Posted by Rising From The Ashes | RP Thread

Circiinus [RLC
18.03.2022] (#35103)

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Posted on
2018-12-29 16:07:04

DISCLAIMER: Locations and mythos are the property of Rick Roirdan, as such, we do not claim it (



Fire. That's what the dream foretold of. Fire and ashes, as the thick smoke, billowed on the wind itself, leaving only ruin in its wake.

A dream no more as hissing embers rose amid a chorus of screams and disorientation. The flames seemed to thrive on the blantant chaos it lay among, children of all ages calling for parents both Godly and not as Camp Deshret sprang to life, attempting to restore a sense of order to the situation at hand. Their efforts, however, appeared as vain as futile attempts to quell the building flames, ultimately only serving to add to the very chaos that appeared to surround and engulf them as the smoke continued to thicken.

Among the frantic cries and desperate sobs, the groaning wail as charred wood gave way and surroundings trees lit like matches, came a word as countless campers clamoured and flocked to the poorly maintained portals. Retreat. The risk was considerable, for the portals had been made in haste and their magic waned, yet the promise that lay beyond was irrestistable. Safety. The risk was seldom thought of, the eldest among them sheperding and shouting both reassurance as Camp Directors did the same.

Their words, however, fell on deaf ears at the sound that followed, many forced to relinquish their grip on one another as their hands clasped their ears, the roar of the lion silencing even the fire.

A figure in the smoke, untouched by the flames through which he walked, the dull scrape of the butcher's knife against smouldering ground trailing what silence followed, smoke now intermingled with the pungent scent of spiced wine and lavish oils.

Shesmu had arrived and with him, came Deshret's destruction.



Camp Deshret, a supposed safe-haven for children of both Eygptian Divines and aspiring magicians, is no more. Desperate to spare otherwise innocent lives from the wrath of Shesmu - Drinker of blood and Lord of oils - in his efforts to overthrow Amun-Ra and take his place as King of the Gods, Deshret's former protectors cast portals elsewhere, anywhere, unaware that a similiar 'safe-haven' even exsisted.

Till now, anyways. The sudden arrival of a dozen wide-eyed children upon the hill was not something Camp Halfblood had ever anticipated, or, for that matter, thought possible. In spite of what suspicions promptly aroused, their unexpected guests were reluctantly welcomed; seemingly unaffected by the mist that so often deterred mere mortals. Things between and among either Camp seem tense, and neither seems to trust the other entirely, both uncertain what to make of the other.

Forced to co-exsist, with little option to do otherwise, perhaps things are not as bad as they seem...



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Edited on 03/01/19 @ 10:03:11 by Quinn (Ice ESR/EHR/Mott Ros) (#35103)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-01-15 11:48:21

❃.✮:▹Merida Ada Grey (Flame)◃:✮.❃
16 Years Old|Female|Daughter of Apollo|Mention(s): Fynn

Listening to Fynn, the red haired girl finished her food. By the time he'd made his last comment, she was done and had pushed it away. Moving around his goblet and taking a sip, she coughed a spluttered. "Ya, guess our gods are not really, well faithfull", Merida admitted, scratching her cheek. It was something that everybody knew, just never really said. Seriously, she only had to think of her own dad. He was pretty permisquas himself.
"Magician, hu?", she asked. The concept was new to her. "And you're a..", she looked the guy over, trying to figure out what he was. "a demigod?", Merida asked, taking a stab at it. Looking up, she spotted that several others had started to mingle too. The most surprising one was Ozias, he normally seemed to stick too himself. Guess everyone was full of surprises now. Finishing the last of her orange soda, Merida pushed the goblet away. "You need help with stuff? like how the goblets work? or how to get around camp?", Merida asked, not really knowing what else to say.

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Slytherin clean
fissure wine (#76271)

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Posted on
2019-01-15 12:20:40
Jaclyn - 19-daughter of Anubis-
Mentions: Erin, Nathan

As she sat at the table she picked at her food, she didn't have an appetite as what accrued still fresh in her mind had her feeling sick and saddened. Seeing everything she knew for the passed few years charred and knowing some people didnt make it out. She didnt even know where Anubis, her father, was or if he was okay.

