Posted by SS (character sheets)

Prince [side] (#57707)

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Posted on
2018-12-17 22:49:59

Main Roleplay Thread


◀Something Strange▶
Character SheetsOOCRole Play


— interests
— strengths
— weaknesses

BACKSTORY (optional, include appropriate trigger warnings)
— job
— career

APPEARANCE (please do not describe skin tones in comparison to food, here's a helpful guide)
— accessories
DORM ROOM (optional, i just think it's fun to think about how they'd set up)

RELATIONSHIPS (thoughts on the other characters)


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Edited on 18/12/18 @ 17:18:41 by Prince [side] (#57707)

Prince [side] (#57707)

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Posted on
2018-12-17 22:52:26
@staff I'll have my form finished up by tomorrow night




BACKSTORY (optional, include appropriate trigger warnings)

DORM ROOM (optional, i just think it's fun to think about how they'd set up)

RELATIONSHIPS (thoughts on the other characters)


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Edited on 18/12/18 @ 07:11:46 by Prince [side] (#57707)

Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2018-12-18 18:00:29
NAME: Katherine McDermott
AGE: 20
GENDER: female

Katie has rock climbed for almost 5 years. She enjoys it and also enjoys other things like reading, swimming, and art. katie is strong both physically and mentally. She's a bookworm and always has her head buried in some novel. She loves swimming and was told to try out for swim team before she quit lessons. katie is also a slow runner and can't always focus. She's scared of spiders and has claustrophobia.

BACKSTORY (optional, include appropriate trigger warnings)
— job: baker
— career: baker

APPEARANCE (please do not describe skin tones in comparison to food, here's a helpful guide): 5'2, brown mid length brown curly hair, blue eyes, white skin
STYLE : jeans, plain shirt
— accessories: watch on her left wrist
DORM ROOM (optional, i just think it's fun to think about how they'd set up): book shelves, bed, guitar

RELATIONSHIPS (thoughts on the other characters): OPEN!


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Edited on 20/12/18 @ 09:10:27 by ☃️Snini9☃️ GIFT ME! (#154479)

𝔸𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕪 (#150179)

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Posted on
2018-12-18 23:24:23
↠ Vernon Chwe Wylde

↠ Wylde (preferred over his actual name)
↠ Vero

↠ Going on 18

↠ Male

↠ Bisexual, slight male lean

— Interests: Street dance, music, skateboarding, supernatural and paranormal, mystery
— Strengths: Music (vocals, guitar, drums), dance, sharp senses, out-going, likable, humorous, good with words
— Weaknesses: Romantic subjects, easily flustered, boredom, tight spaces, loud and piercing noises, extremely ticklish

— [WIP] Vernon is a the first child of an American mother and Korean father, his younger sister Sofianna following four years later. He was born in New York, but the family moved to Sydney, Australia soon after Sofia was born. He studied there for several years, but his father's work soon based them in Seoul, South Korea. After business crashed over there, they sent Wylde off to Marymount to finish his education, inviting him to come back to Seoul if he decided to fullfill his dream of becoming an idol. After a teary depart with his sibling, the boy is now attending the university at a young age, brushing through his first year.
— Job: Part-time coffee shop barista
— Career: Street performer

↠ Face claim: Vernon of Seventeen
↠ Wylde is relatively tall, standing at around 5'10, and fit from the amount of dance and boarding he does in his free time. His features are said to be quite handsome and nicely proportioned, including a sharp, straight jawline and large hazel eyes. His hair is constantly changing in dyed colors, currently resting with a bleached blonde color that fades into his dark brown roots.

↠ Very casual and comfortable, such as a large T-shirt or hoodie with jeans, but Vernon has no problem dressing up a bit when he wants. He prefers warm colors, his favorite being red.
— Accessories: A black digital watch on his left wrist with a thin chain bracelet above it, a small silver tag attached with Sofianna's name engraved on one side, his own on the other. Three piercings in total, his right ear having a lobe and helix while his left only has a lobe piercing. Actually doesn't mind makeup, especially when he is performing, but dislikes it because he's lazy.

