Posted by Solution to Scamming and the Economy

🅱️oneless (#123346)

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Posted on
2018-12-22 20:49:49

*cracking knuckles* Let's see how this one goes over.

Lioden's economy has become ass in some aspects; everyone can agree to this declaration.
Experienced players likely recall the days when a middle-aged, Sunset-based lioness -- for example -- could go for 30+ . Nowadays, you see them going for 10 per cub.
Opal Saltlicks also didn't help for eye breeders.
As a comparative measure, what happens when entire countries suffer from severe devaluing of the market? In the US, the Federal Reserve steps in.

What is the Federal Reserve?
"The Federal Reserve System is the central bank of the United States. It [among other functions] ... conducts the nation’s monetary policy to promote maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates in the U.S. economy; promotes the stability of the financial system and seeks to minimize and contain systemic risks through active monitoring and engagement in the U.S. and abroad... and fosters payment and settlement system safety and efficiency through services to the banking industry and the U.S. government that facilitate U.S.-dollar transactions and payments." (

In comprehensible terms, the Federal Reserve keeps the US economy stable by protecting businesses, protecting consumers, and altering interest rates to match the economy's natural rate of inflation; otherwise, severe inflation or deflation could occur, leading to detrimental consequences (1929, anyone?). It does not control the US market, it helps to regulate it to prevent catastrophe.

TLDR: I brought this up to propose that Lioden should implement more minimum restrictions like those on stud prices for the Trade Center to serve as our own little 'Federal Reserve'.
They could have rules such as:

- Having minimum SB/GB prices for lions with Special and/or Rare bases
- Not permitting Oasis items to be sold for more than their Oasis sell price
- Having minimum SB/GB prices for lions with Tier 4/5/6 markings

Primarily, I am suggesting that they have minimums for Rare/Special bases and both minimums and maximums for Oasis items.

As my friend over on Discord puts it:

This suggestion has 37 supports and 136 NO supports.

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Edited on 22/12/18 @ 22:00:57 by 🅱️oneless (Shit on me) (#123346)

Seph (#85977)

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Posted on
2018-12-23 11:00:24
No support.

How would THIS help with scams? If I am suddenly forced to interact with an user in a way that lets them scam me (gift trading instead of a real trade) then the situation becomes worse - not better. You want a special base to have a stable and high price? Then stop people from breeding them. The reason the 'devaluate' over time is the fact that they become less rare as more and more people breed them and demand goes down after a while.

All rare and special bases start out with a very small suply and a high demand due to the hype of new stuff. People that get their hands on such a rare thing do the typical thing we learned from our capitalistic upbringing - we try to profit from the high demand and high sell prices by trying to breed as many as possible. Which, oh wonder!, leads to a price drop since the supply dramatically rises after a time. If we start out with one raffled of new base then within months that lioness might have 10 or more cubs with that color - which then are breed again and again.

What happens is normal economic principles - Not 'The Decline of the West' or any other apocalyptical 1921 scenario. New rare bases come out to create a new hype and a new demand. Capitalism works that way. Creating a demand. You just have to stay on top if you want to ride the wave. You can't just try to stop it.

but if you feel uncomfortable with that you can just 'jump off' and breed what you like without trying to run after the newest fashion so to speac. No one will hinder you going your own way. Just don't make the site unsafe trying to implement 'state dictated prices'.

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likes poop (#119389)

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Posted on
2018-12-23 20:45:31
No support. I strongly disagree as well.
- Having minimum SB/GB prices for lions with Special and/or Rare bases
I have been in many places with MINIMUM PRICES.
They are ANNOYING.

Having to check every time for the prices.
Getting in trouble for not following them-
and worst of all,
it basically disables gifting.
If there is a minimum price, you can't gift. That is for example something that has a minimum price for 0. That's not going to be allowed. You also can't do discounts for friends- you will get in trouble.

Stuff like this gets extremely difficult and makes it harder to play. The free economy thing-- yeah...

Seriously, who cares. Things go up/down in demand as new things get added. It's not a big deal. There's people lowering their prices to sell easier- that's another thing....

Everybody is trying to sell the same thing- but the minimum price says 30GB. Now it's like, god damnit, I want to sell this lioness FAST, but... I don't think anybody is going to pay 30GB for it. I would like to price it for 10GB, I just don't want it...


It would BREAK the tree.
It would break lioden as we know it, not fix it. If the economy is such an issue, go with it. Don't change the entire economy and rules.


Tigons go for SO much now, they WILL GO DOWN. Just because they are going for 200+GB (I don't actually know) doesn't mean that they will always. PRICES change as things get older and more are bred, and everybody who WANTS one has one.
Just because Sunsets used to go for 30GB before doesn't mean they should now by minimum prices (your example). They go for 10GB now because the new trend is Elysian and Tigons and Sunrises and NEWER BASES.

When it's new, it's going to be priced higher. Once better things are made, it shouldn't be expected to stay the same.
If you don't like the change of prices, breed something more trendy.

Just because an iPhone 6 was $600 once, doesn't mean it should be now. You can find them for $200.

Newer things have been made. Cooler, better things.
Economy changes goes with it.

The economy is not collapsing, so I completely disagree with your sightings on this.
Hell if this was added I might even quit, it would ruin the fun of economy and pricing things how I want to sell them easier.
You can't scream "CHEAP CUBS" if there's a minimum price. You can only scream "CUBS" and... so is everybody else.

