Posted by The Lost Character Sheets

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-02-27 12:37:10

Main Roleplay Thread


Personality: (at least six sentences)
Appearance: (at least six sentences and/or an image)
History: (optional but preferred)

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Edited on 27/02/19 @ 16:50:41 by Polopony (#96942)

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-02-27 13:45:45


"If ever you feel alone, just look beside you. I'll always be there."
{Latin: Of, from}
5 years

Australian Cattle Dog Shepherd mix

Neutered Male


Tem is a chipper, charismatic dog. He enjoys a laugh, and if ever there's a joke he's at the root of it. He has a difficult time taking things seriously due to his constant joy, but he tries his hardest. This is a dog with a huge heart. He loves his entire pack, and looks for the best in everyone. He's one to trust easily, and he's fiercely loyal. Though he hates conflict, Tem will gladly fight for what he loves should his words not soothe the situation. He has a natural eagerness to please, but he won't hesitate to stand up for what he believes in. He loves to talk, and he'll hold a conversation for hours. Tem isn't the best at sitting still, as his high energy levels make him a good worker, but an impatient dog. He loves puppies, sharing a certain connection based in seemingly boundless vivacity. Tem's favorite thing to do is patrol the territory, and he makes a point of talking to everyone as much as he can.

Tem believes only in lasting bonds. He has an optimistic outlook for very situation, no matter how grim, and he never holds grudges. As he likes to say, forgive and forget. Tem is not the type to idly stand by while another dog is treated unjustly. He despises bullying, and any unfairness towards any dog, even if they 'deserve it', however cowardice is one of the only things that bring out the anger layered deep with this dog. He sees it as not only a lack of heart, but also of devotion and loyalty, three virtues he holds very close to his heart. He has no patience for cowards. But show courage and compassion, and Tem is a dog you can always rely on to be right by your side, no matter what.

Tem is a short, stocky dog, standing at about 18 inches at the shoulder and weighing in at only 30 pounds. His ribs are almost always visible due to a hard life, but he doesn't carry the appearance of a starving dog. he has bright, deep mahogany eyes and an expressive face. Two oversized, upright ears, both black in color with brown inside crown his head. Above his soulful eyes are two brown spots that look like and act as eyebrows. The black from his ears split his face in half almost perfectly. The right half carries a deep ebony hue that fades around his muzzle, while the other half is white flecked with blue, the trademark of his cattle dog heritage. Tem's muzzle is spotted with a light chestnut brown that spills down to a bib around his throat. The points of his shoulder are stained the same color, a soft contrast to the dark flecks of the majority of his coat. His short, powerful legs fade to brown as well, and black toenails accent the paws sharply.

His muscular hindquarters end in a bobbed tail that wags furiously when he gets excited, often shaking his entire body. His fur is course and of medium length. The right side of Tem's muzzle bears a jagged scar, a painful reminder of his past, despite the dangerous look it grants him. The canine on that side is also chipped, and a tooth is missing from his jaws. A small bald patch just above his eye is from the same incident. His nose, naturally a shiny obsidian color, has pale pink scratches across the surface, though it doesn't effect his sense of smell.

Tem was born to a mutt of a mother and an unknown father in a lonely cardboard box. He had two brothers, and their mother raised them to be polite and kind. When the time came to strike out on their own the four went their separate ways. Tem set up shop outside a butcher, and befriended the owner, who gave him otherwise useless bones almost every night. By Tem's second birthday the butcher had taken him in as family, and the shepherd fit right in. The two little girls spoiled him and he loved it, and the butcher's husband always had something special for him. Tem packed on weight at a furious pace, becoming overweight. This caused his seemingly boundless energy to ebb away, until his favorite activity became sleeping on the rug. Worried, the butcher's husband took him to vet. On the way back, Tem had his head out the window. The butcher's husband, chuckling at how much Tem enjoyed the breeze, put the window all the way down. Tem planted his front feet on the door and leaned almost all the way out, inhaling all the scents he could. Then, a car hit them.

The butcher's husband had been watching Tem, and hadn't noticed the red light. He was thrown from the car and was lucky enough to land on the sidewalk, face first. Thankfully, despite a chipped canine and a missing tooth, Tem was still in one piece, and slowly began to recover as he searched for his people. Thoroughly disoriented, Tem never did find his way home, though he often thinks of his family. But he found a new family among the streets, and he intends to stay beside them until the day he dies.

