Posted by -LOCKED - Editing Raffle Descriptions

Raziel (#123535)

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2019-01-26 17:58:36
I think it would be really nice to be able to edit ONLY the description parts of raffles, instead of having to cancel it, make a whole new raffle, retype everything and reselect all the prizes and ticket items. I am not saying it would be cool to edit the entire raffle, because you could put up a raffle for a leopon, get lots of costly tickets, change it to a dud cub, and still get profit. I only think the description itself should be editable. I recently posted a raffle for free breedings for my to-be heir, and wanted to add in he wouldn't be crowned for another 26 or so days, but I forgot to. Idk maybe it's just my own unorganized stupidity, but it would be a very helpful feature!

User FoolOfHearts (#127716) also added in that there should be a feature where if we cancel the raffle, we could leave a short explanation as to why. Either self-automated messages such as "not enough tickets bought" or "no longer wants to raffle this (item/lion/currency/etc) off"
Although personally I think self-written messages would give more understanding of obscure situations that caused you to end the raffle

User Little-Coyote (#166259) suggested being able to change the item tickets and divide them into low-tier and high-tier, which gave me an idea.
Being able to change the ticket items, but ONLY IF one of those items has not already been bought as a ticket.

User mintyvin (side) (#52167) mentioned people still managing to take advantage of this layout. So perhaps there can be rules set in place for those who still try to use this system to their advantage, especially those who are trying to raffle off a good lion and then replace it with a dud.

I know this is a lot for mods, but I do not expect this to be done in days or months time. I know how time consuming coding a new system can be.

If you do not support, please let me know why! I'm not going to argue with it, I just want to see if it means there's anything I need to change about the suggestion!

This suggestion has 27 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 27/01/19 @ 07:13:25 by Raziel (#123535)

Sinfully~Gem (#127716)

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2019-01-26 18:05:45
as well as a feature if you cancel to leave a quick explanation message.

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Raziel (#123535)

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2019-01-26 18:09:59
Yesss! I added that in that is a VERY good idea
I feel so terribly ending them sometimes w/o an explanation @FoolOfHearts

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Tallion [Icy Smilus] (#82904)

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2019-01-26 18:11:02
This would be so helpful! Having to cancel the whole raffle to fix a typo or something after going through and selecting each of the tickets (which is a really unpleasant process in and of itself) has made me not want to bother using them at all.

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Little-Coyote (#166259)

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2019-01-26 18:11:13
I think you should be able to edit a few things in both raffles and trades. For trades, say you went exploring and you had a trade for gems up and you had gotten more gems during your exploring session, you should be able to edit and add the gems into the trade without cancelling.

Item tickets, I believe should be be able to be edited, meaning if you don't have the max you could add a few more. When I'm trying to make raffle I like to try to have easy item tickets, as well as medium and hard ones.

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Raziel (#123535)

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2019-01-26 18:11:48
Exactly!! Especially if its one little detail. It makes me cancel the raffle and just say "eh whatever I'll figure something else out." @Tallion

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Sinfully~Gem (#127716)

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2019-01-26 18:13:51
I have a raffle going right now that is would help tremendously. Ugh Im just giving it a couple more days to see if it will go anywhere and if not ill need to cancel and start over and so many folks are gonna be confused.

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Raziel (#123535)

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Posted on
2019-01-26 18:14:36
If you create a new suggestion to support the editing of trades, I will support that! And I would add the raffle ticket items, but I feel like its hard to give an easy and a hard option, because everyone will go for the easier one, but I'm not 100% sure if I understood what you mean so if I'm missing something pls educate me XD @Little-Coyote

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Little-Coyote (#166259)

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2019-01-26 18:17:04
It's hard for me to explain myself. And I don't really want to give another suggestion, my suggestions mostly get no supports.

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Raziel (#123535)

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Posted on
2019-01-26 18:17:17
i feel that, I hate when raffles don't do good. Like, you get all excited, "This is gonna go GREAT" and you get only 5-10 10 sb tickets. @FoolOfHearts

Also, I would add in being able to change what items you accept for tickets, but I feel like some people would cheat raffle-participants by lets say having a lion scrotum as an acceptable ticket, and then suddenly you change it so instead of the lion scrote, its something cheaper or little, and then that person misses out on their scrote, and you get the profit of it, and others have an easier chance to obtain the raffle prize if the new ticket item you chose is more obtainable. @Little-Coyote

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Little-Coyote (#166259)

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2019-01-26 18:25:41
Oh, I understand now.

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Raziel (#123535)

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Posted on
2019-01-26 18:28:44
I still added in a bit of a ticket item change suggestion, so thank you for the idea!
I hope I didn't upset you somehow :^( @LittleCoyote

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glo (side) (#52167)

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2019-01-26 18:28:47
what about raffles where, to extend time, they must link the lion in the description? you could easily put a gon in the description and then last second put a male potato and finish the raffle? I love this suggestion but I feel like you could easily take advantage of it. not gonna hit support or no support just yet because itherwise this something I've wanted for awhile but just can't be sure about people not taking advantage of this

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Raziel (#123535)

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Posted on
2019-01-26 18:35:42
I agree, there are always fall throughs with stuff like this. But I feel like there would need to be more of a secure way to raffle a lion off. Because they could change the link and the cub. Do you have any other ideas that could be put in place to prevent something like this? @mintyvin

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glo (side) (#52167)

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2019-01-26 18:48:48
not too sure, kinda wish lioden would just extend the time a lion can be put up for raffle but I can see why they do it the way they do, lions can run off or be killed if they're unprotected, pretty much ruining the raffle.

maybe we can just accept it as a risk, or maybe lioden can add a rule about this?

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Edited on 26/01/19 @ 18:49:36 by mintyvin (side) (#52167)

Raziel (#123535)

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Posted on
2019-01-26 19:39:24
I think adding a rule would be nice, but it would be so much more for the mods to have to watch for.

And perhaps they can extend it, but only if the cubs is five months or older, and when they’re up for raffle, it’ll be like when a lioness is on a hunt or a sub on patrol.
“You cannot Chase, kill, or abandon a subordinate male who is on patrol”
Except it would be for the raffle. @mintyvin

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