Posted by Looking for Rp Partners!

dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-03 08:35:28
Hi there! I'm looking for 3-5 Rp partners for various options of Rp's! Since you probably don't want me to ramble, i'll cut to the chase and list what i'm looking for :)

Partner's Must Be...
-Able to play both male and female characters
-Able to play both human and animal characters
-Willing to contribute to plot ideas
-Have their own opinion. Dont just say yes to other's suggestions if you have your own!
-Willing to be active
-Patient. Not everyone can be on 24/7
-Considerate. Your opinions and your feelings are important, but so are other people's!
-Again, Please please please be active!

Some Rp suggestions (Feel free to suggest your own!)
Warrior cats
This Rp may be difficult to do with only 3-5 people, since there are multiple clans, complex hierarchy, not to mention how large the different map variations can be. However, for those familiar with the series, it is an enjoyable choice as it has elements of surprise, unknown, and suspense.

Dog/Wolf Pack Rp
This Rp may be slightly easier to do than Warrior Cats, but is still an enjoyably complex Rp if structured right. Some ways to do this Rp is starting off with some strays that form a pack, have two packs that fight each other, have one pack and multiple strays, and many others. This Rp is fun because the packs don't have to be large, which means that 3-5 people would be good for this Rp, considering people usually have 1-3 characters per Rp.

Dragon Rp
This Rp can be taken a few different ways. For one, you could Rp as the dragons, with different hierarchy and clans. Or, you could Rp as dragon riders, dragon hunters, dragons tamers, etc. This Rp can range from very simple, with a clan or two and a few dragons, to very complex, with many clans, battles, and other things.

Asylum Rp.
This Rp is one of my favorites, as is has tons of different options. You can live in a society that has locked you away, you could be in an asylum for
seeing things you shouldn't, etc. It is really fun, especially when you have a variety of character personalities. I highly recommend a variation of this Rp, as it can be very enjoyable.

I will add more as suggestions come in!

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Edited on 03/02/19 @ 09:09:13 by Brambles(Cookiesiluvdem) (#107487)

dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-02-03 10:12:12
I do like Pm Rp's, that would work if you want to do a 1x1 Rp :)

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ExoPenguin (#55856)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-02-03 10:13:28
mmh, right! well I'll be fine with the threads if we're more people :D

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-03 10:15:36
Yeah, im hoping we get a few more people. I like doing Rp's with people i'm confident will stay active. usually I post an Rp, a lot of people join, and then 3/4 of them leave or become inactive right when the plot starts moving ;(

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ExoPenguin (#55856)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-02-03 10:17:20
Yeah I know the struggle x.x
We can discuss some plots in PM while we find more people if you want?

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-03 10:21:30
Yes, that sounds good :) Shoot me a pm with any Rp/plot ideas you might have, i love listening to other's ideas

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snek (#162634)

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Posted on
2019-02-03 14:33:01
I'm willing to do the dog/wolf rp, if you're okay with it.
I'm on frequently, usually near the middle of the day over here.
Thanks! :)

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Little-Coyote (#166259)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2019-02-03 14:53:16
I'm interested.

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-03 16:30:52
Hi both of you! I'm on mobile so my writings crappy, but please write a brief rp example and I'll consider you!

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Little-Coyote (#166259)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2019-02-03 16:32:49
Nevermind. I just noticed one of the requirements.

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Ravenshadow17 (#72140)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-02-03 18:12:38
Hi! I'd be interested in any of those topics. And I'm pretty active. I recently returned from a hiatus so I'm a bit out of practice though.

Here's an example:

Alavara sat stirring her drink contemplatively. A quest would be a nice change in pace but she had never enjoyed working with strangers. Onyx huffed at her with an eager look in his eye. "You want to go, huh?" He barked in response. Alavara sighed and eyed the tavern. Many seemed interested in the offer. Given that they are analyzing who will go based on their merit, I'll at least end up with someone who most likely knows what they are doing. Hopefully this lord isn't a Leov too. Stupid racial wars She tipped her drink back and began to walk out the door. Plus this reward could be useful. I need an upgrade. She glanced at her knives. They were still sharp yes, but had obviously seen much more use than was intended. Making her way through town she came across the lord-mayor's mansion. She grimaced to herself.

"I hate nobles. Let's hope this one is tolerable." She grumbled. Onyx gave a wolfy chuckle in response. She observed the manor. It was built with an almost translucent white material that shimmered in the sun. The large gates in front made of iron were clasped together with a sculpture of the head of some dragon-kind she didn't recognize. The guard at the gate noticed her approach. He was a tall Rykeoc with a scar that crossed most of his face.

