Posted by Warriors Roleplay Gathering

Ron Stampler
(Business Man) (#169528)

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Posted on
2019-03-20 16:02:42


The Gathering Place

🌱 - Newleaf
🌿 - Greenleaf
🍁 - Leafbare
🍂 -Leaffall

🌱 - Newleaf

•"Follow The Warrior Code" -optional, but will be looked down upon in roleplay-
•Do not kill another roleplayer without their consent/permission!
•Semi-lit to Lit only. No asterisks. At least 3-4 lines.
•Follow the sign-up sheet and always use the opening with every response/reply you give.
•Drama and prophecies are allowed and welcomed. Cats outside of clans and in other clans are allowed as well, so long as you have ONE main character in Anouraclan!
•The 'moon' suffix and prefix is not allowed.
•Join an existing clan at any time. If we are mid-roleplay and you want to leave the roleplay for good, you must kill off your character. YOUR OC is canon in this little universe of ours, therefore even after you're gone, it will still be acknowledged and remembered.
•You may suggest another territory location whenever

•The Gathering Place:

--*The Gathering Place is located outside of all of the clans' territory on the south-west side of them all. There is a river that runs through it that is connected to The Great Lakes and the Lake. Cats listen to their leaders, who will sit on the branches that belong to the 'strongest' tree that season.

•The Field:

--*A large grassy field with no trees. It is located behind Duletclan and is beside the gathering place.

•The Great Lakes:

--*Filled with tons of large fish that are too difficult for any cat to catch. This is a lake with many other lakes closely connected to it with small streams. It is beside the field and the gathering place. Sometimes used as a gathering place.

•The Moonstone:

--*Way behind the fields, there are hills with small burrows. One of the largest burrows is made out of stone and is a cave. Within it where a stream of water managed to go within it and leave a small pool of crystal clear water at the bottom, along with a crystal-like stone in the middle of it. Medicine cats come here together.

Copy and Paste opening at the top of your every reply (in roleplay), edit if needed

-(Name)-(Rank)-(Location)-(Mentions //indirect and/or direct//)


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Ron Stampler
(Business Man) (#169528)

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Posted on
2019-04-01 08:12:33
|Spiderleaf|Duletclan Warrior /Mentors: Hollowpaw|Open Territory:Lake|Mentions: Hollowpaw, (open)-|

Spiderleaf had walked to the gathering place with his apprentice. They had gone ahead of the others so Hollowpaw could look around and get a good idea of the place. The apprentice was nine moons old and hasn't left the camp since her injury- which was oddly followed by another injury. Her tail looked chewed and half of it was limp near the end. A chunk of her ear was torn and she had a few spots where fur was ripped off of her and scabbed. The wounds looked pretty recent, but she didn't act like they were. The reason why she had never seen the gathering place before was because the last time she left camp -four moons ago- she managed to fall into one of the lakes at the great lakes, which resulted in their previous deputy having to jump in and save her. Luckily, she came out just fine, but the deputy, however, managed to drown miraculously.
Hollowpaw did feel guilty, though having the deputy's mate as her mentor made it worse. She couldn't tell if he was just naturally cold, or he's holding back on her. Shoving the worries aside, the apprentice looked up at the trees where the leaders were soon to be seated. "This place is so... large." She mewed with her scratchy sounding voice. Spiderleaf grunted in agreement before sitting down on Duletclans side before the others start rolling in and begin mixing scents with greetings. "Stay in sight and do not leave the clearing, do not follow strangers out of sight, and fo Starclan sakes- do not annoy cats who look like they've got no reason to go to Starclan." Spiderleaf ordered to Hollowpaw. She swished her tail, the limp part swinging.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-04-01 14:28:01
Frostbite | Warrior | @ Blossompaw

The white she cat walked around greeting the other clan members,tho not many here yet she wanted to get it over and done with. Blossompaw was sitting down staring off in her own world until Frostbite sat down next to her " Don't play with anyone until we have more of our apprentices here please" she meowed looking around to see if she could find a a apprentice for Blossompaw. " Really I don't care what you do but please be careful " she meowed again

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Ron Stampler
(Business Man) (#169528)

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Posted on
2019-04-02 06:44:21
|Spiderleaf|Duletclan Warrior /Mentors: Hollowpaw|Open Territory:Lake|Mentions: Hollowpaw, Flickpaw (open)-|

Spiderleaf kept his eyes scurrying about. His son didn't come with them to the gathering, too distraught from the last one or so. Spiderleaf couldn't recall how long ago it was that the previous deputy had drowned at a gathering. He felt bad for Flickpaw, knowing his son would have to let this go eventually and become a warrior. Cats die all the time and it's fine. Even if those cats that die were important and loved ones. He fluffed out his fur, but it slicked back down on his back quickly. He noticed a familiar she-cat. 'That one from the lake'

|Applepaw|Apprentice /Mentor: OPEN/Needs a mentor- :c/|Anouraclan Camp: Medicine Den|Mentions: Blossompaw, (Open)-|

