Posted by Radioactive {Character sheets}

(she/her) (#41009)

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Posted on
2019-03-24 03:10:57

Main Roleplay Thread


Afilliation (Gang, group or loner):

Out of character

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Edited on 27/03/19 @ 05:21:53 by Midthedragoness (#41009)

{Side} (#48000)

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Posted on
2019-03-24 03:29:00

”What’s fun without a little danger?”

Markus Byrd




Markus is a decent height, standing at 5’9” with a fairly muscular build. His eyes are a light brown, and are often described as quite pretty in the sunlight. His hair is an absolute mess, as Markus will ruffle it and run his hands through it all the time. The natural colour is black, but Markus decided to dye the tips a bright green, which has now faded to a darker green. He’s grumpy about the green not being as vibrant anymore. He has tanned skin from his lifetime of being in the Australian sun, and has remained that colour despite moving out of Australia. His clothes usually consist of cargo pants and a plain, sleeveless shirt. He has some scars on his arms and legs from some of his “adventures”, which were really just him going to places he shouldn’t have been. He has a few piercings, which include a tongue piercing, left nose piercing and left eyebrow piercing. All of them are just simple silver studs. On the inner of his right arm, he has a branch with two crows settled on it, and a third flying away.

A rebellious, adventurous and thrill-seeking little shit. Markus gets into trouble for the fun of it. People call him crazy, and that’s why he’s usually on his own. Most think he’s straight up dumb, risking his life at nearly every chance he gets. But Markus is quite clever, planning things out before he jumps into something. Although, he will sometimes be reckless and just go “fuck it”. He’s a total goofball once you get to know him, and can get flustered quite easily. The poor boy doesn’t know how to react to or take compliments. He is very loyal and protective of his (very few) friends.

Family - deceased
Friends - deceased or missing
Companion - a three eyed crow that has yet to turn into a Zvir. Markus calls it Akumu

Afilliation (Gang, group or loner):
Loner (for the time being)

Theme song - What’s Up Danger
Has an Aussie accent, and tends to say “G’day” when he gets scared.


”In the end, your hesitation will be your downfall”

Nate Bardell
Nickname: Black cat




Dirty blond hair that goes down to his shoulders, but is in a bun most of the time. He has a bit of a scruffy beard. Dull green left eye that don’t seem too interested in anything. The right is a cloudy grey with a long, scarred gash over the right side of his face. He is completely blind in his right eye. Nate stands at about 6’2” with pretty decent muscles, as in he works out quite often. Many scars litter his body as he’s gotten into a fair few fights that often involved knives. Usually wears jeans, a black shirt and a leather jacket. Before the Zvir spread, there was almost always a cigarette in his mouth. He still smokes, but just not as often due to resources being low.

Closed off and cold. Has a “don’t get attached to anyone and don’t trust anyone” mindset in order to save him from pain. Nate has a lot of pent up anger and tries to hide it, but he can’t hold back being violent too long. You could spit in his face and he’ll calmly wipe it off before punching you straight in the teeth. Definitely not someone you want to piss off, cause he will do the dirty work himself. And boy, will it be messy. He doesn’t like to share with people, and will tell them to mind their own business if they start asking questions. Quite hard to make some sort of bond with him.

To be added as RP progresses


Theme song - Hollywood Undead - I Don’t Wanna Die

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Edited on 03/04/19 @ 17:24:47 by Midthedragoness {side} (#48000)

cestrelandreams (#152266)

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Posted on
2019-03-25 11:40:30


"Listen, dollface. You're cute, but you're definitely not my type."

Kato Arashi




Kato has quite an unique appearance. His face is very delicate, yet sharp; with deep cuts and edges making up his features. It seems a dainty hand took their time; carefully etching out each curve and mark in this beauty of a face. His eyes are a piercing, icy blue, and unusually large in appearance; teetering on the border between innocently adorable, and downright unsettling. The thick, long set of lashes that frame them both do little to balance such out. The blue color pops vividly against his skin, drawing attention away from their odd holders. His hair is messy - though more or less straight - and is a pretty platinum blonde; so light it almost appears to be absent of color entirely. Pale, just like the rest of him. Yet, somehow, everything seems to contrast quite nicely.
Kato stands at roughly five foot ten. He is quite skinny - almost terrifyingly so, though his frame is hidden beneath a baggy pair of black sweats. He wears a black mask over his face which conceals everything but his eyes. His hood is often pulled up, covering those white locks. It's rare he ever brings either down to expose himself. Kato's hands are always concealed by a pair of thick leather gloves. His ears are pierced in several places, and decorated with various, small hoops. His nose is also pierced, though it isn't much more than a small, silver stud.

