Posted by | Ouch, my plant has a problem! 🌱 |
Noodles🐤 (#122166) Bone Collector View Forum Posts Posted on 2019-01-23 06:10:04 |
Does your saavy sprout have browning leaves or withering stems? We're here to try and gice you some advice. If your plant seems like it isn't doing very well but you aren't sure why, go ahead and give this a comment. 💚 If you know why someone's sprout is having a problem that they are, go ahead and respond to this thread with a diagnosis and how to solve it. 0 players like this post! Like? Edit Post Edited on 23/01/19 @ 17:41:19 by 🌱 Clay 🌿 (#122166) |
ronan (#151335)
Cold-Blooded View Forum Posts Posted on 2019-05-08 17:42:35 |
@Yoda Bear yikes! that could be any number of things. is your cactus's soil well-draining? are there drainage holes in the bottom of the pot? too much water can and will cause a cactus to rot. if it is rot, your only chance is to cut off the head of the cactus and reroot it. it could also be some kind of fungus, though, in which case you will need to cut away infected tissue with a sterilized knife. but given what you described, i think it is rot. @Mynnie can you better describe the living situation your plant is in? how much light does it get, where the plant is situated, how often/much it is watered? are there any strange spots on the leaves or stem? what coloration do the leaves have? all of these will help us better determine what's going on! speaking of what's going on, i have a problem with a rose bush, druids! he's a miniature cinderella rose bush, i got him in humboldt county - a much wetter clime than where i am. i've taken him inside out if the heat and, though he was doing well at first, i find he's now shriveling up something terrible. i have been keeping up with his water and he gets full time in my grow light but even his new growth is drying up, and i'm very worried. does he need more humidity? PROPER sun? he got mildly sunburnt while he was outside, which was why i took him inside initially. his leaves have no discoloration or spots, he has no pests. help me save junior! 0 players like this post! Like? |
Mynnie (#70199)
Sapphic View Forum Posts Posted on 2019-05-08 21:49:39 |
@ronan Yes of course! At the moment my plant is living under a lamp. It is the only available source of consistent light I have at the moment since the other lights in my room need to be replaced. The window doesn't let in much sunlight because the trees outside prevent it from getting inside. I read jade plants do well under artificial light so that is where I have been keeping it. The leaves are still bright green, thank goodness! The remaining leaves look healthy enough since they're the top leaves. They get more light than the ones below them got. There is no spotting on any of the remaining leaves, however when I got it there were a few leaves with small cuts or tears in them. The bottoms of the leaves have red on them but I've read this isn't a big concern since it's normal for jade plants to develop that with exposure to light. When I recieved the plant, it was winter. I was told that I only had to water it once a month so I continued to do so until recently when I noticed that it wasn't in the best condition. Looking online I found jade plants need more water in every season besides winter. I've been watering it with two teaspoons of water whenever the soil dries out. I'm keeping the soil slightly damp and I'm using bottled spring water because tap might not be the best water to use. I only started this week with this new watering plan so I'm hoping to see results. If for some reason what I have learned is incorrect, please let me know! And is there anything else I could do for my plant? It's strange. I have never gotten attached to a plant like I have this one. I even named it Oscar. Such a little sweetie he is, I hope I can find something to help make it better :') I'd love to see my plant grow big and strong to the point where I'd need a new pot to accommodate the size! I hear they get pretty big as they age! I can already see growth, Oscar is a whole inch taller than when I got him@ 0 players like this post! Like? |
ronan (#151335)
Cold-Blooded View Forum Posts Posted on 2019-05-08 22:12:14 |
@Mynnie i understand completely, i love my jade!! they're absolutely darling plants. okay so, right off the bat, plants - including jade - cannot absorb what they need from your average run of the mill artificial lights! unless your lamp is a high-quality plant light with bulbs of the required wattage and light spectrum, your jade will continue to suffer under it. if you have no good windows in your home, you can slowly begin to acclimate your plant to the out doors for several hours at a time for more sunlight. these are plants that require full sunlight for good, compact growth. but getting your plant used to the outdoors can be difficult when they're used to indoor climes, especially if it's hot where you live! here is an article on how to do this. > https://www.starkbros.com/growing-guide/article/acclimating-new-plants-and-trees now, water! many people mess up on watering succulents, it's alright. when watering succulents, cacti, etc - and ofc jade - you want to give it a FULL watering maybe once a week as needed. i'm talking, like, water it until water is coming out of the drainage holes. it helps to hold the plant over the sink if you don't have a tray handy for the pot. these are all pretty minor things with easy fixes! i'm glad oscar hassuch an attentive parent 0 players like this post! Like? |