Her mind stoped spinning all these ideas and 'what ifs' once she heard a girls voice addressing her. She looked up at the girl and gave a weak smile " hey" she said with a raspy voice still sore from the smoke. She coughed clearing her throat a bit. " its nice to meet you too Erin, Nathan. I'm Jaclyn." She greeted " I don't need anything at the moment but thanks for offering." She was grateful, she thought maybe these Greek demis might not take kindly to new comments.

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Zera (G2 Ennedi Ice) (#155730)

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Posted on
2019-01-15 15:32:12
Flynn Evans // Son Of Ptah
17 // Demigod
Mentions: Merida

Flynn gave a low smirk at her reaction. He wasn't... thinking straight at the moment. Sleep deprivation, lack of adrenaline and the lack of... familiar surroundings threw him off his groove. When she continued, Flynn looked over. "I don't know," he said, resting his chin in his hands. "My dad probably wants me nearby his side. Y'know his dads can be," he huffed and rolled his eyes.

Ptah... was overprotective. Flynn didn't mind it, but, well... oh well. "My dad's Ptah...." Flynn half snorted. Ptah... sounded like someone was sneezing or spitting. Either way... Flynn wasn't entirely grateful for the god's name, but st least he had power.

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𝔸𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕪 (#150179)

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Posted on
2019-01-15 15:51:53
⇻ Edward Seo ⇺
[ Male - 17 - Son of Hydra - Mentions: Jasper (Directly) ]

Immediately startled by a voice, Edward fumbled with the edge of his mask before pulling it up securely over his mouth and nose. Noodle had slunk under his arm, hiding like a furry armrest. His eyes had gone to a blown out silver in surprise, his entire form perked up as if to run. It took a few moments for him to settle down, his hands pressed against the dirt beside him. "Yeah, yeah.." He muttered, slumping in his spot in an almost embarrassed position. "I wasn't eavesdropping or anything-" He insisted, the mask blurring his words. He had always been bad with words. Definitely screwed.

In his confusion, Eddie had dropped his handful of crackers, much to Noodle's delight, The feline set upon the snacks happily, tail tapping gladly against his friend's hand. The boy, instinctively, reached out to stroke the cat from his head down his back with a glove-covered finger. "So.." He cleared his throat of the rasp from the poisons that he exhaled himself. "Is there anything you want from me?" Edward got out without a stammer, yet in his weak voice.

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Edited on 15/01/19 @ 17:03:02 by Anonymous (#150179)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-01-16 17:19:35

❃.✮:▹Merida Ada Grey (Flame)◃:✮.❃
16 Years Old|Female|Daughter of Apollo|Mention(s): Fynn

"Ya, dad's can be quite", Merida paused and searched for the right word, "Demanding." Lifting up her hand, she fingered her beaded necklace. There where 5 multi colored beads with different markings on each of them, representing the passed years she had spent at camp, mingled in with these beads where other items: a small wooden carving of an arrow, a woven golden piece of thread, a civil war area coin with a hole through it, and lastly a piece of leather shaped like a leaf. These items, all represented quests Merida had been on.
At the name of Fynn's father, the red haired greek girl gave a chuckle. It had actually taken her a second, to realize that his father's name was Ptah and not that he had to sneeze. Trying to hid her chuckle, Merida cleared her throat. "My dad's Apollo", Merida said. Realizing that this would probably mean as much to Fynn, as his father's name had meant to her, she added, "He's the god of music, prophecy, healing, the sun...", releasing that it would probably take ages to list what her father was the god of, Merida broke off. "Well and archery, sort of, lot's of other things too", she finished. Taking her goblet again and saying orange soda, she took a sip. She'd definitely started too ramble, embarrassing.
Giving the guy next to her a glanze, she saw that he looked like he was going to fall asleep soon. "Where are you guys going to stay?", Merida asked. Normally new people always stayed in the Hermes cabin, until they were claimed, but the egyptians?

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Edited on 16/01/19 @ 17:20:42 by ⛄LightQueen🦌HoHoHo🎅 (#59203)

Zera (G2 Ennedi Ice) (#155730)

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Posted on
2019-01-16 22:29:28
Flynn Evans // Son Of Ptah
17 // Mentions: Merida

Flynn leaned back, nearly falling. He listened, almost half-heartedly. None of what she was saying was really... interesting to him. Usually, he'd be glad to learn more about another god. But, Flynn was homesick. He wanted nothing more than to go back home... not even to camp Desheret. But his old home. He missed those days with Ptah. Even if they were boring sometimes. They were familiar and quiet.

