Posted by ♦ Nova's Commission Cave ♦ [Open]

Nova❄️[Project] (#169855)

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Posted on
2019-03-12 18:58:28

Opening the last 5 slots before remodeling and updating this thread. Prices will increase so this is your last chance to grab art for cheaper fees!"



♦ Currency ♦

1450 = 1

2 = 1

All items come with flat/base colour.


♦ Headshot ♦

♦ Sketch - 4800 OR 4 OR 2
♦ Lineart - 12000 OR 10 OR 5
♦ Shaded - 16 OR 8
♦ Detailed - 24 OR 12
♦ Pixelart - 12 OR 6

+ Adding Background* - Simple (flat colour/gradient) » Free of charge
- Detailed 6 OR 3

Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Example 5

♦ Half body ♦

Sketch - 9600 OR 8 OR 4
Lineart - 16000 14 OR 7
Shaded - 20 OR 10
Detailed - 30 OR 15
+ Adding Background* | Simple (flat colour/gradient) » Free of charge
| Detailed 8 OR 4

Example 1
Example 2

♦ Fullbody ♦

Sketch - 14000 + 12 OR 6
Lineart - 10
Shaded - 15
Detailed - 20
+ Adding Background* | Simple (flat colour/gradient) » Free of charge
| Detailed 5

Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Example 5

♦ Additional Information ♦

♣ Additional character: +50% base price each. More than two characters in one scene will increase the price by 25% up to four.

♦ I will draw:

✓ OCs
✓ Feral
✓ Fantasy Creatures
✓ Anthro
✓ Humans (I’m not really used to drawing humans but I do try)
✓ Mild Gore

♦ I won’t draw:

✗ Mechas
✗ Extreme Gore/NSFW
✗ Dehumanizing situations (Racism, homophobia, etc.)

I ask for clear reference sheets or images of the character where I can see the design. I won't accept written ones mostly because they lead to confusion and unpleasantries. But we can work it out!
♣ I do accept SOFT NSFW. I won't judge, but I have limits on what I will or will not draw. Just remember: I'll charge extra for any NSFW related content and it won’t be posted anywhere on the site as it infringes the rules of Lioden. Feel free to ask via DM.
♣ If there's anything not listed (like icons and custom designs) just send me a DM. I will gladly reach an agreement on that topic!

♦ Terms of Service ♦

I am free to accept or decline a commission.
♣ The commission will be in my style.
♣ I will try to work as fast as possible, but I do still ask for patience. If you are on the Waiting List,
♣ All commissions will have my signature/watermark, please don’t erase nor crop it.
♣ I will start working only after being fully paid and information will be sent privately, but I ask for you to hold your payment until my confirmation has been sent/posted. Real currency refounds are available only up to 24 hours after the delivery and approval of the initial sketch.
♣ All prices are in US dollars.
♣ Paypal is used for real life currency payment.
♣ Contact with the client is encouraged, and if you have any question I will happily try to answer them with the best of my abilities.
♣ Watermarked sketches could be sent if the client so decides in order to confirm the liking or possible changes before continuing with the commission.
♣ If you use the commission on the internet, I kindly ask for credit to be given.
♣ I am allowed to use the images in my portfolio.
♣ I will always use diplomacy and kindness to my clients. I expect to receive the same respect.
You can't resell, claim my art as your own or use it with commercial purposes.
♣ I won't take any commission not following the corresponding ordering form.

♦ How to Order ♦

Please fill out a commission request form if interested (I post the link to the form on my social medias when open). The information I ask for in the form is:

- Drawn references of the character(s). I won’t take written ones.
- User ID:
- Pose: What you want the character(s) to be doing.
- Expression/mood:The overall mood of the image.
- Details: Personality of the character or anything you think I should know. If you order a commission with background, please make sure to clarify the setting place, weather condition, time of day and anything you consider necessary to mention.
- Type of commission: Headshot Lineart? Detailed Fullbody? Specify here!
- Payment Method: If you choose Paypal, your email address shall be asked in order to send an invoice.

- Drawn references of the character(s).
- User ID:
- Pose:
- Expression/mood:
- Details:
- Type of commission:
- Payment Method:

♦ To Do List ♦

•|Slot 1|That1Idiot (#171947)|Shaded Half Body|Paid|Rough Sketch sent

•|Slot 2|Stream|Detailed Headshot|Paid|WIP

•|Slot 3|Bucky (#214618)|Detailed Headshot|Paid|Rough Sketch - Waiting approval

•|Slot 4|----|----|

•|Slot 5|----|----|

•|Quartzy (#166105)|Paid|Delivered|•b7JKcAU.png

♦ Finished works ♦

@Time Bandit #7501| Paid | DONE |
Finished Work
Finished Work

Spicesky #112453 | Paid | DONE
Finished Work

Khaili #132665 | Paid | DONE
Finished Work

@Lilysnape #92961| Paid | Finished | • Finished Work
A- TAKEN| @Lilysnape #92961| Paid | Finished |

Yayathemad (#152181)| Paid | Finished|

Supreme Overlord (#117016)|Paid|Finished| • Finished Work

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Edited on 07/09/20 @ 19:07:59 by Nova❄G2 2x Elysian Pie (#169855)

Nova❄️[Project] (#169855)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-12-28 01:50:11
@Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

I shall be waiting for those then . For now, let me tell you I just L O V E oriental cats so I'd be delighted to work with your baby. I believe everything's in order except a few things:

• Would you like to add a background or just a simple one?
• Payment is in pure GB or with Sb mixed in?

