Posted by Rising From The Ashes | RP Thread

Circiinus [RLC
18.03.2022] (#35103)

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Posted on
2018-12-29 16:07:04

DISCLAIMER: Locations and mythos are the property of Rick Roirdan, as such, we do not claim it (



Fire. That's what the dream foretold of. Fire and ashes, as the thick smoke, billowed on the wind itself, leaving only ruin in its wake.

A dream no more as hissing embers rose amid a chorus of screams and disorientation. The flames seemed to thrive on the blantant chaos it lay among, children of all ages calling for parents both Godly and not as Camp Deshret sprang to life, attempting to restore a sense of order to the situation at hand. Their efforts, however, appeared as vain as futile attempts to quell the building flames, ultimately only serving to add to the very chaos that appeared to surround and engulf them as the smoke continued to thicken.

Among the frantic cries and desperate sobs, the groaning wail as charred wood gave way and surroundings trees lit like matches, came a word as countless campers clamoured and flocked to the poorly maintained portals. Retreat. The risk was considerable, for the portals had been made in haste and their magic waned, yet the promise that lay beyond was irrestistable. Safety. The risk was seldom thought of, the eldest among them sheperding and shouting both reassurance as Camp Directors did the same.

Their words, however, fell on deaf ears at the sound that followed, many forced to relinquish their grip on one another as their hands clasped their ears, the roar of the lion silencing even the fire.

A figure in the smoke, untouched by the flames through which he walked, the dull scrape of the butcher's knife against smouldering ground trailing what silence followed, smoke now intermingled with the pungent scent of spiced wine and lavish oils.

Shesmu had arrived and with him, came Deshret's destruction.



Camp Deshret, a supposed safe-haven for children of both Eygptian Divines and aspiring magicians, is no more. Desperate to spare otherwise innocent lives from the wrath of Shesmu - Drinker of blood and Lord of oils - in his efforts to overthrow Amun-Ra and take his place as King of the Gods, Deshret's former protectors cast portals elsewhere, anywhere, unaware that a similiar 'safe-haven' even exsisted.

Till now, anyways. The sudden arrival of a dozen wide-eyed children upon the hill was not something Camp Halfblood had ever anticipated, or, for that matter, thought possible. In spite of what suspicions promptly aroused, their unexpected guests were reluctantly welcomed; seemingly unaffected by the mist that so often deterred mere mortals. Things between and among either Camp seem tense, and neither seems to trust the other entirely, both uncertain what to make of the other.

Forced to co-exsist, with little option to do otherwise, perhaps things are not as bad as they seem...



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Edited on 03/01/19 @ 10:03:11 by Quinn (Ice ESR/EHR/Mott Ros) (#35103)

Circiinus [RLC
18.03.2022] (#35103)

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Posted on
2018-12-29 19:07:05

List of Divine Words:
What are the Divine Words, you say? Divine Words are a spoken form of Egyptian magic, used by both magicians and demi-gods (more-so magicians). It faster than drawing the necessary heiroglyphs.

"Ha-di" = "Destroy" - A spell that breaks and shatters objects and sometimes can cause explosions.

"Hah-ri" = "Quiet" - A spell with various capabilities, it can be summarized as stopping movement. Can also lull a target to sleep.

"Ha-wi" ="Strike" - A spell causing a concussive force.

"Hi-nehm" ="Join" - A spell that mends things.

"I-ei"= "Come" - A spell used in summonings, i.e Gods

"W'peh/Sahad" ="Open" - A spell that opens doors, portals, and passageways. It seems to work best when simply written.

"Tas" ="Tie" - A spell that will cause even a small bit of twine to wrap up an opponent. Also may disable magic.

"Ha-tep" ="Be at peace" - A spell that calms things.

"Sa-per" ="Miss" - A spell that causes the enemy to lose all accuracy and become incapable of hitting its target.

"A'max" = "Burn" - A spell that summons a small fire.

"N'dah" "Protect" - Protects the user.

"Heh-sieh"= "Turn back" Turns back a transformed object

"Heqat" = Summons a staff.

"L'mun" = "Hide" Hides the caster

((Note - These Divine words don't need to be used if you won't or can't remember them, if you say something along the lines of 'They whispered something in an ancient tongue, and suddenly fire sprang from the pile of cloth', it works just as well))

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Circiinus [RLC
18.03.2022] (#35103)

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Posted on
2019-01-13 16:35:00

Camp Deshret’s sudden arrival appears troubling for all sides. With many minds still reeling from Shesmu’s arrival and the consequential destruction that followed, their reluctantly invited guests seem shaken and suspicious in the absence of their Camp Director. Those within Camp Halfblood seem equally unsettled, curious as to what this could mean for their own safety and security, how either side could exist without knowledge of the other until now. While apprehension and uncertainty are mutually expressed, Staff of both Camps have called for all campers to otherwise ‘mingle’ and hopefully find positives within the situation as they attempt to co-exist
Whether or not there are ‘positives’ is yet to be truly seen, for both sides have heard whispers of the other, of strange abilities and occurrences. After all, nobody seems too sure what’s happening, campers left to their own speculations. Meanwhile, the Gods convene in the Big House in an effort to better understand one another, what they’re dealing with.

Among the chaos and confusion, only one thing seems truly certain as thunder rolls across overcast, weighted, clouds; an otherwise heavy rainfall not quite able to break the ever-present barrier that surrounds the Camp itself. The Gods of Olympus, aren’t happy.


Name: Pan | Mentions: Silenus & all Gods that have joined the meeting

“W-Well...Where to, er...Where to begin…” Came the careful and somewhat awkward murmur. Eyes the colour of rich and well-tended soil seemed to shift and flicker in a manner that was almost skittish, the fact the God of the Wild was otherwise ‘out-of-his-depth’ perhaps almost painfully obvious. Clad in an obnoxiously green shirt that proudly read ‘Don’t Be Trashy’ - such a message reinforced by the recycling symbol that was printed above - Pan, as he so often did, would fail to see the amusing side of the shirt he had unknowingly been coerced into. Or, in that respect, the irony.

Though he had positioned himself at the respective head of the large, well-polished table, both his body language and behaviour indicated he was anything other. The nervous flicker of a stubby and goat-esque tail could occasionally be heard when it collided against the back of his chair and he had already cleared his throat thrice before even managing to speak; the only sound outside of that, having been rather troubled bleats on the occasion he refrained from agitatedly gnawing on a long-emptied soda can.

As far as he was concerned? He certainly wasn’t cut out for this sort of thing, to be Camp Director had been one thing but this was far beyond his already limited capabilities as a ‘guardian’. Though well-lit and as well cared for as it always had been, even the Big House seemed to reflect the sombre atmosphere of the current situation. Certainly, Pan did not seem comforted by the eyes that rather collectively looked toward him, nor the fact the mix of Gods and demigods at the other end of the table were entirely unknown to him.