Flynn looked over as Merida presented another question. "I don't know," he answered and stood up, running one hand through his hair. "I... I just don't know. How's that? What am I supposed to know? Do I look like the lead kid here?" His tone grew icy and cold, proving his irritation and worn patience. "No. I'm not. I don't know, Okay? I just want to have some place to sleep and I don't... don't really care where that is right now."

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-01-17 10:23:01

❃.✮:▹Merida Ada Grey (Flame)◃:✮.❃
16 Years Old|Female|Daughter of Apollo|Mention(s): Fynn

Merida looked over, from the corner of her eye, as Flynn suddenly burst out. Her eyebrow twitched, she did not like being yelled at or whatever he was doing now. "No need to get so icy", she said, finishing the last of her drink. Her voice was also a bit stoney and her green eyes held fast, she tried to not be angry though. This kid, like the others from the egyptian camp, seemed to have gone through quite an ordeal.
Also getting to her feet, Merida ran her hand along her brade. As she moved, her beaded necklace jangled a bit. "Well, if you don't mind the smell of sage and bandages, we still have one or two open beds in our cabin", she offered, crossing her arms in front of her chest. Her voice had a slight edge to it, it was not really unfriendly though. As she waited for his answer, Merida looked around at the others. They all seemed to be mingling with one another, would the egyptian kids join the camp. Was there even enough space, for all of the new kids?

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-01-17 13:39:16

⇺ [ Jasper Montgomery ] ⇻
Male • 19 • Child of Mania
Mentions: Edward (Directly)

"Sure you weren't," Jasper replied in a disbelieving tone, eyes gleaming with mirth. He'd clearly startled the other boy and it brought him a great deal of amusement, but for once he decided not to make matters worse in that regard, at least not purposefully. They had a mutual interest after all. "So, can you actually hear anything under there?" Without waiting for an answer he crawled under the porch until he was sitting beside Eddie beneath the floorboards, taking up what little space was left.

Much to his disappointment, all he could hear was some vague murmuring. "Lame." The crunch of something chewing drew his eyes down to Noodle, realizing for the first time Eddie wasn't exactly alone. He watched the cat munch away with gusto for a moment longer before reaching over and, if permitted, scratching Noodle's chin. "Cute cat. What its name?" He asked idly as if it were completely normal for them to be hiding out under a porch. "And what's your name? Don't think we've met yet. I'm Jasper. Certified spawn of Satan. Nice to me you."

((Gonna wait on Quinn and Ny before posting with my others.))

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𝔸𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕪 (#150179)

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Posted on
2019-01-17 14:20:26
⇻ Edward Seo ⇺
[ Male - 17 - Son of Hydra - Mentions: Jasper (Directly) ]

"I can catch a few words." He admitted, trying to slide up against the damp wood planks to make room for the newcomer. It was unnerving, being close to another camper. Edward felt as if he would suddenly burn away the supports of the Big House and send the entire structure crashing down or something.

His feline companion seemed to have drawn Jasper's attention, with the sound of himself relishing the crackers. Were cats supposed to eat so much of the biscuits? Probably not, but Noodle could eat his own tail and he would be fine. "It's Noodle." He replied in a near whisper, the ghost of a smile passing over his lips under the fabric that hid his lower face as he watched the cat lean upwards into the camper's touch. It must be nice for him, finally getting a few scratches from a hand that wasn't covered in rubber or latex. "I'm Edward. Hydra's kid." He continued after an awkward pause, calming the adrenaline that ran through his veins at the mention of his father. It was a real strange reaction, tied to the familiar popping of a few greenish scales emerging from under his skin along his neck and wrist. The incident happened every time some one attempted conversation with him, as if his reflexes wanted to defend him and run. But he resisted the shivers running down his spine, taking a few deep breaths and thanking the gods that his clothing hid the freakish responses.

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2019-01-18 12:45:17

Aver - Staff Member - Child of Bes
Mentions: Pan, Silenus, Ptah, Persephone

Aver's eyes narrowed infinitesimally as they waited for Pan's verdict. It wasn't quite suspicion; they had a feeling that even if Pan tried to say no, he might be overruled by the other gods at either side of him. All was silent for a moment, and then she saw his expression relax and knew that they were going to be okay. Persephone saying it aloud had allayed some of her fear, but it was one thing for hear it and another to know it.

