Posted by Warriors Roleplay

Ron Stampler
(Business Man) (#169528)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-03-02 13:21:43



🌱 - Newleaf
🌿 - Greenleaf
🍁 - Leafbare
🍂 -Leaffall

🌱 - Newleaf

•Follow The Warrior Code.
•Do not kill another roleplayer without their consent/permission!
•Semi-lit to Lit only. No asterisks. At least 3-4 lines.
•Relationships must form through roleplay.
•Follow the sign-up sheet and always use the opening with every response/reply you give.
•Drama and prophecies are allowed and welcomed. Cats outside of clans and in other clans are allowed as well, so long as you have ONE main character in Anouraclan!
•Up to three OC's per person, not including cat outside of the main clan (those are unlimited).
•The 'moon' suffix and prefix is not allowed.
•Join the clan at any time. If we are mid-roleplay and you want to leave the roleplay for good, you must kill off your character. YOUR OC is canon in this little universe of ours, therefore even after you're gone, it will still be acknowledged and remembered.
•You may suggest another territory location whenever

Locations so far:

•Anouraclan Camp:

--Apprentices Den
--Warriors Den
--Elders Den
--Leaders Den
--Medicine Den
--Fresh-kill Pile

•Anouraclan Territory:

--Decaying Grounds (cluttered with rotting wood, herbs, humid air, and plenty of rodents of all kinds. The burial ground for elders. Kits and apprentices aren't allowed over here due to the many large broken pieces of wood just waiting to cut a small animal open.)
--Broken Building: (A small, old and abandoned building twolegs left behind. It has no roof and the walls have rotted and fallen down to about three to four feet, maybe a little taller than that. Nature has grown over most of it.)
--Mossy Areas: (Multiple areas throughout all the territories. Very mushy ground and always a bit humid.)
--Training Area: (Warriors and mentors train here, usually with their apprentice or a friend. Plenty of room, soft solid ground, and trees with low and high branches.)
--Lake: (large and in the center of all the clans, rivers running into it and out of it. Open to all, free, unclaimable territory. Located past South Border)
--East Border: (Another clan)
--West Border: (Another clan)
--North Border: (Twoleg territory: contains rogues, loners, twolegs, kittypets, etc.)

•Notable Places Outside of Anouraclan:

•Moonstone: (Cave where deputy's get their nine lives. Medicine cats visit this place often.)
•Hidden Underground Tunnels: (Hidden and underground tunnels that were dug by ancient cats. Collapses easily in most areas, therefore dangerous.)
•Mountains: (Rocky, far-away scenery. It would take at least four moons to travel there.)

Copy and Paste opening at the top of your every reply (in roleplay), edit if needed

-(Name)-(Rank)-(Location)-(Mentions //indirect and/or direct//)


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Edited on 20/03/19 @ 10:33:40 by Audrey II (#169528)

Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-09 20:45:56
(Blossompaw)-(apprentice )-(Location woods )-(Mentions)
she left camp after she heard laughing a soft hiss leaving her maw as she spotted Palebelly with a kittypet " What in starclan is going on!" she yowled and narrowed her eyes" Your a traitor " she hissed her words full of venom

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doveyy (#133614)

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Posted on
2019-03-09 20:50:21
+|Palebelly|+|Rank: Queen|+|Location: Anouraclan Territory |+|Mentions: Pierre, Blossompaw|+

The two stopped in their tracks. Palebelly froze. Pierre licked her cheek and stood in front of her. “Don’t hurt my mate.”

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-09 20:55:30
(Blossompaw)-(apprentice )-(Location woods )-(Mentions Palebelly,Pierre)

" Shut it Kittypet" she hissed " I don't want to hurt anyone I just want to get this traitor off of warrior territory ! So how about you take her back to the twoleg place" she growled her fur bristled as she glared at the two cats baring her teeth
" I can't believe you would do this to the clan Palebelly! After all we have done for you! " she hissed

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Ron Stampler
(Business Man) (#169528)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-03-09 20:56:47
|Applepaw|Apprentice /Mentor: OPEN :c/|Anouraclan: North Border|Mentions: Owlscar, Seed, Palebelly, Pierre, Blossompaw|

Apple hadn't slept much through the night. However, this didn't make him tired. He felt restless, so he went out of camp without telling anyone. He assumed Seed could handle Owlscar for now. With the warrior no longer able to hunt, perhaps he could try on his own. He headed mostly along the North border before hearing some kind of common going on a bit further into their territory. He then caught a wiff of a familiar scent. 'That stupid cat! She brought a house-cat here?" His fur bristled at the thought of yet another intruder. Yesterday, he might have tolerated it like he did with Seed, but now that Seed was going to be here for a while he just wouldn't allow it. Its not fair. He should be the only outsider they let in. He wanted to be special. Heading towards the scent, he saw Blossompaw as well. He said nothing and asked no questions before leaping beside his now-acclaimed friend. Digging his claws in the ground, he held his head high in defense.