He brooded a moment more, uttering a rather foul curse under his breath at a particularly impatient sounding crackle of overhead thunder. At last, composure, announced by a fourth clear of his throat.

“Well, I suppose the beginning, would be the proper place...But, before that, it is perhaps best that proper introductions are established.” His tone held a tired edge to such as he half-heartedly gestured to himself. “-I have as many names as I have faces, but I am better known as Pan. I serve as the Camp Director in Dionysus’ untimely absence. Silenus, among other things, assists.”

‘Assists’ seemed to vastly under credit his fellow God all things considered, but Pan’s composed expression had not entirely met still-uncomfortable eyes in gesturing to his left, and it was clearly a subtle plea for help in the presence of Gods he had never heard of. He, of course, couldn’t be sure Silenus had either, nonetheless, the hope was there. Hope that Silenus could compose himself to a far better standard, that his fellow God could find a way to comfortably lead into getting to the bottom of the current predicament.

Name: Nathan Young | Mentions: Erin Clearwater, open

“-All I have to say is that I think it’s pretty fuckin’ weird they just show up, y’know? It’s not like when some sorry-lookin’ kid makes their way here ‘cause this is their life now, they just appeared. That’s abnormal, not that anythin’ here’s normal, mind you…” He paused for a moment, before ultimately waving his hand in rambling dismissal. “You get my point.” Murmured Nathan rather quickly, briefly seeming to have gotten far too absorbed in his rambling. Despite the weather within the Camp remaining about as pleasant as it always was, or at the very least still warm enough for shorts and summer clothing, the same could not be said for what seemed to be the rest of the world. Or at least...The sky outside of the ‘barrier’. Fortunately, nobody seemed to ask nor care what Nathan ‘thought’ as they walked.

He spoke, of course, of their guests. The kids they were apparently expected to ‘mingle’ with. He didn’t have anything against the idea, mind you, but surely he wasn’t the only one to find it weird. Dull and building thunder, only further seemed to illustrate his point as he beamed at Erin like such alone was proof of his earlier speculation. “-See?! The big guy isn’t happy, I get he’s awfully sensitive sometimes, but that’s gotta count for somethin’...” He paused once more as his eyes surveyed the already bustling camp, hands nonchalantly in his pockets as he gave a shrug. “Maybe they’re dangerous...Maybe they’re weirdos...”

The wry and trademark grin that otherwise summed up Nathan, on the whole, indicated that he only partly meant what he said overall, clearly having taken on-board some of the wilder whispers that had slowly begun to circulate. Not that he’d be the one to mention anything. Or at least, not intentionally. He’d promised to be on his best behaviour.

Name: Peter Lovel | Mentions: Open

No more than a tired sigh was uttered overall, gingerly wincing as a stiff hand was wearily flexed. Seated within the relative shade of the dining pavilion, which was already laden with an assortment of food and drink in preparation for ‘mingling’; it’d been an admittedly rough night when an assortment of other children had arrived on the hill. More-so for them than himself by the looks of things, though that didn’t make it any easier.

What with the sudden influx of intense emotions, he recalled blindly stumbling towards the woods with little alternative, for as much as he was capable of controlling himself? It was a work in progress, and he wasn’t necessarily ‘perfect’ at it. An admittedly graphic transformation if the scars that scattered across his body were anything to go by - for Peter seldom remembered anything aside from intense pain - he was at the very least thankful nobody had seen it, that usually didn’t end well.

As ever? He’d woke within the same secluded section, a dense area of the rather large woods, far from the paths they had paved for themselves during many matches of ‘Capture the Flag’. Despite feeling like he’d been hit by a bus, his mood was rather pleasant and he was admittedly grateful to find that both of his feral counter-parts had the decency to leave his stash of extra clothes untouched and where he usually left them. Today had been the same again, more or less, his change within the night as ever provoked by the unsettled atmospheres that lingered among the majority.

Now, however, his eyes moved to faces both familiar and not from where he sat; occasionally amusing himself by seeing exactly how many grapes he could catch in his mouth once thrown above his head, before his streak faltered, otherwise reflecting on the new and rather aggressive scar that jaggedly spread across the back of his hand.

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Edited on 19/01/19 @ 01:24:55 by Quinn (Ice ESR/EHR/Mott Ros) (#35103)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-01-13 22:39:03

⇺ [ Silenus ] ⇻
Male • Old • Camp Halfblood Staff
Mentions: Pan, Aver, Persephone, Ptah

In comparison to Pan, Silenus appeared far more calm, his amber-brown gaze meeting those of their guests unflinchingly, expressing unmistakable curiosity and gentle warmth. He had heard there were others out there like them of course but had yet to meet even one in his many years of life until now. They felt much the same, emanating an aura mere mortals didn’t possess, while still being entirely foreign.

An intriguing encounter he would have embraced with unabashed enthusiasm if not for current circumstances. Alas, the sudden arrival of these new Gods and their charges as well as the tale they had to share brought with it an urgency that required far more solemnity. Pan struggled to take control of the situation, his speech lacking in concerns to establishing the air of a confident, self-assured director.

Silenus considered taking over for him more than once as the awkward silence broken only by Pan's nervous mutterings stretched on, but concluded that uninvited, it would only make matters worse. Still, he couldn’t help wondering what their visitors must think of them, and worrying after Pan’s stress levels. The whole ordeal was undoubtedly taking a toll on the poor chap.

“Indeed, we understand what you’ve been through was terribly traumatic, but please tell us everything you can remember so we may better assist you,” he encouraged after the unfamiliar god and demigod introduced themselves.


⇺ [ Erin Clearwater ] ⇻
Female • 17 • Child of Chimera
Mentions: Nathan

Nathan stating his opinion on the matter of their guests drew Erin's troubled gaze away from the sight of the furious storm brewing overhead. Pounding rainfall, and the flash of a glaringly bright lightning bolt still noticeable through the transparent barrier shielding the camp. Barely processing her friend's words as she was still thoroughly absorbed in her own thoughts, Erin merely nodded in agreement as she walked beside him.

Bringing Zeus into the conversation, by name or not, seemed to snap her out of the daze currently fogging her mind completely. An uncharacteristic scowl of reproach crossed her features as her dark eyes lifted skyward once more. "All things considered, should Zeus' thoughts really count for anything right now? These people need our help, and we aren't wrong for giving it to them."

A particularly loud boom of thunder followed her words, and though it rattled her, she kept as much composure as she could muster. "Think about what they must have been through to bring them all the way here. How about we introduce ourselves to some of them before making any rash judgments?" She suggested.

The thought of approaching strangers twisting her stomach into knots battling with her innate empathy and desire to make the former residents of Camp Deshret feel more welcome, Nathan being with her would certainly make things easier, and she desperately hoped he would agree.


