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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-02-22 19:32:07

Main Roleplay Thread


Please fill out the form below in its entirety. Remove asterisks from coding before posting. This form is designed to keep things brief so please try and keep to the guidelines given within each section. The idea is to let everyone get a feel for your character without giving everything away so characters can get to know and discover things about one another via roleplay.

<*p style="font-family:FONT HERE;color:#000;text-align:center;"><*a href="SOURCE URL HERE"><*img src="IMAGE URL HERE" width="500">

Your character's full given name along with any nicknames/aliases.

How old is your character?

All welcome.

Same as above.

Physical Description
Write a concise description telling us what your character looks like. 1-2 paragraphs at most.

Write 1-2 paragraths detailing your character's personality.

Important friends, family members, etc.

Theme Song

Anything extra you might want us to know about your character goes here.

If we aren't familiar please provide a roleplay sample below your form and put it under a spoiler in order to save room. If you aren't sure how to do that the code is provided below. Remove asterisks before posting.

[*spoiler]Roleplay sample here.[*/spoiler]

Please pm me both a rundown of your character's ability and a brief description of their backstory. While these things aren't required in the bio form so there's an element of surprise, as the admin, I need to know the finer details.



While I'd like everyone to try and come up with something unique I may allow similar abilities so long as they function differently. Obviously, if I get multiple people asking for the same thing I will start caping people off. Your character may have only 1 (one) ability so choose wisely.

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Edited on 10/04/19 @ 23:30:48 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2019-03-09 20:41:37

Pax Ricochett


"If you stopped seeing the world in terms of what you like and dislike and saw things for what they truly are in themselves, you would find a great deal of peace in your life."

25 Years



Physical Description
Pax Ricochett used to be quite, however her skin has turned an almost surreal shade of deep mahogany, almost pitch black, thanks to her 'power'. Her hair, dark even before her transformation, now seems to absorb any light it can grasp, giving off only the slightest reflection similar to what one would see in a puddle of oil, when under direct sunlight. By noticeable contrast Ricochett's iris's seem almost glass-like, often taking on the color of her current surroundings as if trying to emulate them.

This young woman can be found in a sensible pair of jeans, plaid shirts, a silver small loop earing, a simple metal necklace, and a pair of heavy combat boots. Her hair is cut just below her ears, longer on the top of her head when compared to the sides. Pax also has the habit of wearing fingerless gloves, doing her best to limit touchable skin.

A young woman struggling for self-purpose, Pax is a former animator who has miraculously survived in a world where everything and everyone has gone absolutely mad. Equal parts proud and self-retributive Pax struggles to find meaning in a life without former friends and family. She mourns the loss of the world's natural beauty, yet thanks to her power, has the ability to see a different kind of beauty in her surroundings (though things get complicated when that self-same beauty comes into contact with her). Despite struggles, Pax has survived for this long and doesn't plan on giving up anytime soon, having retained a stubborn grasp upon her curiosity and sense of adventure. Still, the days seem to stretch far into the distance, silence lingers, and the darkness has sentience when there is no one around to connect, or even have a conversation, with.

| Friends | Open |
| Family | Hecka Open - Get me some siblings who survived! |

Theme Song
Dear Darlin' by Olly Murs
Passenger | Let Her Go

She has garnered the 'affection' of a reptilian equine. At one point it might have been related to the, however, it is covered top to bottom in silvery-gray scales with an onyx-shaded feathered mane, tail, and hooves. It bears a striking resemblance to what a wingless dragon might look like if it had been related to a horse.

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Limebird (#89309)

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Posted on
2019-03-11 16:50:56

Image Source:

Img Source

Nadia Timéo


Female (Trans)


Physical Description
Although short, only 5'1, She is very well built. Her copper skin is smooth and she has dark freckles along her arms. Her torso is curvy with a flat natural bust. Her arms are unusally long and long fingers which make it easy for her to catch onto tree limbs with. Her hair reaches down to her lower back and is usually pulled out of her face with a clip.

Her eyes are unusually large and a murky brown-green color. Her nose is normal sized and well rounded at the tip. Her head is oval shaped, with a round chin and round cheeks. She kept a tube of mascara with her and wears it in situations she finds it necessary for.

