Posted by Facility RQF-D7 {A Shifter RP}

Pembroke (#717)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-04-19 09:52:45

You remember the day it happened. Every TV station, every radio station, any screen at all blared the same message to all viewers:

“After this week’s Shifter attack at an amusement park, an awful disease has been identified exclusively in Shifters. How the disease spreads is unknown, but those afflicted with it become wildly unpredictable in animal form. As of now, all Shifter officials are being terminated of their positions for the greater safety of all. Afflicted of not, those will be placed under quarantine until a cure and vaccine can be deployed for all Shifters.”

Your life as a Shifter was never really the same then.

It happened in waves. First, Shifters in public offices and in service positions were terminated- doctors, police officers, and government officials. The second wave was more difficult to accomplish, but predatory Shifters or those with large animal forms were targeted. By then, many had gone underground and fled. And the third and final wave, which is still ongoing is ratting out the last few sneaky Shifters and those whose animals forms are small and mostly harmless. Though they didn’t pose as much of a safety risk, it was still necessary to quarantine them, as it is still unknown who may harbor the disease, even if they show no symptoms yet.

Which brings you to present day- you’re currently residing in Rosebrook Quarantine Facility D7, or RQF-D7, as the everything is codenamed. You were under the impression that everything was going to be alright, it’d just be a bit of temporary situation while scientists figured out this whole mess. You were mistaken.

This facility, it’s more like a prison.

Sure, you aren’t treated too badly. The workers and scientists are a little emotionally cold, but nothing too terrible has happened. You may get pulled back for the occasional exam, but it’s nothing too terribly bad, it’s like a doctor’s appointment. With the exception that you spend quite of bit of time in your “room”, which is like a cell, but the guards frown if you call it such. But luckily, you get time out of your cell. You’re a lucky one, as no one at Rosebrook has been identified carrying the disease. At least, you can still enjoy that bit of freedom to socialize, rather than to waste away in utter isolation.

The facility has been in operation for 4 years now. But, rumors are starting to spread amongst the Shifters that there’s no disease at all. The older residents have seen multiple transfers of Shifters in an out of their facility, yet none of them can ever recall seeing a Shifter afflicted by this mysterious disease.

Is this all a hoax? A ploy to erase Shifters from society? And if it is will you escape and show the world that there is no disease?

Shifter Info/Rules:
- A Shifter may have only one animal form.
- The most common animal forms are mammals and birds, but there are a number of Shifters with reptilian animals forms.
- It takes a lot of energy for a Shifter to switch between forms. The younger they are, the more energy it takes to be able to change between their forms. Even adult Shifters find that they need to rest a bit between changing forms. Some even wind up with a bit of a headache afterwards.
- Shifters keep their clothes when switching to and from a human. Likewise, anything their animal form has on their body will remain on that form until it is removed.
- A Shifter can be born to human parents in very rare instances. However, human-born Shifters tend to be more affected by switching forms. They tend to get sicker and need more rest between changing.
- A Shifter with two Shifter parents are typically a bit stronger and more resistant to the effects of changing forms. A Shifter with just a single Shifter parent will feel the effects a bit more, but through enough training, they can fight the sickness and weakness almost as well as a full Shifter.

”Disease” Info:
- It only affects Shifters, but it may affect Shifters of all kinds.
- The only symptom of the disease is a supposed reddening if the eyes in human form. The flashes of red come and go as the disease starts to take root.
- As the disease progresses, the individual becomes more aggressive and unpredictable in a human form. They find that they can’t change forms, but they’re usually too occupied by the pain in their head and the restlessly in their body.
- The final straw is when their animal form takes over and forces them to change into their animal selves without a shred of human qualities left in them. Their only instinct tells them to attack anything at all.
- It is currently unknown how the disease spreads. Some suspect it can be transmitted only through saliva of through a bite wound, as Shifters housed together don’t seem to contract the disease by breathing the same air as other Shifters.

Facility Rules/Guidelines
These may be broken! But expect consequences based off what you attempt to do!
- No fighting- any conflict or disputes may be brought to the attention of a guard who will settle it.
- You may not shift into your animal form during meals.
- You MUST shift into human form before you may exit your cell. You must stay a human until you have reached your destination.
- The only places where being in your animal form is permitted is in your room and in the courtyard. Researchers may also ask you to change forms if requested.
- Any plotting or attempt to escape will be met with severe consequences. It is not safe for shifters to leave, as the disease is still running rampant.
- You must be present for breakfast (8:00 AM), lunch (12;00 PM), and dinner (6:30 PM), unless excused for whatever reason.
- Any attempt to harm guards or other facility personnel will be met with severe consequences.
- All shifters are outfitted with a collar to monitor their location. The collar can also vibrate as a push to get you to move to where you should be. Any attempt to break or otherwise tamper with your collar will be met with consequences.
- Standard attire for all shifters are neutral colors, such as black, white, and gray. Sometimes, brown colors are also available. This is to make everything simpler and give clothes based off unisex sizes, without worrying about giving a particular shifter "gender appropriate" attire.
- When approached for a study or exam, you must comply with what is requested of you. Any defiant behavior will result in punishment or a loss of some privileges.