Applepaw slowly followed the others. His ears were pricked up high and he seemed very alert. He hasn't been to any gathering before, but that was probably because he had only been in the clan for three to four moons. His eyes lit up for a moment when he remembered Blossompaw was there with them as well. Though he decided not to bother her, he did feel comfortable knowing another apprentice from his clan was there. He had heard that the clan cats would fight and battle, and sometimes kill, so he wasn't sure how these other cats would act.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-04-02 14:05:20
Frostbite | Warrior | @Spiderleaf

Spotting the tom from the lake she got uo and padded toward him " We meet again " she mewed narrowing her eyes as she sat down in front of him,not caring about the other clan cats that glanced at her

( Imma make the leader for Duletclan btw )

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Ron Stampler
(Business Man) (#169528)

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Posted on
2019-04-02 20:29:25
|Spiderleaf|Duletclan Warrior /Mentors: Hollowpaw|Open Territory:Lake|Mentions: Frostbite (open)-|

"Ah, you again." Spiderleafs tail lashes back and forth for a few seconds. His eyes scanned her before glancing around to the other cats who may be looking over to him. He didn't seem to have much of a problem. He kept his eyes on hers strongly. "So, they really let something like you come to the gathering?" He scoffed, but a small hint in his voice gave away that perhaps it was a cold joke. Spider leaf kept himself tall, even when he sat. His head was lifted high as if he was waiting for orders from his leader, but that was just how he was.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-04-05 15:05:26
Fuck the thing didn’t send my response )

Frostbite /warrior /@ spider leaf

She rolled her eyes and spoke up “ Seems to me that you cane to close to my clan border so I put you in your place flea barin “ she hissed and lightly smacked him in the side with her tail

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Ron Stampler
(Business Man) (#169528)

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Posted on
2019-04-12 10:07:28
(shoot, mine didnt either Im so sorry!!)

|Spiderleaf|Duletclan Warrior /Mentors: Hollowpaw|Open Territory:Lake|Mentions: Frostbite (open)-|

"I did in fact not." He replied, ignoring her tone. "I was simply taking my son to the lake. I suppose you and your clan have something to hide to where you're paranoid that a small kit was going to get too close to your border?" He mused, a small smirk forming on his face. "Or maybe it's just you."

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-04-12 14:39:04

Frostbite /warrior /@ spider leaf

She rolled her eyes " Yeah its just that i don't find many other cats from other clans or outsiders soo" she purred

Palestar|Leader |Lake

The pale she cat walked up and jumped onto a large rock,her tail lashed out behind her as she gazed among her clan mates and the other clan . She looked around for Echostar and when she didn't find her she hissed before speaking up " Where is Echostar?" she asked

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Ron Stampler
(Business Man) (#169528)

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Posted on
2019-04-12 21:29:01
|Spiderleaf|Duletclan Warrior /Mentors: Hollowpaw|Open Territory:Lake|Mentions: Frostbite, Hollowpaw (open)-|

"Mm." He went quiet for a second, not noticing Palestar pointing out the absence of the other clans' leader. "Maybe you should get out more, then" Spiderleaf shuffled for a minute, his eyes leaving her to dart around and look for his apprentice. The small feline was playing with a grasshopper of some sort. He rolled his eyes and huffed, easily annoyed by any small thing she does.

|Applepaw|Apprentice /Mentor: OPEN/Needs a mentor- :c/|Anouraclan Camp: Medicine Den|Mentions: , (Open)-|

Applepaw walked around the gathering, not sure if he was even allowed to answer Palestar's question. If he could, should he tell her that he didn't know? The young tom shrugged it off. At least there were other apprentices besides Blossompaw. He saw some cat playing with a grasshopper or cricket. Tilting his head, he slowly began to walk over to her.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-04-13 04:23:26
Frostbite /warrior /@ spider leaf

" Why would i do that when i have my clan ?" she asked and turned to look at Blossompaw who was splashing in the water ,a mrrow of laughter left he throat

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Ron Stampler
(Business Man) (#169528)

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Posted on
2019-04-21 11:29:13
|Spiderleaf|Duletclan Warrior /Mentors: Hollowpaw|Open Territory:Lake|Mentions: Frostbite, Hollowpaw (open)-|

"Fine then." Spider leaf mewed suddenly. "Keep to your small simple world." His eyes were still on Hollow, watching as she had some insect in her mouth and conversed with another apprentice who was almost the same age. His fur bristlwd for a moment, but he shook it flat.