"Well, that's fantastic," they answered, not even bothering to keep the obvious relief out of their voice. "Gods, I was so worried, I feel like I have so many . . . it's . . . I mean, I never anticipated having to deal with a situation like this, you know?"

They considered the situation while thinking about what they'd need to do first, trying to ignore the hunger gnawing at their insides. It had been hours since they'd eaten and now that they didn't have to worry about the fate of their remaining campers, it was catching up with them. "I'm, well this is a little embarrassing but I'm so hungry I could eat a horse. At least that's how it feels. Now that we know we can stay, I'd love to get my campers checked for injuries again. I know most of the major things were taken care of when we arrived but I know a lot of us have burns."

They didn't mention that they themselves had been burned in several places, but the pain had faded into a duller burn by that point. The kids needed attention first. As Silenus mentioned a search party, though, Aver couldn't stop their composure from just shattering.

"I - I'm so sorry," they managed to gasp, through a sob that was building up. Their face felt wet and they realized tears were leaking from the corners of their eyes. "It's been . . . a long night, and you've been very kind already, and we're missing so many people, so many kids, and every single one of them was my responsibility."

Scrubbing at their eyes with their hoodie sleeve, Aver tried taking a deep breath before speaking again - they weren't sure if what they'd just said was very coherent at all. "A search party would be amazing," they said, a little quieter than they'd been talking before. "If even one person is still alive . . . I'd never be able to live with myself if I abandoned them." A few more tears tracked down their face, only to be wiped away as they sighed and willed their face to change, erasing the tearstains and reddened eyes and replacing them with their usual appearance, easy as a mask sliding on.


Persephone - Activity Director - Goddess of Spring and Queen of the Underworld
Mentions: Aver, Pan, Silenus, Ptah

Despite the confirmation that the campers would be allowed to stay, Persephone could swear that her heart was breaking for them. It was clear, now that they were actually wearing a face, that Aver was exhausted. They'd been running themselves ragged since the strangers had appeared, making sure that their campers' injuries were treated and comforting those that were missing siblings or friends and ignoring their own needs.

"Oh, dear," she whispered, before speaking aloud. "Don't worry, Aver. Your campers are safe here. You didn't abandon anyone; you brought a remarkable number of children to safety. Everything is going to be okay now; we're going to take care of it. Let me get you some food."

She motioned with a hand and a bowl in the center of the table - which, up to that point, had been empty - filled with various fruits and vegetables, including strawberries and kiwis and for some reason a few pomegranates. Aver pulled the bowl over and picked out a few things to eat while Persephone talked. "So, Aver, when we have time, I'd love to know what sorts of activities you did at your camp. Integration will be a lot easier if you bring your customs and such with you! I can get you a list of all of our open cabins, of course. Would you personally prefer a cabin or a room in the Big House?"

Persephone turned some to look at Ptah then; he had been rather silent. "And your name is Ptah, correct? Perhaps you'd help organize a search party - we still don't know where your camp is or who you're missing, after all. Between Aver and I I'm sure we can get the campers settled and back into a routine, so you don't need to worry about that." It was just a suggestion, naturally, but someone was going to need to give them the location of their ruined camp for the search.

Looking out of one of the large windows and over the fields and cabins and pavilions, Persephone sighed softly to herself. She loved the camp, of course, but they never had things like this happen in the Underworld. The urge to go home, to see her husband and return to her usual duties, was intense for half a second, but they'd both be punished harshly by Zeus if she did so. At least in her exile she could help others. Still, homesickness was difficult to manage at the best of times. Perhaps she should Iris-call Hades later, but she wasn't sure if it would help or make her miss him more.

((Not posting with Aries on this one - no motivation for him. Sorry it took so long!))

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Zera (G2 Ennedi Ice) (#155730)

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Posted on
2019-01-18 12:52:09
Ptah // Staff Of Desheret
Mentions: Pan, Aver, Persephone

The Egyptian god ran one hand through his hair, half-heartedly listening to the conversation. Once Persephone had addressed him, however, he realized how little he had listened to. "I-I... uh... pardon, could you repeat that?" He questioned with a silent wince.

