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Posted by | Roleplay about me |
![]() Akemi Zero (#168247) Recognizable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-03-17 06:22:00 |
Get to know meI go by Akemi Zero gender F. I am a tomboy and I roleplay with as much detail as possible depending if I'm in a rush or not. I love to do fantasy roleplays especially one with werewolves. I roleplay mainly female and will be a guy if necessary but if I'm not feeling ok with being in the roleplay and ask to quite it's because I'm not use to being in a roleplay as a loving male. I will try to do any type of roleplay though. I am also currently trying to learn how to be a lit person. I make plots so this will be updated when I make plots.I will also roleplay ONLY on here due to not being able to get on discord.. Do~Mature ~Fantasy(mainly) but any type of rp ~Do short or semi lit rp(i'm relearning) ~Love working on drama in rps Do Not~Lit(relearning) ~Reply fastly if in school ~Force me to do things(this will cause me to not want to rp with you anymore. This does not apply to my character cause i can give less than a thought about them) ~Dont make me use only a guy. Let me have a female as well Plots:plot 1: The day was bright and shinny with peace between the supernatural beings and humans. They each had rulers to keep the harmony that was until the humans stopped having a ruler. The next thing that happened after few years passed an evil ruler came to the throne for the supernatural beings. With this the supernatural beings were split in two groups the loyals and the rogues.The rogues seeking peace again now have to try to get help from the humans. Which side are you on? Will there be peace again or will there be madness forever? Plot 2: On your last day of being in 8th grade, students in your class talk about a new High School that just randomly opened up that week. You ask what it was about and get information that gives you chills down the spine(Human)/gives you hope and excitement(Creatures). As you walk home you see flyers of the High School on the walls and light poles every now and then. "Welcome to Fantasy High where all can learn in the same environment! Whether you are human or creature nothing will change or effect you for being you! Join us now" You finally get home and as you enter your parent hands you a letter. It seemed to be from a High School and as you open it you read: Dear (Character), You are invited to intend Fantasy High School as well as some other selected teens to be introduced to this idea of peace. We have heard good things from you from your school. We will happily give you a dorm as fit for any and all personal needs. Please note that school will start on the same day as all the other schools which is September 1st. All we recommend is to pack everything and come to school's campus as soon as possible to get your dorm faster. We cherish all of our students and are looking forward in seeing you at our school. We wish the best for you, Mrs. Holler the principle and all the staff The new school wanted YOU You thought as you read the ending of the letter. No other school would have cared less but this school hand chosen their students. After thinking of it for awhile you go and call the school. After of hours of talking you end the call and start packing up all your belongings. Your parents helping you as much as possible. The next day your parents drive you to the train as fast as possible. After getting on the train you meet new people and some you befriend. After a few days you get to the train stop of where the school was. It took only a couple of minutes to walk to the school with your belongings. There as you get to the entrance you see the ginormous buildings. As you enter the gates you see other students some humans and some creatures. You go the the office and get your dorm number along with your schedule. What will you do during the school year? Will you make friends with the opposite species? Will you continue to come back to this school until it's time for college? Chooses are only limited to those with very limited minds. Official group rp For Fantasy High Plot 3(Working on) You are on your last day of High School at Fantasy high. As a 12th grader it is up to you of either going to college or starting to live your life as normal as possible. With the exams done with you and your class mates are free to do whatever on the last day. With that your friends look up colleges while you play games. That is until your friend says something weird "Fantasy College, make your dreams your reality. Come join our school to get the highest education you could ever dream of. With dorms of your liking and a lot of activities to join. We are more welcomed to invite you into our doors" The group laughs except for you as you already know that anything could happen. At the last bell you leave and go to pack your stuff to go back home. That was until you read up on the Fantasy College and looked over everything. You call the college and let them know you are coming. After that you talk to your parents about your decision and get ready to go to the