She wears a dark red zip-up hoodie over a pleated schoolgirl type dress in light pink. Underneath her dress she wears a bra packed with socks as a temporary hold for a bust. She wears a pair of skinny jeans and beat up boots. She always has a old wornout backpack with her, filled up with materials for survival.

With all that packed into her small body she is very energetic. She hates being alone, which obviously isn't good considering the situation she is in. She loves to chat and talk. She is very naive and considers everyone a good person despite how they may look, which has caused her trouble in the past. She can often be found singing and talking to herself if no one else is a round.

Before the plague she was a young law student, going to college at one of the most prestigious schools in her country. She was studying criminal law and lived with her Mother and 4 siblings. She also had a girlfriend. They all died in the plague so she hates talking about her past. Anytime anyone asks her a question about the past she shuts down.

You can see she is trying to conceal her feelings and lock them away with causes her to not have good control over her powers at times. She will soon explode from locking her felings away but until then she continues to practice with them.

Mother: Deceased


Father: Unknown

Friends: Open

Significant Other: Open

Theme Song
King: Lauren Aquilina

She has a male cat named Stellar. He is a fluffy black tuxedo cat and stays by her side always. He is weary of other humans and often hisses at newcomers.

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Edited on 11/03/19 @ 16:52:23 by Limebird (#89309)

cestrelandreams (#152266)

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Posted on
2019-03-15 15:23:11


"If you weren't so cute, I'd honestly probably hate you."

Kato Arashi




Physical Description
Kato has quite an unique appearance. His face is very delicate, yet sharp; with deep cuts and edges making up his features. It seems a dainty hand took their time; carefully etching out each curve and mark in this beauty of a face. His eyes are a piercing, icy blue, and unusually large in appearance; teetering on the border between innocently adorable, and downright unsettling. The thick, long set of lashes that frame them both do little to balance such out. The blue color pops vividly against his skin, drawing attention away from their odd holders. His hair is messy - though more or less straight - and is a pretty platinum blonde; so light it almost appears to be absent of color entirely. Pale, just like the rest of him. Yet, somehow, everything seems to contrast quite nicely.
Kato claims to be five foot ten, but really, he's only five eight. There isn't much of a difference, but for whatever reason, he is adamant on pretending to be the taller of the heights. He is quite skinny - almost terrifyingly so, though his frame is hidden beneath a baggy pair of black sweats. He wears a black mask over his face, similar to that of another survivor, which conceals everything but his eyes. His hood is often pulled up, covering those white locks. It's rare he ever brings either down to expose himself. Kato's hands are always concealed by a pair of thick leather gloves. His arms are covered in vicious scarring, and he has two tattoo-like markings; each residing on an opposite wrist. Liar is carved crudely into the left one, and seems to be one he did himself, for the wounding is quite fresh. Trust no one is written a bit more neatly in the other, and is little more than scarring at this point.
His ears are pierced in several places, and decorated with various, small hoops. His nose is also pierced, though it isn't much more than a small, silver stud.

Although Kato is well into his early adult years, he still seems to have the demeanor of a child; or perhaps, a preteen. Even with the inevitable doom caused by the apocalypse, he has somehow remained quite cheerful and optimistic. He is sarcastic, but it is in a teasing, playful way. Kato is a mischevious man, and isn't above playing tricks on other survivors he wanders across. He is a sweet guy, truly, and has an incredibly heart of gold. Kato is extremely empathetic, and has been known to throw himself into the line of danger to save his peers. He cares strongly for others, and trusts them with a similar strength. This has led to him getting in quite a bit of trouble. Kato has major PTSD, and trauma that has affected him deeply. He refuses to speak of it, and, although his triggers aren't obvious, they become quite apparent once one happens to appear.

Kato's chosen companion is a mutated white hawk named Yuki. The snowy creature has deep, blood-red eyes, and a split tongue with a deadly poison coating. It looks quite aggressive, but Kato seems to adore it.
Kato seems to know of another survivor named Enzae, but if questioned too much about him, he will merely force a smile and politely refuse to speak of him.
Kato too seems to, peculiarly, know a bit about the plague doctors. He mocks them often, pretending he is not afraid of them, but finds himself paralyzed when he comes face to face with one, too frightened to even move.

Theme Song
I Hate Everything About You - Three Days Grace

Kato's presence is often seen as a poor omen, even though he himself seems like such a cheerful man. His choice of companion chills many to the core; and trouble seems to just follow him wherever he goes.
His skin is ice cold to the touch; and his breath feels the same. His eyes always possess a dead, sort of foggy look to them, similar to those of a dolls. His power seems to slowly be killing him.


