Posted by ShadowHunters Roleplay

sincerelystars (#150878)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-01-02 12:22:49
I've recently been watching the Shadowhunters; Mortal Instruments series on Netflix and I feel a roleplay based on the Series rather than the Book series as i've yet to get around to reading it would be interesting.

What do you think? Should I create one? It'd probably be on Discord though possibly on here.
DM me if you'd like to help me make one or comment/reply to here if you'd be interested.

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Rayjo (#192)

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Posted on
2019-01-02 23:53:46
I would totally be down for this if it's on Discord!

I love the books and the Series. I'd also be happy to help in any way that I can.

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