Posted by BIO SHEETS :|: The Jaguar Moon

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2019-01-01 15:20:28

Main Roleplay Thread



What are they called? Must be a Mayan (Aztec is acceptable too) name or word.

How old are they?

All gender identities are accepted.

All sexual/romantic orientations are accepted.

What rank are they?

MUST be Xoloitzcuintli or mixed breed!

Picture optional, paragraph or more of description needed.

One paragraph or more

At least 3 sentences. I know that writing a long, detailed, but still normal backstory is difficult.

Family members, deceased or not

Friends, enemies, crushes, etc.

What else? Did you PM me a response to a prompt on this post? If you submit a sheet without PMing me an application first, your sheet will be automatically denied.

•Significant Events•
Has anything substantial happened in your character's life? Include them here!

What is the Jaguar god Bahlam lord of? ____________

What is the name of the city the dogs live in?. ____________

Which is the most accessible water source for the city? ____________

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Edited on 06/01/19 @ 18:45:29 by InsertEggNogHere (#36227)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-01-01 18:00:40


SOURCE: Made for me by Coldsummer

"When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of our creators."


6 years



High Priest

Standard Xoloitzcuintli

A well-muscled, sturdy male, Ahulane stands at 20.6 inches tall at the withers, his slate gray skin completely devoid of hair. His color is completely solid, save for his back right foot marked by a white sock, spottily extending a couple inches above his paw. The male's skull is wide and strong, with a long, straight muzzle that ends in a dark nose. Almond-shaped amber eyes sit full of godly knowledge, neither sunken nor protruding. His ears are large, elegant, and expressively set high on his head. An elegant, slightly arched neck blends seamlessly onto his shoulders. He stands on straight, muscular legs and small, round paws.

As High Preist, Ahulane has an abundance of piercings:

- Several sparkling agate stones decorate the lowest edge of both ears
- Small flecks of obsidian are embedded throughout the thin membrane on the interior of his ears
- The ribs and wing bones of small birds line the outside edges of his left ear, pierced completely through
- Quetzal tail feathers connected to a margay fang decorate the tip of his right ear

Ahulane is, above all, a servant to the gods. A bastion of religious knowledge, this spiritual male has devoted his entire life to studying and worshipping the ethereal beings that his city, and everything he knows, is based on. His role as speaker for the gods and his strong connection to them is enviable to some, but in Ahulane's opinion, it is not a skill, but a gift and his privilege as High Preist. As the leader of Ixazaluoh, he is also mindful of his responsibilities in governing and caring for the denizens of his city. But his allegiance lies foremost with the gods. He trusts them with the entire fate of him and his city, and so, by his faith, he is compelled not to ignore any sign sent by the heavens. Even if that sign is a giant, dangerous leopard-shaped sign. His devotion to Bahlam has kept him at the jaguar's heels, either attending to his every need or commanding someone else to.

Since his birth, Ahulane was destined for the priesthood. But before him, High Priestess Ixchel held the position and as is tradition, her firstborn would be destined to take over after her passing. Her graceful, ethereal aura, pale cream-colored skin, and sparse white fur made her not only look the part of a goddess but made her the subject of attraction for many a male. Despite being able to take any mate she desired, Ixchel was never interested in such a relationship. With a male that is. It was no scandalous rumor that the High Priestess much preferred the company of females. With this in mind though, she hadn't found a lover until much later in her reign. One afternoon, a hunting group of Citizens brought with them a Neophyte found snooping within the walls of the city. Later named Nelli, the stout, feisty newcomer quickly fell into favor with Ixchel and the two would be seen lingering beside one another for a good portion of the day. Eventually, it became common knowledge that the two were inseparable and Nelli even slept in the Great Pyramid beside her mate.

One obvious problem arose from this, however. With a female pairing, having a pup would be impossible. But it seemed that the Gods had planned for this. During the night, a mysterious dog, unknown to Ixazaluoh, wandered into the Shaman's den, weak and weary and in labor. Several hours later, a small, hairless pup whimpered and cried before the exhausted shaman. As the lone survivor, the newborn was presented to Ixchel and Nelli. They looked him over. Especially as a newborn, the will to live in such conditions was no doubt a blessing from the gods. Ixchel and Nelli took him in as their son and raised him to follow in the High Priestess's footprints. As Ahulane grew older, Ixchel and Nelli's health began to deteriorate and one they succumbed to old age, it was his turn to lead Ixazaluoh. He's been leading for 3 years now.

Biological Mother - Unknown Name - Desceased
Adopted Mother - High Priestess Ixchel - Desceased
Adopted Mother - Nelli - Desceased



•Significant Events•
Mothers' Deaths ~~ 3 years old



SOURCE: Hi. This is my literal, actual dog. Pic by me.