General Info About Rosebrook Quarantine Facility:
- The exact location of the facility is unknown. As all shifters arrived in darkened vehicles, they have no way of knowing where exactly they were transported.
- The facility is surrounded by vast and expansive fields. If you squint your eyes bit, a treeline in the far distance can be seen. The prairie landscape poses an additional challenge to escape, as anyone running away can be seen for miles.
- There aren't many locations available to the shifters. They can go to their "rooms", the courtyard, the dining room, the bathrooms/showers, and upon special request, they may visit the library and its adjoining conference rooms (Careful, as access to the library is rather restricted, everything in the library is heavily monitored.)
- Courtyard: The courtyard functions as an area for the Shifters to be "outside" and converse amongst one another. The ground is grassy, and it has stone pathways around the circumference of the plexiglass dome. The dome is broken up by the four pathways that lead to the center where a fountain is located. Shifters are permitted to touch and play with the water in the fountain, and even get in it if they wish, though the water isn't even a foot deep. The fountain isn't always on, and sometimes, it's instead drained out to conserve water.

The courtyard is also additionally used as a bit of a greenhouse. Fruit hangs on trees, vegetables grow from the edges of the dome, and if you dig a little into one of the two growing boxes for plants, you may uncover some strawberries or potatoes.

The Rooms: Each room is identical. In the corner of each room is a small bed, which is comfortably big enough for one person to sleep in. Because the bed and its frame are relatively light, they can be moved around the room, if the Shifter so decides to move it. Each room is also equipped with a small opening in the wall which serves as a "closet", where fresh clothes will be provided while the Shifters are eating their meals in the dining hall. They each also have a desk and chair. The desks have two drawers, but it's useless to hide things in them, as they are searched rather frequently.

The walls themselves are plain white in color. A few bold Shifters have asked for paint to paint them in different colors, but requests like those are always denied. Three of the four walls are white, while the fourth is made of very strong, unbreakable glass. In the middle is a small door that one would have to duck under to get out of as a safety precaution. The rooms are locked in two ways- the shifter can open it up with the touch of their hand and a scan of their eyes from the outside, but it will lock behind them and they will be unable to unlock it from the inside. Additionally, a guard can unlock the rooms with two keys- one key that's used for Block C, and another key that's individual to that room. However, it's futile to try and steal keys from the guards, because the only keys they carry are for the room block, and won't open up any other doors.

RP Rules:
- All Roleplay and LD rules apply!
- No godmodding/powerplay/etc. Keep things fair!
- Hate the character, not the player. If a dispute shall arise between players, we will all try and resolve it as best we can to please both parties.
- Please write at least a paragraph (5 sentences) per post! Ideally, I would like to see two paragraphs per post, but hey, we all get writer's block sometimes! This RP is intended to be semi/literate and I want everyone to be able to be able to write a decent post for what others have provided for them.
-If you don't think you can keep up with the post requirement, this may not be a suitable RP for you!
- For now, please limit yourself to two characters. If we need more characters, or if you would like to have an extra character, please private message me!
- If you have any questions, feel free to PM me, and I will answer your question(s) to the best of my ability!
- If you've read all the rules, please put your favorite ice cream flavor in the "other" section of your character form!

Accepted Characters:
- Pierre Gilles de Ruiter | 24 | Male | German Shepherd Dog | Played by: Pembroke (#717)
- Flynn "Magpie" Lockett | 27 | Male | Red-Billed Blue Magpie | Played by: Magpie (#77195)
- Josephine “Joey” Wright | 25 | | Female | Eastern Gray Squirrel | Played by: Aldwyn (#66395)
- Vervain Poinsettia | 19 | Female | Mountain Lion | Played by: Magpie (#77195)
- Rafael Ramirez | 25 | Male | Central American Jaguar | Played by: Vespertine (#33076)
- Siobhan Stone | 21 | Trans Woman | Black-Backed Jackal | Played by: Vespertine (#33076)
- Elias Dawn | 23 | Male | Plains Coyote | Played by: Husk (#37594)
- Morgan Everett | 26 | Demi-Girl | Brown Bear | Played by: GoldenLeo (#171146)
- Giselle "Gigi" Rothstein | 18 | Female | Striped Hyena | Played by: Pembroke (#717)
- Fionn Fawkes | 26 | Male | Human (Scientist) | Played by: Vespertine (#33076)
- Alistair Wolf | 32 | Male | Snow Leopard | Played by: Magpie (#77195)