⇺ [ Ozias Fotakis ] ⇻
Male • 18 • Child of Hades
Mentions: Aurelia (Indirectly), Open

It figured the moment he set foot in this place things went to hell. A day spent within the confines of Camp Halfbood and already utter chaos erupted around him as portals opened, panicked children and teenagers flooding into the forest lining the surrounding hills. He’d taken to wandering earlier in the day, following the Siren girl he’d met upon arriving...what was her name again, Audrey? Deep into the woods without fear despite the whisperings from fellow campers concerning avoiding being alone with the monster children.

His heritage wasn’t new to him, far from it, but this was truthfully the first time he’d met others like him in any way. Despite his complaints of having his life, and the choice of how he lived it, ripped from him he was seemingly ready to embrace everything he learned about this place. When the campers of Deshret appeared, terrified and some even wounded, he hadn’t hesitated to meet them, offering what little comfort and support someone as inexperienced as himself could give until camp staff arrived on the scene.

Now they were all back in camp, urged to mingle, though the tense atmosphere strangling the vicinity didn’t exactly encourage such. “I’m beginning to think I’m bad luck. Trouble seems to follow wherever I go, wouldn't you agree?” He inquired of the black and white mottled crow currently perched on his left shoulder, the bird only offering a mild caw in response. “Quite right, just bad timing I suppose,” he muttered, searching the crowd with an impassive expression as he waited for either someone to approach him or for anyone that looked in desperate need of guidance.


⇺ [ Jasper Montgomery ] ⇻
Male • 19 • Child of Mania
Mentions: Peter (Indirectly), Open

Jasper sat with his back resting against a table at the rear of the pavilion, a billow of pale smoke rising from the tip of the cigarette currently hanging out of his mouth. He was alone, not an uncommon sight when he wasn’t pestering Peter, content to observe the coming and going of campers in solitude. He’d spotted his ‘friend’ almost immediately upon arriving in the dining area but chose to leave him to his own for now; aware Peter had run off in the night as his inner demons took hold, for once showing a bit of respect for his personal space.

Besides that, Peter’s presence could sometimes prove...limiting. The disapproval for his typical antics often grew tiresome, and it wasn’t unusual for them to take breaks from one another. With all that said, Peter could probably look forward to his attention later that evening if not before, for despite his do-good attitude there was something about him that always brought Jasper back, the answer perhaps as simple as Peter being the only person who would tolerate him for more than a few minutes.

As he watched other campers, familiar and not, enter the pavilion, his gaze held an almost predatory glint, though anyone accustomed to his presence would know this was simply how he seemed to look at any given time whether he had mischief in mind or not. The fearful and distressed atmosphere choking the camp since the arrival of the kids from Deshret filled him with chaotic energy, leaving him buzzing with the suppressed desire to exploit and revel in it.

Subdued, indeed, because as terrible as he could be there was some part of him that rejected the notion he must be bad on account of who his mother was and an even smaller part that recoiled at genuine pleasure for suffering, not that anyone needed to know that last bit.

He wondered if Peter felt the same, if he ever found the fear surrounding him vitalizing, intoxicating. Jasper reflected it was a shame if he did, someone like Peter, so filled with a need to help others, plagued by such deplorable emotions. Yet there was some solidarity in thinking that he did, that Jasper wasn’t the only one here who was resisting the inclination to do awful things.

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Edited on 13/01/19 @ 22:45:36 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2019-01-14 00:06:47

Aver - Staff Member - Child of Bes
Mentions: Pan, Silenus, Ptah, Persephone

Aver felt very strongly that it was perfectly natural for them to be shaken and afraid, considering their situation. They were exhausted and had dozens of campers to care for and keep from panicking and Set was nowhere to be found. The entire scenario was practically designed to stress them out. The house they were sitting in - the "Big House?" - was certainly large and seemed clean enough, but it also looked like it had absorbed the somber mood of its inhabitants in the few hours that had passed.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Pan, Silenus," Aver began, when encouraged to explain what had occurred. "I am Aver, child of Bes. Our camp's director is . . . not present, due to the events that have transpired."

They settled back into their seat, letting their hands hang off of the edge of the armrests. "A great many things have happened, but in short, our home has been destroyed by Shesmu. We have sustained heavy losses and will not be able to rebuild as things stand. We also don't know how we could have not known of an entire groups of gods, but clearly we are here now and in dire need of assistance."

With a pause, Aver blinked slowly, waiting to see if they would be able to control the Mist enough to maintain a face. After a moment they exhaled a soft sigh and appeared to give it up as a lost cause. "My primary concern, of course, is for our campers. I, for one, do not want the wrath of the Gods on my head because I failed to keep one of their children safe in the event of violence breaking out. I suggest that we inform our campers as to what's happened; if you'll have us, I suspect we may be here for a while. As I said, our camp's director is currently missing. I'm hoping he yet lives, of course, but I'm hesitant to make any major decisions until I'm sure . . . one way or another," they explained.

While they waited for a response, Aver examined the gods at the table with them. Pan seemed to be in charge, but was also very nervous-looking and seemed to be relying on Silenus to take over and handle the situation. A third god, a woman (possibly) sat at Pan's left side and seemed interested in the proceedings but also like she wanted to be doing something else. It was an interesting expression to behold and Aver was pretty sure that the deity was more concerned about the campers than about what happened to get them there. They watched for a moment and tried to guess who she might be - of course they were aware of other mythologies, especially one so prominent, but they hadn't thought they might actually be real gods.


Aries - Camper - Child of Aries
Mentions: Ozias, Jasper (indirectly), open

Aries was interested in their guests in a vague sort of way. He felt bad for them, of course, but wasn't sure if he would go out of his way to help them, either. It was probably for the best that it wasn't up to him. He snacked idly on some of the food that was out and watched with narrowed eyes as he waited for someone to actually approach the Egyptians. If Jasper decided to try his hand at some bullshit, he would have to step in and probably beat his ass, but otherwise, he wanted to keep his distance.

Watching, he noticed Ozias, ever-strange, muttering to his bird. Perhaps some interaction would be nice?

"Oh, I doubt it," he answered, even though the other camper hadn't been talking to him. "Look at those poor assholes. That kid's like, twelve, and he's got burns, look." He gestured, careful to not appear to be pointing. The kid was probably distressed enough already.

Aries shifted his weight to watch once more, counting the number of campers with wounds and wondering how many hadn't made it. "I'm sure Persephone will want to help them but Zeus doesn't seem too happy. I'm starting to think that he's going to break the barrier if he keeps this up," he added.

He regarded Oz's bird and tilted his head at it, narrowing his eyes even further. "You got any thoughts?"


Persephone - Activity Director - Goddess of Spring and Queen of the Underworld
Mentions: Aver, Pan, Silenus, Ptah

Persephone preferred to watch for the moment. She sat silently and observed the proceedings, but her mind was elsewhere. Pan was an anxious wreck, of course, and Silenus was taking charge, so it would be fine for her to consider how best to integrate the Camp Deshret kids into their camp's daily life. Establishing a normal routine would likely help a lot with dealing with their trauma in a timely manner, and she was loathe to disrupt her campers' lives more than necessary.