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-12-28 18:33:48
Apologies for the late response! Pure GB and a simple background is just fine! Glad to find another Oriental fan!

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Nova❄️[Project] (#169855)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-12-29 07:26:51
Oh no worries about it, we all have lives outside the game

Arighty then, I'm good to go, as soon as payment is sent I'll start working! And it is always good to find more people who loves the little buggers, with that artistic face and those big ears

If you have any question feel free to ask through here or via PM!

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-12-29 13:44:21
Awesome, thanks so much! I'll send it asap. :)

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Doe (#62827)

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Posted on
2020-02-08 14:04:10
Do you have any current open slots? I have a wolf i'd like some art of, she's kinda new for me
User ID: #62827
- Pose: 3/4 maybe?
- Expression/mood: amused
- Details: She's a honey-colored wolf with cream undertones, I'd like her chest fur to be fluffier then whats in her reference
- Type of commission: Shaded headshot
- Payment Method: GB

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Edited on 08/02/20 @ 14:07:05 by layah (#62827)

G'raha [Haze G1 RL
Clone] (#172969)

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Posted on
2020-02-08 14:45:51
@layah (#62827)

Sure! Slots are open unless its stated otherwise :) I'd love to draw your baby!
Do you wish to add any specific background or a simple one?

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Doe (#62827)

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Posted on
2020-02-08 14:46:32
Simple ones fine~ I'm not to picky~

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G'raha [Haze G1 RL
Clone] (#172969)

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Posted on
2020-02-08 14:55:27
Alrighty! Once payment is confirmed I'll start working on your piece :)

This is my side, oops! But payment received!

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Edited on 08/02/20 @ 15:24:10 by Nova❄G2 Clean Elysian Frail (#169855)

Wyrm (#166105)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2020-03-05 00:52:55
Hello again!!

- Drawn references of the character(s): My new king
- User ID: 166105
- Pose: N/A
- Expression/mood: Flirty, carefree
- Details: His crown and chains please (sort of a punk rock vibe), I'm also not really sure what colour background but maybe something that looks nice with his black and white theme
- Type of commission: Shaded Half Body
- Payment Method: GB

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Nova❄️[Project] (#169855)

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Posted on
2020-03-05 01:33:05
Hey Quartzy, welcome back and congratulations on your new baby! I'll see what I can do for a background ;)

You know the drill ! I'll add you right now

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Wyrm (#166105)

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Posted on
2020-03-08 21:30:35
Sorry for the late reply! Do I send payment now?

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Cervicorn [G1 Maroon
Ennedi] (#33365)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2020-03-09 00:22:50
I'm back! Hope you don't mind me ordering two at once. Feel free to let me know if you'd rather I stick with one.

- Reference: Click.

- User ID:
Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076).

- Pose:

- Expression/mood:
Serene and cheerful.

- Details:
Transparent background. I linked you to his bio which you can check out for specific personality details if you like! Let me know if you need anything else though!

- Type of commission:
Headshot sketch.

- Payment Method:


- User ID:
Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076).

- Pose:
Something like pose 02 or 03 here maybe. Whicevers easier. Click.

- Expression/mood:
Cocky and spirited.

- Details:
Transparent background. He's a very showboaty little lad. I don't have art for this guy yet, but you did work off of a photo ref really well last time. I was wondering you'd mind doing that again? If you don't mind here are the refs.
1 | 2 | 3. Basically a silvery-white toyger with black stripes and pale green eyes.

- Type of commission:
Fullbody sketch.

- Payment Method:

Edit: Just realized I sent this from my other account smh. Hope that's fine. The ID listed is still mine. :')

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Edited on 09/03/20 @ 00:23:59 by Umbra (#33365)

Nova❄️[Project] (#169855)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2020-03-10 00:48:35
Sorry about the late replies!

@Quartzy (#166105)

Sure! Go ahead whenever you're ready ^^.

@Umbra (#33365)

Welcome back ! I realized it was you, no worries :) Thank you for all the details! Just one little question about order #2, what colour are their eyes?

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Cervicorn [G1 Maroon
Ennedi] (#33365)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2020-03-10 01:34:40
They're probably gold in the photo, but I'd like them to be light green if possible!

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Nova❄️[Project] (#169855)

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Posted on
2020-03-10 01:47:43
@Umbra (#33365)

Light green shall they be then! Everything seems to be in order now, so feel free to proceed. I've already added you to the list :) If you have any question, feel free to reach out to me!

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