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Edited on 30/04/19 @ 14:07:41 by Pembroke (#717)

Pembroke (#717)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-04-19 11:22:59

Pierre de Ruiter | 24 | Male | German Shepherd Dog
Mentions: N/A

“Pierre... I’m sorry to say this but... we’ll, you’ve been terminated from your position as a patrol officer,” Chief Bullard said. His head lowered his his hands gently clasped together in front of him, as if the words had pained him too.

Pierre was stupefied, “N-no! I haven’t had a single count of misconduct or... I haven’t done anything wrong-“

The Chief cut him off. “You and I both know it, officer. Hell, you were called to the scene to investigate the situation. You should know that public opinion has changed about your kind... erm... Shifters. It would reflect badly on the rest of our department to have a Shifter officer on the force... especially with fears that you may go savage-“


“This is not negotiable. The city and surrounding local governments have put out orders that all Shifters in service positions are to be discharged immediately. And that includes you, Pierre,” Chief Bullard finally looked up at Pierre from his desk, shuffling a few papers to the side to lean forward to look at the young officer, whose head started to hang in defeat. When Pierre said nothing, the Chief continued talking, his voice quieter than the bellowing of before. “The new ordinance also requires all Shifters to be put into quarantine.”

Pierre countenance changed to utter shock. He was about to protest before he closed his lips to get the Chief to explain himself further. That was, if he was going to.

“I fought hard for you to be put into one of the very best facilities. One where there haven’t been any traces of the disease...” He trailed off. “It’s for the best, officer, you know that. And hell, when this whole mess is figured out, we’d love to have you back on the force. You’ve put in 4 years with us already, so you know you’ll always be welcome back...” The Chief paused, sighing a bit before he attempted to brighten up the mood. “And you know what? I’ll let you keep your badges. You haven’t done any wrong-doing, so what I’m saying is- you’ll still have a job when you come back after this temporary... inconvenience.”


A heavy eyelid fluttered open, revealing a dull amber eye. Pierre blinked several times to clear up his cloudy vision to reorient himself. It wasn’t uncommon that he woke up in unfamiliar places, having never remembered where or when he fell asleep. He could feel that under his body was the softness of a mattress... at least softness in the sense that it was better than being on the concrete floor. With a deep sigh Pierre moved and arm... which was a leg, one covered in mostly black fur with hints of tan peering through the blackness of his coat near his paws. Again? This has happened the past few nights... Pierre thought to himself. He knew this wasn’t his own doing, as around his left leg was a white bandage wrapped snuggly around a small wound, likely caused by a blood draw or any other minor procedure.

The Shepherd sat up on his bed, and instantly, he was hit with a most unpleasant headache- a tell-tale sign that he’d shifted forms between the time he went to bed and the time he woke up. The half-Shifter was a little worse of than other half-breeds of his kind, for he shifted so infrequently that changing forms affected him deeply. As always, the collar is his neck bothered him greatly. Just feeling the firmly box against his neck was enough of annoyance. However, he was glad that there weren’t any metal contact points digging into his neck at all times.

Pierre hopped off his bed, nails clicking onto the floor with a most unsettling clack, clack, clack! They were getting again, and he’d be damned if he begged for someone to grind his nails down with a dremel. He’d chew them down a bit on his own time, that was a promise. He temporarily forget about his nails and stretched his body out, enjoying the sensation of his muscles getting to move after being stationary all night.

A clock on the metal door told him that the time was 7:07 AM- it’d be another hour before someone came to take him to breakfast. Normally, Pierre would be getting ready... but he was in no shape to shift back to a human in his own, but he knew he’d be forced to in due time, or he’d receive the honor of missing breakfast. And Pierre was not one to skip meals.

He turned his head, giving a sidelong glance at the tiny bathroom hollowed into his room. Behind the door was a minuscule bathroom that had a toilet, a sink, a shower, and a silver compartment in the wall for placing laundry in to be washed. Pierre thought only briefly about going to the bathroom, but instead, walked several steps forward, and sat down in front of the glass that separated him from the corridor.