She would have to discuss with Aver or Ptah what type of activities they used to do; perhaps a change of pace would be nice for her campers. They could learn from each other in types of combat, surely. A cultural exchange would be nice. Anyway, these were kids and they deserved at least basic kindness. Judging by the sounds of rain and thunder outside - even if it didn't fall on the camp itself - Zeus was less than thrilled about their actions, which only drove her on. Serve that asshole right, forcing her out of the Underworld and away from her husband. He could never handle generosity for generosity's sake. Food wouldn't be an issue, but the tables at the dining area might need some rearranging so that their new campers would be able to sit at their own tables if they didn't want to mingle with Camp Half-Blood children.

Finally, Aver was done with their explanation. Just hearing it made pity swell in her heart; seeing the injured kids had cut her to the core. "I'm terribly sorry all that's happened, dear," Persephone said, in response. "I am Persephone, and everything is going to be okay." It seemed like the demigod needed to hear that. They looked stressed, and no wonder - they weren't even an entire god, and they had so much on their shoulders.

"I'm sure we can arrange something, don't y'all agree? It doesn't matter where they're from - these are kids and they need our help. If we turn them away now we might as well be killing them ourselves," she added, turning her head to look at Pan and Silenus with eyes that were practically pleading.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-01-14 07:19:06

°• ♔ •° | Verena Rozamond Feenstra | °• ♔ •°
19 | Female | Daughter of Anubis
Mentions: None [Open]

Verena sat at a table closer to the back of the pavilion where there was less noise. Tiye was gathered up in her arms - she hadn’t put the genet down for any longer than ten minutes since the attack on Camp Deshret. The two of them had been separated in the chaos caused by Shesmu, leaving Verena with no choice but to stay back and search for her companion instead of escaping with the others, a searing pain shooting through her wrist the entire time. It’d taken her a few panicked minutes (which, in her mind, had felt like hours), but she’d eventually found the source of her pain. One of Tiye’s front paws had gotten stuck under the rubble of a collapsed cabin, trapping her there.

Tiye now wore a small, pink cast on her front left leg, mirroring the bandages Verena had wrapped around her left wrist. Tiye was still walking with a limp, but, considering their circumstances, Verena considered the two of them extremely lucky to even have escaped with their lives. Their ordeal reminded Verena of just how dangerous she’d made things for the both of them when she bound their souls together. She pulled the animal closer to her chest.

Normally she’d welcome the chance to mingle with new people, but she was still shaken, and the newfound knowledge that there were half-gods not born of Egyptian deities wasn’t helping to make her feel any less overwhelmed. Tiye made a few soft, but clearly annoyed chuffing sounds. She was bored. “I know. If nobody approaches us soon we’ll go and talk to someone ourselves.” She sighed and glanced around at the crowd of unfamiliar faces. “If we’re going to be staying here we’ll have to speak to each other eventually,” she murmured, more of a reminder for herself than for Tiye.

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Slytherin clean
fissure wine (#76271)

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Posted on
2019-01-14 08:22:17
Jaclyn - 19-daughter of Anubis-
Mentions: open

Jaclyn made her way to the pavilion fallowing some of the other campers as she didn't know her way around. She was silent, her arms crossed trying to hide the burns on her fore arms. She acquired them as she tried to escape a burning building with her coyote pup in her arms. She looked down at the pup as she recalled this, the poor pup had shinged fur making him look mange ridden. But he was no longer in pain due to the fact Jaclyn had healed the burns. But now she didnt have the energy to heal her own.

As she walked in to the building the awkward tension in the room made it feel almost unwelcoming the thought maybe she should turn back and leave the building but this is where her camp staff wanted then so she swallowed as a anxious ball was forming in her throut. Making her way to a random table she sat down picking up the pup and setting it on the bench next to her "are you hungry?" She asked the pup as the picked up a turkey leg and handing it to the pup as he eagerly chomped into it.

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Edited on 14/01/19 @ 08:22:48 by Zero (#76271)

Zera (G2 Ennedi Ice) (#155730)

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Posted on
2019-01-14 13:02:34
Camp Desheret Staff Member // Mentions: Persephone, Pan, Aver, Silenus

While the other gods spoke about danger and activities, Ptah couldn't help his gaze from straying out toward the cabins. His blue eyes, though holding knowledge and worry, strayed from god to god. He hadn't been to Desheret more than a day or two before the destruction began to come down like rain. His heart hurt again and again. As god of creation, destruction pained him like no other.

The speaking caught his attention again, pulling Ptah's gaze toward the group again. Persephone's words had struck something in him. The Egyptian ran a tanned hand through his hair and exhaled, clearing his throat. He had never been terribly fond of Set, but now... he realized how much they needed him. He looked up toward Pan. "To turn the kids away would mean certain death," he echoed. "Shesmu... May find us even here..." he trailed off. "Maybe." He wasn't entirely sure of anything anymore.

Flynn Evans // Son Of Ptah
Mentions: Open

Flynn sat in the pavilion, an untouched plate of food in front of him. His arms, folded and on top of the table, cushioned his head. The boy's eyes were closed, trying to glean what little sleep he could. The run... race... trek... whatever it was, the night before was long, dark and exhausting. And he was certain some of the others wouldn't be able to get much sleep.

After a while, his stomach protested the silent torture of keeping the smell of food away from it. Flynn sat up, slowly and reluctantly with a heavy sigh to start picking and poking at the plate. His hair was falling over, from the meticulous up-do he had maintained for so long.

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𝔸𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕪 (#150179)

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Posted on
2019-01-14 14:37:36
⇻ Edward Seo ⇺
[ Male - 17 - Son of Hydra - Mentions: OPEN ]

Unlike most campers, Eddie had already slunk away from the pavilion.

Of course, he planned to return for more food, but the boy currently sidled by the Big House, Noodle draped over his shoulders. The cat was nibbling on a cracker Edward had swiped from the edge of a table, holding a few more of the biscuits in his gloved hand for the creature. He, himself, was not hungry in the slightest. Moreover, to say he was curious was an understatement. The other camp mingling on Half-Blood territory did little to help.