↠ [WIP] A bed is slid up against the wall, with a window right above on his left side. A desk stacked with a shelf is located near the door to his bedroom, messy with loose papers and books. His guitar is probably propped up somewhere against his bed, while a digital keyboard and bench are squeezed up alongside his wardrobe and drawers. The walls are originally white, but he had a wallpaper put up on which he spray painted random designs onto the white sheet in vibrant red. Most of it is covered in posters, including some of the artists he listens to and his many, many book, movie, and TV series fandoms.

↠ None ATM

His dream was always to become a well-known musical artists, and covers, occasionally writes, some music. Vernon loves Drake and J.Cole from his time in America.

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Edited on 19/12/18 @ 22:04:29 by Anonymous (#150179)

🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2018-12-19 06:59:55
Kanta Hayase

None but he encourages them!




He’s loud and energetic with a yearning for passion, leading him to view everything as an opportunity to grow and faces it as a challenge to his character. This abrasive personality leads to him being a little too intense, having no idea what personal space is, and if you and him become close your bubble is now his bubble finding any excuse to initiate physical contact, he can suppress his urge to be close if someone is feeling smothered, but can't do much about his overbearing presence. Protective and likes to show this by standing up for his friends, oblivious to how this can make it seem like he undermines their capabilities. Completely unashamed by everything and anything, it’s incredibly hard to get him nervous or flustered. If he has something to say no matter how embarrassing or ridiculous, you’ll hear about it as he strongly believes in no secrets between friends.

He loves to fight, whether it be a friendly tussle, or a true battle he’ll take what he can get. In fact he’s always intentionally seeking violence out, prepared in any situation in case the scenario arises. Might even jump into a fight going on between two strangers if he’s really feeling like it. He’s incredibly impatient, hating to sit still, especially if silence is required. Studying and sleep are a few things he despises because of the calm or focused attitude needed to accomplish these things. Always as a kid he was all over the place never knowing how to “chill out”, especially getting on everyone’s nerves when he’d ignore demands and continue to be rowdy and uncontrollable. Nothing much has changed.

He loves being around people, the more the merrier, especially when they’re just as passionate and energetic as himself. Able to match his own level of crazy, or help hype him up to maximum intensity! He can be a little bit needy for attention if he’s bored or feeling a little left out, especially when it comes to people who don’t like him or who don’t want to be his friend. People who are more stoic and don’t seem to care about things he finds to get on his nerves, but it only motivates him to break through their walls harder, looking for the smallest sign of reaction. He just loves being everyone’s friend and doesn’t mind being the designated shoulder to cry on. As affectionate and positive as he is, there would be no one better suited for the job!

— interests Passion. Fighting. Making friends. Working out. Traveling. Learning/seeing new things.
— strengths Kindness towards others. Physical strength and other. Fearless in the face of everything.
— weaknesses Patience towards most things. Understanding of things not similar to himself. Reckless behavior.

Very angular and broad, from his face to his shoulders, down to his wide waist and strong legs. He definitely looks the part of a fighter, and keeps up with his daily training to make this so. All that milk and meat had to go somewhere when he indulged as a kid, because even the smallest things about him could be described as masculine. This including his square jaw, sharp nose and hard eyes, wide with intensity. The grey irises only adding to the fact. Though this might also give him a hint of that childish charm he never seemed to shed.

His light brown skin is result of always being out on the track fields during practice, as well as his foreign lineage that shows itself strongly in his features. Because he can be so reckless and he isn’t exactly known to not get on peoples nerves, he has a few scars marring his relatively smooth skin. Even if it adds a bit of an edge to his image, he stills finds himself resembling a child.

He does however think his black hair, straight and rough, gives him more of an older look. He keeps it very short almost shaved to the skin around his ears and back of the neck, and this also helps to reduce sweating during more exertion when working out. On top of that, he’s just too lazy to keep up with appearances, so this offers an easy way out.

Last but not least, actually the most notable thing about him, would be his size. Large and sometimes comically unaware of it, he’s known to just kind of throw his weight around. Encouraging slaps to the shoulder that have been shown to bruise, lifting people off the ground to give them crushing hugs, or just dog piling everyone because he’s affectionate like that. After all a 6’2, 195 lbs guy is going to do some damage if he isn’t careful. He towers over most his age, but he doesn’t seem to mind. In fact it only helps his fighter image.

