Posted by Indicate when an account is closed!

pretzelbear🥨 (#159405)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-02-16 12:00:25

I had 180 HS reserved for a user who promised me 3 Lion Meats in return, only to find out that their account had been closed. The original forum post that advertised the Items for HS remained on the board, exactly the same as before the account was closed.

There are two possible solutions to this...

Once an account is closed, The person's "player card" (the little thing to the left of their posts with their profile picture and name) would display a message in red saying "Account closed". There is a mock up of this one below.


All users subscribed to that topic would receive a system notification or a message saying something along the lines of "The owner of (link to inactive thread) has closed their account and is no longer active", thus telling them that the owner will never reply.

This would prevent any help board posts/ game development suggestions from being deleted.


Suggestions or additions are welcome!

Adamymous ☢ (#68231): "Perhaps just making it a note? Like account closed somewhere on forum posts/replies to let people know?
Just to keep things from being deleted, but still an indicator of some sort."

tok (#9112): "make a note under the icon. this also goes for banned/suspended users and anything else that makes a user unable to reply/use the site. Might already be in place? Never seen it, though.

Auto lock any threads created by a banned/closed/suspended user. There's no need to delete everything, and threads can be manually unlocked in the case of suggestions, or be reposted by a mod."

Here is a mock-up created by tok (#9112)!



If you don't support this suggestion, please give me constructive criticism or tell me why you don't support!


This suggestion has 113 supports and 3 NO supports.

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Edited on 05/04/19 @ 13:16:47 by pretzelbear🥨 (#159405)

Aredy1974 (#166030)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-02-26 19:57:02
I love this idea!

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pretzelbear🥨 (#159405)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-02-26 20:18:36


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tok [Clean Svelte
Elysian] (#9112)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-03-13 18:12:11

or just do what every other forum does.

make a note under the icon. this also goes for banned/suspended users and anything else that makes a user unable to reply/use the site. Might already be in place? Never seen it, though.

Auto lock any threads created by a banned/closed/suspended user. Theres no need to delete everything, and threads can be manually unlocked in the case of suggestions, or be reposted by a mod.

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pretzelbear🥨 (#159405)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-03-13 18:14:16

That is a great addition!! Do you mind PMing me the code for your picture to add it to the original post?

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