Posted by In-Pride mini quests! (Pride member requests)

Blue [Full dawn
vossoko] (#73123)

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Posted on
2018-12-22 13:27:14
With the addition of the lioness to breath a little more personality into the game, it got me thinking: What about your pride members sending you on mini quests?

Just like there's flavor text occasionally when you refresh the page, sometimes a quest will randomly trigger, once per rollover. Depending on the age and sex of the lion, it could be a variety of things!

There would be an accept quest button that appears next to the request, and if you don't want to take it, you can just ignore it.

There would be a small, small reward for turning the quest in, and you could only do one per day. They expire at roll over.


[cub] has been crying for a week that they want a small rat carcass to eat. They run up and beg you to find one.
Their eyes go wide and they thank you! They'll be waiting for you to bring it back.
>Finish quest
[cub] wastes no time nomming down the small scrap of meat. They give you a small present in return!
[You received 10SB!]

I'd like to leave more suggestions in the post below this one. Let me know what you think, and any tweaks!

Possible rewards: small EXP, small SB amouts, critter bundles, food bundles, mood boosts for pridemates, or items related to the quest. Perhaps a patrolling sub male left tail tuft hair, or a cub wants to give you shiny rocks. If you give a toy to cubs, you might receive a skull after they rip the toy apart.

I know a lot of people love that your pridemates have personalities and flavor texts already, so this just breathes in a little more life into them!

User Suggestions
*I'd love to see some quests for the different personalities, or for hunters/submales/broodmothers? Broodmothers could maybe (if they have space) want to look after more cubes, hunters/submales may want to go to certain tiles, ect
*Maybe some funky food requests from pregnant lionesses?
*An icon next to the lion's name who gave the quest, much like the hunger or unhappy icons.

This suggestion has 266 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 22/12/18 @ 20:13:03 by Bluie (Clean primal celest) (#73123)

IndianaSolo221 (#119442)

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Posted on
2018-12-22 20:31:43
Maybe one for Grandpaws?:

Your Grandpaw comes to you with complaints of achy joints and stiff muscles. He asks if you can bring him Imphepho, recalling the teachings of a Shaman he once met.

Accept- (Lion's Name) smiles gratefully, and goes to tell a story to the huntresses while he waits for you to return.

Finish- (LIon's Name) receives a spring in his step after using the herb you brought him. Thanks a lot! He has received +5 mood from this quest.

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Edited on 22/12/18 @ 20:32:41 by IndianaSolo221 (#119442)

korat (#134478)

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Posted on
2018-12-23 16:01:20
honestly this is a good idea!! i would have another reason to rollover if my cub was begging for a rat carcass this is a super cute idea!!!! +1 support

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Blue [Full dawn
vossoko] (#73123)

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Posted on
2018-12-24 07:51:02
If you no support, could you tell me why? This is something that is super easy to opt out of, after all. ^_^

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Kas ♥ (#28458)

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Posted on
2018-12-28 14:28:35
omg i adore this

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Canicorvid (#131450)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-12-29 21:46:46
This sounds lovely!! The little cub quests are cute-

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silverwolfahoo (#99084)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-01 14:41:39
I think this is the coolest idea!!

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buggyxgutz (#160249)

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Posted on
2019-02-22 12:59:01
I need this, support!
like Kiwi suggested, perhaps by their name to the right if they have a quest there'll be a blue exclamation mark by their name, and after you accept it there'll be a blue question mark, waiting for you to finish the quest. also going with this, if you've seen the quest on your lion page but accidentally click something else or go look at your other lions, maybe it'll still be there? and if you go to your lion page you can still accept (maybe they'll be slightly irritated if you saw their quest prior and didn't accept right away?) the quest and do it

TL;DR: you see the quest on the lion page as you feed/play with them, it can still be seen again and acceptable. there'll be a blue exclamation mark by their name, and once it's accepted a blue question mark in place of the exclamation mark

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