Choosing comfort over fashion, he prefers simple workout clothes, sweatpants and tank tops usually in warmer colors to accentuate his bright personality. Black running sneakers always adorn his feet, he doesn’t seem to have another pair of shoes but clearly isn’t bothered by it. He does have a brown parka that he never really wears but is clearly import to him.
— accessories None

A twin bed with red sheets and blanket sit to the right of the room against the wall, it’s one pillow without a case. At its foot a small birch wood desk with a white laptop and empty energy drink cans lay scattered across its surface. He has a grey punching bag hanging from his ceiling to the left, and below that a few weights, behind the punching bag is a fairly large hole in the wall which is poorly covered by a poster. Most which display some iconic sports players hang across the white walls, as well as some newspaper clippings of memorable moments in sporting history. His iphone and car keys are always on the small bedside table made from the same wood as his desk, when he’s just lounging in his room. In the middle of the wall towards the back is a single window with simple white blinds and pane. A door opening into a small closet is located on the right wall just before his desk, inside is very little, just a few shirts on hangers and pants folded on the top shelf. His parka is hung up on the door hook.


His backstory is pretty simple so I chose not to include it. Just an average loving family that encouraged him to move to a far off university so he’d have the opportunity to see more of the world. He wants to become a physical trainer and so is working on getting his kinesiology degree. He’s been wrestling and winning competitions since the age of five so has always loved physical activities.

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Edited on 24/12/18 @ 09:59:20 by NaiPherah (#88158)

venefica [ g2
slender pie ] (#78103)

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Posted on
2018-12-20 20:47:40

Ella Luciana King

Give her one




Ella is a very driven person who shows intense dedication and loyalty to those she considers family. She has a sense of recklessness about her -- a thrill seeker. Having a penchant for taking risks, Ella often acts impetuously and is left to deal with the consequences. It's fortunate, then, that her quick thinking is often enough to get her out of sticky situations. In addition to being sarcastic 90% of the time, she has a tendency to do things her own way. If there’s a rule she doesn’t like, the chances are Ella won’t follow them. That being said, she's typically more independent, as she's liable to arguing with others when things don't go her way.

Ella has a great memory and has no qualms about holding long term grudges. Despite her easy-going spirit, Ella is deadly serious when it comes to defending her honor and reputation. She has a raging, though short-lived temper, and in those times is liable to lash out at anyone and everyone. Nonetheless, Ella is generally friendly to strangers, albeit a little aloof.

She also has a mischievous streak. Ella taught herself how to lockpick and since then has gained great proficiency in it. That being said, she’s not averse to stealing your things. Ella is also very competitive in things she’s interested or intrigued by and can focus completely at the task at hand, lending to her efficient manner. She constantly strives to better herself. In this, one can clearly see her ambition.

— interests: ice skating, dance, sculpture
— strengths: passion, trustworthiness, adventurous
— weaknesses: fiercely independent, petty, a little prideful

— job: tbd
— career: tbd

Ella stands at around 5'6", packed with lean muscle due to her training as a dancer. She has a lithe, flexible build and fair skin. Delicate features are accented by wide, stormy blue eyes that portray the driven ambition that boils beneath her generally composed expression.

Ella has relatively unblemished features, save a scar running the length of her right forearm from the time she fell and broke it. Her hair, falling to her shoulder blades, is naturally brown, though Ella has since kept it dyed silver. To top it off, her lips are perpetually curled into a half smile that neither reveals nor conceals the next adventure on her mind.

A little fashion forward, Ella takes care to present herself well. Her typical attire consists of jeans and leggings, and an array of tops to match the change of the seasons. Though, Ella doesn't overdo it with her clothes, her style is a good indicator of the pride she takes in her appearance.

— accessories: Ella wears a couple rings and a leather bracelet on her right wrist. More often than not, she can be found with a pair of circular sunglasses, either worn or perched atop her head.

Ella maintains a neat room that, contrary to what one might expect, leans towards the minimalist side. She has little more than what she deems necessary. A twin bed with plain white sheets lies nestled in the corner of two white walls, with a desk under her singular window. The sill her window is lined with desert plants of varying types, namely succulents and cacti.

Ella's blinds are usually open, relying on natural light to light her room. She maintains a drawer and closet, both to keep her clothes and house supplies such as her ice skates and a first aid kit.


n/a for now

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