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Little-Coyote (#166259)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2019-02-27 16:39:16
Basics :

Name - Uno

Gender -female

Age - 2 and a ½ years

Rank -


Species -


"Look for the good in every bad day."

Personality :

Positive Traits - Uno is one of the most courageous younger coyotes in her tribe even when she finds herself the most afraid. She is respectful of others, usually oblivious to the good example she had set to the pups around. Lastly, not always having enough food before joining the tribe had taught her generosity, another trait to have a good influence on the pups.

Neutral Traits - Uno is often seen as quiet and reserved when she first meet someone and it tends to take quite awhile for her to warm up to them. The tribemates that have developed a close relationship and have managed to crack her hard shell have discovered how witty and she is. Finally, she likes her privacy and doesn't really like talking about hard subjects.

Negative Traits - To start things off, Uno is insecure and is unsure of her worth to her tribe and to the only family she has left alive. She's also unrestrained, easily finding herself into trouble with her mouth and not using her brain. Last of all, she is quite the forgetful ball of fluff.

"You can judge me for something I did some days ago or you can judge me for what I decide to do now."

Family (not including her tribemates) :

Mother - Aideen
Father - Caillte
Siblings - Digby (little brother) and Cypress (older sister)
"Uncle" - Barren

Other relations ~

Kodiak - female best friend (young red fox)
Maimu - male best friend (black jackal, yellow eyes, older)
Saray - a female barn owl

Appearance :

Uno has grayish-brown to yellowish-brown fur on top and whitish fur on her underparts. She has warm coffee brown eyes with the slightest hint of amber to them. She has large, trangular ears on the top of her head and a long, narrow muzzle with a black nose.

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Ash🌟 (#167701)

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Posted on
2019-02-27 19:03:31

Breed: Retriever, setter mix
Age: 4
Height/wei: 22 inches, 56 pounds
Rank: Hunter
Well mannered, Regal girl She loves going for long walks and enjoys interaction,can become lonely if left alone, will start a pacing habit from anxiety.otherwise has a zest for life and adventure. Wisdom beyond her years..
She will guide others with a calm demeanor or can be a great provider in times of need.

Appearance: Lean body, long flowing jet black coat, slender legs, neck and soulful hazel eyes. moves like a dream

History: 2 years ago she was owned by a elderly lady whom Memphis loved so much, she refused to bond to anyone else, led a life of pure bliss along side her human caretaker. dog parks were her favorite weekend pass time. oneday
she had been let outside in the backyard about 3 hours had gone by and she heard a noisy vehicle pull up humans rushing indoors with a stretcher, Memphis panicked thinking something was wrong, she barked frantically pacing back round to the fence watching them take her owner away(they had passed away),the dog dug a hole in the fencing previously and when a stranger tried to grab her. she found her way onto the streets and since then the beautiful canine has fended for herself along side other strays..finally she was free

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Edited on 02/03/19 @ 01:10:02 by Emery🌸 {Cherry Pie} (#167701)

Matchy (#162395)

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Posted on
2019-02-28 14:10:42
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but a crowbar would do it SO much better!"
Image result for gerberian shepsky photos
Name: Kokori
Age: 4 (In human years)
Breed: German Husky (German Shepherd + Husky)
Personality: Kokori is a sarcastic but kind dog who always acts as if she doesn't care, but in a battle she is usually the one to throw herself in front of a friend. She is very protective of her pack and sees most of them as friends and family. She is hard to get true emotions out of, as she is always putting on a tough mask, but everyone who takes the time to get close to her will eventually realize she is truly a softie. She is usually the one to crack a joke in a tense situation, and can be hilarious when she wants to be. Usually if someone asks her if she favors anyone, she will come up with a rude reply about how bad they are to cover her feelings. In anime terms, she is a Tsundere.
Visual Appearance:
Physical Appearance: Kokori is lean muscled and has slightly long but graceful legs, therefore making her very swift and quiet, which is why she was chosen as a hunter.
History: Unknown, (She keeps to herself about that, even with the pack)
Family/mates: None

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Edited on 05/03/19 @ 11:06:40 by Matchy (#162395)

overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2019-03-01 20:03:05
"I have seen the hubris of man, and walked away a better dog, and I'm still growing."