He wasn't sure who was missing... nor who was alive still--if anyone--and if it was even safe enough to go after them. But he kept all these worries inside of his head. No need to scare everyone else, or drop their hopes. He eventually exhaled. "No matter. Never mind that. What we need to do right now is figure out where the children are staying. That should be our main focus," he said firmly, gathering strength to his words. "Those who have made it need to relax and calm down. And anyone who hasn't... made it yet, should be accounted for. I don't know if it's safe yet."

The Egyptian god closed his mouth and waited for some sort of response. He was a bit of a coward when it came to danger. Thus the reason he was even with the camp Desheret. He had chickened out in the mortal world and rushed his son to what he believed was safety. But now...? Not even he was sure.

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-01-18 14:29:18

⇺ [ Silenus ] ⇻
Male • Old • Camp Halfblood Staff
Mentions: Aver, Persephone, Ptah, Pan (Directly)

As Aver seemed to break down Silenus was quick to join Persephone in assuring them that they weren't at fault. "You did your very best out there considering the circumstances. I doubt Pan and I could have done any better in your shoes." As Persephone seemed to have things under control in concerns to assisting Aver with the campers as well as offering her something to eat, his attention turned to Ptah. He didn't seem as eager as his co-worker to send out a search party. "I understand you're afraid, but you must persevere despite it. There are children at risk. Children you are responsible for."

"Pan, Persephone, and Aver will see to the campers already here, so you and I can return to the camp to search for anyone who was left behind." His tone left little room for argument and his gaze, while still holding a sense of gentleness, was quite severe. "I will never find the way if you don't guide me. You must be brave, and dangerous or not, you must go back. "Silenus waited for Ptah either to agree or refuse. Should he disagree he supposed Aver would have to show him the way instead, but considering their state he hoped Ptah could put aside his own misgivings and do what was right.


⇺ [ Ozias Fotakis ] ⇻
Male • 18 • Child of Hades
Mentions: Verena {Directly) / Nathan (Indirectly)

"I've seen quite a few interesting pets since I arrived. I'm sure she can't be any worse than the weird lemur thing I met yesterday. Asked the guy what it was and he offered me a vague shrug in response. Seemed quite troublesome." Verena noting the weather saw his gaze shift to the rain plummeting in the distance beyond the barrier before reverting back to her. "Oh that? I wouldn't worry too much. It's just Zeus throwing a temper tantrum. From what I hear he does that from time to time."

When she mentioned her father's name it brought a genuine smile to his face. "What a coincidence. Seems our fathers have something in common. I'm Ozias, son of Hades." Upon reaching out to shake her hand, the Genet leaped onto the table, bumping her leg in the process. Her owner's reaction was unexpected and interesting, a pained expression crossing her face as her hand recoiled. "Understandable," he replied once she apologized, looking from Tiye to Verena as if expecting a bit more of an explanation. "It's almost like you felt her pain."


⇺ [ Jasper Montgomery ] ⇻
Male • 19 • Child of Mania
Mentions: Edward (Directly)

"Your hearing must be better than mine then," Jasper grumbled, falling quiet for a few minutes as the conversation above picked up, but unable to really make sense of anything that was being said. Edward mentioning who his father was quickly saw his disappointment replaced by intrigue, however. "So, you really are one of those monster kids, huh? What kinda powers you got? Can you turn into a beast? Spit poison? You got claws and teeth under there?" He asked, leaning closer and sounding far too enthusiastic over the possibilities.

Jasper could sense a certain amount of discomfort coming from Edward and took that as a hint to back up a bit. Reckless and insensitive as he could be, he didn't have a deathwish and it was probably likely his new 'friend' could do quite a bit of damage if he felt threatened. "I'd kill for powers like that. All I can do is make people go insane," he lamented dramatically. "Only the weak ones though. Normal humans don't stand a chance, but other demigods? They tend to be...more resistant."