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Edited on 23/03/19 @ 16:29:36 by Telle Tilla (#152266)

Dez (#66551)

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Posted on
2019-03-17 02:57:43

Will I see the light when all is said and done?



Alex Matson



Queer - Attracted to any gender

Physical Description
Alex is a relatively normal looking person, with long brown hair and light brown eyes. She's an average height, around 5'6". She looks generally unassuming, especially considering everything that's happened since the plague. She looks like the definition of 'cozy' if it makes sense to say so.

Her typical attire is a pair of heavy jeans and old t-shirt with a worn out leather jacket. Her jacket was once covered in colorful sewn on patches, but due to constant wear, some have come off or have gotten too faded to read. She wears wool socks and a pair of sturdy hiking boots, so she doesn't have to worry much about whether or not she'll wear them out too quickly while moving around the decimated landscape. She also has a backpack that she keeps pretty much all of her possessions in. Overall, she's dressed for survival and utility over comfort, with the exception of a gold and amethyst ring hung on a silver chain around her neck. She refuses to take it off, even when sleeping or bathing.


Alex is pretty no-nonsense with those she doesn't know well, but she's willing to work together in favor of survival. Strength in numbers is something she feels strongly about. She's very logic-minded, and tends not to act on emotion as much as an average person, choosing instead to think through the path she wants to take. She's got a good eye for useful items and even some plants, as she used to be an avid outdoorswoman, camper, and hunter, the reason why she was well-outfitted to adapt to the new environment humanity has found itself in.

She knows what she wants, and she had a decent idea of how to get it. The main things she is looking for now are people who are willing to work together and stick together, as she knows all too well how important it is for humans to have a group to depend on.

Most of her family died to the plague, but she has a close friend out there somewhere. They were split up when everything started, but her friend never talked about having symptoms when everyone else was showing them, a lot like Alex. It's safe for her to assume she's out there still, they just can't contact eachother. (saving this spot for a secondary character who's a lot like a sister to Alex)

She also travels along with her "Dog-- Question mark?". Before everything went down, her family had bred their own dogs for hunting and helping haul things back from camping. They were sturdy, well kept dogs, and when the sickness came down one of their girls - Bella, was expecting pups. Most of the litter ended up stillborn, but there was one weirdass pup that came out not just alive, but very... odd. Almost like it wasn't even a dog anymore. She decided to keep it, and for a few months she travelled with Bella and the weird puppy she named "Sam." Bella ended up catching a normal sickness, a horrible wheeziness, and try as she might, Alex couldn't treat the old girl and get rid of that coughing. When Bella started hacking up blood, Alex did what she had to do in the kindest way she possibly could have. - Ever since, she's been traveling with Sam, who despite looking like a weird amalgamation of nonsense and being twice as big as any self respecting dog should be, acts pretty much like a dog, just way smarter than he should be at times. He helps her carry things when she needs them, hunt, and protects her. She's also recently discovered that Sam has grown two retractable fangs that are in fact venomous. He would never ever bite her with them, but don't ask how she discovered this, she won't spare you the gorey details of the poor shmuck who tried to threaten her.

Sam: (The variant without wings - I own this design)


Size ref for Sam: Image

Theme Song
Helios - Alpine Universe

She's very warm. I wasn't joking when I said she's the definition of cozy, she gives off heat like a human space heater.

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Edited on 25/03/19 @ 14:09:18 by Dez {Memes? Memes.} (#66551)

Limebird (#89309)

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Posted on
2019-03-19 12:28:28

Img Source

Rey Ricochett



Physical Description
Although his sister seems to have grown extremely dark, Rey has retained his natural cocoa skin. His puffy hair has been cut short around the sides and stays longer on the top. It curls in on itself and usually is kept in pristine shape. He often spends hours on end keeping it well put together, even now. Maybe not hours but at least 20 minutes a day. He has a large long scar down the side of his face. He never talks about where it is from and refuses to even acknowledge it. His eyes are dark brown and almond shape. He has a large nose and large lips. He stands at around 5'9" and has a very muscular body. The tips of his fingers appear to be burnt, like a piece of bread. This is due to his power.

