Posted by CLOSED! Winner Selected!

_ (#125883)

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Posted on
2019-01-18 12:00:11


Disclaimer shit
- I DO NOT TOLERATE TRANSPHOBIA OR HOMOPHOBIA OF ANY KIND ON MY THREAD! Aldersong is carrying the kits because he is a trans guy with a female body and he can. If you don't like it, get out of any of my threads and block both my accounts.
- Any designs I don't place in Tiers 1 or 2 may be kept by their respective makers
- If you win Tiers 1 or 2, you allow me to use the character as I please, so long as I credit their design and any art you made of them to you! Just like adopts

I have two lovely Warriors OCs who are expecting a kit! The stars reveal that she will be female!
- Aldersong, smol boy
- Pinefleck, large man


Receives 1x Crunchy Worm, 1x Lion Meat, 5x
This is the one that I'll choose to be Aldersong and Pinefleck's daughter!

Receives 1 each; number of winners can be variable
These ones came close for me, so I'll be keeping the designs and using them for roles other than the daughters of Pine/Alder!
Multiple submissions by one person may place in this tier, earning the maker that number of GB

Receives 100 SB, public recognition, love, and appreciation!

Existing entries

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Edited on 23/01/19 @ 19:15:10 by Elliott (#125883)

Ruesivonitu (#148692)

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Posted on
2019-01-20 20:30:56
Whatever its just gonna stay big akldsnadlksa

Name: Flamerose

+Sliver tongue
-Chronic fear of Berrys. (When she was a kit she got a hold of a poisoned one, It traumatized her.)

+Swimming.. Though it ruins her silky soft fur.

"Know it all" males.
Show offs.. (Though she is a showoff herself)
Snow.. Unless she has a cuddle buddy.

Flamerose is a very sly sassy little Daddys girl, She refuses to take shit from anyone who messes with her family or clan.. Though.. She won't fight.. Matter afact she would rather leave your head spinning with her large vocabulary of words then lay a claw on you.. As.. Well.. Your probably not worth her time. Some say that she has some sort of Hypnotic aura about her.. And that if you look into her eyes.. you might see your own soul. She doesn't like being complemented about her fur that much.. yes she is pretty.. But shes just like any old cat! If you were to try she would turn you away.. And ask you politely to take it to the elders.. as they need the love more then she does as they won't be around much longer.

She gives zero fucks on how others feel about her Sexuality, It doesn't matter to her on what they think.. All she cares about is that if they are in love.. then nothing is wrong with that... She adores her parents confidence about their relationship, And that's why she isn't afraid to be herself and ignore others.

She has her "Mothers" Frame Sleek and thin.. But her but, and tail she stole from her father.. Extremely fluffy.. And not to mention her silky soft coat... Luckily for her she stole her "Mothers" Chest fluff.. Which she is quiet happy about as she pretty much has a constant free pillow right on her neck/chest for whenever she doesn't have a female snuggle buddy.

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Monday (#151457)

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Posted on
2019-01-20 21:23:01
marking this so i can find it later but,,,, for sure entering

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_ (#125883)

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Posted on
2019-01-20 21:48:49
I look forward to it! :>

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Monday (#151457)

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Posted on
2019-01-20 23:57:59
here you go! sorry it's super messy, but i hope you enjoy it!

some design ideas i had :
- gets the name cinder for her fiery personality/ashen coat color and fang for her adept hunting/fighting skills
- fur gets SUPER fluffy during winter, but is somewhat sleek during summer
- inherits most of her colors + marks from pinefleck, but some things are influenced by aldersong
- semi-heterohromtaic eyes? they look like theyre two different colors in most lightings
- very minor scars on her left hind leg from when she tussled too hard with another kit when she was still very young
- minor white flecking (it can be changed if u want it more prevalent/not at all) primarily on her back streak
- she big gay??????

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_ (#125883)

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Posted on
2019-01-20 23:59:03
"BiG gAy"

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•L Ä M P
💡• (#152383)

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Posted on
2019-01-21 00:00:44
Much neck floof
Such big gay
Very impressed
So wow

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_ (#125883)

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Posted on
2019-01-21 00:02:29
Yes, yes, yes!! God, there are so many that I know I'm AT LEAST putting in Tier 2... I'm gonna be fresh outta GB. gtfhkbjnl.

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Lynx (#158901)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2019-01-21 13:03:40

There! Since im bad at names i just named them Flamestripe aa ;w; (Also ima do a picture of just the cat brb)

Also the eyes are black i just wanted to color the lineart

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Edited on 21/01/19 @ 13:07:14 by Grouse (#158901)

_ (#125883)

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Posted on
2019-01-21 13:37:48
She's a happy gorl! :>

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Vik (#128188)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-01-21 16:35:28
Here is my entry~

YewStone to kinda match her father's names as they start with a type of tree, and dogtongue because her floppy ear gas a sort of dog look and tongue because she is sharp with words
She is MtF and bi
+Fast and agile
+Very persuasive
-Easily Distracted
-Startled easily by loud noise

She has broad shoulders and slightly long legs. There are scars on her haunch, right knee, and left ear. She doesn't have many scars yet but, embarrassingly, she is missing her upper left canine tooth. It was knock out when she tripped on her own paws while hanging out with a friend. Her height is between that of her fathers, but it is a little closer to aldersongs, while her build is closer to pinefleck. Her fur length and texture is a mix as well, she also inherited aldersongs neck floof of fluffyness :3
Her right ear is folded due to a mutation and can't move it well, but other than that she hears fine and is perfectly healthy.

She loves her family and friends, and enjoys rain, sleep, and shiny things.
She hates it when people are rude or disrespectful to those who don't deserve, and really hates it when others are cruel to anything. She's sensitive to loud noises and they easily startle her, she's not sure why though.

Her personality is sarcastic and mischievous, friendly and caring, brave and energetic.

I apologise for the large images, idk how to change the size
EDIT: fixed the size



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Edited on 21/01/19 @ 16:43:40 by Leirofir (#128188)

_ (#125883)

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Posted on
2019-01-21 16:44:58
"D O G T O N G U E"

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Vik (#128188)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-01-21 16:46:10
I'm not good at names tbh XD

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silvester (#153710)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-01-21 17:05:07


cisfemale | demisexual
audacity augments courage; hesitation, fear.

Name:: newtkit, newtpaw, newtshade
Nickname:: newt
Gender:: ♂ , cisfemale, molly
R a n k:: warrior

Pelt Color:: pale red, gray
Eye Color:: leaf green
Height:: not quite short but not quite average
Scent:: rain, pine, winter
Body Type:: svelte

Personality:: newtshade is cold at first, but can be very protective of those she holds dear. she is very bold and rushes into things too quickly at times. she does not know how to pick her battles, opting instead to accept every challenge that comes her way.
Likes:: cloudy days, warm breezes, hunting, winning
Dislikes:: insects, hot days, swimming
Fears:: spiders, letting down her clan

Habits:: playing with her tail
Social Status:: rubs most the wrong way and tends to break rules, but proud of her clan
Sexual Orientation:: polyromantic, demisexual

F a v o u r i t e P r e y :: rabbits & hares

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Edited on 21/01/19 @ 17:30:13 by silvester (#153710)

_ (#125883)

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Posted on
2019-01-21 17:08:03

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•L Ä M P
💡• (#152383)

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Posted on
2019-01-21 17:10:20
Oh my god yes
Hit newt with that noot noot

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