Name: Nuka
Age: 7 months
Breed: Irish wolfhound
Gender: Male
Rank: Pup
Personality: Nuka is a gentle pup with a big heart. He is outgoing and loyal, but also rather sad. This pup has been through heck, and is scarred both physically and mentally by it. Known for having night terrors, this pup trys to be strong, but is unsure how. The biggest downside to him is that when confronted for a wrongdoing, he's just as likely to throw the blame as accept it.
Appearance: Irish_Wolfhound_Puppy.jpg Has a scar over left eye and a notch in left ear
History: Nuka was the son of a lusciously coated Irish Wolfhound pair, showdogs with bite, his father was a fighter and a hunter, his mother a ring runner....until his mama's human did away with the pup's parents, and then kicked him out into the cold. The pup was barely old enough to be alone, and here he was, shivering in the cold. He wandered the streets until he came across a group of dogs. Would they be willing to take in a pup?

{image credit }
"Those who walk alone, are lost to us. Only by walking together can we hope to thrive."
Name: Atisha
meaning Peaceful in Elvhen{Former owner was an elf adddict}
Age: 5 years old
Breed: Kishu Inu
Gender: Female
Rank: Alpha female
Personality: Atisha is a very strong willed but gentle and loving. She is known as mothering, and loyal, with a slight overbearing tendency. She is comforting to those who need it and firm with those who cross her. She's not above giving every dog a fair shake but no-dog can help them if they threaten her pack.
Appearance: 800px-Sesame_Kishu_Ken_2.png
History: Atisha was a very active dog before the change in man. Agility trials, Birding, hunting, Disk trials, and all those hecking active sports for the dogs. but then she found herself coming to the door of her person's house, and finding it empty. She knew she wouldn't survive alone, so she took to the streets, and started to gather others who had been left alone, and found safe haven while leading these new dogs in their new life.

image credit

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Edited on 01/03/19 @ 21:33:15 by Unova Solarflare{StampsWelcome (#51172)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-03-01 21:39:47


{ Art commissioned from Norowa (#95412) . }


4 years old.


Tosa Inu.


Yoru is a decently large dog. Reaching 32 inches at the shoulder and weighing in at a hefty 165 pounds, this boy was bred to be an absolute unit. His dark brindle coat is short and dense, broken only by the splotches of white found on his throat, chest, and paws as well as a solid black muzzle. His eyes are, unusually, a piercing shade of gold. His muzzle is scarred and both ears are torn in several places.

A typical specimen of his breed, Yoru possesses a remarkable amount of poise, composure, and patience. Silent and more often an observer compared to a talker, his history as an ex-fighting dog appears to have little bearing on how he treats other dogs, feeling no need to brutalize anyone outside the ring unless provoked. Calm and vigilant, he proves a loyal friend to anyone who comes under his care and quite gentle. Often mistaken for a brainless brute he withholds surprising intelligence, his thoughts far more calculated than one might expect. Tosa are bred to be dogs of outstanding courage and Yoru is no different, willing to face any challenge life chooses to throw his way with determination and enduring willpower.

Born in Japan, Yoru was a champion in the fighting rings for many years before his owners moved to their current location and he enjoyed an early retirement, going on to serve his family as a guard dog. While still controversial, Japanese dog fighting is vastly different from what occurs in the Western world. No Tosa in recorded history has ever been killed and the dogs are not allowed to seriously injure one another. For many years he looked upon his past fondly, free of resentment or guilt until very recently. A few months ago he ended up in the wrong hands when a formerly trusted friend of his owners stole and sold him. Once again Yoru found himself in the fighting pits, but things were very different this time and he was forced to kill or be killed. One fight was interrupted by a police raid and Yoru miraculously managed to escape in the chaos, now wandering the streets trying to find his way home.

TBD. Kin still lives in Japan.