He was hiding comfortably under the porch, the damp space not bothering him in any way. Through the small cracks of the floorboards, Eddie could catch snippets of the conversation going on above, yet not enough to make sense of of it. He could barely make out the memorable voices of Pan and Persephone, much less identify the others. To have something to do while he 'listened', the boy tugged down the mask covering his nose and mouth, inhaling the somewhat fresh air deeply. When letting the breath out, Edward made sure to turn away from his feline companion. A dark puff replaced the breath that should have came out, causing plants to wither and Noodle to bury himself into the hood of Eddie's green sweater. "Yeah, I'm sorry." He murmured, waving his hand through the cloud, quickly dissolving the puff. And that was the reason for his freaky mask and gloves. The boy let out a sigh, nibbling at the corner of cracker as he rested the back of his head against the damp wood planks.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-01-14 14:39:01

❃.✮:▹Merida Ada Grey (Flame)◃:✮.❃
16 Years Old|Female|Daughter of Apollo|Mention(s): Flynn Evans

Merida let her green eyes move over the camp, well the parts she could see from her vantage point at least. It was really strange to see so many people walking around camp, especially so many new faces. Merida sat on one of the columns ringing the dining pavilion, while casually leaning on her left hand the flame haired girl was balenzing her dagger in her right hand. While her green eyes keep moving around Camp Half-Blood's grounds, the red haired girls dagger balanced- with its tip- on her index finger. Marida looked up, over the campers walking bellow her, her eyes landed on 'The Big House'. Merida scold a bit, what were they talking about? Were those egyptian gods and kids really going to stay? Were where they going to stay?
"Gaaa", Merida yelled, exasperated over the enter situation. Snatching her dagger out of the air, the teen fell back. Her head hanging over the side of the pillar, she now looked at the camp upside down. Not much better, everything was still off. Sitting up again, Merida flicked her wrist, sending her dagger flying straight up. Reaching her hand out to catch it, as the dagger fell, she quickly chucked it up again. This time, before she could catch the dagger again, a loud boom startled her. "Wait, wait", Merida said, grasping for the knife. No use, it fell to the ground far below. She flinched as it hit the ground with a thud. Looking after it, she could see it stabbed point first into the ground. The red haired teen let out a sigh. If she'd hit anyone, Merida would have been in so much trouble.
She hissed through her teeth, looking around she checked to see if there were any satyrs or worse nymphs around. She'd cursed a handful of nymphs to speak in rhyming couplets the other day, they'd had it coming. For what? Who cares, they just had it coming. Merida quickly jumped down the large column and headed over, to grabbed her knife. Brushing off the dirt, she did not even check if it was damaged. It was made out of celestial bronze, if it was really damaged to easily by just a little fall, she'd have to find a new kind of weapon. Now that she was on the ground, she looked around at the others in the dining pavilion. People were slowly starting to gather, she could already see some of the egyption kids sitting at tables and somewhere also already eating. Merida shrugged her shoulders, normal you were not aloud at a table if it was not your godly parent, but if that applied, where should all of these kids eat? So they might as well site anywhere.
Her stomach gave a rumble, Merida remembered that she'd not eaten since breakfast. Well since she was here, she might as well eat something. Resheathing her dagger, into the black sheath hanging on her belt, she looked to the Apollo table. Marida raised her eyebrow, there was a guy sitting at the table and she didn't know him. Probably one of the new kids. Well she'd just have to sit with him, no way she could sit anywhere else. Walking over, she passed by one of the wood nymphs. Pausing for a moment she told the nymph that she wanted some cheese, bread, grapes, and a goblet. After the nymph gave Merida a displeasing look, she nodded and walked off. "Thanks", Merida called after her, in a bit of a mocking tone.
Turning around, she continued on to the Apollo table. Once she was behind the guy, she tapped his shoulder. "Hey", Merida said, not really friendly or unfriendly, more just like a statement. Before he could say anything, Merida sat down next to him. In that moment, the wood nymph brought over her food. Grabbing her goblet, Merida said, "Orange soda." In a split second her goblet was filled with the orange liquide, Merida quickly took a few gulps. Looking at the guy, with a grape in her hand now, she asked, "What's your name?" Propping the grape in her mouth, she looked him over. 'Hmm, relatively handsome', she thought to herself.

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Zera (G2 Ennedi Ice) (#155730)

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Posted on
2019-01-14 15:58:48
Flynn Evans // Son of Ptah
Mentions: Merida

Flynn pushed the empty plate forward, chin in his hand as he traced invisible hieroglyphics on the table. He sat like this for a while, lost in absentminded and silent thought. His blue eyes flicked up toward the girl who sat next to him. His mouth opened and closed a couple times before he shrugged lightly. "Flynn," he said shortly and went back to dragging his finger along the table. "Didn't know where to sit, so I chose a random table."

His lip twitched in the phantom beginning of a weak smile, lifting his chin up long enough to run his hand through his golden blond hair and rest his cheek in his hands. He exhaled slowly. "You belong here, don't you? A Greek kid." Flynn found it... extremely difficult to understand that the Greek camp was filled with only demigod's. No... magicians or anything. Just demigod's. He snorted at the inward thought. Guess the Greeks weren't very faithful.

Though, being a demigod himself, Flynn couldn't find the fault in Ptah. His own father, wise as he was... well... Ptah didn't always have the greatest moments. And that gene seemed to be inherited.

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Circiinus [RLC
18.03.2022] (#35103)

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Posted on
2019-01-14 16:27:59

Name: Pan | Mentions: Persephone, Ptah, Aver, Selinus

The simple nod towards Silenus’ apparent words of encouragement was rather apologetic in itself, a subtle effort to reinforce the fact Pan seconded the overall message that was given, even if his present behaviour failed to show such. Not unlike Persephone, there seemed to be the mild implication that while helistened, his thoughts were still inclined to find themselves elsewhere as his eyes settled upon the demi-god soon known to them as Aver.

Granted, they did not stray far from the topic at hand. Indeed, Pan was both intrigued and embarrassed by their level-head, the composure with which they calmly made plain the collective situation, appalled by the fact his seemed so lacking in comparison. That something so young, so settled within their presences, undoubtedly seemed to strike a far more authoritative position than he himself seemed to give.

The revelation alone didn’t sit well, but it was clearly rather needed and Pan promptly straightened thereafter, reflection on his own impression aside, formerly brooding features appeared to have lessened somewhat by the time Aver had finished.

For a moment? Pan still seemed troubled and uncertain on his own verdict, not quite keen to meet Persephone’s pleading eyes or seek a second opinion within Silenus’. Frankly, he still perceived being placed ‘in-charge’ to be a rather cruel joke on Dionysus’ behalf. It had been considerable time since he’d meddled in mortal affairs - or truly bother to acknowledge anything outside of nature’s growing sickness - and so to burden him with the well-being of mere children had been rather harsh indeed.

The decision did not feel like his to make, yet it would seem the fates made it so. Children. They were children, and with that in mind, the decision itself already seemed made.

“I will not turn them away.” Came the rather concrete murmur as his eyes lifted to meet the ceiling, all former traces of his skittish behaviours seeming to have deteriorated then and there, the longer he seemed to repeat such a simple fact. There was little denying the truth in the words of Persephone, weary of Zeus’ ill-temper as he might have been, to do so was undoubtedly a death sentence. Thus, Pan spoke as if oblivious to the thunder that still persisted, eyes having returned to those seated at the other end of the table and seemingly in a far more jovial mood than he had been moments prior. He could be flippant, as could nature.

