Posted by Looking for Lit Partners

🐊 Mutt (#3901)

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Posted on
2019-04-07 23:30:09
Hello! I'm Mutt, I'm 24, non-binary and ace! Please call me they/them! I'm addicted to World of Warcraft and watching stupid videos on youtube. I really like to read cheesy paranormal romance books and fantasy books.

I've been roleplaying for around 15yrs now but I haven't gotten anything serious in such a long time. Either partners fall off the face of the earth, or I no longer hear back from them! I'm itching for something really good, long-lasting, and detailed! Hopefully looking for people to stay past the planning phase. I promise I'm very good at helping to plan.
I tend to play more submissive characters, keep that in mind!
>Be literate, paragraphs only, I usually match my partner's length
>I will do mxm or mxf, no experience with fxf
>Will require planning from you as well! I will not do all the work
>I will try things over on Discord, though I have no experience over that platform, my contact is at the bottom
>I prefer either pms onsite, but will do forums
>I'm ditch friendly, but please just let me know
>Be at least 18+, not comfortable speaking to anyone under, sorry
>Decent grammar and punctuation, I'm not perfect and I don't expect you to be!
>If there's a response I can't respond to, I simply won't, sorry!

The favs:
Italicized is my preferred role. Bold is what I'm really wanting.

>Fallout New Vegas: CourierxVulpes
>Seraph of the End
>League of Legends lore
>Nalini Singh's Archangel's series
>Shana Abe, Drakon series
>American Dragon-verse. Not interested in canon, prefer ocs.

Can't think of much right it and I may be up for it!

>General Fantasy
>Medival Fantasy
>Alpha/Omega verse
>Darker Fantasy - meaning more of an "evil" vibe ya'know?
>Medival/period pieces
>Shapeshifters/government experiments
Name some things too! I'd be happy to try most anything out!

Government Project:
What I was thinking was some top-secret project to create supernatural beings through testing; creating shapeshifters, telekinesis. creating monsters in general etc, but in order to get subjects, it's branded as some sort of study. Something mundane such as a sleep study, a drug study, ect, with a monetary reward to garner the necessary bodies. Simple contracts and NDAs would be signed to make it appear legit, but there would be some secret clauses in the writing that labels you "property" of the government. And there the fun begins.

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Edited on 13/04/19 @ 20:44:39 by 🐊 Mutt (#3901)

skadi (#98841)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-04-15 18:56:05
a bit about me:
» i am intent on roleplaying females, all 18+.
» just more comfortable doing so.
» male x female romances are my forte but, just let me know if you're interested in female x female.
» as you might have noticed, i don't use proper capitalization; i'm just really fond of this typing style.
» i actually have a two plots that you might be interested in. i also have a warrior cat idea but, i won't throw that one on the table just yet (let me know if you're interested in it!)

blessed with beauty and rage
werecat x werewolf romance

decades ago, a war between species ravaged the world — the supernatural world, mind you. werewolves and werecats had been at odds ever since anyone could remember and there was one pride of werecats that rivaled all others — the gehenna pride. they held an intense hatred for werewolves as a whole but, their hatred zeroed in on one pack in particular -- the deorum sanguine pack. the battle between pride and pack lasted years... and then there was silence.

the pride had won.

the gehenna pride went on to wreak havoc on the packs foolish enough to stay in the states, wiping a vast majority of them out of existence. as packs in northern america began to fall, it sent a message to werewolves around the world — they were not welcome in pride territory.

however, descendants of deorum sanguine are resurfacing, growing in number at a pace that worries the pride. the werewolves want revenge for their dead and a war between these powerful species is inevitable. but times have changed and the current generation of the pride wish to stop the war at any cost.

enter muse a, next in line to lead the northern pride. if she ascends to the throne, she will be the first tabby in history to lead a pride. but the odds are far from in her favor. with the threat of war looming over the pride, it is possible there might not even be a pride to lead.