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Edited on 02/03/19 @ 02:20:38 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

ghostdad (#1650)

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Posted on
2019-03-02 01:29:26
Name: Josiah.
Age: 3 years.
Breed: German shepherd crossed with unknown breed.
Gender: Male.
Rank: Hunter.
Personality: In short, Josiah is a very determined, silver-tongued dog. He's quite snarky as well as rebellious, never quite listening to what he's told. Quick-witted, he's never short of a biting remark in response to a jest he doesn't take to. He doesn't take much to heart, and is not easily made uncomfortable, making it easy for him to tolerate the many varying temperaments of his fellow canines. He is a bit of a devil's advocate, enjoying debating solely for his own amusement in others frustration. Despite his rambunctious, punk-y outward demeanor, he does have a gentler side. He enjoys caring and playing with pups, and is very protective of them, even if they aren't his own offspring. Contrary to his usual restless nature, he's quite patient and understanding with pups, never harsh in his actions or words alongside them.
Appearance: Josiah has a dense inky coat of medium length. He is completely black, with no streaks or specks of another colour. His fur has a slight kink to it, making it appear somewhat wavy. He has some particularly vivid amber eyes, with gold, light yellow, and orange specks seen in them. They contrast well to his pelts dark and unsaturated colour. His ears are erect and slightly torn up, and his muzzle is a bit on the narrow side, giving a delicate appearance. His back has a subtle slope downwards as it goes towards the base of his tail, though not too drastically that he has spine problems. His tail is somewhat thin at the base, gradually growing thicker along the length of it, with the end half being substantially fluffier. He has a fairly wiry frame, and is slightly below a normal height of a male of his breed. He has a 'lanky' look to him, with his slight frame and thin limbs.
He has a few small, thin scars here and there from light scrabbles or the small animals that fill the alleyways. Most noticeably on his lower forelegs, face, and hocks.
History: Born runt of the litter and sickly, Josiah was not expected to live past a couple weeks. Small and weak, he was unable to get proper nourishment from his mother, which led her to neglecting him completely in favour of his stronger, more promising littermates. Miraculously, he somehow pulled through, though he wasn't quite as robust as his brothers and sisters. Still, his siblings and parents seemed to outcast him, never including him while playing or snuggling up together, almost to the point of acting as if he didn't exist. Obviously, this type of treatment takes its toll on a young, impressionable pup. He became withdrawn, cynical, and covered up his insecurities with humour.
Family/mates: TBD.

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Edited on 02/03/19 @ 10:48:21 by Corvid (#1650)

Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-02 09:33:07
Age: 2 years old
Breed: doberman/pit bull mix
Gender: female
Rank: hunter
Personality: (at least six sentences): Echo has a very short temper and will snap at anyone. She can be kind and caring when it comes to the elders and the pups.This female is also very head strong when it comes to plans during anything. Stubborn when it comes to the pups and hunting. She can be very silent to others because she doesn't really like to talk. Doesn't have a hate bone for dogs more for people
Appearance: (at least sentences and/or an image) : Dark brown back with light tan belly,dark brown eyes File:Doberman blue, purebred CKC.JPG
History: (optional but preferred) Used to be a fight dog until she attacked and killed her "master " so she than ran off
Family/mates: Father a pit bull who worked with the police and mother a show dog doberman. She is open for a mate


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Edited on 03/03/19 @ 10:10:22 by Lionesspride (#128112)

Prince (#93588)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-02 18:29:05
Name: Luna
Age: 2 yrs
Breed: Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Gender: Female
Rank: Loner

Personality: Luna is a skittish little dog with a big heart to compensate for her size. She’s a bit lacking in social skills because her owner was usually busy going to school or doing homework, so she didn’t get out much. Luna does not like to pick fights, and will shy away from most confrontations regardless of intentions. She can really be kind of a pushover and has a hard time saying no sometimes, but she has strong morals that persuasion simply cannot influence. After she was abandoned, her skittishness had developed more (since she’s in an incredibly unfamiliar environment) and her mind was plagued with insecurities as she wandered the streets and wondered what was so wrong with her that would cause her to be abandoned.

She is generally gentle, kind, generous, and is normally pretty reserved until she warms up to someone. Once warmed up she is incredibly loyal and compassionate, but it takes some time for her to get comfortable with unfamiliar dogs and environments. Despite her lack of social skills, Luna loves to make friends. She gets a bit uncomfortable around puppies and doesn’t hang around them often because she finds them to be a bit overwhelming, but enjoys the time she spends with them.

Appearance: will be drawing her since I’m not as great at visual descriptors, so stay tuned!