2 years, 2 months


Asexual Biromantic


50% Miniature Xolo & 50% Mixed Variety

A lean, athletic female, Xquic stands at 17.1 inches tall at the withers and is covered in a short, thin coat. Her clean white fur is marked by two large patches of bronze fur, one on her head and one on her tail, and several smaller brown spots in other areas around her body. The splotch on her face covers her left eye and spreads in a jellybean shape to her right ear. Her right ear is almost completely brown until it almost reaches her head, where there is a 1/2 inch band of white at the bottom of the ear. Her left ear contains a spot of brown in the shape of a rounded triangle. This is surrounded by a white border, with irregular spots of brown dispersed intermittently within the white. She is bat-eared, the size of her ears much too large for her head, sitting low on her skull. They stand up for the majority of the time but will flop forward after vigorous exercise or during periods of tiredness. Her right ear is always the first one to fall forward.

Her skull is solidly built, with a short muzzle and round head. She has a slight underbite and a long tongue. The skin around her large nose is black and dissipates into large spots around her whiskers. Large deep brown eyes are set slightly farther apart than normal on her head. Her neck, set high on her whithers, is long in proportion to her body and carries an excess of loose skin. Her spotted skin shows faintly through her fur, more visible on the insides of her legs and stomach, where the fur is thinner. A long, muscular body and well-built, powerful legs give her an extended stride and nimble speed. Her paws are small and solid with pale nails, save for a single jet-black nail at the outside end of her left foot. Her paw pads are mottled black and pink. At the end of her rump is a half-circle of deep brown, surrounding the base of her tail. This color, peppered with black fur, climbs up her tail a few inches before giving way to white.

Having only recently graduated into being a Citizen, Xquic has only one piercing in the lowest part of her left ear. The bottom tusk of a collared peccary pierces this spot.

Xquic is a very callow young Citizen, which is not a surprise considering her recent graduation and young age. She is a fan of humor and practical jokes and can rarely be found without a dopey smile on her face or a stick in her mouth. A positive attitude goes hand in hand with her good sense of humor, and this young dog can make something good out of almost any situation.

immature, athletic, positive, excellent hunter, stealthy, fast, doesn't know when to quit, bad w/ social cues

Mother was a coated miniature xolo, father was mixed breed




•Significant Events•


SOURCE: Made for me by Coldsummer

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Edited on 18/01/19 @ 11:37:14 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-01-02 02:45:10


Art done by my good buddy Husk (#37594). Check out their DeviantArt!

"Death marks the completion of one's mortal life, but do not fear the end. What comes after is merely a new beginning."


5 years old.

Assigned male at birth, but leans more on the nonbinary side of the spectrum. He/him or they/them pronouns.

Asexual & Demiromantic.


Standard Xoloitzcuintli.

An oddity among even his own kind, if not for his large, bat-like ears and sharp, tapered muzzle Tonatiuh might be mistaken for an entirely different breed of dog. With a pristine white coat and eyes such a pale blue they reflect light in a way that can create the illusion of a pinkish hue, Tonatiuh's abnormal coloration is the result of being born with a genetic disorder called albinism.

Possessing a graceful frame that exudes both refined elegance and strength, he's certainly striking, for better or worse. With legs a tad too long and a significant tuck beneath the ribcage, it would be safe to assume Tonatiuh may have a touch of sighthound blood within his lineage, perhaps not sharing his litter sister's sire. Covered in a thin, sleek layer of fur, he certainly does not share his immediate family's lack of a full coat.

His nose, as well as the skin around his mouth, eyes and the insides of his ears, is glaringly pink, another blatant indicator of his condition. A notable tear can be found in the left ear, and as with most dogs of higher status, both are pierced by earrings made from dark stones, jaguar teeth and the dried bones of prey. A myriad of colorful feathers has been woven into vines collected from the surrounding jungle, creating a sort of necklace that hangs loosely around his throat.

A true stoic, Tonatiuh rarely expresses emotion and always speaks in a monotone, his voice deep and gruff. While his behavior could be considered off-putting, this dog is not in any way unkind, helping others if they are in need even at risk to his own well-being. To heal and protect others is his purpose in this world, of this he is quite certain. Tonatiuh would consider himself a pacifist and finds bloodshed appalling but is also aware sometimes fighting is a necessary evil. It may surprise some of his younger packmates to learn he is a capable combatant once all peaceful options have been exhausted.

Gifted in his craft, Tonatiuh's skill surpasses even that of his mentor, equipped with a sharp memory that forgets nothing and an intelligent mind that processes problems differently from others, perhaps, yet proves highly effective. Despite his aloof demeanor, Tonatiuh is far from feared by his patients, if anything his lack of an emotional response when one is expected more of an annoyance than a cause for concern. Every member of Ixazaluoh knows if they are ill or injured their shaman is always available to them, and may, in fact, come looking for them if he suspects anything is amiss.