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Edited on 09/03/19 @ 20:59:44 by Audrey II (#169528)

doveyy (#133614)

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Posted on
2019-03-09 20:59:01
+|Palebelly|+|Rank: Queen|+|Location: Anouraclan Territory |+|Mentions: Pierre, Blossompaw, Applepaw|+

Palebelly wiped her eyes. “Why does it matter who I’m having my kits with?” She cried. Pierre nuzzled her.

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Edited on 09/03/19 @ 20:59:48 by |Lovey♥Dovey| (#133614)

Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-09 21:02:05
(Blossompaw)-(apprentice )-(Location woods )-(Mentions Palebelly,Pierre,Applepaw )
" He's a kittypet! And you sneak out to see him fox heart" she hissed as she felt her claws ripping into the ground " Don't make me go and get Echostar,she won't be to happy either " The she cat snarled and her ears pinned back as her back arched,her eyes narrowed into slits and loud growls left her mouth before her throat was so sore she had to stop

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Pastelly (Parhelion
Ferus!) (#165589)

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Posted on
2019-03-09 21:02:36
(Seed)-(Loner?)-(Location: Woods)-(Mentions: Palebelly,Blossompaw, Pierre)

Seed walked out of the camp, looking for borage leaves. She knew they could help with milk so she decided to grab a few in advance. Seed ears twitched, she could hear something in the distance. It sounded like arguing and she could hear the voice of Blossompaw. She went in the direction of the sound and saw Palebelly and Blossompaw with a kitty-pet. Blossompaw seemed angry and Seed could tell something was wrong “Um... what’s going on over here?”

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Ron Stampler
(Business Man) (#169528)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-03-09 21:05:04
|Applepaw|Apprentice /Mentor: OPEN :c/|Anouraclan: North Border|Mentions: Palebelly, Pierre, Blossompaw|

"Because it damages the clans reputation!" Applepaw said, suddenly caring about the clan life and rules. "You should have stuck to the clan and the Warrior Code." Applepaw then scoffed. "Id rather have a queen with half-clan cats than a kittypets fodder." He spat, hissing. Applepaw didn't actually feel as angry about it as he was making it seem, but he just felt right faking the anger. Maybe he just wanted to stick to Blossompaws side or the Warrior Code was breaking through him.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-09 21:05:07
(Blossompaw)-(apprentice )-(Location woods )-(Mentions Palebelly,Pierre,Applepaw,Seed )

She looked at the loner and huffed " Palebelly broke the warrior code and went off to mate with a kittypet which that does't get me mad but she hid it from us and snuck out to see him" she hissed

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doveyy (#133614)

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Posted on
2019-03-09 21:05:39
+|Palebelly|+|Rank: Queen|+|Location: Anouraclan Territory |+|Mentions: Pierre, Blossompaw, Applepaw|+

Palebelly looked up at Pierre. “Go home, my love. They obviously don’t care about the clan’s growth and the clanmate’s happiness.” The two touched noses and Pierre started to jog back to the twolegplace.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-09 21:07:50
(Blossompaw)-(apprentice )-(Location woods )-(Mentions Palebelly,Pierre)
" Go with him! Your sure as not welcome back not as long as I'm alive!" she hissed

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Ron Stampler
(Business Man) (#169528)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-03-09 21:08:29
|Applepaw|Apprentice /Mentor: OPEN :c/|Anouraclan: North Border|Mentions: Owlscar, Seed, Palebelly, Seed Blossompaw|

"Its wrong." Applepaw added to Blossompaws response to Seed. His tail wasn't even lashing, but his voice sounded somewhat upset.

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Edited on 09/03/19 @ 21:09:32 by Audrey II (#169528)

Pastelly (Parhelion
Ferus!) (#165589)

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Posted on
2019-03-09 21:11:02
(Seed)-(Loner)-(Location: Anouraclan: North Border)-(Mentions:

Seed stared at the cats, “Y-Your not going to attack each other, right?” She could understand why this was wrong, but still this was a queen. If they were wanting to exile Palebelly, who was close to kitting. They should let her have the kits first before she was exiled. There was no need for kits to suffer for someone else’s mistakes

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doveyy (#133614)

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Posted on
2019-03-09 21:11:45
+|Palebelly|+|Rank: Queen|+|Location: Anouraclan Territory |+|Mentions: Pierre, Blossompaw, Applepaw|+

Palebelly sobbed and ran after Pierre. “Baby, I cant go back.”
Pierre looked at her. “You can’t stay in my house though! The clan is stupid if they’re this mad about us having kits together. You should be allowed to go back.”

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-09 21:13:55
(Blossompaw)-(apprentice )-(Location woods )-(Mentions everyone involed )
" What!? No" she growled and turned away stalking off " But I'll leave before I change my mind" she hissed behind her shoulder

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