Luna is a small dog - only 10 inches tall and 24 pounds - with black, tan, and white markings. She has nurturing dark brown eyes with small tan markings above them. She was a little heavier while she was under her owner’s care, but has slimmed out due to living off of scraps. Luna once wore a blue plaid handkerchief around her neck, but hides it so she is more appealing to other strays and is more likely to be taken in.

History: Luna’s owner was the daughter of an immigrant family who could barely afford keeping a dog. Her owner was always busy, so Luna spent her time alone indoors or fenced in the backyard and never really got the chance to explore because they could never find the time to spend with her. Her owner realized she couldn’t afford keeping Luna alive, so she left her in a box for someone to take at a bustling corner. The loud noise and Luna’s anxiety didn’t mix, so she ran until she couldn’t hear any more loud sounds and ended up lost in the alleyways of New York. After aimlessly wandering and realizing her owner won’t be coming back for her, she tries to make herself seem as stray-like as possible, ridding her appearance of her favorite handkerchief she always wore in order to have a greater chance of getting accepted by other strays. She hasn’t gotten rid of it, though - she hid it and will only take it out when she’s alone and homesick.

Family/mates: The only family Luna has ever known is her owner’s. Mate TBD.

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Edited on 02/03/19 @ 22:25:29 by SuburbanPrince (#93588)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-03-02 22:29:10

[Image Source]


6 Years

Saarloos Wolfdog


Alpha Male

Eloquent and extremely charismatic, Rembrandt presents himself as courteous towards both enemies and allies alike. He always appears calm and well-put-together, a convincing facade that rarely ever slips. Because of this, his true emotions or intentions can be difficult to decipher. He can definitely be harsh if needed, and will not hesitate to put a dog in their place if he feels they are questioning his authority. He's highly suspicious of loners, and especially of humans, and therefore has strict laws in place which limit the pack's interaction with outsiders.

He does have genuine care for the dogs in his pack, and emphasises that he's only as strict as he is because he genuinely believes the pack is better off sticking on their own, and that if they place too much trust in humans harm will come to them. He's highly intelligent and doesn't crack under pressure, able to quickly come up with strategies on the go. He's a methodical dog, and values competency and efficiency in his pack members.

Large even for his breed standards, Rembrandt is 31 inches tall at the shoulders and weighs 110 pounds. His build is athletic, quite similar to that of many shepherd-type breeds, and he's well-muscled. Though his pelt is technically classified as 'red', it's more of a pale, reddish-brown, a honey-like colour which was originally what drew his owner towards him. His pelt is short but thick, made to protect him from cold European weather, and it's especially dense on his neck and chest. True to his heritage, he has a rather wolfish expression, with a slender muzzle and a focused, amber gaze. But his ears, which are very large and more triangular than rounded, are a dead giveaway that he's more dog than wolf.

Rembrandt only has the faintest memories of his mother and littermates, having been sent away from his birthplace in the Netherlands in the first few months of his life to go live with the woman who'd bought him. Though his breed is already quite valuable, Rembrandt was an especially expensive puppy, both his parents having been esteemed show dogs. His owner was a wealthy woman who was unfortunately more drawn to the prospect of owning an expensive, beautiful dog than actually having a pet, and she selected him more for his handsome coat colour than his temperament. His owner's attitude was reflected in the pretentious name she chose for her dog: 'Rembrandt', after the revered Dutch painter.

When she initially got him, his owner invested in trainers to teach him a range of tricks that she could display when her friends came over, the intention mostly to show off her 'pretty new dog' that she brought in all the way from prestigious breeders in Europe. Over time she began to lose interest in him, and he ended up spending more and more time isolated in an outdoor kennel. He had minimal contact with his owner, as she'd hired other people to walk him and bring him his food, and he only saw her on the rare occasion that she'd bring him back inside to parade in front of guests she was trying to impress.

One day, one of his lesser-experienced handlers didn't close the door to his kennel properly, allowing him to simply push it open with his snout. He didn't waste the opportunity. That day he bolted straight out of his owner's prim rose garden and made a bee-line for the city. It wasn't long before he found a pack, where he used his intelligence and silver-tongue to get himself voted in as the Alpha. His bad experience with his previous owner has left him with a hatred of humans that he still harbours to this day.