He is quite witty and contrary to popular belief does have a sense of humor, even if all jokes and sass are delivered in a dry, even tone. Beneath a frosty exterior, there is warmth and affection to be found for his community. What keeps him from creating closer, long-lasting bonds with others appears unclear, but the answer may lay within his history, of which only his kin is truly privy and have vowed never to speak of, or perhaps it is simply how the unusual male operates. No dog can know for certain.

Tonatiuh's litter was relatively small, consisting of only himself and his sister Chimalma. Born with an unnaturally white coat, his appearance drew derision and suspicion from the community's elite. Once his eyes opened and his pale, pink-tinted irises failed to change to the deep brown the rest of his kin sported this unease came to a breaking point, the community leader demanding he be disposed of. His parents refused to comply, instead taking their offspring and leaving their birth tribe forever.

For many moons, the family survived alone in the jungle, every day a struggle until the encountered Ixazaluoh. Tayanna and Yaotel embraced a new religion and way of life with open paws, grateful to find a place where every member of their family could live free of fear. Much to their delight, the dogs of Ixazaluoh treated Tonatiuh, no older than six months, with great reverence rather than hatred, seeing his snow-white coat and unusual eyes viewed as a good omen over a symbol of the devil.

Tonatiuh was apprenticed to the current shaman nearly the moment he was accepted as a fledgling, initially not taking well to it and slightly bitter his future was not his own choice. Eventually, his knack for healing and strong connection to the gods left little doubt that shamanism was his purpose and he grew more accepting of his rank, taking his elderly mentor's place shortly after turning two years. He saw little in the way of personal tragedy until his third year, when his father was brought down by a strange illness Tonatiuh was unable to cure, a memory that still lingers whenever any dog begins coughing.

Tayanna - Mother - Alive/NPC.
Yaotel - Father - Deceased.
Chimalma - Litter Sister - Alive/Adoptable.
Tiktaq'to - Nephew - Alive/Played by BritishAce.

TBD. Feel free to pm me.

Children of the Sun - Thomas Bergersen (feat. Merethe Soltvedt).

Name means sunshine.

As an albino, he is photosensitive and more susceptible to sunburn.

•Significant Events•
- Parents flee birth community with their children to avoid Tonatiuh's execution.
- Survive for six months on their own. It's quite difficult.
- Joined Ixazaluoh. Becomes the shaman's apprentice.
- Father dies only a year after he graduates into his role.



"Never let them see you bleed."


2 years old.


"Ask at the right moment and perhaps I'll tell you."


Borzoi/Whippet Mix.

A slender male of moderate height, his build graceful and exhibits many of the traits one comes to expect from a sighthound. Delicate in figure, he is in actuality rather hardy and capable of enduring hard labor, a master of adapting and overcoming any obstacle that stands in his way. A natural athlete, he is a dog built for the hunt and race, evidenced by long legs, lean muscles and the sweeping curves of his body.

His coat is medium length and wavy, a light steel blue dappled by distinctively black striping accompanied by a single splotch of white on the chest. Almond shaped auburn eyes are set in a finely chiseled head with upright ears and a long muzzle, the irises so bright in shade they nearly resemble the color of the fluid he was named for. A long, arched neck leads down to thin shoulders. His tail is low-carried, curved and covered in long wispy fur. Overall, Eztli's appearance is quite elegant and eye-catching, something he is very aware of and eager to flaunt.

He has thus far chosen not to adorn himself with piercings of any sort but does wear a jeweled collar he can easily slip on and off, given to him by a Neophyte who was previously owned by humans. The dog had little interest in keeping any symbol of ownership, but the bright gems appeared to really catch Eztli's eye and eager to impress him, the young female had little issue in gifting it to him rather than discarding it. As a far larger breed, it proved a bit of loose fit, but this serves him well enough as it will never grow embedded and can be removed when needed.

Cunning and pragmatic, Eztli possesses a demeanor perhaps a bit usual for someone so young. He can prove chillingly ruthless, and though undeniably charismatic, he appears to consider himself more often than those around him with the mindset he knows best and what's good for him is surely good for the rest of the pack. Equipped with a silver tongue and the innate ability to put those around him at ease, Eztli's manipulative, selfish nature is not immediately noticeable and his community may very well be under the impression he is empathetic and helpful.

Zealous and committed, Eztli has grand dreams of being something more than what he is currently, and no one knows how far his ambitions might take him. Despite presenting himself as a canine who can be trusted and relied on, one thing he can't hide is his disdain for those who oppose him. He can be shockingly cruel to anyone who manages to get on his bad sad and is seemingly incapable of forgiveness. Once a dog gets under his skin he finds it difficult to keep his temper in check and hints of his true self shine through.

Whether or not he truly believes Bahlam has come to live among them is unclear, but at the very least in public, he is nothing beyond supportive, and in fact appears very keen on learning more about the jaguar.

