Posted by OPEN :|: The Jaguar Moon :|: LITERATE

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2018-12-30 23:47:39



A Literate-Advanced Dog Roleplay
Mod: InsertCleverNameHere



"Praise be...." In the shadows of a massive pyramid, a lean, noble dog gazed up into the beam of pale orange light illuminating the crown of the temple. Silhouetted against the star-studded heavens was the shape of a cat. A large cat. A jaguar. Their god.

In a time far before any dog can remember, curious humans roamed the ancient settlement wondering about the people before them and reveling in their architectural marvels. Centuries before that, humans built the temples where dogs now roam, dedicating them to their gods. Now, however, generations after modern humans' abandonment of the site, a pack of dogs thrive in the ancient city, their religion and traditions eerily similar to those of the original inhabitants.

Life in Ixazaluoh was uneventful and methodical until a bright orange moon illuminated the ancient land, like a great eye among the stars. High Priest Ahulane, praying to the moon for a successful hunting season, lifted his eye to his chamber at the crown of the Great Pyramid, where the great orange orb shone through. Lounging lazily at the very top, a lean jaguar sat silhouetted against the moon. Ahulane immediately regarded this as the descent of a holy being. Within a week, the confused and rather lost jaguar was being held in the city, fed, and given shelter and worshipped, the dogs insisting on calling him Bahlam. While most Ixazaluoh dogs, including the High Priest, are convinced of Bahlam's godliness, there is a number of individuals that remain skeptical. Will the skeptical few find out the truth and reveal the false god? Will the jaguar escape Ixazaluoh or grow greedy and make a fatal mistake?



Ixazaluoh, as it stands, contains several scattered stone structures surrounded by intact sections of a once-great wall. The Great Pyramid in the middle stands as a beacon to the gods and rises well above the canopies of the surrounding dense forest. It also houses the High Priest, head of Ixazaluoh's religious society. A few meters directly south of the Great Pyramid lies what was centuries ago a ball court, but now serves the purpose of being a training and sparring field for Citizens and Fledglings. Inside one of the ball court halves is a spacious room that houses Ixazaluoh's Shaman. West of the Great Pyramid stands a midsize accessible structure with three chambers, all enterable from the ground-level entrance chamber. The topmost floor is reserved for pregnant and nursing females, as it is the safest and most comfortable space. The ground floor houses all common-class Citizens. The lower floor is reserved for Fledglings. Several small structures pepper the area within Ixazaluoh's walls, usually going unused save for a very shallow and wide stone basin between the housing structure and Great Pyramid used to store fresh kills.

Southeast of the city is the Cenote *Coyoga. This underground sinkhole is easily accessed by a staircase built long ago by humans. The water is clear, cold and safe to drink. In fact, it is also believed to have healing properties. Small, catfish-like fish swim in the water and bats fly overhead, but neither are suitable as food. Fledgelings will often go to the cenote and practice fishing and swimming. Young dogs are prohibited from going to the cenote alone, as the water is more than 100 feet deep save for a shallow rock shelf bordering the land.

South of Ixazaluoh is the visible portion of the Ek River, at the end of which is a waterfall, pouring into the underground river that feeds Cenote Coyoga. The Ek River is also connected to a swamp further south. The network of marshlands and small ponds is home to large crocodiles. For this reason, the dogs rarely venture this far south. Occasionally, however, the Shaman requires rare plants that can only be found in the swamps. When this occurs, a party of only the most experienced and skilled dogs is sent to collect. A sandy beach and the ocean are far southeast, visible from the tops of the city's structures.

To the northeast lies a dense, rich jungle where the dogs go hunting. In the jungle, peccaries, turkeys, deer, tamandua, and iguanas are the primary sources of fresh meat. Jaguars, margays, ocelots, and jaguarundis also roam the territory and are liable to kill any intruders to their area.

*Coyoga is mispelled "Coyota" in the map.



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Edited on 13/01/19 @ 23:37:54 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2018-12-30 23:47:53




God - Bahlam
The miraculous descent of gods is now! Bahlam in his physical form has appeared to the dogs of Ixazaluoh in what seems to be an act of divine blessing. His only job here is to be pampered and have is every need attended to. Even HIgh Preist is putty in his paws, easily manipulated in the name of holy covenant.
Machupo (Bahlam)

High Preist
The highest rank and leader of the Ixazaluoh dogs. Has the most direct line to the gods and provides advice and guidance to the settlement according to the gods' consultation. Housed in the top chamber of the Great Pyramid.

