Posted by = Roleplay =

mask (#123325)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-21 15:11:16
Figured it might be easier to put out a thread rather than typing it in the roleplay chat and praying!

< About Me >
- I'm moderately active when it comes to replying.
- I prefer to play females but I do have male characters if needed.
- I prefer MxF but FxF and MxM are okay too!
- I've been writing for 5+ years so I want partners with experience.
- I do not script roleplay.
- My discord is knightingale#9159 if you want to add me there! Make sure to tell me you're from Lioden.

< I Will Not RP.. >
- Pedophilia
- Incest
- Age-play
- Non-consensual mature content
- Only dark themes (depression, suicide, anxiety)
- Characters dying/killing each other

< I Will RP... >
- Fluff!! Tooth-rotting fluff!
- Mature content/fade-to-black on LD only.
- Slow burn. Fast burn is a peeve to me.
- MxM/FxF/FxM

< Form >
(just so it's easier for me to get to know you!!)
Name and ID:
How long have you been writing/roleplaying?:
What you will not RP:
Any plot ideas?: (we can also just talk about this over DMs.

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Edited on 02/01/19 @ 05:54:36 by thedragonscourt (#123325)

Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2018-12-21 16:55:44
< Form >
(just so it's easier for me to get to know you!!)
Name and ID: (snuh) nini9/ #154479 ((it's usually just snini9 but I changed it do to the holidays))
How long have you been writing/roleplaying?: a year or so. I played a game with my family that was basically rp I guess. We called it the story game. Everyone took turns at the story. One person would start and then we'd go around taking turns adding to the story. If that counts I've been rping for a good 4 years if not, I've been normal rping for a year or so.
What you will not RP: I'm ok with most things. AT the moment I can't think of anything
Any plot ideas?: supernatural beings, humans, animals... idk?

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Edited on 21/12/18 @ 16:57:37 by (Snuh)nini9 (#154479)

lunafire (#127838)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-04 11:18:46
< Form >
(just so it's easier for me to get to know you!!)
Name and ID: Tokyogi/ #127838 (you can call me Yogi for short.)
How long have you been writing/roleplaying?: For a some of years, I'll play it safe and call at least three years. :3
What you will not RP: I can't think of anything as of now, but I'm in the same boat as you with what I'll tolerate in rp.
Any plot ideas?: Dystopian/Post-apocalyptic, cyber, magic-based/medieval. Mayhaps even stretch for some battle-esque themes, like gladiator or mid-war frames. I usually go with the flow, so plots aren't my strong point, so say at the least. X3

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Little-Coyote (#166259)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2019-02-15 18:21:41
Form >
(just so it's easier for me to get to know you!!)
Name and ID: Little-Coyote
How long have you been writing/roleplaying?: Not long. I am interested in literate, I just struggle with writing due to anxiety.
What you will not RP: mxm, human role plays, anything sexual
Any plot ideas?: (we can also just talk about this over DMs.

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