Posted by Suggestion: Decor Crafting Convenience

(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2019-03-14 07:24:25
As much as I like the format for decor crafting, I think there are many ways it could be improved. So that's what this suggestion is for!

The recent update to the decor crafting UI is wonderful, but I believe there is still room for improvement!

Here's my idea:


- Despite being called 'Decor Crafting' in Monkey Business, you can actually craft a range of different items - not just decor. I'm proposing adding different sections to make it easier to navigate. For example: in your hoard you can sort by things such as "Decoration", "Background" and "Applicator". Since these are the three types of things you can craft in Decor Crafting, I think it would be helpful to have these sections added into the decor crafting area.

For example, you could toggle recipes that are currently craftable, then choose:
- 'View All'
- 'View Decor'
- 'View Backgrounds'
- 'View Applicators'


- This is pretty self-explanatory, but I think it'd be very helpful to have an option to see what recipes you can actually craft. This could either be in the form of a little icon on the recipe, a toggle (sort by "craftable"), or it could be its own category called 'Craftable' (or something along those lines). Anything really that would indicate whether you have the necessary items to craft a particular recipe, rather than having to click on each individual recipe to find what you can currently craft.
This part of my suggestion has also been suggested here, but I thought I would include it in mine anyway.

Added to the game!

Other's Input:
- Maybe there could even be current month buttons, so instead of searching for "November", you could choose a button that filters out everything else.

I'd love to hear your thoughts, and if you don't support, let me know why!

This suggestion has 170 supports and 3 NO supports.

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Edited on 05/01/23 @ 13:27:40 by Lia-Lin (Unholy|4xLeo|Pie|G4) (#36246)

yami [G2 Temporal
Smilus] (#132473)

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Posted on
2019-03-14 23:38:56
Support, although I would like to say that if you search by the item in the search bar it brings up the recipes too.

I think another thing that would be helpful is if the item description itself had 'Craftable' in it. Just the one word at the end like:

A broken camera stolen from annoying human stalkers. (Craftable)

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(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2019-03-14 23:45:50
yami | Aha, I didn't know that. Thanks for pointing it out to me! (Guess I should've checked before I suggested it, huh? XD) I'll remove that part from my suggestion since it's kind of redundant.

And thanks for the input! I'll add it to the main post :)

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yami [G1 Ice Ennedi] (#11258)

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Posted on
2019-03-14 23:55:29
No problem! Honestly a 'craftable' toggle would soooo useful rather than having to search individually by items I own.

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h|Hyacinth (#149724)

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Posted on
2020-05-16 22:37:07
This is great! Also, I think a "items you can craft" button in the decor section would be very helpful too! That way you could see the things you could craft with the items you already have.

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(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2020-05-16 22:39:59
Ooooh, thanks for the input, and the support! I'll add your comment in!

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(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2020-10-09 00:57:03
Bump c:

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Polaroid, the mfing
Pie Lord (#163486)

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Posted on
2020-11-30 12:43:30
TOTALLY support. Maybe there could even be current month buttons, so instead of searching for "November" you could choose a button that filters out everything else.

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(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2020-12-01 00:36:58
Oh that's a neat idea! I'll add that in! c:

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Rufus (#208144)

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Posted on
2021-12-13 18:15:02
You can see craftable items in your hoard, but can't actually see what they can craft [which would be a long list, so i wouldn't suggest adding a list of what it can craft]
And there's not always the items that can be crafted with what you're searching popping up.. I've had that issue a few times where I've searched an item and nothing has come up, yet you can craft loads with the item.
I like the idea sorta, dunno how to explain my opinion really
I do think we need individual sections for different types of crafting, as it is a pain trying to sort out which is which. I thought the buried dino skull was a background as it doesn;t state what type is it, as the skull had a background with it, so i crafted it only to find i had wasted my fossils making it.
Also, like on the game FR [flight rising] with it's alchemy system, we should be able to craft certain craftable items [such as gems, backgrounds, etc.] from special items like food, or little stones that we can find in explore [like they're alchemy system].
This would make it so that you'd need a range of these little pebbles [in specific amounts] on their own, or with other items, that are only craftable using the pebbles and can't be found in explore [such as the beakers in FR], to craft a certain decor instead of needed a certain amount of items [yes it takes longer and costs a lot, but this also gives the option to have year-round decor, backgrounds, etc.]; I was thinking this option would make it so certain event items would be crafted year-round instead of at one month, but it does cost a lot to make
Carbon Cushion Colony
Costs 2950kt [extremely cheap]
1 black slime
3 orange sludge
1 purple goo
1 glass beaker

Obviously It would cost more than FRs equivalent to 295sb:2950kt ratio, e.g 2950sb:29500kt
Does that make sense?

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Ricky/Infinightive (#177615)

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Posted on
2021-12-13 18:18:08
^ Above post was meant to be sent from here sorry

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(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2021-12-13 22:40:36
Ohh, interesting ideas! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts - I really appreciate the in-depth response!

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Ricky/Infinightive (#177615)

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Posted on
2021-12-14 01:19:17
It's easier for the owners of threads to give a full explanation, especially when there's a chance you understand the system on another game more than them (FR).
It's a pain when people don't give full in-depth explanations on my threads lol

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