Posted by All 100% Button in Wardrobe

Emi Wolvesbane (#101377)

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Posted on
2019-03-28 07:29:05
Hello folks! I'm back again with a very small adjustment that probably takes way more coding then I know!

My thing is, I know lots of people have auctions, and lots of those people show off cubs at current and 100% opacancy (because everything is pretty at 100, right!?) This being said.. there are 10 times that I have to click tab twice, type 100, then tab down to the next window. And out of those 10 times.. I mess up at least once and erase a marking..

So, a small tweak I'd like to suggest is a "Set all to 100%" button. This would set all marking slots viewed to 100% with one click. I'm not sure if the wardrobe could handle that, but with its recent overhaul I think it could work! Placement of the button could be easily implemented at the bottom with the "Add Marking slot" button so it wouldn't cause a messy look.

I'm definitely looking for feedback on this! Please tell me why you supported or lacked support! I'm game for discussions about this tweak!

This suggestion has 16 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Ivy (Side) (#2511)

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Posted on
2019-03-28 09:17:26
Support and I'd love to have this feature with the oasis custom lion/lioness maker too

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