Posted by Species Concept | TEMP CLOSED

Assassin {G1 Tobiano
MRLC} (#23905)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-15 10:33:03
Hello friends!

Today I bring you a simple art contest, making it possible to win GB even through a messy sketch!

So I've been working on a new closed species. Yes another one however, because my time is so limited now days, I'm not sure it will ever see the market on LioDen. Regardless of this, I've been trying to dream up this critter for some time now and I'm not having the greatest of luck. Plus I can't draw for crap, and I want a new OS/Fursona.

What I've got so far is vaguely reminiscent of an equine. One very large contributor for ideas I've had are the "dire horses" from Avatar. But they dont 100% fit the bill for what I like, and somewhere along the line I started to get a dragon-ish animal. Below is what I've come up with so far, plus a few details about them!

Concept sketch only, credit to me, Assassin. If image doesn't work, try here!
If you like the concept, and might be interested in purchasing using LD currency, vote here!
No idea why it's blurry ugh.

Kinda bland huh? Thus the reason for this thread.

So if you're feeling bored and lucky, I challenge you to make an effort and see if you can improve upon my design, and add characteristics or qualities that might grab my attention. This could vary from horns, to tails or extra mouths. Really try anything, I might like it!

Also, if you have name suggestions, post them! If I use what you post, you could win GB that way as well!

As for quality, I dont care if you're sitting in school and scribble a design on a lined piece of notebook paper, if it has some trait to it that I find unique or appealing you could win!

As for winning, it works in several ways. If you give the animal a complete makeover and I like it, your scribble could win up around 5gb or so! If you only draw a headshot and I like a certain way you positioned something, I might only "buy" that one trait for starting at 1gb or more depending. It all just depends on the trait I want or like! BUT, this thread could be a bust and no one win at all! Maybe only 1 or 2 join and I dont like their designs, who knows I'm only buying what I like.
Keep in mind you are improving upon my design, please do not eyeball my sketch and try to sell it off as something you thought of.

MUST READ: To see things that I do not like, as well as inspiration pictures, go to this post!

End Date: There is none really, I will buy as I go, unless I tell you to hang on a bit.


Like horses? Click here!

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Edited on 15/06/19 @ 12:27:11 by Assassin {#Seth} (#23905)

Assassin {G1 Tobiano
MRLC} (#23905)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-03-15 11:33:04
List of things I dont like:
Wings. Just nope.

Horns are ehh, in the middle, just depends.

List of things I do like:
More legs
Different hooves/feet
Eye variations
Head shape variations
Unique bodily functions (ie flexible ribs, 2 way respitory, four ears, ect)
Extra/unique mouths (saw an equine OS with 2 sets of mouths on the head, ultra cool and creepy)
Pretty much everything except wings/flippers, this is a land species so knock yourself out.

I want it to be known FIRST AND FOREMOST that I DO NOT, I repeat DO NOTown The following pictures, they are owned by their respective owners and I'm only using them as inspiration for this thread!

Avatars "Dire horse" is the main basis for this creature. The feature I love the most is the chest vents!
Click here or Click here for YouTube videos about the horse!

This year/model of stingray. I mean just look at it. So sleek. I love the curves. I'm not a car gal but this is goals.

Marwaris. Those ears. Those muscles. The curves. The shine!
Akhal Tekes. Do I need to even say it. This animal is living poetry.

What ever kind of rabbit this is. So slim. So fast. So sleek. So shiny. Much huggles!

This is a Plague. They have their own website ect. Currently not taking commissions, but there are similarities in things i like. See it?

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Edited on 15/03/19 @ 11:34:57 by Assassin {Serial Slapper} (#23905)

Urei (#142710)

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Posted on
2019-03-17 11:32:58

Wooo!! Done with my angry boy!! The Direhorse got me stuck in the blue-y colors, which was fun to get back in the saddle with even if this is rough as heck!! If the picture-y thing isn't working, I've got a link 'ere - and there's no sig because...let's be dead honest, hun, this is your critter - I just loved drawing it!
Bit-a-context ; I started off positioning our big angry dude in the front, then decided he needs a *reason* to be angry...So now dad's watching the lil one, and some unfortunate predator is realizing why the little fluffers aren't on the menu!
In my humble opinion - Nothin's scarier than a big ol' murder horse *plodding* towards you because it knows if you run, it can chase you down and take you out without breaking a sweat

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Edited on 17/03/19 @ 12:27:25 by Urei |Clean|HM| (#142710)

Dyenasaur (#152741)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-03-17 13:21:01
Please disregard this post, I no longer have time.

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Edited on 31/03/19 @ 19:20:13 by Dyenasaur (#152741)

shadowsspy (#9255)

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Posted on
2019-05-22 11:42:42
Ok here is my version

They have scales along the legs/from the Pastern to the Cannon bone on all the legs to prevent say snake bites or attack to that area to down the animal. They have normal teeth and fangs so they can eat meat and vegetation important while traveling that way you can feed it meet if vegetation is short or vice versa with vegetation if you need to ration the supplies. Slit pupils for better night time vision also my drawing looks bad im sorry.

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Edited on 22/05/19 @ 13:36:42 by shadowsspy (#9255)

succulent (#177085)

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Posted on
2019-06-10 20:41:24

Here’s my improvement I just sketched up
They have an extra pair of legs that have sharper hoof-like claws(?) that are great for climbing. Their hooves are very tough and can handle almost any surface. They can also raise the extra pair if they don’t need to use them. They have a sleek build with a somewhat long body and long legs. They’re very flexible too.

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Assassin {G1 Tobiano
MRLC} (#23905)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-06-15 10:47:54

Heya peeps!
I've been offline for a while now, only popping on LioDen like twice a month. I'm going to temporarily close the thread, I may reopen at a later date if I have time to upkeep it. In my time away I piddled around, changed the sketch just slightly, and messy colored it. Im not too pleased with the results, but it was just a first rendering. Still too bland for my liking.

I'm going to send you 3 a random amount of GB as a way to say thank you! Your efforts did not go unnoticed.

Urei, such anger XD from that perspective the equine looks much more, uh, dinosaur-ish? You may have inspired me a bit, dinos would be a great reference source for this animal! Very beefy boi, wouldn't want him running my way.

Shadow, I quite like teeth and leg ideas! For a running animal, leg protection would be ideal, as would an omnivorous diet. I'd really like to try and work in the leg scales/plates, tricky work though to get it right on those flexible joints.

Succulent, those sketches are just too adorbs :o very lithe and almost catlike, which is what I was going for! A second pair of front legs seems too close to the dire horse inspiration, but I really like how you explained their purpose and how they differ. I'm imagining an almost hand like set of claws, which is really cool definitely different, to say the least! I love ^^

I'm really thinking about the extra leg plates, a second set of legs, and I'm still shooing for possibility of two mouths. Thank you peeps! I'll be on later to hand out some gifts, feel free to chat I'm not deleting the thread ^^

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