He cocked his head to the side, seeing himself reflected only slightly into the glass. He had to admit, he was pretty cute as a dog. And sometimes, that worked a little too well- a guard had once taken him out to the courtyard on a leash, thinking that he wouldn’t cause any trouble. And he was right... Pierre walked happily through the corridors, even though he could have easily escaped from the guard’s grasp. Though that guard was fired from his job, Pierre still knew that his own reputation among the shifters had been affected. Sometimes, he knew that he wasn’t well-liked because of his seeming complacency.

Deep down, he was just playing his cards right, doing everything he should to make others lay their own guards down around him.

Pierre had been an actor throughout his life. And this, this was just a new role.


Giselle “Gigi” Rothstein | 18 | Female | Striped Hyena
Mentions: Pierre

Another morning. As always, Giselle woke up on her stomach, her preferred sleeping pose. The scent of harsh chemical was still in the air from yesterday’s cleaning, as she had quite literally worried herself sick. A twitch of her nose and sigh later, Giselle sat up on her bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Her hair was a tangled wreck, as per usual every morning. But rather than focus on that at the moment, dark brown eyes skirted to the cell across the hall- Pierre’s.

It had become a sort of knee-jerk reaction to look over and across at his cell each day, as if it could calm her anymore. At Cloverfield, Shifters seemed to go in and out all the time. There was no telling who would leave or when. When she saw that the sheet of metal had been moved up, as it did automatically each day at 6:00 AM (and closed at 10:00 PM) to give a little privacy, she was more than relieved to see the shepherd dog there, looking a little dazed and confused at the events of the previous night, but nonetheless, okay and familiar. Gigi could breathe out a sigh of relief then, knowing that the familiarity would stick around for at least another day. Her mind contented, she stood up from her bed, bones cracking softly in protest as she walked to her miniaturized bathroom.

A strip of her clothes later and she was in the shower. As soon as she turned the faucet on, the timer in the wall began to tick down. Each shifter had 10 minutes per 24 hours to shower. Once the 10 minutes were up, the water turned off, and the timer reset to countdown from 24:00:00. Giselle wished she could have longer showers, just to feel the warmth of the water against her skin just a bit longer, rather than worry about the time slipping away from the counter. She used to be on a youth swim team, so being in the water was like second nature... though it had been ages since she’d felt the cool embrace of the pools and inhaled the overwhelming scent of chlorine.

One shower later, and Giselle was dumping her dirty clothes down into the metal box. Who knows whether she would get those exact ones back? As far as she knew, everyone’s clothes dropped into a single, or a small number of boxes to be wash. All she knew is that some clothes would come back to her, without a promise of them being hers. Gigi stalked out of bathroom and raced to the ident in the wall where her clothes were. She’d cursed herself for forgetting to grab them to take in the bathroom. She didn’t necessarily need to worry about being “indecent” as the towel was big enough to fit around her body twice, and it dropped almost to her ankles. Still, she didn’t like the idea of Pierre or any of the guards who may be patrolling the hallway to see her indecent.

When she’d returned to the bathroom, Giselle finally could see what she’d grabbed- a pair of black cotton underwear, a gray sports bra, black sweat pants, and a white T-shirt. Simple, as it always was. But like everyone else, she yearned for something different. Oh, how she’d love to be able to enjoy herself just once again. Even if that meant going to a restaurant wearing a pretty dress, it mattered none. Of course, she knew that wasn’t possible, for grave danger of a disease still lurked in the outside world.

After pulling her clothes on, Giselle flipped onto her bed which let out a loud squeal underneath her. It wouldn’t be long before a guard came to escort her to breakfast. Her stomach had no complaints about that. She’d skipped dinner last night and any food at all would be enough to calm her growling stomach.

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Edited on 26/04/19 @ 16:15:32 by Pembroke (#717)

GoldenLeo (#171146)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-04-27 00:11:30
Morgan Everett | 26 | Demi-Girl | Brown Bear
Mentions: None


Another morning. Morgan had gotten used to rising early in the army, had even taken a fancy to it for a while. But ever since entering Rosebrook, Morgan knew she was getting lazy. One heavy eyelid flopped open and peered around her cell blearily. Another day. With a heavy grunt and protestation from the bed - it was the third she’d had since coming to the facility - the large bear stretched out four massive paws and rolled off the mattress. There was a guard passing by - peering in as though he was visiting a zoo - and Morgan stood her ground as she growled at him. She was never sure they could be heard through the glass, but watching the vague reflection’s hackles rise made her feel better. As did the rapid pace of the man as he retreated. With a satisfied snuffle, Morgan plodded the rest of the way across to her closet. She would have been happy to stay shifted the rest of the day, but Morgan knew better by now. Didn’t mean she couldn’t resent it, but still. Mess call was mess call, and Morgan always made it to mess.