Although Kato is well into his early adult years, he still seems to have the demeanor of a child. Even with the inevitable doom, he has somehow remained quite cheerful. He is sarcastic, but it is in a teasing, playful way. Kato is a mischevious man, and isn't above playing tricks on other survivors he wanders across. He is incredibly empathetic, but is not known to risk himself for the well-being of others. Certainly, he is quick to befriend many who happen his way, but there is never any true trust put into the relationships. He is a terribly good actor, and can pretend he actually likes and appreciates one's presence, when in reality, he cannot stand them. Kato seems to have issues accepting aid from others, for he would never want to to appear weak in front of people who could become his downfall.

Kato considers Perdita Ivanov to be a friend of sorts.





"Honestly, get ahold of yourself. You're embarrassing the hell out of me."

[True name: Alecéa White]




When hearing a name as chillingly chaotic as Anarchy, the last thing that crosses one's mind is how pretty the possesser must be. In fact, many assume her to be a stocky, muscular man. It's one of the reasons why her appearance is always so startling to her opponents. Anarchy is about five foot nine - tall for the average woman - with legs that seem to go on for days. Her skin is lightly tanned, although it clearly isn't her natural tone. Her frame is lithe, but not willowy. She is obviously someone who works out a lot, judging by the lean, hard muscles of her legs and arms. She's put together in a quite frightening way.
Anarchy is undoubtedly beautiful, but there's something far too intimidating about her for her peers to dwell upon this. Her vivid brown eyes are always glinting coldly, observing the world around her with their icy gaze. An irritated expression usually graces her features, although, in rare moments, one could find those lips turned up in a smile.

will be edited to be more descriptive : /

Serious and composed, yet undoubtedly snarky. Anarchy has a bit of an attitude problem. She's prone to hostility, and isn't afraid to throw herself head first into conflict. Anarchy is extremely irritable, and will snap at anyone, regardless of their level of authority. She isn't exactly a people person.




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Edited on 27/03/19 @ 20:05:38 by Telle Tilla (#152266)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-03-25 12:42:41


Draven Mendoza.

23 years old.



Wip. I'll write it out eventually, just being lazy atm. Have a gif in the meantime.

Draven is a volatile and dangerous individual, in many ways a product of his hometown's brutal streets. While generally calm and frivolous in nature he can become violent in the blink of an eye and appears to care very little for the opinions or feelings of anyone who isn't close to him. He is highly argumentative and confrontational, seeming to consider his way the only way. Draven enjoys using intimidation to get other people to agree with him and is not above resorting to vicious tactics in order to convince them further.

Those who manage to gain his friendship will find him more amiable and willing to compromise, but he is well known for his ruthless ways and while he has limits Draven is willing to go to extremes in order to punish someone if he feels they deserve it. He started out as a young man with good intentions, but the struggle for survival after the fall of humanity has poisoned him as it has many others. It's possible with the right guidance he can take a turn for the better, but as is he's more than a handful and most people tend to steer clear.


Loner. Ex-Gang Member.

Theme Song
Natural - Imagine Dragons.

Formerly led one of the gangs in the city. Was recently dethroned and is probably lucky he managed to get out of it alive. He's bitter af and thirsty for vengeance.


Tobias Ahlström.

28 years old.



Tall and willowy, reaching an even 6'0". At first glance, he might appear a bit thin, but Tobias does possess a decent amount of lean muscle. His hair is short and dark brown, formerly kept neat and straight, but now an unruly mess of curls, his eyes being a similar shade. He has a narrow, chiseled face and his skin is fair, often burning easily. He has more than a few scars, mostly located on his hands and arms from being bitten by the dogs he attempts to tame.