Born in Ixazaluoh, Eztli enjoyed a fairly easy puphood. His parents were well-respected among the community and he was a polite, mannerly youngster. As a fledgling, he befriended a neophyte of similar age named Yatzil, growing so close she gifted him her flashy collar. Eventually, she joined the community as a full member and the two of them became inseparable. This story, however, does not have a happy ending. Yatzil stole a sacrifice meant for the gods and was banished as a result.

Anyone old enough to remember this tale will recall Yatzil accused Eztli of helping her steal the gift meant for the gods and his utter denial, the angered accusations that followed alleging he was the true thief all along and she had merely been a bystander. Due to Eztli's lack of prior offenses and holes in Yatzil's own story, he was believed over her and did not share her fate. With doubt still cast on his character, Eztli has done all he can since to prove he is a loyal member of Ixazaluoh and though he has kept Yatzil's collar he is never keen to discuss the event.

He's an only child. Both parents are still alive and can be adopted.

TBD. Open.

ULTRAbnumb - Blue Stahli.

Name means blood bc what an edgy little mofo.

•Significant Events•
- Best friend was banished for stealing a sacrificial meal. Accused of helping her and denied it.



"I don't expect the words of a faithless heathen, as you so mildly put it, to matter all that much to you, but express some critical thought once in a while. Your 'god' absolutely reeks of fake ass bitch."


3 years old.




German Shepherd Dog Mix.

Though a mutt, it's clear Yolotli comes from a long line of German Shepherd mixes, built just like a Shepherd for the most part. Her frame is well-muscled and robust, her structure solid yet slender. Her short, airy coat is a patchwork of black, tan and white. Her eyes are mismatched, one a strikingly pale blue while the other is a bright chocolatey shade. Her medium sized ears are tall and firm, moderately wide at the base and ending in rounded tips.

Her tail is subtly curled, reaching down to her hocks and covered in longer, feathery fur. Her paws are round, equipped with short, sharp-edged black claws and her dewclaws have been left intact. As she was not born among Ixazaluoh and follows no religion she doesn't sport any piercings, though a red bandana was tied around her throat by her previous owners, and she has yet to remove it.

There is a rather grotesque scar along the left side of her muzzle, cut so deep you can see a hint of teeth through the wound, leaving her with what appears to be a permanent sneer.

While never one to harm another dog without reason, Yolotli tends to be unforgiving and suspicious, the sort who leaves little room for second chances. Her vanity is likely her worst quality, convinced she is a gift to the world and should be respected as such. She spends a great deal of time every day grooming her lovely pelt to perfection and tends to fuss over her appearance, forever sardonic and sharp of tongue. This fastidious behavior should not be mistaken for prissiness, however. While she will most certainly complain about it later, Yolotli isn't afraid to get dirty.

Stubborn and efficient, she's an exemplary hunter, known to chase and track down prey for miles, returning with a matted, muddy pelt, but also carrying a prize in her jaws. It's undeniable she has a lot of passion for her interests and such qualities might define her as a desirable pack dog. All the same, Yolotli is both exceptionally picky and hard to impress, preferring to rely on herself over counting on others. Life is far easier when you only have your own needs to satisfy. This, and her clear refusal to accept Ixazaluoh's religion keeps her on the society's outskirts despite her clear signs of intrigue.

While not in any hurry to be tied down by a pack, Yolotli is far from adverse to company. On the contrary, she's happiest with a companion by her side, whether she'll admit it or not. Her independent nature and headstrong tendencies tend to make following orders difficult for her, but when she's the one issuing out commands and being admired? Well, that's a whole different story.

Owned by a human family for the first year of her life, she was set loose to wander the streets as a stray when they no longer had the means to care for her. She adopted a nomadic lifestyle, and many different names, wandering from place to place, but never finding anywhere she wanted to stay. Many different companions, human and canine, came and went until Yolotli stopped purposefully seeking out fellowship. No one ever remained with her, so what was the point?

Eventually, her travels brought her to Ixazaluoh. She has little interest in their religious traditions, but there is something about the community that intrigues her, enough so that she occasionally mingles among the dogs who call the vast ruins home and lingers within the fringes of their territory. She has accepted a name more familiar to them, which is perhaps a promising start. She proves skeptical of the jaguar and clearly does not respect them.

*Insert generic family names here. As they're unlikely to be relevant I'm not going to add them.*

TBD. Open.

Team - Krewalla.

Name means heart.

In case it wasn't obvious, this girl is an atheist. She's the embodiment of the "change my mind" meme.

•Significant Events•
- Abandoned by human family.
- Lived as a nomad for many years.