Shifting, Morgan let her human body stretch out the same way the bear one had, a symphony of pops and cracks and a very satisfied groan accompanying it. With a shake of her too-long hair, Morgan stripped out of her grey jumpsuit and selected another, using her toes to pick up the first from the ground. At least she was slightly more dexterous in this form. Being in the army for nearly nine years had cured Morgan of her shyness long since, and she didn’t care who looked as she retreated into the bathroom. Cold, limited showers were another familiar routine, and the more Morgan thought about it the more similarities she saw between her life here and the one she’d had. Even the Rosebrook itself would have made a secure, self-sustainable base.

Of course the main difference was that there Morgan had been fighting for freedom, while here she was denied it. And as always, she thought about the prisoners she had taken before. Where they might have ended up. Most good soldiers coped with it, or kept it out of their minds entirely. Morgan had been a good soldier once. Why was she here then? Back muscles bunching under the stream, Morgan punched the wall hard enough her knuckles ached, adding to an assortment of dents already there. “Fuck…” She cursed under her breath, lathering up quickly as the time ticked by.

Morgan headed back out in the fresh jumpsuit, rolled down to her waist and tied with the arms to show off the white tank top underneath. She went barefoot everywhere, so she could actually feel the earth when she went outside. It also made the gambit of medical tests she went through easier. Morgan would have shifted back into her Morgan would have shifted back again once she was clean, even with the headache pulsing at her temples. But there were the rules again.

Too restless to lay down again, Morgan crossed the room and scavenged for something in the desk for a moment. She came out with a nail; almost too short to hold and too blunt to do anything. But it still made a dent in the plain grey wall of her cell, and that was what mattered to Morgan. She would finish the herd of mountain goats today, she decided.

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Edited on 12/05/19 @ 23:06:05 by GoldenLeo (#171146)

Magpie (#77195)

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Posted on
2019-04-28 14:46:20

Flynn Lockett 'Magpie' | 27 | Male | Red-billed Blue Magpie
Mentions: None, Open

Bloody red eyes stared from the black fog. Taunting him. Luring him in. He tried to shake his head from the eyes, but he couldn't get them out of his sight. Everywhere he turned, the eyes were there, staring at him. Haunting him. He could feel tears brimming in his own pale blue eyes, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't fight the feeling of helplessness. His fears were locked behind a cracked brown oak door and the cracks were getting wider, bigger. His gut felt alive with worms and when he looked down, there was nothing below his feet. He was standing in a black, foggy void. His head swarmed with images of dying and death. His eyes were filled with images of the red eyes that dripped white blood. His nose was filled with the scent of tigers. He felt nothing when he reached to hold onto something, to anything. Panic swarmed in his throat, closing off the passages to his lungs. His chest heaved, but he gathered no air. His arms flailed, but then locked tightly to his sides. His neck twisted this way and that, but then that to was forced to stop moving.

Blood trickled into his vision. Black and red. His ears felt stuffed with cotton, his mouth felt dry and swollen. The bloody eyes came closer, yet he was paralyzed, unable to move. His gut clenched even more, sending pain throughout his whole body. All logic flew from his mind as the fog released him and he fell through the abyss, the eyes following him all the way down.

His knees hit hard concrete. His hands scraped against the rough floor, opening up wounds along his palms. Blood continued to blur his vision. All around him were white walls. An invisible foe was scratching into his upper arms. His body refused to move and the eyes were the only thing as clear as day to him. And finally, when he could move his feet again, he was up and running, the scenery changing once again.

His arm slammed into a tree. Vines snared his feet and ankles. Twigs and leaves slapped at his face. Hands grabbed his ankles, pulling him to the ground. His head smacked concrete. Bloody jaws appeared in his singular vision, accompanying the red eyes. The faint outline of a tiger made his quiver. His body rapidly shrunk into his bird form. As the tiger's jaws started to close in on his body, he realized that the blood dripping from its jaws was his. His beak opened like he was going to scream. His wings flapped. As the jaw was about to snap him in half his eyes closed.

Flynn's eyes flew open. His breathing was panicked, but there. He was back to seeing out of just his left eye. The smell of blood clogged his senses. When he sight finally focused, he noticed three guys in security suits holding him down. His arms were held to his sides, his legs pinned to the bed. He was sweating and he focused inward to find that the bleeding was coming from his shoulders and forehead. Immediately, he felt hot aggression at the guys touching him and his blood boiled, but all of that was pushed back by the fear of his nightmare and the panic that still swam hot in his gut and mind.