“-The hospitalities of Camp Halfblood are yours for as long as you have need of them. You - collectively - and your fellow campers may make use of any of the empty cabins or share with others if they see fit to…And I’d agree that your suggestion is arguably the best way to proceed.” He paused only momentarily, “...Though, I admit, I do not have much practice in situations such as this one.”

Bewildered by the knowledge of others as he might have been, he was not so stupid as to let his pride have the better of him. “Is there anything we can do to make your stay more comfortable, in the meantime?” He suspected that Persephone would waste no time in finding these things out in greater detail even if Aver declined. There wasn’t any harm in asking, though.


Name: Nathan Young | Mentions: Erin Clearwater, open

Nathan shot her no more than a curious look at the words she uttered, distinctly recalling Erin being the one who’d nervously informed him the Gods were to be ‘respected’, he decided that now wasn’t particularly the time to push it, teasingly or otherwise. Instead, the smile he fixed her with seemed almost proud for a moment or so, before his eyes shifting to the pavilion they were fast approaching. “Sometimes, I think I’m beginning to rub off on you, Clearwater. An’ even though makin’ ‘rash judgements’ is kinda my thing, you’re right.”

His attempt to make light of the situation might have seemed in poor taste, but being ‘insensitive’ wasn’t necessarily his go-to. More of a coping method, in actuality, because he’d never been much good at comforting people. As a matter of fact, he usually just ended up ramming his foot even further into his already loud mouth, more than once, he’d come close to digging himself an early grave. He could be insensitive, but this was serious, and he liked to think he wasn’t always a complete and utter prat.

“Granted, maybe I should just sit there and look sexy, y’know? You be the mouth, an’ I can be the eye-candy, ‘cause it never usually works if I do the talkin’...” He, of course, referred to a fair few occasions. Indeed, his first efforts making ‘friends’ had landed him with little more than a busted lip and some bruising after cracking one joke too many at the expense of others. On the brighter side? He’d gotten a cabin to himself outta it, however briefly it lasted.


Name: Peter Lovel | Mentions: Jasper, Ozias & Aries (indirectly)

While Peter had briefly enjoyed watching the younger campers seem at least mildly impressed with the grape-catching spectacle he provided, it was in catching sight of Jasper - or more truthfully, scent - that it would seem such drew to a rather quick close. Ultimately? He’d leave them with a simple warning not to choke, amused yet somehow unsurprised to see how quickly it had become a competition.

In truth? Jasper wasn’t that bad. He’d be lying if his actions or ‘hypothetical’ questions didn’t occasionally worry him. He could be...A lot to handle. Then again, he supposed that he wasn’t the easiest to get along with at times. He could be irritable and prone to snapping depending on how he felt, for his inner demons were rather literal, and quickly growing to be a constant pain in his ass. Even on the off chance, Jasper didn’t have something questionable in mind, it was entirely likely that Peter was either too tired to come along or already asleep.

Thus, he couldn’t really judge. He could, however, smell the cigarette long before he’d even caught Jasper’s eye, and while he wasn’t against occasionally having the odd smoke, there were still rules as to when and where. He could only utter a sigh as he swung his legs over the bench, dimly aware that he was not the only one with an apparent interest in Jasper, which wasn’t at all surprising all-things-considered.

He seemed to regard the two thoughtfully as his eyes moved toward them. He wasn’t a mind reader, but he could wager a pretty good guess. While he couldn’t claim to know either all-that-well, he at least had a vague recollection of their names. Ozias seemed rather quiet even for his standards as a ‘quiet’ kid, though given he hadn’t talked to him much, that wasn’t too surprising. From what he’d seen of Aries, to Ozias, he seemed nice enough.

Unvbelievable…” Muttered Peter lowly as he eventually made his way over towards Jasper. Peter arguably found his disapproval of Jasper even more tiring than Jasper might’ve, and as odd as doing anything else - such as starting the day with a ‘hello’ rather than the same cautioning echo of his name whenever he pushed things - likely would have felt? He wouldn’t knock for once not having to be the ‘fun spoiler’.

Still, somebody had to do it, preferably before Aries decided he should. “-Don’t suppose you’ve ever heard of having a little sympathy, Jasper?” He paused briefly, likely weighing up reminding yet again that smoking within the pavilion itself wasn’t allowed, before actively deciding against it. They both know he knew that already. “Nobody wants to be second-hand smoking by breakfast, to begin with, let alone kids that are still suffering from burns and smoke inhalation.”

Though the argument could have been made that the Deshret campers were on the other side of the pavilion, the argument he presented still sounded far more concrete than asking him to simply not smoke. “Stub it.”


Name: Aurelia Ornery | Mentions: Ozias & Aries (indirectly), open

The half-siren in question had been one of the first to be a little bolder about approaching the other camp, clearly enjoying being within the spotlight of attention the younger campers of Deshret kindly provided. As much as she could have argued that she was doing it to distract from what injuries they’d suffered, there was simply little need to, nor would she bother to lie if confronted over the matter.

Say what you would, but it was nice to be appreciated. That wasn’t to say she wasn’t admired among her own camp - or at least she assumed she was - but unlike her peers, the clueless and excited faces that surrounded her made comparisons to mermaids as they admired her subtly shifting hair and stared wide-eyed at the webbed fingers she wriggled. Even when she corrected them, not mermaid but siren and half of one at that, there was no change in their attitude. No realisation in the differences, no negative associations. Indeed, she couldn’t deny it was nice.

Content to answer their wild questions, it would seem this was one of the instances in which Aurelia was simply pleasant for the sake of such; certainly, so far - outside of a mildly boosted ego - there was little to gain by surrounding herself with still-shaken children. Her communication was flippant as is, especially in regards to people close to her age, but the younger kids made it seem almost easy in comparison.

Occasionally shifting around the room, her eyes were inclined to settle upon a face that was arguably the most familiar, the boy she had once cautioned over the nastiness of Nymphs. Oscar, as ever, stuck out like a sore thumb. For a moment, she seemed almost tempted to call him over, not Oscar, but Oliver this time. Until, at least, she registered he stood beside somebody else. She couldn’t recall if the boy was familiar, he might have been, but she wasn’t sure. In any case, she was rather selective, and therefore decided against it.

Should they have caught her eye, however, the very least she could offer them was a smile that suggested she’d rather be anywhere else than surrounded by strange children. It was entirely likely they’d seen her beforehand, but even that was easily played off.


Name: Vanessa De Luca | Mentions: None, open

Comfortably seated between those she was happy to refer to has her half-brothers and sisters, their table located roughly in the middle of the pavilion in order to avoid both being unsociable and too close to the others, unlike the rest of those she had spotted lingering around, she held no interest in the group collectively referred to as the ‘others’.

She might have sympathised with their situation and injuries, which really only meant she cared about it briefly and thought little of it thereafter, but that didn’t mean she wanted to talk to them about it. She was perfectly happy in the company she had, thank you very much, and while she had little to contribute to the whispers and speculations, they were certainly interesting to listen to when she didn’t find herself involved in a tangle of conversations, bickering and laughter. Red hair swept gracefully along one shoulder, till they’d cleared their plates at least, any efforts to ‘mingle’ were easily dismissed.