Responsible for the well-being and health of the community. They rarely leave their lairs and will often send groups of Citizens to fetch supplies for them. They too have a close connection to the gods.

Common individuals of Ixazaluoh. They hunt, fight, and care for the group as a whole.

Young dogs under 2 years old. They train under older Citizens to prepare for adult life as a hunter or a fighter.

Dogs under 4 months of age.
(Name x Name) - Names

Anyone outside of or new to Ixazaluoh. The dogs' end goal for neophytes within the city is for them to eventually pledge their souls to the gods and join their ranks so that they become productive members of society. Therefore, the dogs are never outwardly cruel to the Neophytes. That being said, they are always the last to eat, can't live in the main housing structure, and aren't trusted to go hunting without at least two other citizens to supervise them.


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Edited on 18/01/19 @ 10:44:19 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2018-12-30 23:48:03




The pantheon of gods worshipped in Ixazaluoh is similar to, albeit much smaller than those worshipped by the Maya. Names of gods are also close to, but somewhat different due to the passage of time. The most popular deities of this group are:

Ixchil - Jaguar goddess of midwifery, medicine, and war.
Chaac - God of rain, weather, and water.
Ah'puc - God of death and the afterlife.
Kukhan - God of wind, sky, and sun.
Bahlam - Jaguar god of trade and riches.


While the dogs do not possess the skills of their human predecessors to build ornate headdresses and intricate jewelry, there are similar ways for the dogs to decorate themselves. The ears of the elite are covered in large and small piercings, with bones, feathers, and stones poking through the flesh. Common citizens may also have piercings, but nothing to the level of the High Preist or Shaman. Fledglings may get their first earrings when they turn two. The pelts of large cats such as margays are rare, but when available, the High Preist will don a cat pelt as a shawl or cape for special rituals, ceremonies, and occasions.


Gods require offerings. While canine sacrifice has long gone out of style, portions of fresh kills can be used the sate the gods' hunger. In addition to food offerings, the dogs of Ixazaluoh will participate in bloodletting, where the skin is pierced by teeth and a small amount of blood is spilled onto the image of a god. This is only done on the new moon.

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Edited on 01/01/19 @ 15:05:25 by InsertEggNogHere (#36227)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2018-12-30 23:48:11




You've taken a short walk outside of the city walls to Cenote Coyoga to get a drink of fresh water and go for a swim to clear your mind. Your nose touches the cool, clean water and as you drink, you watch tiny fish swim like a halo around your head. As you prepare to slip into the crystal clear cenote, a movement catches your eye from across the pool. An elegant spotted dog trots silently past stalagmites and roots, and you can tell from her unfamiliar scent that she is most certainly a Neophyte. A lone stranger isn't a danger to Ixazaluoh, but an entire pack could be a different story. What will you do?

During the harvest moon, you crawl from the top of a tree to a large stone structure, deciding that this is the perfect place to spend the night and watch the stars shine. Before long, though, as you sit and groom your immaculate fur, a deep, regal voice startles you. "Praise to you, my god Bahlam." As you turn your head, you see that the voice belongs to a tall, hairless canine. The stones in his ears shine in the starlight and the feathers dangling from bones sway elegantly as he bows to you. "I welcome you to Ixazaluoh, my Lord." You are confused but curious. What happens next? (Remember that Bahlam is NOT the jaguar's real name and that he/she does eventually end up staying with the dogs. )

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Edited on 13/01/19 @ 23:30:54 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2019-01-01 15:11:43
Now open for applications!

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-01-02 11:32:48
This seems like fun! A quick question, do we PM you the character sheet and then put it in the character sheets form, or do we just PM you the sheets?

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2019-01-02 12:30:23
Thanks for your interest! You do not need to PM me the character sheet at all, just your response to the applications in this post.

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Century Salvation
☪ INACTIVE (#77658)

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Posted on
2019-01-10 23:53:41
yeets in after lightyears

I'll send an application prompt sometime tomorrow.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2019-01-11 00:05:14
So glad to see you, Century!

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Century Salvation
☪ INACTIVE (#77658)

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Posted on
2019-01-11 06:08:25

Glad to see you, too.

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