Family: Unknown, residing in the Netherlands
Mate: None [Possibly open to future love interests? PM me.]

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Edited on 02/03/19 @ 23:52:17 by 。BlazeRed。 (#27478)

「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-03-02 22:56:24

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Name: Ewin
Age: 5 Years
Breed: Blue Lacy
Gender: Male
Rank: Hunter

Personality: A cheerful, determined, and perhaps at times carefree dog. Ewin could be on the verge of death and still force himself to give you his famous stupidly cheerful, toothy grin. He has personally labeled himself as an entertainer and proudly does little "shows" to anyone who looks unhappy, frustrated, or just needs a laugh; his show being him getting on his hind legs, hopping and twirling around while trying to keep balance, and letting out happy howls and barks. It's absolutely silly and nobody asked for it, but he does it with pride. He slightly envies pups for being able to act cute and do silly things without looking insane, but he loves them none-the-less and tends to call any unrelated to him "little brother" or "little sister". Like his breed, Ewin is extremely active and energetic, he enjoys running especially when it includes chasing something.

Appearance: Ewin is a medium sized dog. Standing at a height of 21 inches with a weight of 45 pounds. His fur is short, smooth, and tight. His coat dark solid charcoal gray with a streak of white on his chest between his forelegs. His eyes sharp and alert, a deep rich amber brown.

History: Ewin was born in a litter of six with three other brothers and two sisters up in Texas. Their mother was very young and inexperienced to motherhood, the high amounts of stress from the seemingly large litter muting out her motherly instincts caused her to kill one of Ewin's sisters, and accidently smothering the other. Barely even a few days in and already down to four pups the mother assumed it was only a matter of time, so she traveled with her surviving pups to a farm she knew that was owned by a young married couple. She deserted her pups on the porch and never looked back. Ewin and his brothers were found by the woman of the couple, and were taken in. For the next three years Ewin lived a happy life with his brothers and human folk, herding the farm's sheep, getting daily runs out on the pasture, hunting wild hogs, and sometimes doing performances with his brothers and male human, the dogs hopped and howled while the human strung his acoustic guitar. That all changed though, because for some reason his humans got into an large argument. Soon everyday it was nothing but yelling throughout the day, and after a year the two finally split.

Ewin got separated from his brothers, the three staying with the woman on the farm while the male human took Ewin and moved to New York. It was a rough year though, his human struggled to manage and in the end had given up. He took Ewin out on his leash one day, unleashing the dog and walking back home. Ewin followed him back but the door was locked, it would never open again. He waited almost a week for that door to open but he always got the same result, closed. Heartbroken and confused Ewin finally left, he then found himself becoming part of this pack, the harsh, cruel days before becoming nothing more than a blur.

Family/mates: As mentioned before Ewin has five other siblings, two of which are deceased so he only knows his three brothers, Frank, George, and Harry. Last he remembered they were still at the farm back in Texas. Mate TBD.

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Edited on 03/03/19 @ 00:21:49 by 「Komasan」 (#147164)

Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 00:06:49
Name: Silver water ( Nick names : Silver or Water
Age: 3 years
Breed: Malionois
Gender: female
Rank: hunter
Personality: (at least six sentences) Silver water is very calm in most cases and it can get annoying for her friends because of how calm she is .She loves to be playful with others because she did grow up with many brothers and sisters.Can be very aggressive at times mostly when she is fighting . Silver water is very stubborn when it comes to her ideas
Appearance: (at least six sentences and/or an image) Silver water has a light brown coat that kinda looks golden at times when the sun hits it. Her face is black so her friends sometimes say she has a mask . Silver Water's eyes a deep chocolate brown with golden dots in them. Her tail tip is black while the rest is the golden brown like the rest of her body Hameau-St-Blaise-Yuppie-01.jpg
Silver water as a scar on her front left leg,one on her back,and three on her sides
History: (optional but preferred)Silver water used to be a house dog until her humans left her on the streets so she took it in her paws to fight anything that tried to get her back to human which got her into many dog fights. When she was a pup her foster mother would tell her never to trust humans no matter what but sadly she failed and let herself find a home
Family/mates: none pm me

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Edited on 04/03/19 @ 20:25:10 by Lionesspride (#128112)