college. After getting on the train you ride for a long way until you find yourself at a campus where not many people were waiting there. You see some of your other friends that came and talked. Later on you get to your dorm and find out that you have a dorm mate that is your friend or lover from High school. You chat for awhile with them. Night came and so the two of you went to sleep for the first day of college. Official group rp For Fantasy College Plot 4 It was a beautiful day outside as all creatures played and had fun. Years of war ended not to long ago as well as all the leaders have made an union with each other. Many Innocents, loved ones, and enemies that gave up in the end of the war have died. Slowly as generations have come and go have rebuilt what was lost. The year of 2027 has came with new and greater technology/advancements for both the better and for worst. The year 2027 new leaders were chosen once more from each area. The leader your area had was an evil wizard that wanted to take over the world. He first used his abilities to get people that were voting to vote for him. After taking the role as leader he made a secret lab and started to plan for the future. While doing this his "lover" had his child in which was immune to his tricks. Years gone by as the land started to show corruption. Many that were not under the wizards control were either killed or sent to him to get controlled. Shadows and monsters have came and were guards or soldiers for the wizard. You see your parents get taken after coming back from school by these things and ran away. Now its up to you to either help save the city along with other rebels or go and help the wizard out with taking over the land. Official Group rp Plot 5(Working on) Plot 6(Working on) ![]() Edited on 15/05/19 @ 11:50:33 by Akemi Zero (#168247) |
HeraldofHares (#111045)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-03-24 00:34:41 |
Hi! Are you willing to do lion RPs? Well, fantasy lions of course :o I love being the male, it makes me feel comfortable ^^ I can also make plots fairly easily, so no need to worry about that! And if you could shoot me a message, I might be able to figure out what's wrong with your Discord? I've had loads of issues with the silly thing~ But also, a few questions!: -Are you still in school? I am, so no worries if you are! -How many hours are you ahead of LDT? (I'm 3 hours ahead!) -Any topics you're uncomfortable with? (I'm uncomfortable with sexual violence, aka rape, sexual assault, or sexual abuse. Personal reasons ofc.) -Are mature RPs//sexual RPs something you're uncomfortable with? I don't mind them pff I'm sorry if it seems creepy, but I would like to know so that I have a very good understanding of who I'm roleplaying with!! :) ![]() Edited on 24/03/19 @ 00:36:51 by Romeo The Black Rose (#111045) |
Twinkleunicorn (#169411)
Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-03-30 10:42:07 |
Hey I saw the ad and thought to do one with you! I like to be female but I can be male too. Still at school but after school would be great but I can make plots not the bad also I could do on discord as well! Thanks toaster~ ![]() |
Akemi Zero (#168247)
Recognizable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-03-30 10:52:58 |
I can only do it on here so unless we do it on here i cant rp with you ![]() |
Echostar🐺🐴✨ (#152250)
Sinister View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-03-30 13:05:12 |
Hi Akemi! I can do a semi-lit to kit rp thru pm’s with the werewolves! ![]() |
Akemi Zero (#168247)
Recognizable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-03-30 13:16:31 |
You might have to be patient with me then because I use to practice lit roleplaying and then stopped roleplaying for awhile. I'm willing to roleplay though and try to relearn how to be at least semi-lit ![]() ![]() |
TheOakWoods (#167680)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-03-30 17:24:51 |
I can do the supernatural / humans one with you! I can play male or female but I prefer female. :) ![]() |
Akemi Zero (#168247)
Recognizable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-03-30 17:32:07 |
So your like me with the whole gender thing Well as long as I have a side character female I should be fine ![]() |
Snini9 [Semi- Hiatus-stressed] (#154479) Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-03-31 07:46:46 |
Hey, I can rp with you through pms. Are you ok with mature? I like your plot idea btw! ![]() |
Akemi Zero (#168247)
Recognizable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-03-31 07:47:55 |
Snini9 [Semi- Hiatus-stressed] (#154479) Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-03-31 07:48:53 |
Akemi Zero (#168247)
Recognizable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-03-31 07:51:59 |
Akemi Zero (#168247)
Recognizable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-10 15:41:23 |
Akemi Zero (#168247)
Recognizable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-15 11:52:11 |
This has been updated next update will be any day when i get finished with my other plots ![]() |
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