His fingers grasped at the single bed sheet and he focused on slowing his breathing, on forcing the feather pattern on his arms to recede. He noticed the door to his room wide open, yet his mind thought only of healing and calming him then of finding a way of getting out the door before the guards could leave and close it.

Once he was calm, his brain focused on the ceiling, looking past he guards that had detained him. Had he been flailing in his sleep? He wanted to know, but he was too scared to speak to the humans, not even his anger could eliminate his fear. But why were they in here? Had his movement been so bad? He winced and suddenly remembered the wounds on his shoulders and the scratch on his forehead. They must have noticed him sleep harming himself. The wounds caused in his nightmare were caused by him in the waking world. They must have detained him. If he hadn't woken up and they hadn't held him down, he might have accidentally killed himself.

With his body completely relaxed, Flynn could no longer focus on holding his human body. As he shrunk, the guards released him. They stood back and watched as he finished the shift with a minor headache, nothing to serious. Not as bad as the wounds he'd caused to himself while sleeping. He could hardly lift his wings, but being in this form made him feel better. The wounds weren't as deep as he thought, just scratches. The blood had been because he'd nicked a big vein in his shoulder. A few seconds later and Flynn was ordered to shift back to his human form. When he did, he felt breathless. He's never felt breathless.

Attempting to reduce his heart beat farther, he sat down on the bloody bed. A doctor came inside and wrapped his shoulders in white gauze. She wiped off his forehead of the small amount of blood and then left. No one spoke to him. No one until all but one guard remained. "Get up. It's time for breakfast." The guard's voice was rough, but, after Flynn slowly rose from his bed, led the gray-dressed skinny shifter out of the room and into the group of other shifters heading for breakfast.

Vervain Poinsettia | 19 | Female | Mountain Lion
Mentions: None, Open

Large paws paced around her room. Large paws belonging to reddish-brown legs. She growled. Her paws carried her in circles around her room. Her tail flicked aggressively back and forth. She'd been awake two hours before they'd call for breakfast. She'd been awake because of the ringing in her ears. Ringing because she'd shifted while she was asleep. Her hindquarters fell heavily into the ground after a moment and she walked up to the glass wall. Her brown eyes roamed the hall that separated the two sides of shifters. If she looked far enough down the wall, at the smaller number cells, she could see the shifters that she'd grown accustomed to seeing every day.

Slowly, her body reverted itself back into her human form. She didn't like hanging out long as a mountain lion. Not much anymore. She used to spend all of her time in her second skin, but inside the facility, being in her much stronger, much more appreciated form, she felt like she was giving them something they shouldn't have. She felt that by staying behind locked doors with no way to escape that she was somehow betraying her older brother and fiance. A year's passed since she was brought to this god-awful place. Her fiance went missing, her brother's had no contact with her. Somewhere deep inside her gut she feels that they both might be dead. The blue sloth sitting on her bed, the only color she's seen in a while. Although now it looks more gray then blue and that dullness might be the only reason it hadn't been confiscated.

Her door opened, signalling that it was now time to go to breakfast. Dressed completely in black, she steps from the room, roughly joining the other shifters. Prisoners, as she often thinks of them all. Head held high and her eyes arrogantly searching out all the guards, she walks toward breakfast, thinking up some way to get the guards a bit riled up, 'cause who wants a life of boring same day stuff?

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-04-30 00:06:59

Rafael Ramírez | 25 | Male | Central American Jaguar
Mentions: None, Open

Cold air burned his lungs as Rafael pushed deeper into the forest, twisting and turning to avoid colliding with the thick trunks blocking his path as he desperately blundered onward. His limbs felt cumbersome, his movements clumsy and laced with pain. Another body crashed through the underbrush beside him, the jaguar’s rushed pawsteps faltering with exhaustion. Rafael forced himself to keep pace with her despite every instinct urging him to preserve his own life. He would never abandon her. The sound of gunfire echoed in the silence, and a snarl escaped his maw as a bullet plunged into his flank, the force of it throwing Rafael off course, sending him tumbling to the ground.

He landed on his side with a heavy thud, his head spinning. This wasn’t the first wound he’d received during their mad dash for safety, but at this moment it felt like it might be the last. The pain was too much. He couldn’t bear to lift himself to his paws. A shadow loomed over him, and Rafael's eyes met his grandmother’s terrified gaze. “Get up!” She demanded, her voice rough with fear. He wanted to tell her he couldn’t, but the words failed to come and he could only groan in response. “Get up Rafe!” She pleaded, her voice starting to shake. He could hear footsteps in the distance now. They were coming.