Clothing tends to be plain and in dull colors, whatever is comfortable and appropriate for current temperatures. He isn’t a particularly flashy person and fashion matters very little to him in the long run, especially considering current circumstances, but he always strives to look presentable and is very organized. His chin is usually covered in a thin layer of stubble, but it never appears to grow out very much even when left untrimmed for months.

He has poor eyesight and is required to wear glasses, the frame subtle shades of brown and green. Overall not a particularly outstanding individual, but he has a handsome face and a warm disposition.

The most accurate word that could be used to describe Tobias is enthusiastic. The man is a literal ray of sunshine, rarely seen without a smile or a jubilant skip to his step. He chooses to see the positives in life rather than let the negatives get him down. Even in this new, troubled world he's found himself tangled in, there is always hope for a brighter future. Meticulous and observant, he has an eye for detail when it comes to most things in life, but is somewhat clueless to the workings of proper social etiquette. He’s a fairly curious sort and finds the Zvir more intriguing than he probably should. His inquisitiveness sometimes gets him into trouble as he has a habit of nosing around places or people he shouldn't. Overall, he is fairly naive, overly trusting and generally a non-violent person, viewed as harmless if not a bit strange among other survivors.


Loner looking for a group.

Theme Song
Safe and Sound - Capital Cities.

As a young adult, he found he had a passion for dogs that eventually led to a career as a personal dog trainer as well as volunteering with local animal shelters. This love for canines didn't end with the apocalypse despite the dangers and he'll attempt to tame/care for any dog he meets.


Lin Fāng.

20 years old.


She doesn't feel any need to label herself but appears to be more interested in other women.

Decently tall at 5'9" with a lithe, athletic build. Her skin is lightly tanned and her medium length black hair is usually kept tucked behind her ears in a loose ponytail, a few stray strands always finding a way to free themselves. Her face is oval-shaped with a short, broad nose and she has warm brown eyes. Fāng's sense of fashion tends to be considered 'boyish', though always classy and elegant, never seen in dresses or skirts.

Outspoken and flamboyant, Fāng tends to be the sort who draws a crowd. Her natural charisma attracts attention and the extroverted woman finds the most comfort in being surrounded by other people. She is very affectionate, growing friendly with even complete strangers in a matter of minutes, but she is not without limits and disrespecting her will lead to a very unpleasant time for the offender. Fāng knows how to handle herself and while she isn't prone to holding grudges, she sure as hell will get back at someone given the opportunity. Her revenge tends to be swift but is more infamous for being irksome than malicious. Only the worst crimes against her would warrant any form of brutality as a response.



Theme Song
Of The Night - Bastille.

Her closest companion is a black Bombay cat named Eclipse that she's had since before the fall of humanity. They are never apart.

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Edited on 27/03/19 @ 12:02:03 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

BeastieBeanz (#78562)

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Posted on
2019-03-26 03:44:55

Silas Nash

23 years old



Silas has a well built body with broad shoulders and calloused hands, standing at 5'9ft in height. He has a rather strong and domineering presence due to an unfortunate case of resting b**** face. An array of scratches marr his reddish brown skin upon his body and lips. Clumps of various looking scars mainly placed upon his arms and back. His hair is a mess of dark brown wavy curls and shaved on the sides. Silas has inky black almond shaped eyes and thick messy eyebrows. His face is oval shaped with a sharp jawline and a strong chin. As well as heavy lower lips and average shaped cheekbones.
Slias wears a old brown leather jacket with an equally worn black tank top underneath. He also has dark denim jeans that look like they have seen better days, ripped upon his knees as well as a pair of old leather combat boots upon his feet. He also has a ragged bandana tied around his neck which he uses from time to time. Silas was able to scavenge up a backpack as well as a old canteen from his families camping supplies. He has been able to snag a pocket knife from a random stranger or things that lay abandoned.