|Applepaw|Apprentice /Mentor: OPEN/Needs a mentor- :c/|Anouraclan Camp: Medicine Den|Mentions: Hollowpaw, (Open)-|

"What in the world is that?" Applepaw asked the dark calico she-cat. She shrugged, chewing it. His blue eyes went wide as he stepped back in disgust, nearly jumping when she laughed at him. "What's the matter? Anouraclan doesnt feed you fast food?" She joked, her tail twitched and the limp part swayed. She had ripped out patches of fur on her and one of her ears was beyond recovery. Applepaws blue eyes made it to her tail before henoticed that the strange pattern in her fur were wounds. "What happened to you?" He hissed, but there was no hate behind it. "A couple of days ago, a dog crawled out of the river from absolutely no where. I just happened to be by getting a drink. It was already weak and tired, so chasing him off was easy. Some of the cats thinks that one of the clans might have tried to sabatoge us." She mewed, seemingly proud of her wounds. "Hey, how come you haven't asked why you hadn't seen me before?" She mumbled loudly, disappointed. "Well, I could ask you the same, but now that I know this is probably both of our first gatherings," His blue eyes searched for Blossompaw without realizing it, but failed to find her among the cats. "I don't think there's any need to." He finished. She shrugged. "Whatever." She padded off to some dark and tall warrior who Applepaw hasn't seen before. That cat was also talking to another warrior, one he only met once or twice.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-04-21 11:37:07
Frostbite :warrior:@Spiderleaf

She rolled her eyes " Says the one who looks lonely " she muttered

Blossompaw |App|@ Applepaw

The she cat spotted Applepaw ,padding up to him she smiled " Hey"

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Ron Stampler
(Business Man) (#169528)

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Posted on
2019-04-21 12:13:50
|Applepaw|Apprentice /Mentor: OPEN/Needs a mentor- :c/|Anouraclan Camp: Medicine Den|Mentions: , (Open)-|

"Hey Blossompaw." Applepaw mewed as the uneasyness left his face and was replaced with a relieved smile. "Geez, some of the cats are weird." He said, mostly talking about the apprentice who had just left. "Do you think we will be that, er, wounded one day?" Applepaw flicked his tail over to Hollow whow as out of earshot. "Or is that just her. I mean, nothing wrong with it, I'd just rather be 100% here and not almost 30% there. Like, if she wants to be a zombie, then cool I guess." Applepaw slightly joked, using another word he had learned from his loner days. "Uh, halfway dead. Not zombie. Sorry."

|Spiderleaf|Duletclan Warrior /Mentors: Hollowpaw|Open Territory:Lake|Mentions: Frostbite, Hollowpaw (open)-|

"I can assure you, I am far from lonely." He swished his tail around him as Hollowpaw walked up. He seemed to visit tense and his bluish Greg eyes had gone cold. It looked as if she had just swallowed something before talking. "I'm going to go make dirt." She announced quickly with the most bold and serious face she could muster. He already knew she was only trying to make him ease up around her, but he wasn't ready to act like buddies again. He had to admit, it took almost every muscle in his body to keep him from chuckling in the slightest. Maybe he'd have to give her a hint. He wasn't upset with her, nor did he dislike her because of what she happened moons ago or so. it's just. No."Don't fall in." He said coldly and her ears fell flat on her head for a moment. With the coldness of the tone, Hollowpaw knew what he meant and was referring to. To an outside, it might have seen as if he was just adding to the joke, but these two knew much better. "Sorry." She mumbled in a whisper as she passed him. Spiderleafs eyes had yet returned back to Frostbite.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-04-21 14:39:18
Frostbite/warrior /lake /@Spiderleaf

The white she cat gave the apprentice a soft smile before looking back at Spiderleaf " You know if you werent in a different clan I would totally be your ma friend. " She felt heat rise up into her cheeks and pelt

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Ron Stampler
(Business Man) (#169528)

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Posted on
2019-04-27 13:54:05
|Spiderleaf|Duletclan Warrior /Mentors: Hollowpaw|Open Territory:Lake|Mentions: Frostbite, Hollowpaw (open)-|

The tom blinked in surprise as he felt his ears lift up on his head. For a moment there, he felt his heart jump as if she was going to say something else. In his mind, he begged to himself, praying that the feeling that was growing in his chest was just some kind of fear or worry.
But it was far too warm to be negative.
He laughed quickly, covering up his reaction and throwing himself off track.
"I don't have friends." His tail was wrapped around one of his slender legs. "Besides, I don't think I caught your name." Spiderleaf tried to remember if she had told him her name back at the lake or earlier.

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