Posted by Primitive Remnants :|: Warriors Discord RP

Faded 🐾[HM Side] (#149882)

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Posted on
2019-01-02 12:22:28

Greetings! I run a Warrior Cats Roleplay server, inspired by the popular Erin Hunter series. This roleplay is a "fan clan" RP, in which we do not use canon clans and have deviated into some original ideas concerning average roleplay. Most of our information is located within our Discord server itself, however, I'll do my best to give a brief summary of what our roleplay/community is about.

Primitive Remnants is a long-term server with around 50 active roleplayers to date. We were established in October 2018.

We specialize in more of an "rpg"-style atmosphere. Within our Discord, we have many custom roles, a server shop to buy perks/addons, a full currency system, a dice roll system, a fresh-kill pile system, among many other things such as OOC channels and fun events. Roleplay channels are hidden by default until a character is approved by staff.

Our roleplay is semi-literate to literate, interpreted by using proper grammar and a post length minimum of 2 lines of text, roughly equating to 3 sentences.

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Discord Link!

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Primitive Remnants is set in a diverse region of upper North America, its wild lands untainted by twolegs. Around this mountainous area with glaciers that feed into a basin which shifts to a river, surrounded by forests, moorland, marshes and streams, rest three Clans: CirrusClan, ShaleClan, and HollowClan. Within these undomesticated forest cats' territories lay at its heart the way of the Warrior Code, in which the inhabitants of Primitive Remnants swear by, lest they be cast away or die by thereof.

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Basic Lore:

"Before the Clans and all direct ancestors previous, since the first creatures walked among the lands, the Fallen stalked alongside life as an invisible but powerful deity. As an omnipotent group of spirits of those that are departed from the mortal world, they watch over all that live under them, from the small ant to the leaping elk.

Among the Fallen, cats hold a special place; being the most intelligent of creatures, they are granted the most control over the world. While other Fallen animals can cause subtle changes of weather or physical state like storms or winds, Fallen cats can create cataclysmic events.

The Fallen are strict rulers of the world, but they love their living kin and watch over them with vigilant eye, offering the Clans help in times of need. They hold the power to give; however, they also hold the power to take, and show displeasure when cats choose to disobey natural law set forth by the Warrior Code or likewise when cats choose to turn away from their divinity. To anger the powerful spirits often creates hardship for the living Clans.

Cirrus, founder of CirrusClan; Shale, founder of ShaleClan; and Hollow, founder of HollowClan rest among the ranks of the Fallen in eternal form of a leopard, tiger, and lion respectively. To see their larger-than-life form is the greatest honor, only appearing in visions in times of need or to cats deemed worthy of channeling through to the deceased world. Other spirits of cats proven worthy of serene afterlife come to rest with the Fallen, giving omen and guidance to those that come after them.

Because of the Fallen’s ever-looming force, living counterparts choose to please them and gain their favor by offering them one of their own, when the sky turns blood red and the full moon beats down in a crimson hue, known as the Blood Moon. This tradition has been passed on from generation to generation and always has been, and always will be, in order to ceremonially keep in syncopation with the ancestors and prove loyalty to their roots. Though this is the driving appeal for cats within the mortal world to connect to their ancestors, smaller traditions and rituals are present among the Clans, creating a systematic and traditional way of life."

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Server Rules, Roleplay Rules, Character Rules, and Pledge Rules can all be found under the Rulebook section of our Discord. Territories, Lore, Character Dossiers, and more can be found under the Guidebook section of our Discord. Read over them and then submit a character application within the Character Creation section!

❖ β™‘ ❖ β™‘ ❖

If you have any questions or comments or have interest, do not hesitate to post here! I play Fadedstar and Graysight within the roleplay and am the owner of the server, and an more than welcome to answer or chat about our server. <3

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Edited on 11/01/19 @ 01:06:08 by .: Faded 🐾 (Side) :. (#149882)

Faded 🐾[HM Side] (#149882)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-01-11 01:00:21
Bump! We have just started a server-wide plot - rabies enters the clans by force of a rabid animal, and will be slowly and systematically spread around the three clans that reside at the river's edge, throughout the duration of leaf-bare. This plot is optional to participate in; we have many NPC'd characters used to fall victim to this "unnamed" pathogen, but several full-time roleplayers have offered to sacrifice their characters towards some super-spicy plot! Our door is always open if you want to give things a try, link is in the description (or you may DM me!)

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