Posted by View lionesses that have left the pride

Kate-cat | Clean G3
Ice 2xRose (#142938)

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Posted on
2019-02-26 13:24:43
I can’t remember if this has already been suggested or not but if it has I thought making another post wouldn’t hurt.

Today I woke and upon rollover found that 79 of my lionesses had left my pride due to low mood or starvation. I usually feed and entertain my pride every other day or so but forgot to last night before logging off. To reclaim all of them it adds up to be 15,800 sb and I don’t know about you but I can’t afford to reclaim all of them. I would suck it up and purchase gold beetles to trade for sb but I’m not 100% sure I remember what each one looks like and how badly I want to keep each one. It would be a great feature if we were allowed the view the lionesses that left so that we could decide if we really want them back or not. Just an idea!

Tell me what you think!

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⚔️ TriRosRa (#122111)

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Posted on
2019-02-26 13:43:12
I forget what my lionesses look like, and sometimes I even forget to name them

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