He wears a pair of jeans, ripped at the knees with streaks of mud, a dark flannel shirt, and big hiking boots. On one wrist he has a red and pink friendship bracelet, typical of a child and on the other, he has a yet another friendship bracelet, this one black, and blue. He wears a diamond ring on his left hand, signaling that he was married but now she is dead and gone. He has a tattoo on his lower stomach of a dog with wings. 


When he wants to be Rey can be very friendly. He likes a good chat with someone every now and then but he seems to never wanna ever get close to anyone. Like something happened. He has been known to lie in the past about many things, but mostly about things that would only hurt others. Once he has gotten used to you he will become more and more open as your relationship grows. He often won't follow others and is used to being the leader, being one of the oldest siblings in his family. He is very sensible when it comes to shelter and food and water and will sacrifice himself for the ones he loves. 

In the past, he has been very emotional and cry's very easy and quite a lot. Being the tall man he is, you would think he would be emotionally strong but despite that, he isn't. He can get off track and will often have to get back on track. He is looking for any surviving siblings, having moved out when the plague hit, he believes that at least one has survived. 

Pax Ricochett (Played by Moe Moe), Siblings are Open! 

Theme Song

He has a small hedgehog like creature with large, grey teeth sticking from the sides of his mouth. He calls her Nella.

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🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2019-03-21 07:45:08

”We take a piece of ourselves, we draw a line in the sand, we say don't cross this or else, and then we put up a flag.”

Weylyn Hayes




Physical Description
A man slightly taller than average at 6’0, with an athletic build similar to a lean gymnast. Face relatively an oval, maturely shaped with the masculine features of a wide chin and cheekbones, his lips are thin and always pulled into a taut line, with a straight nose ending in a round tip pointing only slightly downwards, centering his face. Eyes hooded and tired looking despite his constant alertness, are mismatched with his left a deep red brown, and the right without any color cause to blindness. The hair on his head is a mess of platinum blonde similar to his skin which is a ghostly pale, both just outside of acceptably kept. He’s littered in scars of varying sizes, one a clean slash down his blind eye from eyebrow to cheekbone, and the largest on his right arm, covered completely in a burn scar, from fingertips to the beginning of shoulder. He’s relatively hairless, aside from a light scruff on his chin, cheeks and legs, unnoticeable either way from the color, he doesn’t bother keeping up with it like most things, mostly because it never grows anymore than that.

His clothes are usually dark and lightweight, covering as much skin as possible. Mainly a black long sleeved shirt, and dark grey cargo pants duck taped at the ankles and knees, or wherever there’s a hole. His shoes are an old pair of white running shoes, surprisingly clean outside of a few scuffs and scrapes from some eventful runs. On his back is a red backpack, filled with whatever essentials he can find and some weapons, the odd knife or other, the name Billy is faintly scribbled on the strap in permanent marker. In his waistband behind his back is a single handgun, his main weapon and the easiest accessible. Accessories consist only of an olive green handkerchief hanging around his face to protect from pollution, worn out after so many years, and a pair of black leather biker gloves.

This is a man of few words and well thought out action, he doesn’t waste time or feelings on anything not worth it, and this could be reason to his lack of relationships, or the fact that the ones he does have he’d be better off not having. So yeah, maybe him being emotionally and socially stunted isn’t doing him any favors, but surviving on his own hasn’t caused him problems, much anyway. He has a set of rules and beliefs that have kept him alive this long for a reason, dedicated and loyal to even a simple idea, he isn’t easily deterred once his mind is set. So logically is how he decides to live, and he’ll be damned if he lets his emotions get in the way of that.

Of course he isn’t completely robotic, and if a fellow human needs assistance he’ll be happy to help, we’ll maybe not jumping at the opportunity, but if he’ll most likely get something out of it he’s quick to act. Payment in bullets or some other essential is preferred, but he wouldn’t pass up a cigarette. Everyone’s dying anyway.

He’s blunt as well, telling it how it is, whether he agrees with something or not, or maybe you just have something stuck in your teeth. He’ll let you know. Even if his own morals aren’t something many might agree with, he also appreciates people who are honest with him and with themselves. He’s never tried to be something he’s not, and maybe that’s being a good person, but the sooner you accept that the better. At least that’s how he sees things, when everything is dug up and out on the table, it’s a lot easier to clean compared to when it’s still buried in the dirt.