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Edited on 15/01/19 @ 22:33:32 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

Luxaeus (#80752)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-01-02 12:39:18


"I'm cocky in prediction, I'm confident in preparation, but I'm always hunble in victory or defeat."
- Connor McGregor


3 years old




Standard Xoloitzcuintli

Standing at about 20 inches tall and weighing in around 28 pounds, Tik is your standard Standard Mexican hairless. His skin is purely naked saving for the Mohawk on his head and the ending bits of his tail. There, it has black fur with a white tip while his Mohawk is white with a black tip. His eyes portray that of a natural amber stone while darker tones around them. To go along with a "punk rock" appearance, the dog has a grey stone in the shape of a swirl in his right ear while a off-white sharp (or in other words, a twin talon shaped) bone resides in his upper right ear. Most often seen are his scars that lay on his face. One reaches across his snout while another is on his left shoulder. Tik gained them from mainly fights with other dogs, in our outside of his land.

Some could say Tiktaq'to is a narcissist but he inst that to a full degree. On the downside, he is overall cocky than what he needs to be. Don't let that fool you though; he isn't one to exceptionally brag in a crisis or, basically, when the time is not needed. He is incredibly confident in the way he looks and acts and that causes how others perceive him.

The rest of his attitude revolves around how determined he is whenever something is assigned to him or his is following a passion. He is very strong-minded in somethings he believes in (this will reference towards the non-skepticism). While for others, this may appear stubborn or arrogant, he is nothing of the sorts. In fact, he can be entirely open about what one says.

Other than those, Tiktaq'to is one to give and hopefully get respect in return. He's one to never judge and one to give out their best potential.

Having to be born with average parents and with two other siblings, the dog grew up relatively fine. His siblings and himself got along well. Some could say he's a mama's dog as well. Although one person who has had the most influence on his life is his uncle Tonatiuh. He often went to his uncle to listen to the stories of his life and thus began the beginnings of his attitude. Tiktaq'to sees himself as nobody can bring him down; that he accepts who he is.

Some have expressed their concerns about the jaguar, that he is not who he is. Tik simply passes off the others skepticism and believes that the big cat is a god, a good omen for the tribe. His biggest "competitor" seems to be his uncle but Tik will make sure it doesn't come in the way between their bond.

Chimalma- Mother - Alive/Adoptable
Babajide - Father - Alive/Adoptable
Sacniete - Sister - Alive/Adoptable
Cadmael - Brother - Alive/Adoptable
Tonatiuh - Uncle - Alive - Played by Vesp #33076

Ihuicatl - Best Heckin' Friend - Basenji Mix - Played by Icy #51844

Art by Coldsummer with some edits made by myself.

•Significant Events•
none?? he's had an average life

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Edited on 07/01/19 @ 17:15:07 by Sin Celery (Ace) (#80752)

Hungwy Puppylion (#158937)

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Posted on
2019-01-03 06:54:02
"You can torture me, you can try to prove me wrong, but I will not belive in a false God."
3 and 1/2

Other. Pronouns: They/Them/It. (Saucepan Duuhhh)

Prefers females.

Dachsund x Cocker Spaniel

[Image removed by a Moderator]

Afflicted with Piebaldism, this small & long dog is red-brown splattered with white. Lean and swift, skinny and light-footed. Fur dangling from the tail and paws is wire-y, and eyelashes are short. It has a copper undertone, barely showing under the splotches of white. Jet-black eyes are dark, but in reality they are dark, dark brown.

Sensitivity is the key to it's soul. As a Neophyte, it does not belive in the Jaguar. it is sensitive about his religion, Christianity, and will only listen to it's God. If the other dogs would threaten to KILL it if it didn't belive in the jaguar, it still wouldn't. Coaxoch lives larger than life also, nearly doing things just for the thrill, adrenaline, or story to tell. It personally loves telling stories, by the way.

Coaxoch dashed through the lumber in the Hunting grounds. The BURNING lumber, that is. It tripped and flopped onto its head. It growls. The wildfire was spreading, devouring every tree it touched. Coaxoch yowls in pain as a spark lands on its ear. It falls, Trying to put out the fire on its right ear. It gets caught on a stick, burning it. Ash and smoke stings his eyes, tears dripping onto the floor. He begins running again, his legs moving faster than they ever had before. He whips around, hearing a twig break. His family beside him, he growls. He spun around, eyes locked with a Jaguar's. The . feline lunged at it, but his parents leapt in front and the Jaguar got them instead. The most touching words Coaxoch remembered,'Run my pup.' He did as his parents said, once far, turning and watching the fire engulf his parents and the Jaguar. Tears streamed from his eyes, but he must go on...

Mother- Koko Cocker spaniel (Deceased)
Father- Avien Dachshund (Deceased)



•Significant Events•
Parent's Death.

