Posted by Looking for Rp Partners!

dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-03 08:35:28
Hi there! I'm looking for 3-5 Rp partners for various options of Rp's! Since you probably don't want me to ramble, i'll cut to the chase and list what i'm looking for :)

Partner's Must Be...
-Able to play both male and female characters
-Able to play both human and animal characters
-Willing to contribute to plot ideas
-Have their own opinion. Dont just say yes to other's suggestions if you have your own!
-Willing to be active
-Patient. Not everyone can be on 24/7
-Considerate. Your opinions and your feelings are important, but so are other people's!
-Again, Please please please be active!

Some Rp suggestions (Feel free to suggest your own!)
Warrior cats
This Rp may be difficult to do with only 3-5 people, since there are multiple clans, complex hierarchy, not to mention how large the different map variations can be. However, for those familiar with the series, it is an enjoyable choice as it has elements of surprise, unknown, and suspense.

Dog/Wolf Pack Rp
This Rp may be slightly easier to do than Warrior Cats, but is still an enjoyably complex Rp if structured right. Some ways to do this Rp is starting off with some strays that form a pack, have two packs that fight each other, have one pack and multiple strays, and many others. This Rp is fun because the packs don't have to be large, which means that 3-5 people would be good for this Rp, considering people usually have 1-3 characters per Rp.

Dragon Rp
This Rp can be taken a few different ways. For one, you could Rp as the dragons, with different hierarchy and clans. Or, you could Rp as dragon riders, dragon hunters, dragons tamers, etc. This Rp can range from very simple, with a clan or two and a few dragons, to very complex, with many clans, battles, and other things.

Asylum Rp.
This Rp is one of my favorites, as is has tons of different options. You can live in a society that has locked you away, you could be in an asylum for
seeing things you shouldn't, etc. It is really fun, especially when you have a variety of character personalities. I highly recommend a variation of this Rp, as it can be very enjoyable.

I will add more as suggestions come in!

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Edited on 03/02/19 @ 09:09:13 by Brambles(Cookiesiluvdem) (#107487)

ExoPenguin (#55856)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-02-03 09:35:18
I might be interested c:
It's been a while and I'm also in university, so I so have limited time x.x

Let me know what you think?

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-03 09:37:05
Hi there! I'm willing to give it a shot :) Would you mind writing a brief Rp example?

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Muffin (#104843)

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Posted on
2019-02-03 09:39:40
I would also be interested in roleplaying with you :)

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-03 09:40:49
Glad to hear it! luv your name btw, DaNuclear Muffin xD Would you also provide a brief Rp example?

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Shikablep (#116749)

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Posted on
2019-02-03 09:40:52
Hello!! Im interested the Dragon roleplay since it seems to be the only "Animal" I can roleplay well. Do you want me to put a writing sample here or in PMs??

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-03 09:42:03
Hi! I'd be grateful if you put it here, its easier :)

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Shikablep (#116749)

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Posted on
2019-02-03 09:46:50
Alright!! Here you go!!

Jimin's alarm went off at about 4:00 in the morning. Why? Because he knew it would take him another Hour to get up and it normally takes him a hour and a half to get ready on a good day giving him a half an hour to get to campus by 7:00 and get his dorm room and key and get all his stuff lugged up to his new room in time for his orientation at 6:00 PM. Jimin groaned and slapped his hand onto his alarm and snuggled back into his blankets for another hour.
After an hour rolled by his alarm went off again and Jimin groaned, pushing himself out of bed. He gathered up his clothes for the day and wandered into the bathroom, jumping into the shower to wash the sleep off of his still tired body. Jimin was sure he would have fallen asleep in the shower if he wasn't standing. Once he finished he got out and opened the bathroom door to let the steam dissipate while he pulled his clothes on, putting on a pair of skin tight black jeans and a light blue button up with a pair of shiny black shoes.

Jimin got himself breakfast and checked all of his luggage to make sure everything was there. Once he was sure he had everything, he ran a brush through his hair one more time before running his fingers over the parts of his skin he felt insecure about, his skin smoothing out to look just about perfect. He smiled a his new appearance and made his way out the door, dragging his stuff with him to throw into the car.
Jimin drove to Seoul University. The most prestigious school in all of South Korea. It took almost a full year for his application to even be looked at and took another 6 months before he got a letter saying they were CONSIDERING on reviewing it again. So it took about two full years before he got an acceptance letter into the school and he couldn't be happier, in the multiple years he has been out of school Jimin had been working so he could pay for all the schooling. Jimin was now in his third year at Seoul University and every year was even more exciting then the previous one. Jimin Pulled to the school and parked his car, getting out and going into the school to get his Dorm key, his roommate information and schedule.

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-03 09:51:20
Wow, it looks great! I'd love to have you as an Rp partner! You said you were interested in the dragon Rp, any specific ideas? :)

(....BTS fan...? ;) )

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ExoPenguin (#55856)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-02-03 10:00:41
Cymber raised her eyebrows at the mentions of a new pride and took a quick glance at Caelan who lifted his head sharply, and then was just as quick to look back at her sister as she licked the lionesses cheeks. Apprehension prickled through her pelt as it rose, she feared the worst from that action, the golden lioness across from them seemed ready to claw their eyes out.

Caelan's fur had risen again, but not because of the golden one. This new male was planning on taking away his friend. Though he did see the pros in starting a new pride, but why would it be posiden who ruled it without challenge from anyone else? He felt his own chest rumble, but kept it quiet and low as to not to draw attention from Cymber and her sister. Who knew if he would be alone after this. If worst came to worst he might not even be able to persuade the furious golden lioness to let him stay around her after everything had gone down.

The lenght of my replies usually vary depending on how much is going on and how much plot development is happening at the moment, but this is a standard-ish reply, we were several people replying in turns, so quick typing was best at the time c:

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-03 10:04:42
Looks good!

I completely understand, most of my replies length also vary depending how much is happening. It look great, glad to have you as a partner :)

Is there a specific Rp your interested in?

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Shikablep (#116749)

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Posted on
2019-02-03 10:06:05
((I am indeed XD Most of my characters are based around Kpop Stars XD))

I do have a few ideas that have come to my head! Do you want me to PM you with ideas?

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-03 10:06:49
@Kim Seok Jin Yeah, that would be great :D

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ExoPenguin (#55856)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-02-03 10:07:52
I can do most stuff, I've done felines most, but I'm not picky c:
Do you have a preferred rp place? like discord or some other place?

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-03 10:09:57
I dont usually use discord, i'm not a huge fan of off-site Rp's. I usually do it on a thread here.

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ExoPenguin (#55856)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-02-03 10:11:22
alright, threads aren't my favorite, but I can do PM or something?

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