Thomas Brennan - Alive - Terms: Unfriendly
The leader of his old group, and personal father-figure, who found him a few years ago. They were scavengers just as anybody else was, but their morals began to blur what Weylyn considers the line of right and wrong.

Inry Martin - Alive - Terms: Unfriendly
One of Thomas’s top men, she always had it out for Weylyn for reasons lost on him. She promised to kill him personally for his betrayal. Even after so long he’s still looking over his shoulder, but he could definitely take her. Yeah, definitely.

Rest - TBD - Open

Theme Song
Take This Lonely Heart - Nothing But Thieves

Nothing yet.

Roleplay Sample

It wasn’t easy getting the bottle, two bullets wasted on infected, one he thinks might have resembled a deer a few years back, and the other, he couldn’t even guess. So he sat back on the arm propping his body up, legs swinging over the edge of the roof, and bottle in other hand resting loosely on his leg. He was looking out over the view of the city, grey and black clouds hanging overhead, wondering what it used to look like. It wasn’t like he had a comparison, so trying to imagine anything was useless, he wasn’t even sure if he could imagine something any more beautiful than this ugly mess. Not even if he tried really hard.

Pulling his handkerchief down to his chin, he brought his prize up to his lips, throwing it back to get a good swig of it. The burn on his tongue was welcomed, letting it sit in his mouth, rolling it over every tastebud before it slid down his throat. It was a bittersweet victory, two bullets in exchange for whatever fucked up memories he could drink away. In a world like this one, that was something worth fighting for.

He nodded, agreeing with himself as he watched the battle rolling in his hand, then took another drink.

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Edited on 21/03/19 @ 08:12:21 by NaiPherah (#88158)

Fire (#159928)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-22 16:57:34

Winston Park
(Winston is his American name, but he rarely tells his real name.)




Physical Description
Winston has creamy white skin as well as black curly hair that gets in his eyes sometimes. He's roughly 5'9" and has a well muscled figure. His eyes are an unusual color, almost like a deep emerald green. He has a rather babyish look, due to his heritage, widening his face and giving him a less threatening appearance. He wears a silver earring with a silver cross dangling from a chain on his left ear, and a small ring like earring on his right. He has a large scar on his back that stretches from his shoulder blade to the middle of his spine, which he prefers not to talk about. Winston most commonly wears a white and red sweaters is often unzipped over a white shirt. He wears a dark pair of jeans an well as a pair of mismatched red and white and black and white converse.

Winston is quite secretive and he almost never reveals his real name. He finds it hard to trust other people, so he takes a while to open up to others and let his vulnerabilities show. Winston is seemingly quiet and mellow, but if something that he doesn't like happens, he will become boneheaded and stubborn because you can say "oops."

He views pain as a sign of weakness and often scoffs when he sees others showing pain. Winston seems tough and pretends not to care about others, but he really does deep down. He just tends to not realize it or push it away. But however caring he is, he tends to be merciless towards those who have done him wrong. There's a slight chance that he has borderline personality. The only reason he's still alive is the promise he made to himself, where he would water the earth with his fathers blood and tears if he were ever to see him again. His favorite expression is a resting 'bitch face', which makes him a bit harder to approach.

Winston has his pet hawk named Jae, who became mutated over the course of the whole meteor catastrophe. Jae has sharp spikes that go from the base of his head to the base of his tail. It's unknown whether they can do anything. He is also stronger than your average hawk, and can regenerate limbs and organs in a matter of minutes.

Theme Song
Natural - Imagine Dragons
Gasoline - Halsey

Winston is a Korean and German mix. His primary language is English, but he often curses in Korean or German when he's angry or annoyed.

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Edited on 24/03/19 @ 18:17:17 by Blue Thunder (#159928)

𝔸𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕪 (#150179)

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Posted on
2019-04-10 14:50:56


Noel Benjamin Lee
He rather despises his forename, and often introduces himself simply as Ben.






Panromantic Bisexual.