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Edited on 07/01/19 @ 06:04:05 by ♦Shad♦ (#16848)

Mire | G1 Subtle
Supernal 3R (#51844)

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Posted on
2019-01-04 16:21:37

wip, obviously smg
By Coldsummer



3 Years Old

Cisgender Female [She/Her]

Homoromantic & Homosexual


Basenji Mix

A fairly tall, yet toned canine, Ihuicatl takes particular pride in her appearance – as shown by a meticulously groomed coat and lithe stature. Standing 17 inches at the withers and weighing nearly 24 pounds, she is evidently one built for agility, elegance, and speed. Her pelt is short, lengthening only near a moderately small tail which curls over her back. With fur colors alternating between a warm chestnut and glowing white, it's no wonder the majority acknowledge her status as a beautiful female. Her eyes, however, are perhaps her most vivid feature – shining with a striking amber coloration.

Ihuicatl wears very little in the way of embellishments. The top of her left ear is pierced with a sharpened bone, resembling a canine fang in appearance. She adorns the bottom of her right ear with two small, vertical pieces of stone, painted to imitate gold.

A charming canine with a friendly demeanor. Ihuicatl is a social being above all else – an extrovert to the extreme. Fun, outgoing, and perhaps a tad wild, she is happiest as the center of attention; never let it be said that she shies away from the spotlight. Undoubtedly a confident dog, perhaps to the point of arrogance, Ihuicatl is very likely to be found socializing among her packmates with very little regard to their own feelings, interests, or situation. WIP

Indeed, appearance is everything to her, be it social or physical. WIP

negative traits: bossy. prideful. slightly vain/narcissistic shhh. impulsive. stubborn.
positive traits: fun, outgoing, feminine.

born from 1 neophyte parent (to explain her breed?? is that how dogs work idk) & 1 citizen. neophyte eventually joined the ranks and she had a fairly normal upbringing, i guess

name - Father - breed - Deceased
name - Mother - breed - Deceased

Tiktaq'to - Bestest Friend™ - Standard Xoloitzcuintli - Played by Ace [#80752]

owo what's this

•Significant Events•
nah fam

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Edited on 16/01/19 @ 14:32:38 by Icy (#51844)

Century Salvation
☪ INACTIVE (#77658)

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Posted on
2019-01-13 15:52:35






5 Years








40% Greyhound, 12% Saluki, 20% Xolo, 28% Unknown Ancestry


Zuma is a tall and lanky bitch standing 23 inches tall and weighing in at 50 lbs, her sighthound lineage gives her her rather slim and athletic appearance, long legs and a deep arch couples with a large chest and a sleek appearance. Her onyx coat is short and course in texture, covering every inch of her lean physique in a sheet of black, her feminine legs give way to delicate paws and claws dulled from work. A lengthy tail, set naturally low, tapers into black feathered ends, which is distinctly softer than the rest of her. Her floppy ears are perked slightly, normally set back against her wedged skull whilst orange eyes are set in a rather expressionless complexion. Her facial features are rather harsh in comparison to her sister, with sharper, more masculine angles.


Normally very quiet and watchful, Zuma remains suspicious of all things out-of-the-ordinary, she has more faith in the natural, predictable way of things and loves a simplistic life. Her great love for all things running and hunting sees this female on almost every hunting party she could possibly be apart of though she prefers to do her hunting alone. Thinking before action, this female isn't one to easily be fooled. Serious and curt by nature, she has no problem putting young upstarts in their place however she has a great respect for those she sees as having earned it. Familial relationships are very important to her and you will never see her turn teeth with ill intentions towards a family member.




Babajid - {Father | Deceased}
Tezcaliztli - {Mother | Deceased}
Tozi - {Sister | Alive}
Colel - {Sister | Deceased}
Metztli - {Cousin | Adoptable}
Itzli - {Cousin | Adoptable}
Acalan - {Uncle | NPC/Adoptable}
Nenetl - {Aunt | NPC/Adoptable}


Chimalli - {Brother-in-law | NPC/Adoptable}



Name meaning: "Lord Frowns in Anger"

•Significant Events•



What is the Jaguar god Bahlam lord of? Trade & riches

What is the name of the city the dogs live in? Ixazaluoh

Which is the most accessible water source for the city? Cenote Coyoga





5 Years








40% Greyhound, 12% Saluki, 20% Xolo, 28% Unknown Ancestry


More feminine-looking in comparison to her sister, Zuma, Tozi is 20 inches tall and weighs 55 pounds. Her fawn-tinted coat is smooth, short and soft in texture, flecks of brown noticeable within the fine cream hairs; her legs are long and feathered with long dark brown fur, the same for her ears, which are slightly longer and more hanging in a spaniel-like manner at the sides of her elegantly wedged face. Her soft brown eyes are almond-shaped, flecked in auburn. When not pregnant, her physique is just as lean as her sister's but more subtle, pregnant, her stomach is distended with life, round and quite swollen-looking in comparison to her dainty frame.


