-LOCKED - December's Big Update #4
Posted on 2018-12-14 15:56:09
Newly Claimed Lioness Changes!
We have decided to make a few changes to the lioness encounter in explore.

Firstly, the buttons will randomly switch places so make sure to pay attention what you click - this might be a slight change of habit for you, but here's a sweet cherry on top to make this change and extra attention nicer - a new, somewhat rare button that might appear as extra!


Sometimes, an [Approach Her?] button will appear, allowing you to take a quest.


If you accept it, it will automatically take you to the Questing Snake area and tell you what you need to do!


The quest is always the same (claim 50 lionesses) and there is no time limit to do it - it can take you one day or one month, whatever is convenient for you - but the faster you do it, the faster you can take a new quest again and receive fancy prizes!
Important: There's a 2 rollover cooldown after you complete the quest so that it's spaced enough - you won't be able to find the button again during that time. Once it expires, and the smell of dying lioness is gone, a new one might come and the button can be found again!

- You can chase/kill/get rid of the lionesses in any way you wish during this quest. The counter only cares about the claiming itself.
- A button to submit the quest will appear once you're done filling up the counter!
- There's no reason to cancel the quest because there's no other variants you can get.
- The rewards are gently randomised, but there's 2 tiers, and you get 1 reward from each tier:

Tier 1: A big chunk of experience, adjusted to your level [or] 100% Impression + energy refill [or] Lion Meat [or] in future, special stuff we'll add during future Fridays, because we plan to enrich this area a bit from time to time!

Tier 2: 12x Murex Shells [or] Food Bundle [or] Toy Bundle [or] 1000 SB

:O! What are Murex Shells? They're here for you to collect for now - in future updates we will introduce cool crafting options for them, like decors and applicators! We also plan to update that part more than once!


Tweaks and Improvements!
Wardrobe: We've added tiers to the wardrobe so you can filter marking types by the way you can obtain them - this should help you with planning designs! They will display [Tier 0], etc. next to their names so you can be 100% sure what is and what isn't available in Oasis, for example.

Tier 0 - common markings, such as ones found in NCLs, rolled males and Oasis
Tier 1 - custom markings, such as ones found in Marking Applicator and Oasis
Tier 2 - raffle markings - these are breed only
Tier 3 - event markings - these are obtainable via special events such as monthly NCLs, event applicators, NCL exclusive etc
Tier 4 - rosette markings - these have unique breeding patterns
Tier 5 - these are disabled from Random Marking Applicator due to unique raffle applicators, event applicators that aren't unlocked yet, mutation markings and so on.
Tier 6 - these are RMA exclusive

We try to update these always as tiers open!

Hunting - added an action for skipping hunts in user logs.
Modbox - added a system that helps staff keep better track of the tickets. When a ticket is claimed by staff, the player that reported it will receive more detailed and helpful information in Game Notifications.
Private Messages - in Account Settings, you can now disable Private Messages. This will not block admins.
Patrolling - when your patrol is finished, you will now receive an alert! No more forgetting as you browse the game, it will pop a nice notification on the page, just like hunting alerts!
Forums - we have added a fancy spoilerino button! You can enable spoilers with [*spoiler]text[*/spoiler] (without asterisks, of course).


Art Updates - we have refreshed a few banners: Monkey Business's decor crafting, Scrying Stone's Ultrasound Bat, and the Lion Wardrobe.

- Removed various pages from accessing if not logged in, ie. Flood Pit, Branch Search, etc.
- Inactive lion names not being properly reset after 12 months; any names which have been inactive for 12 months or more have had their names released as of today
- VIP star toggle working in reverse mode
- December not showing Wet Season properly everywhere
- Fake Krampus encounter dropping only Rib Bones - oops! Should be any toy!
- "Set All Lionesses to Hunter" button would overwrite broodmothers
- Dead broodmothers could still protect cubs
- Answering security question incorrectly on "Lost Password" page would tell users there is no email on file for the account
- Giving Tree item grabbing would display success and cooldown even if item was already grabbed by somebody else - we hope we nailed it and it will no longer happen!
- Negative fertility bug should be finally nailed down as well. Lionesses can now drop below 1% fertility from natural fertility loss (beginning at 8 years of age) if they currently have Tackweed applied - and yes, they can even drop into negative fertility. There is a new button under Questing Snakes to [Reset Fertility Boosts], which will remove any negative boosts applied if the lioness has dropped below 1% fertility.
- Clawless for males working in Wardrobe but not on actual lions
- Cub stages not showing toothless linearts


New decors!
whitebengaltigerwear.png whitebengaltigerwearh.png
You can now find the White Bengal Tiger bodywear and headwear in Oasis - it will be there until Dec 31st!