Physical Description
There is precisely nothing too interesting on all of Ben's body. Barely brushing 5'9 and thin from malnuitrition, it would be easy to look over the young man without noticing him. He was just so average, it looked almost as if he was harmless.
His dark hair seems permanently slicked back yet sometimes dangling just before his eyes, which, instead were the most intriguing aspect about him. Noel's eyes do not catch light. His vision is perfect and the dark brown color are nothing unusual, but shine a light in his irises and there would be no reflection. The feature keeps him up at night, for everything remains clear to him, even as the sun sets and darkness cloaks whatever is left of the world.
Noel was that one 'emo' kid sitting at the back of the classroom with his nose buried in a book during a history lesson. He perfected the art of hiding in plain sight, staying in a worn black leather jacket and a sweatshirt, dark blue jeans and dirtied sneakers to tie things up.


[ Will be added to ]
Quiet but bitter, Noel had been through enough to grow tense and likely to snap. His childhood was nothing close to content, born to a teenage mother without an unknown father. He was abandoned at an early age, placed into his first orphanage at the age of five. He was tossed around from family to family, foster home to foster home, orphanage to orphanage. It seemed that no one could handle him, even before his 'repulsive' ability. They sent him back for his knack of causing trouble, breaking rules and having the absolute nastiest vocabulary. He would be spewing curse words at eleven years of age. A few years before the virus hit, Ben had finally been released from care, finally an adult who could take care of himself.
Benjamin, despite a harsh upbringing, found comfort in books. It was from those books that he learned his words, rude or no. He loved being whisked away to some fantastical world in the middle of the night, under the covers with no need for a flashlight. Ben still carries a few novels in a tearing canvas backpack with him, even after the apocalypse, you know, when he's not busy trying not to die.


Mother ; Anarose Lee
Father ; Unknown


Theme Song
Sweet Little Lies ; bülow


Noel was close with a stray dog before the virus hit, some kind of large mutt with no pupils in his eyes. Most likely blind before the apocalypse, but the creature acted as if his eyes worked perfectly fine after the event. Dubbed 'Elliot', the dog grew twice to thrice his original size, his shoulder reaching Ben's chest and a tall neck craning overhead. He could have easily been some German Shepherd mix on steroids.


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Edited on 11/04/19 @ 22:03:05 by Anonymous (#150179)

Fire (#159928)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-04-11 16:35:34

Angel Hills




Physical Description
Angel has milky white skin and curly orange hair that goes as far as her waist. She was born blind due to an infection in the womb. Her irises are the latest shade of green, and her pupils a barely visible smoky blue. It's just enough for her eyes to not be completely white. However, no one can see her eyes. She wears a black bandana wrapped tightly around her eyes. She's roughly 5'7 and she has a fit figure. She has quite a few scrapes and bruises from running or bumping into objects. Angel wears her favorite black Gap hoodie along with a pair of black sweatpants. She completes the look with a pairs of Black and white running sneakers. Perfect for going on a run. Or running from creepy bird dudes. Angel tends to be a nature girl, so she often takes off her shoes.

Angel is quite and quick to offer a smile. She is one of a friendly sort, but her tongue can be sharp when she is made angry. She hates pity, and will often lash out when she receives it. Angel is realistic, and can often sound pessimistic. Angel is good at controlling her emotions, and is a m water at putting on a blank facade. She can be sweet, but insensitive as well. But not the mean insensitive. She just struggles to feel or express grief, shame, and sometimes sympathy. It gets to the point where she will comfort a person in distress, not because she feels bad or wants to do so, but because she feels obligated. Her insensitivity is one of many leftovers from depression she had when she was first hit with the hard reality of being different. She often hides she stress and exhaustion, unless it is overwhelming. Angel refuses to let herself be a burden, and won't let anyone think of her that way either.


Theme Song
This is Me - The Greatest Showman
Safe - Daya

Angel has her Golden Retriever, Blitz and her other and animal companion, Winnie to keep her company. Angel has had Blitz for a few years, and Blitz is trained to be Angel's eyes. Blitz is smart but he can sometimes get distracted by Winnie. Blitz is as gentle as a mouse and would never hurt a fly. Winnie on the other hand, is the exact opposite. Winnie is a Pitbull that grew to be the size of a Great Dane. Winnie has no other mutations, but she's incredibly fast and gifted with a deadly accuracy. It's possible that she was being trained to become an attack dog before she met Angel. Angel however, managed to tame that out of her, leaving her with a mindset similar to a German Shepherd.

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Edited on 13/04/19 @ 17:23:05 by Blue Thunder (#159928)

Husk (#37594)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-04-17 21:42:14

Commissioned by me, drawn by

If I don't go to hell when I die I might go to Heaven,
Might go to Heaven,
but probably not.

