3 years old.
Silken Windhound.
A slender male of moderate height, reaching 20 inches at the shoulder, his build is graceful and exhibits many of the traits one comes to expect from a sighthound. Delicate in figure, he is in actuality rather hardy and capable of enduring hard labor, a master of adapting and overcoming any obstacle that stands in his way. A natural athlete, he is a dog built for the hunt and the race, evidenced by long legs, lean muscles and the sweeping curves of his body.
His coat is medium length and wavy, the base white while large black patches mark his right shoulder, ears, and on both sides of his head, dissolving into smaller spots along his front legs and flank. Almond shaped chestnut brown eyes are set in a finely chiseled head with small, folded ears and a long muzzle A long, arched neck leads down to thin shoulders. His tail is low-carried, curved and covered in long wispy fur.
Overall, Dice's appearance is quite elegant and eye-catching, something he is very aware of and eager to flaunt. He cares a great deal about his appearance, having grown up in a family where looks were considered everything. He treats his coat with meticulous care, doing his best to keep it clean and free of debris.
While Dice can come across as obnoxious and self-entitled to those who don't know him well it’s generally unintentional on his part. He does tend to run on the sarcastic side and can range anywhere from being very straightforward to horribly passive-aggressive around canines he dislikes, usually dependent on who he's speaking with. Pair that with the fact he has a habit of teasing others and this doesn't often endear him to many. It's never his intention to be cruel, but for those who don't understand his sense of humor, it's easy to become offended by his insults.
That aside, he’s an amiable fellow who means well and can be quite friendly when in good company. Dice is empathetic and protective despite his breed not typically being known for guard work, which often leads to him being reckless if someone else is in danger. He won't hesitate to put his own life in danger if it means keeping a packmate safe and will defend his friends with everything he's got. Dice might not be the biggest or strongest dog around, but he can prove viciously tenacious when necessary.
Nothing too extraordinary. Dice was purchased as a pup with the intentions of becoming an emotional support animal but proved too rowdy and energetic. His original owners chose to return him to his breeders for that reason by the time he was six months old and he was rehomed again to someone with a better understanding of the breed, living beside two Borzoi and a retired racing Greyhound. He was introduced to lure coursing and was quite good at it, enjoying the sport immensely. He was given up a second time to a sighthound specific rescue when his owners found themselves in financial ruin and unable to maintain their lifestyle or care for their animals.
Once he realized they weren't coming back for him he was crushed. Dice managed to slip out of his collar when one of the volunteers was taking him out for a walk and escaped into the surrounding wilderness. At first, he tried to live off the land, but shelter staff frequently came looking for him and he made the decision to move on, eventually arriving in the city the pack calls home. Life as a city stray was harsh and unforgiving, it's quite likely he would have perished if not for the pack. They came upon little more than a pile of fur and bones, taking him in despite that. It's not something he'll ever forget.