Name: Reyna Vane | Mentions: Verena, Jacyln, open

“Maybe it won’t be as bad as we think it is…” Chimed Reyna suddenly, who had the sneaking suspicion that her input might have surprised the girl she vaguely recognised mere moments after she’d open her mouth. A prompt apology would follow if she had, and Reyna’s painful optimism was ever-present in the grin she had mustered. Despite her favourite oversized poncho being singed at its edges, the worst of her cuts and bruises being a rather shallow gash on a small section of her forehead, she appeared to forcibly channel any nervous energy into an odd sort of excitement, and again looked upon the sea of unfamiliar faces with the determination that suggested such was a task to be mastered. She hadn’t been listening long, though her features seemed sheepishly apologetic anyways. It wasn’t as if the girl had spoken to her directly.

She’d harmlessly meandered over with the intent to strike up a conversation, though swiftly became side-tracked once all of her ‘excitement’ seemed to falter, and she got sucked into watching another nearby girl - also of Deshret by the looks of things - tend to whatever animal was bundled in her arms. She opened her mouth again, likely to ask if she could see such before she ultimately decided against it.

It was rude enough to simply start babbling, let alone flippantly changing topics.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-01-14 16:42:44

❃.✮:▹Merida Ada Grey (Flame)◃:✮.❃
16 Years Old|Female|Daughter of Apollo|Mention(s): Fynn

"Merida", she said, introducing herself and plopping another grape into her mouth. Turning back to her food, she started to put the cheese on the fresh bread and balanced a few grapes on it. Finished, she inspected her work. Well, as good as it's going to get. As Flynn spoke again, she shrugged her shoulder, "No worries." Pointing to the tables around them, she explained, "We're only aloud to sit at our parent's respective table, if we break the rule..", Merida paused and thought about it, 'what did happen if you sat at the wrong table?', she wondered. "stuff happens", she finished, shrugging her shoulders again. "Guess it doesn't really matter with you guys, since you don't have tables here anyways", Merida added.
After taking a few bites of her food, she looked the guy next to her over. "Is it true, that some of you guys aren't demigods?", she asked. The red haired girl could not realy wrap her head around it, why were those kids here then?

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Zera (G2 Ennedi Ice) (#155730)

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Posted on
2019-01-14 16:58:29
Flynn Evans // Son Of Ptah
Mentions: Merida, Open

Flynn listened to the Greek demigod speak for a while. He wasn't really paying attention, half wishing he could just... lay down and sleep. Not die, but sleep. He enjoyed sleep almost as much as he enjoyed food. But she had asked a question and caught his attention.

"No," Flynn narrowed his blue eyes, scanning Merida's eyes for hints of intention. "Some Of us are magicians," he explained and leaned back. "Y'know... magic and all that. Not everyone has to be a demigod to be mythological Y'know." He half snorted. "Egyptians aren't all unfaithful like the Greek."

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-01-15 01:00:28

⇺ [ Silenus ] ⇻
Male • Old • Camp Halfblood Staff
Mentions: Aver, Persephone, Ptah, Pan (Directly)

Silenus' attention remained firmly on Aver as they explained what had befallen their camp, his countenance growing dismal as the sordid details were revealed. An atrocity like this was almost unheard of in the modern era, and it unnerved him greatly, his long ears pinning back against his head in dismay. While, under ordinary circumstances, he might have otherwise been caught up in trying to figure out the demigod's unusual face, which remained obscured no matter how hard he looked at them, the seriousness of the situation wouldn't allow such frivolity.

He found his voice caught in his throat, anger, and fear, momentarily rendering him speechless as Ptah grimly announced the annihilator of Camp Deshret might even find his way here. When was the last time he was genuinely afraid? It had been so long he could barely recall. "If that bastard dares set foot here we'll give him a fight he won't soon forget," he seethed, swiftly reigning in his temper. "What I mean to say is, if this Seshmu does find himself here, at the least we will be prepared," he added after an awkward cough. It wasn't often he lost his cool, but the state those kids had been in when they arrived...

Ptah and Aver's confirmation they would likely not survive without help combined with Persephone's plea had him automatically nodding in agreement, nearly forgetting himself. "Of course, we'll help you. Zeus be damned." He turned to Pan expectantly, waiting for a verbal agreement to be uttered. When it was not immediately forthcoming his eyes narrowed, and ears flattened against his skull even further, if such a feat were possible, but it appeared an argument wouldn't be needed. Pan spoke what they all wanted to hear with clear resolve, and some of the intensity in the room seemed to dissolve if only a little.

"I have a difficult question for you," he said after a moment, gazing back at Aver. "You say you're unsure if your director made it out alive. What of your campers? Did you manage to relocate all of them? Were...were any lost?" He was loath to ask, as he was sure Aver and Ptah already felt wretched over the whole ordeal, but if anyone had been left behind...he wondered if the idea of a rescue party ought to be discussed. He understood these deities and some of the campers had created portals to escape and were likely unwilling to return any time soon, but considering children were involved, he thought it crucial to be confident the majority, if not most, of the kids had made it out alive.


⇺ [ Erin Clearwater ] ⇻
Female • 17 • Child of Chimera
Mentions: Nathan, Jaclyn (Directly)

"I suppose maybe you have," Erin admitted softly, a small smile pulling at the edges of her mouth. "Such a bad influence." Though some might have considered the light-hearted joking inappropriate, Erin had grown accustomed to Nathan's mannerisms, and the fact they weren't in the least subdued brought her a great deal of comfort. Erin reflected that without Nathan, she likely wouldn't have even had the courage to leave her room today let alone thought of approaching strangers.

"I know this isn't like me, but the fact he's so upset about us sheltering people in need is's really messed up," she whispered weakly, her previous fire seemingly fizzling out right then and there. Her eyes darted nervously toward the barrier, the storm still raging on in the world outside. "You don't don't think he'd break it, do you? The barrier I mean, if he was mad enough?" Erin was beginning to regret leaving her dog, Riku, back in her cabin. She'd thought so many new people and the tense atmosphere would be too much for the young Shiba Inu, but now more than anything she wished she could run her fingers through his plush coat or feel the warmth of his side resting reassuringly against her leg.

Nathan's next humorous suggestion chased the fear out of her if only temporarily, a hand lifting to cover her face as an audible snort escaped her. "Well, I'm sad to say I really can't argue with that logic," she replied, remembering more than a few conversations in which Nathan's wry comments had nearly earned him a busted lip and bloody nose. As they reached the pavilion, Erin scanned the tables, a girl with an odd-looking pup sitting beside her catching her attention from the start. "How about her? She seems like she could use a friend right now."