Xander {Redacted}



"Is that pertinent?”
{If asked, many would not be able to place his orientation.
Due to personal reasonings, he keeps his sexuality obscured.}

➽Physical Description
In general, Xander doesn't look as friendly or approachable as he is. Given his height, naturally tall at 6'2, and his heavy built frame, Xander can be imposing to some, despite his overall harmlessness.
Couple that in with Resting Bitch Face Syndrome, and you have a man who perpetually looks irked.
When he smiles, it is often characteristically lopsided.

His shoulders and chest are broader, although, he is not overly muscular and maintains a fair balance between a more fit physique and an average one. Among his chest are the scatterings of vitiligo, creating a pigment much lighter than his natural skin tone- which is a deep olive with bronze highlights.
He is rather insecure in regards to the condition and tries to hide it as best he can, though he can do little to cover the tracings of it on his hands.
A long scar runs down the length of his rib cage.

Xander's face maintains a rugged air to it, with a relatively chiseled jaw and cheekbones of a higher set. His nose curves slightly at the tip and along lies pink, faded scar- one he attests he has little idea as to how he obtained it.
Freckles dust the areas around his nose and cheeks. His eyes are lined with thick lashes and are bright green, with specklings of a more earthy, brown hue towards the pupil and a darker ring around the iris itself.

His thick hair falls in curled waves, fair in length, and is of a dark, chocolate brown hue that borders on black with a faint hinting of red tones. Xander often keeps it neatly tucked behind his ears. Stubble lines his jaw.

"I don't trust anything, or anyone, below the sun,
and I don't feel anything at all."

A man brimming with internal confliction, many intricacies underline his intentions and actions, making him, at times, a bit of a challenging individual to handle.
There would be no lie in saying that even Xander himself knows not what he wants from life.

Being highly ambitious, driven when motivation strikes him, Xander pursues attractive opportunities that arise with fervor.
This tendency oft makes him a hard worker with remarkable diligence; however, make no mistake; this inclination does not come without problems.
Xander can become utterly absorbed duties he assigns himself to, rarely opting to give himself a break, be it needed or not.
The habit is not healthy, but it's also not one he'll willingly admit to, lest you drag it out of him, as stubborn as he can be.

While not intentionally rude- well, for the most part- per se, his blunt and at times wry manner of speech can easily lead someone to misconstrue him as insensitive or cold.

Xander is an unfortunate victim to different vices, a given as he is a pleasure seeker to his core, spending many a night seeking to drown away in the warmth of alcohol, scarce as it may be to find now. Of course, he tries to keep a lid on these vices with notably varying levels of success.
His impulsiveness makes him terrible with finances and can often put him in tight places by way of poor decision making. While on a selected task he is competent and highly skilled, off work he can justly be described as a loose cannon.

Interpersonal relationships are where things can get a tad complicated. Due to his upbringing, Xander has significant issues forming and maintaining deep connections with others. The very thought of being emotionally close to another terrifies him, so, as a defense mechanism, he keeps people at a safe distance despite craving connections with those around him.

Despite this, Xander socializes with ease, proving to have the gift of gab, though his tongue can be quite sharp at times which in and of itself can be off-putting to some.
Xander has a leaning to being promiscuous and can be teasingly flirtatious with no real intent behind it.
His fear of close, intimate relationships makes it hard for him to settle down, however.
He is, somehow, utterly oblivious to when someone is flirting with him or overly interested.

He can become blind to faults in others once he gains a certain level of closeness with them and can, thus, fall engrossed into toxic relations.
Xander is a person easily manipulated if circumstances align right, which, along with his lack of immediate forethought and a "pendulum morality," explains many of the unfavorable conditions in which he finds himself.

Mother: Redacted.
Father: Redacted.

➽Theme Song
King of The Clouds - P!ATD
usay - bulldog eyes

A very mishappen and rather grotesque feline follows him around. Xander has taken to calling the small beast Uriah.
While he did not ask for the companionship, and initially was annoyed by the creature's stalking, persistent behavior, he would be lying if he denied any confessions of sentiment towards the mutant cat.

Xander is not forthcoming about his background nor his abilities; however, it's the wastelands, and he figures this to be the norm.

This kid comes equipped with a keen interest in medicine.

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Edited on 18/04/19 @ 08:10:12 by Husk (#37594)

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