Posted by Rising From The Ashes | OOC Thread/Sign-ups

Circiinus [RLC
18.03.2022] (#35103)

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Posted on
2018-12-29 18:05:14

DISCLAIMER: Locations and mythos are the property of Rick Roirdan, as such, we do not claim it (



Fire. That's what the dream foretold of. Fire and ashes, as the thick smoke, billowed on the wind itself, leaving only ruin in its wake.

A dream no more as hissing embers rose amid a chorus of screams and disorientation. The flames seemed to thrive on the blantant chaos it lay among, children of all ages calling for parents both Godly and not as Camp Deshret sprang to life, attempting to restore a sense of order to the situation at hand. Their efforts, however, appeared as vain as futile attempts to quell the building flames, ultimately only serving to add to the very chaos that appeared to surround and engulf them as the smoke continued to thicken.

Among the frantic cries and desperate sobs, the groaning wail as charred wood gave way and surroundings trees lit like matches, came a word as countless campers clamoured and flocked to the poorly maintained portals. Retreat. The risk was considerable, for the portals had been made in haste and their magic waned, yet the promise that lay beyond was irrestistable. Safety. The risk was seldom thought of, the eldest among them sheperding and shouting both reassurance as Camp Directors did the same.

Their words, however, fell on deaf ears at the sound that followed, many forced to relinquish their grip on one another as their hands clasped their ears, the roar of the lion silencing even the fire.

A figure in the smoke, untouched by the flames through which he walked, the dull scrape of the butcher's knife against smouldering ground trailing what silence followed, smoke now intermingled with the pungent scent of spiced wine and lavish oils.

Shesmu had arrived and with him, came Deshret's destruction.



Camp Deshret, a supposed safe-haven for children of both Eygptian Divines and aspiring magicians, is no more. Desperate to spare otherwise innocent lives from the wrath of Shesmu - Drinker of blood and Lord of oils - in his efforts to overthrow Amun-Ra and take his place as King of the Gods, Deshret's former protectors cast portals elsewhere, anywhere, unaware that a similiar 'safe-haven' even exsisted.

Till now, anyways. The sudden arrival of a dozen wide-eyed children upon the hill was not something Camp Halfblood had ever anticipated, or, for that matter, thought possible. In spite of what suspicions promptly aroused, their unexpected guests were reluctantly welcomed; seemingly unaffected by the mist that so often deterred mere mortals. Things between and among either Camp seem tense, and neither seems to trust the other entirely, both uncertain what to make of the other.

Forced to co-exsist, with little option to do otherwise, perhaps things are not as bad as they seem...



As you might have guessed, this RP contains elements of the Kane Chronicles (Egyptian Gods, Magicians) in a crossover with the Percy Jackson series. We do not, however, accept canon characters outside of the Gods themselves. (Percy, Annabeth, Carter, Sadie and so forth, are all non-exsistant, as far as this RP is concerned. Additionally, Children of monsters are accepted. See Character Sheets for more info).

This is and will be the RPs Main chat thread, whether accepting new faces or simply discussing what goes on in RP. Please ensure you keep it professional though, spamming is not appreciated.

Other than that, Feel free to join. We don't bite! ;D

NOTE: Lioden Rules Apply, PLEASE read the rules located in the Character Sheets. Faliure to do this will result in your application being DECLINED


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Edited on 03/01/19 @ 10:01:34 by Quinn (Ice ESR/EHR/Mott Ros) (#35103)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-01-13 22:41:48
My intros, though sub-par, are posted, so the rest of you can feel free to add your own whenever you have the time. Beginnings are always a bit difficult for me so hopefully, I shall do better next time. Looking forward to seeing everyone jump in. :)

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MORTALI. (#111475)

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Posted on
2019-01-13 23:11:28
I'll post in a bit, rewatching Avengers IW so I can cry my eyes out all over again

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-01-13 23:13:12
Ugh don't even mention that movie, I'm probably one of the few people who did not like that shit. Better bring my bois Loki and Heimdall BACK in the next movie.

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MORTALI. (#111475)

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Posted on
2019-01-13 23:18:54
I loved the movie but I was so mad when they *'died'* I hope they bring Loki and Heimdall back bc their supposed to be going back in time..? I think.. thats what I've heard, and judging by the spoilers I think that's whats gonna happen.

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-01-13 23:20:25
We can indeed hope. Making us wait too damn long for Endgame. I can't handle the suspense.

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MORTALI. (#111475)

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Posted on
2019-01-13 23:23:56
Honestly same.. Are you gonna go see Captain Marvel?

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-01-13 23:27:48
Yep! I've seen every Marvel movie to come out since the first Iron Man and I'm not stopping any time soon. >:3 I've yet to see Into The Spiderverse, but that's mostly due to concerns with the animation. While I don't have epilepsy I'm really sensitive to flashing lights and stuff so I figured I better save that one for home.

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MORTALI. (#111475)

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Posted on
2019-01-13 23:32:50
I've seen them all too, Thor the darkwprld was probably my least favorite honestly. I haven't seen Spiderman Into The Spiderverse because I haven't had time but I swear I will, it looks amazing. Ah, well I hope you do get to see it at sometime. What about Aquaman?

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-01-13 23:41:01
I see all the DC films as well because I'm superhero trash. xD I loved Aquaman personally. Some of the sillier moments made me cringe a little, mostly the background music did me in, and I thought some of the pacing could have been better, but it was really enjoyable imo.

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MORTALI. (#111475)

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Posted on
2019-01-13 23:43:08
I haven't seen it cause again, I was busy with the holidays and family. I can't wait for The Flash, Flashpoint cause, One.) The flash is the freaking best and deserves a live action movie. And Two) Its Ezra Miller so of course I'm gonna see it lmao. I'm off to bed though, its nearly two in the morning, hopefully I'll have everything done tomorrow. Good Night ^~^

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Edited on 13/01/19 @ 23:43:21 by 🌕⟨Moon★Days⟩🌅&trad (#111475)

Circiinus [RLC
18.03.2022] (#35103)

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Posted on
2019-01-13 23:44:09
‘Sub-par intros’. In what world? That’s such a lie. Agreed both on the topic of IW and DC, admittedly excited for Shazam and definitely excited for the WW sequel.

EDIT: Night!~

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Edited on 13/01/19 @ 23:45:01 by Quinn (Ice ESR/EHR/Mott Ros) (#35103)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-01-13 23:46:12
Thanks Quinn, I appreciate your support. :') And night Moon! I agree, so excited for all the films yet to come.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-01-14 11:26:32
I'm not feeling so good today, so I'll post something late tonight or tomorrow.

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Circiinus [RLC
18.03.2022] (#35103)

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Posted on
2019-01-14 11:38:51
Hope you feel better soon! That's totally understandable.

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Zera (G2 Ennedi Ice) (#155730)

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Posted on
2019-01-14 12:43:48
Oh dear.

School and everything.

How should I jump in?

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