Slias has a very laid-back personality, the type to sit at the side lines and watch things unfold rather than run head first into the fray. Though this does cause a lot of people to mistaken him as aloof and cold towards other, that is far from who Silas is. He is a very compassionate person though this causes him to give to many chances to others. He would rather talk and debate to fix a problem rather than fix every problem with blood being spilt. He doesn't have a hard time containing his emotions though he does struggle with trusting people to quickly. Silas had a love for kick boxing before all of the chaos started, having years of experience in keeping a sound mind during a fight. He loves to work and just do stuff to keep his mind occupied, unable to stand still for long periods of time. He doesnt mind if he is with a group or alone, just as long as he can keep himself occupied. He likes books even though they are harder and harder to come by now a day.

Will be added over time :)

Afilliation (Gang, group or loner):


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dem) (#107487)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-03-26 05:07:10
"No..... Not yet."

Name: Perdita (Peri) Ivanov

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Peri stands around 5"5, being rather short for her age. She has a rather petite build, with a noticeable amount of curves, though her hands are rough and have many scars. Her eyes are a shocking blue, though her hair is almost pitch-black. Her skin is a pleasant olive color, though it is marred with scars on her neck and one very long one on her cheek, reaching from her forehead, over her left eye, to her chin. If you can get past the scars, she is rather lovely, though she usually wears a white T-shirt, a dark pair of jeans with grey sneakers, and a beat-up brown bomber jacket.

Personality: Peri is a very quiet, reserved person who likes reading and writing, though it's hard to find books or pencils or paper nowadays. Despite her rather shy demeanor, she enjoys good company and conversation, though she is always wary of strangers at first. When she speaks, she simply says what needs to be said, instead of prattling on like some people do. Peri carries a backpack with her that contains three very beat-up old books that she constantly re-reads. A book of Shakespeare's classics, a book about a dog and her owner, and a survival book with tips about things like making fires and other such things, with free pages where Peri writes notes.

Relationships/bonds: Is close friends with Kato Arashi, though is not acquainted with many others.

Afilliation (Gang, group or loner): Loner


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Edited on 01/04/19 @ 04:53:22 by Brambles(Cookiesiluvdem) (#107487)

Aldwyn (#55660)

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Posted on
2019-03-26 20:30:52

Sunny Adams

22. 23? Sunny hasn't really been keeping track since shit went down, but it's definitely one of those. Probably.



Sunny is far from what most would consider conventionally beautiful. She has a stout, masculine figure, and her feminine attributes leave much to be desired. Mundane brown eyes squat above a nose that looks like it has been broken more than once. Short, stringy hair that's not quite red and not quite blonde only serves to exaggerate Sunny's ruddy complexion, the latter making it a tad obvious that she has worked outside for most her life. The pinky finger on her left hand is conspicuously absent, a sad-looking stump being all that's left where it once stood; this missing digit doesn't seem to hinder Sunny in any way, however. If anything, she seems almost proud of it.
As for clothes, Sunny, like most people in the last three years, has come to value functional and protective gear over anything else. Her standard outfit is a white tank top paired with dense, loose-fitting cargo pants and a long, heavy, sleeveless duster. Her constant companions are a sheathed hunting knife at her leg, an almost-empty pistol tucked into her waistband, and a beefed-up trashcan lid slung across her back.

There are many words one could use to describe Sunny - determined, resourceful, confident. Above all, however, she is a survivor. She is by no means a malevolent person, and truly does wish that everything could just be okay again, but the unfortunate reality that Sunny has accepted is that, when the apocalypse hits, it's every man (or women) for themselves. She would have no qualms with stealing from or outright killing another survivor if she thought it would help her out in the long run (though she really would prefer to team up and fight the world with friends at her side). She recognizes the value of a group mentality, though she also understands that not everyone can be saved or even helped, leaving her in the precarious position of being fiercely loyal to her gang and considering everyone else a lost cause. Her lean towards companionship can also be somewhat dangerous for Sunny, however, as she's not quite the brightest tool in the shed and is vulnerable to manipulation and betrayal; that is to say, she exclusively watches for external danger, disregarding any that may come from within.