Whack-A-Snake can now drop 3 new decors - Red Ruffed Lemur, Black Crested Mangabey and Collared Mangabey.

redruffedlemur.png crestedmangabey.png collaredmangabey.png

Flood Pit will now feature new decors as well as Cloudburst Mane applicator :O

floppinggarfish.png Flopping Garfish
froggos_arumlily.png Arum Lily Frog
froggos_commonreed.png Common Reed Frog
froggos_dotreed.png Dotted Reed Frog
froggos_olivestriped.png Olive Striped Frog
froggos_spottburr.png Spotted Snout-Burrower
froggos_tinkerreed.png Tinker Reed Frog
isihlobane.png Isihlobane

Yay! Gorilla Enclave is featuring now new theme you guys voted for! The Himalayas!

himalayanmountain.png The Himalays BG
himatahr.png Himalayan Tahr
tibetanfox.png Tibetan Fox
temtragopan.png Temminck's Tragopan
asianblackbear.png Himalayan Black Bear
sacredlotus.png Sacred Lotus
snowleo.png Snow Leopard

Crafting will now feature these recipes:

muddyfeatherlegwrap.png Feathered Leg Wraps Muddy will require Muddy Feathers
albinofeatherlegwrap.png Featherd Leg Wraps Albino will require Albino Feathers
blackbedlah.png Black Bedlah will require a few dead beetle species
whitebedlah.png White Sarong will require a few dead beetle species
glassnecklace.png Glass Shard Necklace will require Bottles from the Wallowing Pit
maghrebmagpie.png Maghreb Magpie will love the shiny stones
curiocheetah.png Curious Cheetah will craft from Cheetah Skins


Raffle Lioness

Congrats CreamCrow (#148973)! You have won last week's Orchid lady, with the second Lake Nakuru background!
A new Sepia lady with Cream Rims, Saffron Underfelt, and the second Mount Kilimanjaro background is up for impressing in the Special Lioness area in Crossroads, or in the NEWS section under the News Post list!

Gorilla Enclave Information: We will be removing Egyptian themed decors from Gorilla Enclave in January and moving them to June event. Last chance to grab those!
Decor Name Update: Several expression-type decors have been renamed to "Expression: [NAME]" - for example, "Anger" was changed to "Expression: Anger", "Fury" to "Expression: Fury", and so on! We hope this organisational tweak helps you all when decorating your lions.

vjvmjbF.png ArFtq.gif Hrmax.png

Shad has added new tags this week in the Appreciation, December, Doodles, and Miscellaneous categories!

LINK - New poll! What's YOUR favourite event? :D


Next Update: Community Update - December 21st!
Next Big Update: January 11th!

Friday goofy doodle comic:


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Edited on 14/12/18 @ 16:24:32 by Katze (#3)

hmlove1218 (main) (#156066)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-14 16:03:59

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Rosebudhorse (#95898)

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Posted on
2018-12-14 16:04:32
I was wondering why I suddenly had an update from my male patrolling.

All these updates are really cool! I look forward to seeing the new lioness encounter in explore, as well as buying and crafting some of these new items :3

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Only (#164598)

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Posted on
2018-12-14 16:07:08
Everything looks nice as usual. Can't wait to try it out.

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Veni (#121432)

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Posted on
2018-12-14 16:08:33
Poor old lioness ;_;

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Lil Fangy [Pie
Obsessed] (#107470)

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Posted on
2018-12-14 16:08:56
Third page, also news!

Also also before lock

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Edited on 14/12/18 @ 16:09:18 by Lil Fangy but it's christmas (#107470)

Archangel (#136725)

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Posted on
2018-12-14 16:10:23
That Tibetan Fox is looking shady

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🌙 mothstropic (#156658)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-12-14 16:10:24
The comic I--

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G2 Harlequin Panther (#60562)

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Posted on
2018-12-14 16:10:32
Poop! Haahaa lol

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Yuku (#154128)

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Posted on
2018-12-14 16:11:28
Sounds stellar!

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Gahlu [HM | Clean] (#155415)

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Posted on
2018-12-14 16:11:54
The tier stuff for the wardrobe sounds awesome! Was always a little intimidated by its sheer volume. This should make it much easier!

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Zoi (#161471)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-14 16:12:06
I love this game

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this is great (#160343)

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Posted on
2018-12-14 16:12:40
LOL THAT COMIC! also i love the new update! can't wait to get to it :o

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generic cat (#134632)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-12-14 16:13:02
nice, this might be the greatest update i have seen in a while

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mercuryy (#140314)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2018-12-14 16:13:07

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Joker (Clean) (#138790)

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Posted on
2018-12-14 16:14:15
A patrol notification after all this time?

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Topic is locked

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