Posted by [new guide]How to add CSS to your den

Kalarhi |1stgen
Primal| (#131858)

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Posted on
2019-03-28 20:32:36
First off, this isn't how to code CSS, this is how to implement your CSS into your den via Dropbox *AFTER* the change that made new users no longer have a public folder.

upload your .css to your drop box

Click the triple dots and then Share

Hit get Link (I needed to show this with another file as my lioden.css one already had it's link created)

Hit Copy Link


Paste this link into something you can edit it in, even your search bar at the top works, for me, my link is this:

Change "" TO ""

AND Remove the "?dl=0"

My link now looks like this:

to test if done properly you should be able to paste this in your search bar and get your .ccs file


paste the NEW url it into this code, where it says URL HERE:

<*link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=" URL HERE "*/>

Delete the *s.

Like: <*link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""*/>

Then paste it into your territory description.

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She] (#226820)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2021-10-09 12:21:04
Is there any way to do this method without having to use dropbox? Because the only way I can use dropbox is if i pay for it, and I dont feel like paying for something just to upload an image... Please tell me if there is another way!

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