Mynnie (#70199)
Sapphic View Forum Posts Posted on 2019-05-09 04:33:49 |
@ronan Oh! Thank you ^^ I'll be sure to to that! The lamp is pretty bright but it is not meant for plants! I will be taking a look at that article today :') thank you so much I'll be sure to start with the watering as well! I mark waterings on my calendar aha. Plant keeping is pretty new to me and I don't want to accidentally miss a day. Thank you, for the billionth time, the sites I visited never mentioned any of that! 0 players like this post! Like? |
ronan (#151335)
Cold-Blooded View Forum Posts Posted on 2019-05-09 07:34:24 |
@Mynnie it's okay, we all start somewhere!! uwu i haven't been keeping plants for very long either - a lot of it is learning on the job lol. while i'm thinking about it, make sure to not let your jade sit in the water!! watering until it comes out the drainage holes is good, but it's important that there's no standing water that's left in the pot for days, also. i forgot to mention this in my last post lol 0 players like this post! Like? |
TheCrazyGiraffeLady (#47268)
Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts Posted on 2019-05-09 07:55:04 |
@ronan, thank you for helping. Sorry for my delayed reply - in the middle of packing up for summer and sitting exams. The pot it was in wasnt a draining pot, but I've had to thin out my cacti collection for when I go home so my friend has taken on most of my cacti now. She's had cacti a lot longer than me and is trying to sort it out - I'll pass your advice on to her now <3 0 players like this post! Like? |
ronan (#151335)
Cold-Blooded View Forum Posts Posted on 2019-05-09 08:38:23 |
@Yoda Bear no problem!! i hope your friend can save it. judging by it not being in a draining pot i'm positive it's started to rot :C 0 players like this post! Like? |
TheCrazyGiraffeLady (#47268)
Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts Posted on 2019-05-09 08:51:57 |
@ronan - thats annoying if thats the case, but it was a premade pot from a garden centre so I'm not overly 'attached' to it. Unlike Bob and Santa (two cacti I've kept for myself. Never giving my babies up.) Yes, I named my cacti xD 0 players like this post! Like? Edited on 09/05/19 @ 08:57:03 by Yoda Bear (#47268) |
🦎 Gecko (#181562)
Recognizable View Forum Posts Posted on 2019-07-29 00:20:21 |
@Yoda Bear Those tiny cacti are literally the cutest things ever 😍 I need to find some! I have a problem with one of my own cacti, because it seems to be super "skinny" and shrivelled and I have no idea why. I don't water often... But I am so scared of overwatering. Anyone have any ideas? 0 players like this post! Like? |
🌈McRainbowface (#71340) Demonic View Forum Posts Posted on 2019-07-31 04:39:45 |
Llama how often do you water? I’ve had my cacti doing really well in full sun and being watered about every 1,5-2 weeks 0 players like this post! Like? |
🦎 Gecko (#181562)
Recognizable View Forum Posts Posted on 2019-07-31 12:40:27 |
I probably water about twice a month, and my cacti are indoors (sun/part shade). I'm not sure why mine are doing so badly... Maybe I should repot them or something. 0 players like this post! Like? |
🌈McRainbowface (#71340) Demonic View Forum Posts Posted on 2019-07-31 22:38:31 |
That could be an idea. if you do end up repotting, try using a cacti soil mix with extra perlite or such mixed in. That makes the soil nice and draining so the roots can have air 0 players like this post! Like? |
🦎 Gecko (#181562)
Recognizable View Forum Posts Posted on 2019-08-01 01:16:02 |
Okay, thanks for letting me know! I haven't got cacti potting mix at the moment, but I'll go and find some. Hopefully that helps them. 0 players like this post! Like? |
TheCrazyGiraffeLady (#47268)
Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts Posted on 2019-08-13 07:56:42 |
Hey guys, Sorry to bother again with more cactus related issues, but one of my cactus has randomly developed brown spots and since they all share a big pot now (and three of the four have actually grown bigger, its amazing), I just want to make sure everything is okay. Can't risk all my babies getting ill on me :( I have some pictures - hopefully they are clear enough but my phone isnt the best and the cactus with the spots is right next to my evil cactus that hurts like hell everytime I catch him. Images Any help would be much appreciated x Thank you <3 0 players like this post! Like? |
Korppipoika(CleanCor ruptVelve) (#106021) Bone Collector View Forum Posts Posted on 2019-10-21 06:18:40 |
Hello everyone! My plant isn't dying actually, at least not yet but the thing is! My moms cherry tree had really bad snow damage and I took a small branch with me in hopes it might grow some roots and I get tiny new tree going on! So my question is! Is there any hope with the branch? And what should I do to get it rooting? Thank you so much in advance! 0 players like this post! Like? |