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Edited on 23/01/19 @ 22:11:47 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

𝔸𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕪 (#150179)

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Posted on
2019-01-18 23:54:45
⇻ Edward Seo ⇺
[ Male - 17 - Son of Hydra - Mentions: Jasper (Directly) ]

"Well, I mean..." He started, cautiously tugging off one of his black rubber gloves. The boy held his hand out in front of him with a frown, before reaching forward and brushing a finger over a weed that thrived in the dampness under the porch. The leaves immediately shriveled up and the plant died, leaving a withered black lump in it's place. He let out a small sigh, tucking his acidic hand back into the glove. "Heard of those Hydra stories with dad's poison breath an' stuff?" He tapped a finger against his mask. "I inherited all of that. Plus the ability to shift. Plus a whole lot of other stuff I wish I didn't have. Kinda inconvenient, y'know.." He uttered, reviewing the many times he hurt someone with the 'powers' Jasper mentioned.

Eventually getting somewhat tranquil around the other camper, Eddie could listen to his words carefully, without worry. "Making people go insane sounds cool. Could have avoided a lot of incidents." He acknowledged the countless schools he had been kicked out of, simply for accidentally injuring another student. It was before he had been given rubber gloves, before his breath had been locked away in the fabric concealing his face. "I've heard demigods are stronger than normal mortals. It's true, isn't it?"

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Circiinus [RLC
18.03.2022] (#35103)

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Posted on
2019-01-19 06:12:04

Name: Nathan Young | Male, 17 | Mentions: Erin Clearwater, Jaclyn (directly)

“Me? A bad influence? I’ll have you know, I did community service outta the good’a my golden heart.” Replied Nathan as-a-matter-of-factly, feigning an admittedly over-dramatic look of hurt, if only momentarily. As much as he might usually have been able to stick to a lie till he was blue in the face and believe it at that, his signature grin - which seemed almost pained by his own efforts - ultimately betrayed him as he reflected on the idea itself. Not even he could imagine that. She might have said it like it was a bad thing, but as far as Nathan was concerned? She didn’t really think so, at the very least, she hadn’t punched him in the face for something he’d said or done just yet, as much as she sometimes seemed to disapprove.

His eyes moved almost thoughtfully towards the swirling clouds above when she managed to voice her concerns, though the dubious furrowing of his features clearly seemed to indicate he did not share them. He might’ve embraced the Gods a fair bit more in comparison to when he’d first arrived, he supposed, but he was somewhat of a sucker for free stuff; in any case, while he might’ve accepted they existed, it was rather clear he didn’t regard them very highly. Erin’s speculations would receive little more than a disapproving tut as he shook his head, “I don’t think so. I don’t think he could even if he wanted to. He’s nothin’ more than hot air, all thunder and no lightning, if you catch my drift.”

Though his front might have suggested he had no qualms about slandering considerably powerful deities, though only subtle, he did not speak as loudly - or for that matter confidently - as he had in comparison to moments earlier; while there was a certain thrill to be obtained from insulting something so powerful, it would seem that Nathan Young did possess a rather small shred of self-preservation given his remark went no further. Truthfully, he wasn’t quite sure what to make of the ongoing temper tantrum, gifted with the indifference of someone who still could not comprehend the situation they were apart of. Or, perhaps, he simply failed to care.

Instead, he’d trail after Erin like a shadow, eyes passing over an assortment of faces both familiar and not, with interest that fizzled rather quickly. It wasn’t that he didn’t intend to or couldn’t be bothered, he liked to consider himself the type’a guy who could settle among anyone rather easily.

Unfortunately that seemed to be his problem. What he thought and the reality of the situation were often vastly different thus swanning off into a crowd of traumatized children didn’t seem to be the best idea when his mouth had the habit of running away with itself. He couldn’t help feel mildly relieved by Erin’s selection in the way that the girl they were fast-approaching seemed almost normal at first glance, if not a year or so older.

Nonetheless, with introductions otherwise given, his extroverted nature seemed to thrive as he almost immediately opted to have taken a seat at the table, offering Jaclyn a rather lopsided smile that seemed to suggest he was entirely unconvinced by her refusal. Neither flinching nor seeming to acknowledge the burns she and her companion sustained, having come to the conclusion that if it were him, he’d rather forget all about it, whether or not she needed anything was soon up for debate.

Absently picking a strawberry from another Camper’s plate while their back was turned, something which very well seemed second nature to him, his expression seemed as unconvinced as his smile. “-You sure about that? ‘Cause I’d say you do, everybody does, when they first turn up here. Bit mental, when your life gets turned upside down…” Came the reflective murmur. As much as their situations were on entirely different levels of ‘a bit mental’, he could at least sympathise with how utterly disgusting change could feel. He imagined that almost perishing in some sort of disaster felt far worse than finding out you were a demi-god, but given he did not consider that realisation to be a particularly happy one, he considered that he had a small amount of understanding.

