Posted by ❤ FREE First Gen Tigon Reverse Breedings! ❤

Princess (#85715)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-01-12 10:21:36

HELLO fellow Lioden players and WELCOME to my first generation Tigon reverse breeding! Some of you may recognize me as the girl who bought almost fifty tigon boosts and epicly failed at all of them, only to end up buying a Tigon from scratch! That completed one of my dreams, and today I am the girl who hopes to make YOUR dreams come true.

FIRST let's meet the lovely lady!


Meet Beautiful Perfection

Base: Mandarin (Tawny Skin)
Eyes: Sunglow
Mane: Scarce Nacarat
Stats: 32
Mutation: Tigon (First Generation)
Lineage: Inbred

- Markings -
Slot 7: White Undersides (80%)
Slot 8: Mottled Stripes (100%)


AMAZING, right????

When you ask for a free breeding I will add you to a list I'm keeping in a google doc. I go down the list in order and PM people when it's their turn. If you are offline or not ready/don't want to go yet, I'll skip over you and come back later. If you take too long to reply to my PM, I may go to the next person, but as soon as you reply you will get your turn.

Also please note, as I gather more heart shells throughout the event I might do a breeding or two of my own :) If I end up getting three Tigons born of my own I'll be giving one away for "free" via a 1 SB 1 ticket limit raffle through the Lioden system so everyone has a fair shot and a winner is randomly chosen :)

The following items are required for a breeding:
No Payment Required
20 Yohimbe Barks
1 Buffalo Scrotum (to be used in the breeding)
1 Instant Cub Delivery Feather
Link to Stud of Your Choosing **MUST BE ONLINE**
Stud Fee
Aging Stones for Every Cub You Want to Keep

The following items are optional/suggested:
Mandarin Stud, 1 Crunchy Worm, 1-2 Ochre Gnawrock

- Free Breeding Rules -

If more than one Tigon is born then that's the universe giving me a birthday present and I get to keep one second pick. Everything else is yours if you want it :)


If you're interested feel free to comment here, bookmark, subscribe, whatever! I'm not doing reservations because there are no limits to how many people can join :)

Thank you so much for reading and happy breeding!

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Edited on 24/02/19 @ 09:52:30 by Princess {Clean Celestial Pie} (#85715)

..Solence.. (#159865)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-04-14 15:57:27
I didnt even see that Lmao

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