"Halt. State your name and business." He demanded with no emotion.
"I am Alavara Elcaryn. I am here about the offer given about a quest." She stated. He looked her over and seemingly satisfied with whatever he was looking for, nodded and opened the gate.
A butler appeared, who was a Leov, frowned when he saw her but gestured to her to follow him. He led her to a spacious room. "Wait here for the other candidates to arrive." He stated.

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Evesda (#108455)

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Posted on
2019-02-03 20:58:01
Hello, y'all 👋

I'm interested in all of them, I have background in Warrior Cats rp, Big Cats, and human characters (post apoc and dragon riders). I really like the Asylum idea but I am kind of new at roleplays. I started about a year ago but took a life break for a good few months (sibling born, mental health flare, general hectic stuff), so I am a little out of the grove of things but I am looking to jump back in and advance my skill.

I have kept up with semi-lit roleplays and can usually put out 3+ paragraphs with decent grammar. I can only roleplay onsite, or on Chickensmoothie, Deviant Art, or Flight Rising. If anyone is interested, I can provide writing examples from both animal and human POVs ^^

Let me know if you're interested, and also how I should post the example (forum, pm, etc).

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-04 05:37:20
@Ravenshadow17 (#72140) Your reply looks great. Pleased to have you as a partner! (Thats 3 out of 5 people) Pm me with any Rp ideas or which Rp your interested in doing :)

@Evesda (#108455) Please post the example on this thread, it makes it easier for me. Also, i usually Rp on-site through thread or Pm

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Evesda (#108455)

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Posted on
2019-02-04 13:56:50
Ack, this is really long. I dont have a shorter one

Eydis - 2.3 years - Venator - Location: Near Temporary Camp, Heading to Temporary Camp - Mentions: The Pride (ID), Yakone (ID), Empyria (ID), Sabbith (ID), Lulatio (ID) - Interaction: None, Open

The wind blew sharply against Eydis' pelt as she sat on the rocks which had been heated, however minimally, by the weak rays of the sun.

She pondered all she had learned about the pride and it's members. Though the she-cat hadn't long been with them, she had observed a few of their personalities, and while she didn't speak with anyone much at all, she'd taken a great interest in the current events of the pride.

Eydis was convinced watching and waiting to make her move was the best plan. She wanted to be sure of who she chose to befriend at first, seeing as there most definitely were cliques within the group. She knew her choice would set the stage for the way the pride percieved her.

Of course, she still didn't have a game plan for how to approach one of her pridemates once she finally settled on who to befriend. Her cubhood hadn't really prepared her for interaction with anycat besides her littermates, and her adolescence, spent with only her brother, didn't help much, either.

This would be tough.

"I suppose, " mused she, "I could try approaching one of the other Venators."

The more she thought about it, the better an idea it seemed to be. She did need to work on her hunting coordination skills, as her early life had once again failed in teaching her how to do things in a group. The way Eydis' life had gone, she hadn't really gotten the chance to hunt in a group before that group was taken away. The most team-work training she'd ever gotten was hunting as a pair with Einar, before he...

She pushed her brother from her mind. No need to sour her can-do attitude. Not right now, at least. This could wait until the quiet of the night, when all else she had to occupy her thoughts and dreams were the stirrings of an unsettled past and and the rumbling of an uncertain future.

Remembering her previous train of thought, she began to list to herself the possible Venators to befriend.
Lulatio was a bit... Well, immature. And Empyria and Sabbith were too scary, if she was honest with herself. Definitely a pair she'd need to observe much more than she had so far.

So that left Yakone.

"Well, " she thought, "Yakone seems friendly enough. Definitely easier to speak to than most, I should think."

At that thought, she leapt off the rock and landed lightly into the undisturbed snow with a loud crunch.
Her mind made up, she shook herself to fluff her fur against the cold, and began the trek back to camp, intent on finding Yakone.

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🌗Pidge🌓 (#49134)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2019-02-04 15:01:04
If you are still looking I'm up to rp ^-^

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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-02-04 17:31:38
( mobile so this is crappy)

Evesda - that looks absolutely amazing. Great to have you as a partner ( that's 4 of 5 people) feel free to pm me with any rp ideas :)

Tatsu - please provide an rp example :)

Also, guys , sorry if I'm not replying to pms right now, I'm on mobile and it makes it hard :p I promise I'll reply to them as soon as I can

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