Sunny has occasionally hinted at having once had a family, and maybe even a lover; had is the key word, however.
Lin Fāng - Sunny considers herself to be friends with Fāng, as she is naturally drawn to gang-member's charismatic aura. She's also particularly fond of Fāng's cat, Eclipse.
Anarchy - Despite Anarchy's hostile nature, Sunny is actively doing her best to befriend the other, as she respects Anarchy's abilities and wants to have capable girl on her side, if nothing else.


Sunny has a particular fondness for cats, though all the strays that she finds usually end up dying.
(Also, it's been a real long time since I've been in the Lioden rp community, and lots of things seem to have changed; if I've messed anything up, please let me know!

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Edited on 03/04/19 @ 21:36:03 by Aldwyn (#55660)

Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-03-27 00:08:59
Name: Iris wells

Age: 17


Sexuality: Bi-Sexual

A very short girl who stands just under 5 foot. Her skin is fairly pale, though she spends her days outside, she is normally shielded by the trees canopies. Her hair looks like chocolate waves down her back falling just above her butt. Her eyes are what her mother used to say made her unique, they look like newly found emeralds but they have small freckles around them. Her clothing items consist of, a baggie swearer with black skinny jeans. She also always has a small flower crown on, normally it has different flowers each day, though it always has lilies on it because those are her mother's favorite flowers.

Personality: She is very quiet and shy though she looks like she would rip anyone's head off. She's a mute due to her horrible past that she doesn't like to take about so she decided to keep it in the dark from even the people who are closest to her. Most people call her dud or mute. She hates loud noises and stays out of the path of most male scared of the stories of what her father told her.


Affiliation (Gang, group or loner): Loner


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Edited on 30/03/19 @ 05:57:19 by greenapple (#127393)

Gladiator (#44969)

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Posted on
2019-03-27 05:08:54

"To succeed you must be everything that you never thought you could be."

Callum Breac




Callum has a..not quite forgettable face, and is actually rather handsome, but due to the fact that he stays in the background causes many to not even take notice of him. Despite his 6'5" stature he has no problem sneaking around and wears mostly black to help conceal himself at night. Normally wearing a black hoodie, dark grey t-shirt, regular black jeans, and black/white sneakers. His hair is kept slightly shaggy and doesn't slip past his eyebrows, the color being similar to chestnut but having just a touch more red than brown. Callum's eyes are a dull green color, though his left eye seems to have a bit of bright blue that creates a ring in the middle of the iris. Tanned skin and a very lean build suggests that before things hit the fan he might have been part of a sports team at a school, though he can't seem to remember which one. Possibly due to the hit in the head he received shortly after the world went south, leaving a ragged scar that comes out of his hairline just above his ear and nearly touches the corner of his right eye.

Despite having an adventurous side, Callum usually won't do anything too risky if he is alone. Deciding to play it safe which is something that has saved his life countless times as a loner, but it also closed doors to good opportunities he could have taken if there was even one person with him. Callum's experiences caused him to become wary of strangers, especially those larger than him since they assume he isn't too strong due to his lean frame. Taking a look at him, the young man doesn't even seem like a problem, even though he is quite tall, and he will often use it to his advantage if confronted by a group. Towards friends, if one is able to gain his trust, he will help them within reason and sometimes even go above and beyond. Due to being a loner he doesn't really have friendly interactions with other people, causing him to become a bit rusty in that certain area. Even making him seem a bit harsh or cold towards those trying to be friendly on the off chance they don't want to try and mug him.

(will update as he meets others and grows in the RP)

Loner (for now)

Theme Song:
Fragile Minds By Silent Theory

-The quote above Name is something that Callum lives by ever since the end of the world set in. Having learned it very quickly when he was faced with multiple difficult choices/tasks he had to overcome to survive.

-Due to a pretty bad head injury, Callum cannot remember certain parts of his past. Even causing him to forget details in the present, like someone's name or the fact he had met certain people if he does not interact with them too often.
Most of the time he will hide this though and deny it if someone confronts him about it.