“Me? Me, I needed a smoke. I needed somethin’ normal, I picked fights and got my ass kicked, ‘cause it was normal. I didn’t want to be here or be what I was, I just wanted to go back to bein’ called a little shit ‘cause that’s what I was, not because I couldn’t help bein’ one, or because it wasn’t my fault. You, I dunno about you, but I know that there’s probably somethin’ you want. Anythin’. We could help with it.”

He stayed away from the topic of what she was and where she was from entirely, he was fairly poor at comforting others as is, so he wasn’t about to push her to talk about things he couldn’t understand. His perspective was rather plain, clearly thinking of Jaclyn as he often considered others, normal, before anything else. Hoping to keep her talking at that, or at least ensure things stayed pleasant, his attention conversationally turned to her companion.

“That’s a weird lookin’ dog... S’it yours?”


Name: Peter Lovel | Male, 19 | Mentions: Jasper, open

The fact he’d failed to answer Jasper might’ve spoken for itself, if the fact Jasper had asked rather than answered didn’t already, inclined to roll his eyes toward what theatrics followed.”It’s not the habit as much as it is when and where you choose to do it.” Why he bothered to reiterate a fact they were both already well aware of he wasn’t sure, bizarre as it often was to rise to Jasper’s apparent lack of understanding, again and again he was helpless to do anything other. As if this time would be different than the last. Peter himself was not adverse to the ‘bad habit’ in question, and if the pavilion itself had been empty in comparison to overcrowded?

It was entirely likely he’d’ve had nothing to say, other than asking for one, answering whatever question Jasper bothered to think of at the present time. As the cigarette in question was promptly stubbed and discarded at his feet, he could only offer a grin, making little effort to restrain a rather smug edge from the answer that followed. “Thrilled.”

This type of behaviour was not necessarily uncommon and Peter therefore seemed rather used to it, briefly crouching to have retrieved the smouldering stub simply because such was his nature. Said behaviour, as Peter had come to interpret it, was as close to sulking as Jasper seemed to come; thus Peter made no effort to protest his leaving or ask where it was he intended to go.

With the vast majority of Campers still bustling around the pavilion, he supposed there wasn’t much trouble his fellow camper could create, even if that assumption vastly discredited Jasper’s affinity for such. ‘Bad habit’ taken care of, Peter soon found himself back among the sea of people once the cigarette had been properly disposed of.


((Shockingly short, sorry all. No posts from Pan, Vanessa, Aurelia or Reyna simply because I could think of little to write that actually contributed something without interrupting others or repeating what's already been said.))

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-01-19 23:04:24

°• ♔ •° | Verena Rozamond Feenstra | °• ♔ •°
19 | Female | Daughter of Anubis
Mentions: Ozias [Directly]

Verena cleared her throat and ran a hand through her hair. "Uh, yeah. It's a little complicated," she began slowly, mulling over how she should explain her and Tiye's situation to him. She'd usually wait until she got to know a person better before telling them that part of her soul was in an animal. Sometimes when people found out she could manipulate souls it freaked them out, and they'd stop speaking to her, but occasionally she'd get a different reaction from people where they'd start poking and prodding at Tiye, asking if she could feel it. That resulted in nothing but a very annoyed explanation from Verena that 'no', she couldn't feel it, she could only feel any pain that Tiye felt. But, if this was the son of Hades, maybe he wasn't as judgemental. As he'd pointed out, their fathers weren't all that different.

"I have the power of necromancy, as well as the ability of soul manipulation, and Tiye here is the first being I brought back to life," she finally said, reaching over to stroke her fur. "I was pretty young, and necromancy is complicated, so it's pretty unsurprising that something went wrong... and, uh... basically, long story short, I put part of my own soul in her body so I could bring her back from the dead. So now any pain that she feels - I feel, and vice versa." Once she'd finished speaking she rested her arms on the table. She looked back at him expectantly, awaiting a reaction.

[OOC: I'm on mobile, so please excuse me if this post isn't that great in quality. :/ ]

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