Posted by Scorched | Bios

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-04-18 22:18:29

Main Roleplay Thread


Sign UpsPlease fill out the form below in its entirety. Remove asterisks from coding before posting.

<*p style="font-family:FONT HERE;color:#000;text-align:center;"><*a href="SOURCE URL HERE"><*img src="IMAGE URL HERE" width="500"><*/a>

What is your character called?

How old is your character?

All welcome.

Same as above.

Their pack and which rank they hold within it.

What type of dog are they?

Physical Description
Write a concise description telling us what your character looks like. 1-2 paragraphs. Any character under six months old won't have cropped ears or a docked tail.

Write a few paragraphs detailing your character's personality.

What has their life been like? Let us know about any important milestones.

Important friends, family members, enemies, crushes, etc.

Theme Song

Anything extra you might want us to know about your character goes here.

If we aren't familiar please provide a roleplay sample below your form and put it under a spoiler in order to save room. If you aren't sure how to do that the code is provided below. Remove asterisks before posting.

[*spoiler]Roleplay sample here.[*/spoiler]



These characters are the equivalent of a game master's npcs in a D&D game. They are important to the story in that they either hold high positions within their pack or else know plot advancing information. I won't play them any differently than my mains when they're relevant so your characters are welcome to befriend them, become their enemies, etc. For characters with limited information, you'll have to discover more about them via roleplay. New characters will be added here as they're met.


"When daybreak seems so far away reach for my hand, when hope and peace begin to fray still I will stand."

Male | 6 Years Old | Tibetan Mastiff | Red Willow Guardian

So named for his powerful, booming bark, yet Thunder is a calm, collected, even-tempered canine with a huge heart. He has a strong sense of justice and morality, but every dog has their flaws and at times he can be blinded by his own ideals. Thunder prefers compromise over violence and will always avoid getting physical if a reasonable solution can be found instead. With that said, he’s not exactly a pacifist either and will fight if he deems it necessary. Stern when he needs to be, yet not never overly harsh.

Loyal and courageous, he will always do his best to protect those around him. Thunder is a social dog who enjoys spending his time in the company of others. Every now and then he may wander off on his own to think, but more often than not Thunder isn't a canine looking for solitude. He is an affectionate and warm individual. Honest to his core, but still tactful enough not to be crass. He is optimistic and hopeful, seeing the bright side of any given situation.

ᴛʜᴇᴍᴇ sᴏɴɢ
Right Here - Ashes Remain.



"Some things fade, and some get saved, but some things are made just to take to the grave."

Male | 3 Years Old | Coydogwolf Hybrid [Eastern Coyote x Northwestern Wolf x German Shepherd Dog]
Not included in hyrbid count.

Aloof and solitary, Mite seems to have made his home in the burned portion of the city that has been deemed a neutral territory. For the most part, he stays away from the packs, but his status as a hybrid and gruff personality seem to have drawn some unwanted attention from the dogs. Mite has found himself in more than one altercation with Fallen Ashes especially, the last of which turned violent and led to one dog returning home with near-fatal injuries. The patrol claims the hybrid showed no mercy nor regret. It seems Mite isn't playing around and young dogs are warned to stay away from the burned area.

ᴛʜᴇᴍᴇ sᴏɴɢ
Bury Me Low - 8 Graves.



"Can I trust what I'm given? When faith still needs a gun whose ammunition justifies the wrong?"

Male | 3 Years Old | American Red Fox

Despite being a wild one, subject to the scorn and mistrust of the pack dogs, he's quite approachable and friendly. Some dogs may have even grown to like the fellow despite it all. Meetings with Vervain tend to be thought-provoking, and even if a dog doesn't leave with some new knowledge they're usually in for a good story if they're willing to listen. Vervain has taught dogs how to use healing herbs in the past among other things about surviving in the wild. He is a treasured friend of the dogs of Red Willow. Vervain seems wise beyond his years, many surprised to hear he is no older than 3, but this misconception likely comes from their differing lifespans.

ᴛʜᴇᴍᴇ sᴏɴɢ
Crossfire - Stephen.



"I don't ever ever wanna look back,
the future's blurry but the past is a trap,
I might be staring at my last chance."

Female | 4 Years Old | Cane Corso

Another pesky stray that seems intent on making trouble. She's been caught several times intruding and stealing prey by both packs and has even been bold enough to attempt recruiting some of their members. All such attempts have proven futile thus far, but it seems she isn't quite yet ready to give up. Raven wants a pack of her own it seems and she's willing to do anything to get it. Some may wonder what that might entail.

ᴛʜᴇᴍᴇ sᴏɴɢ
Cold-Blooded - Zayde Wolf.



Male | 2 Years Old | Saluki

An enigmatic stranger from another place who comes bearing grand promises. Further information not currently available.



The Black Wolf

Some dogs have claimed that a huge black wolf calls the forest beyond the city home, and where one wolf roams more are sure to follow. Is the beast fact or myth? There aren't many willing to find out.

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Edited on 26/05/19 @ 23:31:55 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

|| 𝙳 (#176776)

Good Natured
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-05-26 21:56:12


4 Y/O


Bisexual, prefers males

Fallen Ashes Huntress/Hunter

Caucasian Shepherd/German Shepherd Mix
(75% Caucasian, 25% German)

Physical Description
Vendetta is a large female, with a bulky frame, muscular body, and a serious face. She stands at about 27 inches to her shoulders. Despite being fairly stout, she weighs in at a good 105 lbs. The female has a light tan coat with black accents around her muzzle, back, and tail with pink paw pads and deep hazel/brown eyes.

Vendetta is a hardworking dog with a fiery temper. Although this is not always true. If you are really good friends with her or have known her a long time, you'll find she's actually fairly calm and even quite flirty in some cases. If you want to see her calm side, though, you'd have to work hard for it. She doesn't let people (or dogs in this case) in easily.

Vendetta was used for hunting. Although she and her owner lived in the city, each summer they travelled to their favorite hunting locations to bring home some game. She had a gritty side, but when her human abandoned her she became weak.


Theme Song
Material Girl - Madonna


If we aren't familiar please provide a roleplay sample below your form and put it under a spoiler in order to save room. If you aren't sure how to do that the code is provided below. Remove asterisks before posting.

Ai rung her hair through her fingers. "Well.. for one, you seem sly." She nodded to the coins. "Great for stealing eggs. Second I need someone strong like you to help when a creature decides to attack us. The most I can do is heal, and I couldn't harm a fly even if I wanted to." She smiled at him. "And as for my business, I sell creatures. I don't kill them and sell their bones, hooves, horns, nothing of the sort. I sell them live." She understood this was a dangerous position for him to be in, so she wondered if he'd even agree. This strange elven woman asking him to risk his life to get rich.

She put Laylaurie back on her shoulder, taking a sip of her drink before looking around. If he doesn't accept this offer someone else might. "And besides, if you get hurt whilst fighting I could heal you as I mentioned before." Luau looked back to him to see his reaction. Hopefully it was a good one, or at least mediocre.

N/A (Many of the role-plays I do have up to 5 people and have quick replies, but here's one reply if you're interested:

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Edited on 28/05/19 @ 23:15:15 by Applesauce (#176776)

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