Little-Coyote (#166259)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2019-03-03 09:54:43
Name: Mikeno
Age: 3 years old
Breed: A mix between a Labrador Retriever & a Saint Bernard
Gender: male
Rank: is there a healing role?
Personality: Mikeno is naive, making him a bit if not a whole awkward in some situations and he doesn't seem to know what to do or say he will just try to wander off without a word. He's a peaceful soul that prefers to stay far from the fighting and hunting action because it upsets him. Last of all, Mikeno is caring and doesn't mind sitting and lending and ear for a troubled pack-mate.
Appearance: Mikeno is a larger dog with thick, white fur coated with black and brown patches. He has a slight muscular built and warm brown eyes.
History: Mikeno grew up with a family in the area the pack resided in. The family was made up of a young couple that loved each other indefinitely, a beautiful little girl who Mikeno loved and watched over, and another dog who was his best friend. The other dog was a pure blooded pit bull and her name was Guinea. She loved and watched over the child too. Until one day, Mikeno and Guinea was let outside to go do their business and he had witnessed the death of his best friend. A few days after that, his family moved out of state and left him behind.

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P!nk (#146066)

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Posted on
2019-03-05 00:05:18

Image source
"Hello love, my name is Raja."
"Dear one, it's really quite rude to ask a lady her age...but I'll be seeing my eleventh year soon."
"The humans used to say I was a Scottish Collie."
"Dear one, the fact that I am female should really be quite obvious, your eyes aren't failing you are they?"
"I am a Hunter, though I don't go out nearly so much anymore."

As you may have already gathered, Raja is a rather sweet female who is very calm-natured, and possesses a soothing presence, as well as a seemingly infinite amount of patience. She's very affectionate and motherly towards all of her packmates, and is known for addressing them as 'Love' or 'Dear one'.
If she doesn't use one of those two with you, it probably means that she doesn't like you very much, or, it could mean that she respects you a lot, sometimes it's difficult to tell.
Raja is someone that many might go to for comfort, for no matter your age, if you are younger than her, even if only by a year, she will treat you like one of her own, yes, that means licking, grooming, cuddling, and general fussing over. Most don't appreciate her attentions, but telling her off about it, isn't a very good idea, because she'll take your words to heart, and be one sad dog for the rest of the day. It's better to either grin and bare it, or ask her to stop in a way that won't crush her feelings.
Standing twenty-four inches tall and weighing sixty-four pounds, Raja rests on the larger side of her breeds spectrum. Her long, silky fur, is classified as mahogany sable in coloring, and her eyes are a warm chocolate. However, her body appears to be painfully thin beneath her plush coat.
Raja was the unfortunate victim of a puppy mill, kept there as breeding bitch, and forced to pop out litter, after litter, after litter. She was never let out to exercise, and the only company she ever had, was the stud dog they occasionally brought in to breed her, and then the batch of pups she would inevitably have only months later.
She only ever had one month to bond with her litter before they would be taken away, and the process repeated. It broke her heart every time, for she had so much motherly love to bestow, and yet never given enough time with her young to express it all. As a result, she became stuck in -what others like to call- mother mode, and everyone has become a victim of this mode since she escaped, and joined the pack just a scent two months ago.
"Well dear one, the closest thing I ever had to a mate were the stud dogs brought to me. Otherwise, I have had seven litters in my life, and I am heavy with my eighth, and hopefully final, brood. I'm getting to old to be baring pups. I have no idea where any of my previous children are, or if they are even still living."

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-06 17:29:10
Age: 6 months
Breed:Silver lab
Gender: female
Personality: (at least six sentences) Moon is very very sweet and will do anything to help anyone out if she can. She can be very stubborn at times when it comes to having to go to bed or what she has to eat. Moon can be kinda rude when they get on her bad side and she can be just as aggressive as her Mother Echo. The tiny pup is very playfully and loves to mess around out in the ally way or at the park in a hidden cave she made.
Appearance: (at least six sentences and/or an image) Black Short Coat Medium Dog on Floor
scar on left leg got into a fight with a rat
History: (optional but preferred) Moon was only 3 months when her mother was killed in a fight,so she was taken by Echo and the two left the dog fighting ring and began to look for a pack to join. ( will find out more in the story).
Echo ( adopted mother )

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