"the gifting type thing" (I don't know if that's exact).

where one person sends the lion and they breed... yeah... and how many scams are created by that? How many scams are going to be created by that "gifting type thing"...

"Send me the 10000 SB/ 10 GB for my sunset, and also send your sunset."
Then if it's a scam, boom. Now the mods/admins have something to deal with.
Granted you might think people are mature enough to not scam, but... they aren't.

So, minimum prices would create a huge gateway for scamming to arise, so I don't know how this would be a "solution to scamming", at all.

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Edited on 23/12/18 @ 20:52:14 by |Chicken♡Nugget| (#119389)

vandal [g2 ticked
sunrise] (#93819)

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Posted on
2018-12-23 21:03:57
Honestly what it sounds like is that you're frustrated the attributes you've been breeding for aren't selling at the prices you want them to. I get that this sucks when you're trying to make a profit, but you gotta adapt. Instead of wanting to implement rules that restrict the free market that makes this sim so fun, you should find a new market to corner. There isn't a high demand for Sunsets anymore, but there are for other attributes. Ya either gotta take on a new breeding project to meet new demands and make a profit, or just keep breeding what you want because you want to.

Also, someone studding out a lion with a rare/special/highly demanded attribute at a price lower than everyone else is smart because they're guaranteeing themselves a profit. They're the ones keeping the market competitive and keeping things from stagnating. It does potentially devalue the rare attribute by making it more accessible to others, but then you just find a new rare attribute to make a profit on. That's the nature of the game, baby!

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likes poop (#119389)

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Posted on
2018-12-23 21:09:08
^^ Yep. Yep yep yep. 100% agree.

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Kit in a Box
~⚙️~ (#61637)

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Posted on
2018-12-24 01:05:07
No support for reasons already stated.

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Salamandeous (#125425)

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Posted on
2018-12-24 03:09:50
Honestly, the fact that Lioden is a free market economy is what makes it special and fun. Take that away and the majority of the people WILL riot. A base that costs 10 today could double overnight because a few hours later, Lioden could surprise us with an update that includes a new combo. How can the staff mandate the value then?
It's too tedious and I doubt Lioden has the workforce to enforce a fluctuating market that no one has control over, much less predict. And if they were to implement a system/program, the amount of coding would be too much. So no support. The current economy is fine as is.

EDIT: For the markings, just because it's a higher tier doesn't mean it's more sought after. I will not pay a lot of money for a lion because it has the god-awful Nimvarus marking.

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Edited on 24/12/18 @ 03:17:20 by Salamandeous (#125425)

Santiago (#23473)

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Posted on
2019-05-28 11:01:37
I do not support this suggestion because this is not a viable solution to prevent scamming.

As previously stated by other members, due to pricing restrictions in the Trading Center, there will most likely be more room for scams as players would try to work around the trading system using the transferring system to complete their sales without pricing interference.

In the old days of Lioden, before a Trading Center was available for use, dishonest players and scammers have taken advantage of other members by accepting the transfer containing currency, lions, and/or items and blocked members afterwards without the intention of ever paying the other party involved.

One of the original purposes for The Trading Center was to ensure that people could trade and barter among players without the fear of being scammed.

Not all players are dishonest thieves, but some players could take advantage of the situation and rip off other members. They can take the asset(s), block the player, and now the member will have to go to the modbox in an attempt to regain their assets. And even then, it will be grey area, because it would fall under a promise based transaction, and unless the Moderators and Administrators can find clear evidence of the scammer intentionally ripping off other players, the staff are not going to get involved.

In the end, it's just going to be more trouble than it is worth.

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Astrid┋CLEAN 3.7K
3x Clouded (#124118)

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Posted on
2019-06-29 23:08:52
i strongly agree with this suggestion! i'm all for lioden adding new bases every 3 weeks, but they should have a way of making sure the sensationalism caused by the new introduction doesn't get out of hand. there have been times where i've gotten almost bored of trying to keep up with how fast this stuff changes

i have a few suggestions, however:
i support a minimum for special, combo, and breed-only bases. however, rare and uncommon bases should be excluded, as they most likely to be valued differently according to each player depending on what they can be bred for (ex. ebony vs buff)

i also think that marking-cost limits should be ONLY for rosettes and stripes, as similarly to above, any other marking may have some sort of agreed upon higher value (ex. sunset) but it's still much more up to the player's preferences (ex. i would be very frustrated if i wanted to buy an ebony but her price was jacked up for a demonic marking, which i don't care about at all xD)

also just as a side note, i think the argument that players will get scammed more because they'll use the transfer system is... silly. if you're trying to get out of paying the proper price for something, then it's your own fault if you get scammed. if someone really wants to jack the system, they can buy the thing and then have the seller send back some of the money (at least then they get what they paid for, even if they pay more than expected). it would be like arguing that if someone tried to pay an unprofessional tattoo artist for less money than the professional and got an infection, the professional is at fault. maybe the professional was more expensive because they have to pay income taxes and the shady guy doesn't— it's not the professional's nor their tax-collector's fault someone tried to get a better deal with a shifty person, we're all old enough to be driving cars, we should be capable of taking responsibility for our own risks

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Aredy1974 (#166030)

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Posted on
2019-06-30 02:01:03
No support.

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