Tozi is very kind and very sweet, always willing to see the best in others and a lover of all things, she is open but considerate with saying her thoughts, finding it quite hard to say "no" oftentimes, when something is asked of her. A chatter-box, Tozi loves engaging in conversation with anyone willing, giving and receiving juicy pieces of gossip the highlight of all of her mornings, she is ever respectful to everyone, however, and is very scarcely seen doing an unkind act. Even so, she can potentially be strict if pushed enough, though she finds herself feeling guilty afterwards and so the strictness is often followed by an apology.




Babajid - {Father | Deceased}
Tezcaliztli - {Mother | Deceased}
Zuma - {Sister | Alive}
Colel - {Sister | Deceased}
Metztli - {Cousin | Adoptable}
Itzli - {Cousin | Adoptable}
Acalan - {Uncle | NPC/Adoptable}
Nenetl - {Aunt | NPC/Adoptable}


Chimalli - {Mate | NPC/Adoptable}




•Significant Events•






7 Years










Weighing in at 207 lbs, Machupo is a large, broad male jaguar with a rather haughty deposition. His muscular body is covered in a very fine golden brown as a base hue, his physique further dappled over with bold, dark rosettes. His chin, underbelly and the tip of his tail have proven to be an almost ivory-tinted cream color, which have not been spared from his distinct markings. Large paws are set at the end of thick limbs, long, plentiful whiskers shooting from his muzzle and lightly highlighting his brows The backs of his round ears are two spots of white, his facial features rather sharp and angular, his round, yellow eyes giving his complexion a rather stern expression due to his tense and heavy brows. He moves with feline grace, a natural superiority above all that is further nurtured by his arrogance and his sly personality.


Prior to stumbling upon the dogs and their civilization, Machupo had carried on life as a wayward bachelor for quite some time, never truly staying in one territory, always bouncing about in search of his next meal, fresh excitement - and new females. He thinks quite highly of himself in terms of physical and mental abilities, though many who see past his charade might not hold him to such a high regard. Upon seeing - and swiping - the opportunity to exploit the innocent ignorance of the local canids, Machupo exposes his rather callous and selfish nature, choosing to be papered and groveled at rather than being truthful. Perhaps one day he would tell the dogs the truth, but for now he will happily give them a bone to fetch.


Very little to be said and nothing worth noting. His average upbringing makes for a dull story and his wayfaring days bore little fruit. The discovery of the dogs may turn things around for his rather boring narrative,


An unspecified number of children.





•Significant Events•

Becoming a "god".

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Edited on 18/02/19 @ 00:31:56 by Century Salvation ☪ [Main] (#77658)

Zesha [Side] (#17686)

Prince of the Savannah
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-01-26 19:47:53


5 years old

Cisgender Female



Standard Xoloitzcuintli

Chimalma’s slim body is mostly dark, black like the deepest depths of the ocean, save for a few white patches. They appear on her forehead, the tip of her tail, her toes, and on her chest. The white splotches on her chest are marred only by what looks almost like a black X, which, if her former tribe could read human letters, would have just meant they’d believe she had been blessed by Xoloti. The only fur on her is a few sparse hairs on her tail tip and forehead.

Her rounded eyes are a deep, dark brown that nearly matches her skin color. When angered, she stares down her long muzzle with those wide, tall ears pressed back until she either sees the perpetrator leave, or she finally feels like this is a waste of her time and heads off, shooting sharp glances over her shoulder to make sure whoever it is doesn’t follow her.

While she may seem lanky due to the length of her neck and tail, there is no one that would dare think of her as emaciated. Most of what’s visible under her skin is muscle, and she holds herself with care and grace. Chimalma knows she’s capable in a fight, though knows her limitations. If the enemy is enough to overpower her, her nimble legs will carry her to warn the rest of Ixazaluoh.

Another small fact about her is that she has an incomplete set of teeth, like many hairless Xolo. She tries not to let it bother her, but anyone that looks close will see the envy in her eyes every time she sees a Xolo with fur and their beautiful, perfect, full mouth of teeth.

She practically wears her emotions on her nonexistent pelt. Chimalma tries to keep up a facade that she’s perfectly happy and content with her life, but in reality, she’s not. Part of her struggles with who she blames for her father’s death, the gods or her brother, while a more logical side tries to tell her it isn’t the fault of anyone. After their flight from their birth home, she had become so close to her father, and she had picked up a bit on his authoritative personality and loyalty to his family. It is perhaps that loyalty that keeps her from hating her brother, and holds her back from placing all the blame—for everything—on him.

Chimalma respects her brother and will allow him to try his pacifist method, even if she doesn’t think it will work. Pieces of her memories remind her the cruelty of their former tribe, of the leader’s demand that Tonatiuh be killed. It haunts her dreams, leaving conflicting emotions behind even as the old squeaky growl rumbles in her throat before she awakes. Every chance she gets, she follows as Tonaituh’s shadow, making sure that his peaceful nature doesn’t get him hurt or killed. She’s fully aware that he’s capable of fighting his own battled, yet insists on being there anyway.