“Go without me,” he managed to wheeze, but she wasn’t having any of that. Leaping into action, she began shoving at him with her broad head until he stood once more on trembling legs, understanding they would both die if he continued to argue. Fresh blood poured from the wound, and he felt impossibly dizzy. Their stride was slower than ever, as he half trotted, half leaned against his grandmother’s side, nearly slumping back to the leaf-strewn floor more than once.

His grandmother whispered encouragements in his ear as they continued forward, hoping against the odds to escape their pursuers. Suddenly, the trees ahead of them opened up, and they stumbled out onto a road. Blinding light poured over them, and the sound of screeching tires filled his ears.

A roar so loud it reverberated through the hall and off the walls of each room spilled from his mouth, golden eyes wild and unfocused as they frantically scanned the room. It took a moment to realize where he was, and Rafael found himself standing atop his bed in jaguar form, his claws sunk deep into his mattress. His blankets and sheets were positively shredded, and he sighed in embarrassment, ears flattening against his skull. He’d had the same nightmare, or rather a reliving of unpleasant memories, three times this week and he could tell the guards were getting annoyed about the damage he caused during his night terrors.

Sliding down to the floor, he grabbed his clothes for the day between his teeth and escaped into the shower, hoping to avoid the guards who would no doubt come running to see what the commotion was about. A mild pressure built in his temples as he switched back to human form, but by the time the water was turned off, it had faded to a dull ache. Once dressed he peered toward the glass window to see if anyone was waiting for him and was relieved to find the hallway empty. He folded the ruined coverings by the end of his bed, knowing they would be replaced by the time he returned.

Before long two guards came to fetch him, one of them pointedly glancing at the torn sheets and Rafael offered an apologetic grimace before being led to the cafeteria. He kept his eyes lowered, avoiding meeting anyone else’s gaze as he received his breakfast and went to sit at a lone table. He still felt shaken by the dream, and it left him feeling subdued and far less snarky than usual. The guards probably preferred him this way.

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Edited on 30/04/19 @ 23:51:06 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-04-30 23:50:53

Siobhan Stone | 21 | Female | Black-backed Jackal
Mentions: None, Open

Siobhan ran a brush through her long hair, attempts to chase out the frizz and tame her thick curls becoming more difficult with each passing day. Three years in this God-forsaken facility hadn’t been kind to her once luxuriant locks. It felt overly dry and brittle as she twisted a ringlet around one finger and she sighed. They didn’t have the right kind of shampoo and hair products were practically non-existent. It had been like pulling teeth to even get them to allow her a silk scarf to wrap her hair in overnight.

A familiar sense of misery threatened to consume her. It might seem like such a minor inconvenience to anyone else, but Siobhan had put so much work into her image and looking a certain way. She couldn’t help the despair she felt every time she stared at her reflection. Forcing a neutral expression to her face, she finally left the tiny excuse for a bathroom every shifter had in their cage, seating herself on her bed as she waited for a guard to come fetch her. Cage. They didn’t like it when she called her room that, which guaranteed she wouldn’t refer to it as anything else. They didn’t like it because it made them uncomfortable and she wanted them to think about it every time they locked her inside it.

It wasn’t long before footsteps sounded in the hallway and her escort arrived. She offered the man a small smile, seemingly in a pleasant mood for once as far as he was concerned. “I think I’d like to cut my hair. Can that be arranged?” She asked quite suddenly as they made their way to the cafeteria, the guard seemingly taken aback.

“I...suppose I could ask about it. Are you sure?”

She didn’t answer for a long moment, the smile on her lips faltering. “Yes, quite sure,” she concluded solemnly. The rest of the journey passed in silence and the guard left her once she entered the spacious area. Siobhan grabbed a tray and moved to stand in line, accepting whatever slop they offered her without complaint. Her thoughts were clearly elsewhere.

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Edited on 30/04/19 @ 23:54:18 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

Pembroke (#717)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-05-01 22:28:38

Pierre de Ruiter | 24 | Male | German Shepherd
Mentions: Giselle

Pierre’s head cocked to the side as he watched Gigi scuttle off to her own bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel. He found in somewhat amusing that she did so. He couldn’t see her indecently, not that he wanted to, anyway. But she was always so shy and jumpy when she was in anything but her clothes and anywhere but her room. Rather than the hyena shifter that she was, Pierre likened her more to an easily-startled deer. At any moment, she freeze before taking off. That was Gigi after all... Too scared out of her wits over some “disease” that even he was sure was a phony. He shook his head then and turned away from the glass. Occupying his thoughts with the jumpy girl wouldn’t help him get prepared for another day in the grind.