and so, her father sends her off on a mission. she is to spy on this rapidly growing pack and collect information on what the wolves are planning — if they're planning anything at all. events take a turn for the worst when the alpha of the pack, muse b, captures her and intends to use her as leverage to get whatever it is he wants.

will muse a gain the trust of the alpha and his pack mates, sparing the supernatural world from another bloodbath, or will her pleas fall on deaf ears and vengeful hearts?

she lives in a fairy tale
medieval fantasy romance

muse a is a princess.

muse b is a prince.

both royals are from neighboring kingdoms that have had a tenuous alliance for hundreds of years. the prince's kingdom has a formidable army, while the princess' kingdom has plentiful gold and silks. war is threatening to come to their lands and the only thing that can secure peace for both kingdoms is a union of families by marriage of the next heirs to the throne. the prince and princess are set to be wed shortly after their first meeting, an arrangement made by their fathers. the prince knows of this plan, yet the princess is left in the dark because her father doesn't have the heart to tell her the news.

the prince is sent to visit with the princess' family for a while, and it doesn't take long for the princess to find out what's happening. in her anger and dismay, she disappears from the castle, unknowingly trailed after by the prince. he uncovers a secret that she has been keeping for quite some time -- what most deem her "imagination" is actually quite real. he makes a foolish decision to return to his kingdom and tell his father what he has seen. this causes the outbreak of the very war they feared, for the prince's father now wants what belongs, not to the princess' kingdom, but to the princess herself.

[ again, let me know if you're interested in the warrior cats plot <3 ]

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Granny (#159081)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-04-28 17:05:39
Little about me if you’d be interested.
> I only really play females
> I’m really into the romance roles
> I like playing everything out in the roleplay (I.e. sexual things.) I don’t like skipping those
> I rather using disc as I’m not very active here
> I don’t enjoy the whole ditching roleplays but I’m chill with it if I’m told.
> I’m 20

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Skullface ☠️ (#47620)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-05-09 22:35:11
Heyo Mutt! I've been thinking about getting back into roleplay myself, so I'll drop some info here so we can see if we're compatible~
I only RP OCs, almost exclusively males, and have never tried any fandom roleplays outside of Warriors when I was in high school. I love planning, well thought out characters, and world building. I will happily type a paragraph of description just for someone's bedroom. I'm game for discussing a slew of prompts if we chat.

★I'm also 24! Waddup! Been RPing since middle school myself.
★99% of the characters I roleplay are males.
★I always try to give at least a long paragraph.
★I mostly roleplay as dominant personalities just because I feel I write those best.
★Will roleplay humanoids and sentient animals. I definitely prefer to at least have some manner of fantasy/sci-fi elements in anything I RP.
★I'm most comfortable with MxM but have done MxF pairings. No experience with FxF either.
★I kind of talk like a meme lord but I swear I have a college education. ;w; Please let me know if you don't like being called "dude" or "bro" because /man/ do I call people those a lot.
★I'm totally down with writing sexual themes when needed (skip or no, i'm fine either way).
★I've never done Discord but I do have an account and i'm down to try RPing on there.
★Sometimes I get caught in work and can't respond for a while, but I try to keep in contact OOC.

I have an RP idea that I think could tie into your prompt. It's dark but involves one character being altered from a young age into a sort of prototype super soldier meant to act as a guard for high ranking officials. The experiments cause him to become more animalistic, like a loyal dog, to make him easier to control. The prompt could either involve a more intelligent experiment essentially using him to escape then having to keep him around to protect them from the government trying to recapture them despite finding him impossible to deal with in functioning society due to his ignorance and violent nature. OR he's sent to a high ranking official for a test run where he is supposed to protect the official's similarly aged child, only for it to turn out the child's parents are severely abusive and the child- after a bout of particularly harsh abuse- accidentally orders the experiment to kill their parents, which it loyally does. The child resents the experiment for killing their parents but knows it's their own fault, thus they're forced to flee and go into hiding together struggling to survive and get along.

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Edited on 10/05/19 @ 01:10:14 by Skullface ☠️ (#47620)

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