Where her brother is gifted in healing, she specializes in her alert senses. Months of living in the jungle drove a fear in her that keeps her looking around from one corner of the room to another, casually shifting positions to take a new angle. Unfortunately, she’s a bit paranoid, and might perceive danger where there is none. There was a time where she was convinced one of the Neophytes was stalking her mother. This was soon after her father’s death, only pushing her to be more on edge than usual. Thanks to Tonatiuh, she finally came to her senses and realized the only reason the Neophyte was so close to her mother was that it was Tayanna that got the Neophyte interested in the tribe to begin with, and they were becoming friends.

Some have tried to get close to Chimalma and learn what causes her to act the way she does, but as far as she knows, only her close family know the truth of their past. The hardship they endured, the pain they felt, and perhaps some other interesting events. All she ever says when asked about her past is that her last tribe just didn’t suit them and that Ixazaluoh was a better fit for them.

In the early days of her youth, all she had to curl up with were her mother and her litter brother, Tonatiuh, and sometimes her father, if he actually got a chance to be with his family. His duties often kept him away, especially once the community’s elite decided that since Tayanna couldn’t provide for the tribe until her pups were old enough to be weaned that Yaotel would simply have to pick up her slack. But back in that first week, when her eyes were closed and her ears couldn’t hear, she lived in blissful ignorance of the harsh world she and her brother had been born into. Sometimes she wishes she had remained blind and deaf.

When Tonatiuh’s fur stayed white while hers grew darker, she began to hear the whispers. The rest of the tribe saw it as an ill omen, and while she had no idea what the word ‘omen’ meant at only about two weeks old, she didn’t like the tone they said it in. It wasn’t long after that the leader summoned all four of them and stood on his throne, demanding the death of her brother. A sqeaky growl rumbled in her throat as their parents refused, taking their pups as the leader howled their exile, and promised their demise should they ever be seen again.

The jungle became their home. Each day their parents would hunt for their breakfast, then travel a little farther away from their birth home. Life wasn’t easy. Tonatiuh’s pale skin kept him out of the sun much, keeping their travel to nighttime and under the denser parts of the canopy when both pups truly wanted to bask and play in the sun. With time, they grew and learned, until one day a hunting trip caused them to stumble upon a huge pyramid. It was Ixazaluoh.

It had taken near five months to find a new home, but all the dogs there seemed to accept each member of the family. Especially Tonatiuh. She found it odd how quickly they apprenticed him to the shaman, though she was quickly shepherded off to do her own training and learn the religion of this new tribe. Chimalma never became as spiritual as her parents or brother, even somewhat doubting Tonatiuh’s connection to the gods, though it was never that she didn’t believe in them. She simply didn’t feel that tug for her to worship them as highly as the rest of the dogs.

Her protectiveness over her brother grew as her training progressed, but it also seemed like she became more emotional, more driven by an anger held deep within. Things only got worse with the death of her father, who she had gotten close to after leaving their birth tribe. She’s quick to take an aggressive stance towards newcomers, and often has to reign herself in so she doesn’t bite before she barks.

It took some time, but she began warming up to another Fledgling during her training. Babajide was a bit more average than she was, but it helped balance things out when they were together. Plus, they were a great team. Well, when Chimalma wasn't in one of her paranoid spells that made her think something was after one of her family members. It was actually soon after they finished their training and became mates that her father died, but by then, she was already pregnant. Somehow between Babaide and Tonatiuh, they kept her calm enough to not miscarry, and she gave birth to three healthy pups. She does her best to appear normal in front of the pups, but they've definitely seen her slip a few times into the broken mess that her life has left her. Some think that Babajide keeps her from falling completely into chaos.

Tayanna – Mother – Alive [NPC]
Yaotel – Father – Deceased
Tonatiuh – Litter Brother – Alive [Vespertine]
Babajide – Mate – Alive [Adoptable]
Sacniete – Daughter – Alive [Adoptable]
Cadmael – Son – Alive [Adoptable]
Tiktaq’to – Son – Alive [British Ace]


Her name means “shield-hand.”
I did not mean for her to turn out to be this way I don't know what happened.

•Significant Events•
- Parents fled birth tribe with their pups.
- Survived for months on their own in the jungle. 0/10, would not do again.
- Joined Ixazaluoh.
- Father died.

What is the Jaguar god Bahlam lord of? Trade and riches.

What is the name of the city the dogs live in?. Ixazaluoh

Which is the most accessible water source for the city? Cenote Coyoga

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Edited on 26/01/19 @ 20:03:21 by Zesha [Side] (#17686)

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