(It's been a while since I've been in a RP so I apologize if I seem a bit rusty)

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Edited on 28/03/19 @ 01:14:55 by Gladiator (#44969)

the-grey-ace (#38669)

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Posted on
2019-03-27 21:00:02
Name: Ira Fischer

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight


Ira is a tall, heavy built man. He is 6'6" and weighs 225 pounds. He is muscular, tan, tattooed, and has thickly curled brown hair. His eyes are quite a unique feature as he has sectoral heterochromia (green and brown V.) He served in the military for 5 years (joined at age 18) so he could put himself through school. He was medically discharged after loosing his leg, but continued to attend school until he received his doctorate in Aerospace Engineering.
His prosthetic leg is littered with scratches and chipped paint, but works nonetheless and Ira is known to try to engineer new parts from scratch if he needs it.

Personality: Ira is a friendly being, a true gentle giant. He would much rather try to work things out than jump to killing people. He can be intimidating at first but after getting to know him you may think he talks a little too much, and his sense of humor can seem out of place sometimes.
Ira is quite intelligent and puts his smarts to use in these trying times, he has fashioned traps, tricks, and defenses up around his roaming range to try and at least slow down some of the things out there, animals, humans, and those beasts.


Anastasia Sawyer- former work associate - Captain of "crew" where they worked and his only friend in the apocalypse.

Afilliation (Gang, group or loner):
Loner-ish, would like to join a camp, but is also fine working with Ana


Name: Anastasia Sawyer

Age: 37

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Ana is a short woman, 4'10" and weighing 162 pounds
She is fairly muscular, with dark eyes, Umbre hair and fair skin. Ana holds a PhD in Zoology and Biology. She has thick brown- almost black hair and brown eyes. Her skin is pale. She is fairly muscular.

Ana is compassionate, Patient, and level-headed. She is not a born leader but has an adequate amount of skill and can lead when she needs to in situations when she does need to take charge. She can sometimes get too controlling and she does not usually handle conflict well. She spends most of her days trying to study the effects of the mutations and beasts, trying to figure out whatever she can, but so far there isn't much she has found.

Ira Fischer- Former work associate- She was his boss essentially.

Afilliation (Gang, group or loner):


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Edited on 27/03/19 @ 21:04:22 by the-grey-ace (#38669)

Limebird (#89309)

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Posted on
2019-03-30 08:32:04

Name| |✢Morgan Melendez✢

Nicknames| |Mel, Morg

Age| |23

Gender| |Female

Sexuality| | Homosexual

Appearance| |

She comes up to about 5’4” and has very well defined muscles. Her head is heart shaped with very well defined cheekbones. Her skin is a medium to light tan a darker brown birthmark on her lower navel. She has a snake bite piercing  on her left eyebrow that is dark grey. Her eyes don’t open very wide and have a very bored look to them. Her nose is small and upturned at the end and makes her look even more like she isn’t interested in anything. Her lips are thin and usually can be found with a coat of bright red lipstick on them. She seems to have only saved her lipstick for some reason. Her eyes are green with hazel flecks here and there. Her mouth is usually turned down and she has that gaze that it feels like she is looking at you but she is actually looking just past you. Her hair used to be short and styled like in the picture but it has now grown out and falls flat against the sides of her face. It ends about her mid neck and she hates it.

She wears a black crop top with ripped jeans. She also has many scars from others and herself. If it’s cold she pulls a jacket from her small backpack. It is a plain black hoodie with a name etched on the inside. Richard. Her bag is dark grey and black with patches and buttons all over it. Two include the Lesbian Flag and a button for her favorite bookstore in London, giving a hint as to where she is from.

Personality| |Morgan is the silent type. She doesn't often start conversations with others but once she gets in one she likes to keep it going. She finds it hard to trust anyone anymore, but will grow to trust them if they continue to talk and interact with you. She is very selfish and will not give out supplies unless someone is actually dying. She hates people who tell her what to do. Especially if they have the same rank in the gang as her. She understands the leader but no one else should ever tell her what to do. She has training in Climbing and can often be found training. She likes people paying attention to her but doesn't want to admit it.

Relationships/bonds| |TBD

Afilliation (Gang, group or loner)| | Gang

Other| |

She has a British accent and does not appreciate jokes about tea and biscuits . She also smells faintly of smoked meat and cedar. Image is Linked.

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Edited on 02/04/19 @ 10:51:26 by Limebird (#89309)

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