raised tingling against her spine and nubbed tail. Her instincts knew it before her ears heard it. A loud crack echoing out along the valley walls. She lifted her head, eyes wide to see far towards the territory. Another crack and her ears flew forward to catch the sound of rushing water in the distance.
I’m going to draw some quick sketches for them so there’s an example for appearance, and I don’t have to write it out making these any longer than they need to be.