Erin made her way over to Jaclyn's table, doing her best to keep the alarm she felt at the sight of the burns covering the girl and her coyote from her eyes. "H-hello," she greeted the other girl sheepishly, an awkward smile forming on her lips. "Um, I'm Erin, and this is Nathan! It's great to meet you. We were wondering er...well, if you needed anything. We're happy to assist you in any way!"


⇺ [ Ozias Fotakis ] ⇻
Male • 18 • Child of Hades
Mentions: Aries, Verena {Directly) / Aurelia (Indirectly)

An unexpected voice following Edgar's cawing caught Ozias off guard, appearing almost startled as he turned to glance back at Aries. Part of him was a little offended the other man had managed to catch him unawares so easily, but Ozias supposed, considering the situation, it was forgivable he'd been too focused on their guests to notice anyone else hanging around. He quickly searched his recent memories for a name, recalling he'd met this one briefly yesterday shortly after entering camp for the first time. "Aries...son of Ares," he murmured thoughtfully, the irony of such naming not lost on him, an amused smile threatening to replace his placid expression, just barely suppressed.

The discreet gesturing towards one of the Egyptian kids, his arms covered in painful looking burns, did elicit some sympathy and Ozias considered approaching the boy before he abruptly left his seat, moving further back into the pavilion. Uncertain if the child had overheard Aries' comments, his attention returned to his current company with a raised eyebrow. "You certainly don't hold anything back, do you?" He observed lightly. Since arriving, Ozias had taken note more than one of his fellow campers seemed to possess bold and brash personalities that seemed to lack much in the way of tact or subtlety.

As Aries' head titled slightly, Edgar mirrored the action, shiny black eyes watching his every movement. The crow offered a loud caw in response that resulted in a slight wince from his owner before spreading his wings, lifting into the air and soon disappearing somewhere beyond their line of sight. "Rude!" Ozias called after his pet in a tone of mock disgruntlement. "Forgive him. He doesn't have much in the way of manners. You know corvids, independent spirits, and what-not."

His gaze flickered back to the numerous campers currently occupying the dining area, momentarily lost in thought. "I guess we should introduce ourselves to some of them. Make them feel more at home. Who knows how long they'll be with us," he said with a shrug, once again searching the crowd for anyone who looked particularly out of their element. In doing so he briefly caught Aurelia's eye, having spotted her entertaining the children moments before, he wasn't fooled in the least by the impression she was uninterested in being here and his face reflected as such.

Assuming she would join him if she so wished and that Aries would likewise do the same, his gaze finally settled on a girl sitting solo near the back, a strange feline-like creature clutched close. He made his way through the gathering of other campers before finally arriving at her table, swinging his legs over the bench on the opposite side so he sat across from her. Upon closer inspection, he realized the 'cat' was a genet, a creature he'd never actually seen in person before now. "That's an interesting pet you have there. What's her name?" He asked, a friendly smile crossing his features, "Welcome to Camp Halfblood by the way, wish your visit was under better circumstances."


⇺ [ Jasper Montgomery ] ⇻
Male • 19 • Child of Mania
Mentions: Peter, Edward (Directly)

Speak of the devil he and he shall appear. Alternatively, perhaps, in this case, that was a bit unfair. If anyone here was comparable to Satan, it was Jasper himself. Regardless, the sight of Peter making his way toward him with an expression that fully informed him he was in for another lecture brought a wry smirk to his face, a languid wave provided once Peter halted in front of him. "I dunno Pete, you've known me the longest out of everyone here, what do you think?" He asked idly, holding the cigarette between his fingers so he could speak clearly, a wisp of smoke exiting his mouth as he talked.

Jasper thought about pointing out the Deshret kids were upwind and on the other side of the dining area, but Peter knew that already and there was little point in arguing. The scowl currently aimed in his direction seemed to imply his friend wouldn't be accepting any of his typical bullshit today. "You know, I don't ask for much. You could allow me a few bad habits," he complained in a dramatic tone, taking another drag from the cigarette, purposefully testing Peter's patience. He stared back at him for an uncomfortably long moment before promptly putting it out on the stone bench, rubbing the burning end down until it was snuffed out. "Happy now?"

Standing up, he flicked the used cigarette onto the ground at Peter's feet. If there was any concern for littering, his fellow camper could tend to it. "Don't worry, I get the hint. Beat it. I'm going, I'm going," he drawled before swinging around, pivoting on his heel and leaving the pavilion behind in favor of something more interesting. He'd grown bored with watching the newbies eat anyway and if he wasn't allowed to converse with any of them without either Peter or that Ares kid glaring at him he might as well go do something else. The silhouette of the Big House caught his eye before long and he started toward it, wondering if the gods were still inside discussing their new guests.

He might have crept closer to the door and tried to listen in if a muted noise beneath the porch hadn't caught his attention first. Sinking to his knees and peering beneath, he found himself staring at another camper. "Fancy meeting you here," he commented with obvious amusement. Jasper hadn't exactly expected to meet anyone content to cram themselves into such a dark, confined space, but if he remembered right, this was one of those monster kids. Maybe it was comforting, or some weird shit like that.

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Edited on 15/01/19 @ 01:13:50 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-01-15 06:28:06

°• ♔ •° | Verena Rozamond Feenstra | °• ♔ •°
19 | Female | Daughter of Anubis
Mentions: Reyna, Ozias [Directly]

Verena flinched slightly at the new voice, but quickly relaxed after seeing it was just another girl. She was from Camp Deshret, and looked vaguely familiar, though she couldn't recall her name. Still, it was comforting to see others from her camp, and she gave her a small smile. "Yeah, you're probably right," she mumbled, returning to observing the Greek demi-gods. She didn't know what had gotten into her. It was unlike her to be this nervous about speaking to new people, and the more she thought about it the more she felt like she was being silly. She needed to pull herself together. "Come, let's go say hi to someone."

Then, as if Verena had summoned him, a boy who looked to be around her age swung over the bench to sit across from her, seemingly interested in Tiye, who now straightened her posture so that her snout was just visible over the edge, peering across the table at the stranger. "This is Tiye. She looks cute right now but she's definitely going to annoy whichever poor soul ends up being my new roommate if we end up staying here," she smiled and scratched Tiye behind the ears, "and thank you. This is a really pretty camp you guys have here, even if the weather is choosing to be all ominous at the moment. I'm Verena, daughter of Anubis. It's nice to meet you." She put her good arm forward, intending to shake his hand, but just at that moment Tiye seemed to get tired of craning her neck to look at the boy. She leaped up so that she was standing on the table, but, still not used to her cast, bumped her injured leg on the edge. Wincing, Verena quickly retracted her hand and held her bandaged wrist as a sharp pain shot up it. She let out a shaky exhale and looked over at the genet. "Hey, you alright? You need to be more careful with that leg." Her tone was scolding, but there was still worry in her voice. Tiye's leg would take long enough to heal as it was, the last thing she needed was to damage it even more. "Sorry about that," she said, this time directed at the boy, "she just got her cast and she's not as agile as she used to be."

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