Pierre hesitated then, his large head lowering to the smooth floor to look at his front paws, the paws that he was so used to seeing when he looked down. Even though he’d been shifting almost on the daily for the past four years to appease the higher-ups in the facility, it still didn’t help him get used to the strange feelings he got. Pierre himself felt more canine than human anyway- going for months, even years without shifting. And safe to say, sometimes he felt instinctual pulls to strange activities, such as trying to bite the water as it flowed out of the shower head, turning around several times before laying down to sleep, and the strangest of them all- the impulse to chase after fast-moving objects.

He sighed then, letting the shift take the reins. Pierre eased up, yet his body tended as he felt his body following his will and changing into a human. After the tension and tingling ended, Pierre was left on the floor, wearing nothing but a pair of gray sweatpants than threatened to slide off. And his head... the awful pain that he felt before was exacerbated by the extra shift. “Ugh...” Pierre groaned, slapping a cool hand to his forehead for relief. “Never gets better,” he growled softly to himself. It’s been four years. I’ve been shifting so long in that that time, and I still suck at recovery. Just my luck. He thought as he picked himself off the ground by placing his other hand on the floor to assist him from kneeling to standing.

He went about his usual routine then, scooping up whatever clothes were in his “closet”, before taking them to the bathroom to change into in after his shower. He slipped his clothes on to see what today’s outfit was- black sweatpants and a charcoal gray T-shirt. Classic. He combed out his hair, which was growing rather long, threatening to partially cover his vision. But the hair growth that bothered him was his beard growth. Seeing those near-black hairs sprouting from the sides of his face, from his chin, and above his lip made his skin crawl. How he just wanted to shave those hairs off himself! The only way he would be able to get a shave was to ask a guard, but even then, the request wouldn’t always be fulfilled. Or sometimes it was, under the stipulation that someone else shave his face while he was in restrains, so he wouldn’t take advantage of having a “weapon.” With a sigh, Pierre moved on, knowing that it would probably be several more days before he got his much-needed shave.

After slipping on some socks, Pierre went to the back of his cell. He knew that he would be called forth soon, as he could hear guards making their way up the corridor. He stood with his hands above his head before he heard the same, annoying tone of voice call him forth, “Pierre Gilles de Ruiter, you may now proceed to the door,” And as always, he cracked a cheeky smile at hearing his name being pronounced so poorly... as always. Part of him wonder if it angered the guards that he walked forward every day with a dumb grin on his face. He’d made some guards upset more than a few times, thinking it was arrogance on his part. But nonetheless, Pierre slipped under the doorway as it was held open for him. And as he did so, he looked to the side to see Giselle slipping out of her room to join him from behind.

. . . . . . . .

Giselle “Gigi” Rothstein | 18 | Female | Striped Hyena
Mentions: Pierre

In her waiting, Giselle was constructing a letter to her father in her mind. Even though her anxious mind was almost always revving at a thousand miles an hour, she could still find it in her to compose letters that would never be sent, or even written for that matter. She’d begged some guards to send letters for her, but she didn’t think any of them were actually ever sent, for her father always mentioned how he yearned to receive a letter from her one day. Dear Dad, Things have been good as usual here. I’m doing well, and I think I have a friend here. I wish I could see you again, but I know that it’s unsafe for me to leave still. I miss you and mom. I wish I could see you guys again....

She shook her head, attempting to shake the welling tears in her eyes away. It was always painful thinking about the world on the outside... her family, everything she’s missed... But who was she kidding? It was dangerous out there. If it meant keeping everyone on the outside safe from her confinement, then Giselle would stay confined for a lifetime to keep others safe. No matter what those other nutty shifters thought. There was imminent danger, danger she’d seen with her own eyes, but danger none of them had witnessed.

A gurgling of her stomach drew Gigi out of her reverie. Her black waves of ghost bounced as she turned her head to side to the clock. It’s time. Finally. I’m dying for something to eat. But, I’m definitely not dying for the company of conspiracy theories. Giselle thought as she planted her feet firmly on the ground before standing and back up. She stood with her hands up, defenseless and proving that she had nothing dangerous on her. When she’d just been accepted into the facility, they’d wanted to search her before she could leave her room, which proved futile as not once did she have anything dangerous on.

“Giselle Rothstein, you may now proceed to the door,” the guard’s voice droned. Gigi walked forward, almost too enthusiastically. She was dying to get out of her room and have some breakfast. Especially after missing supper.

After slipping out of her room and taking her place in line of just the two of them, separated by another guard. She considered saying something to the ex-cop, but she knew anything she’d say now would come out awkward. After all, everything had been incredibly awkward ever since she’d heard Pierre state his age to a doctor who wanted to take him back for some tests. I can’t believe I had a crush on him at one point. Giselle thought to herself as the guards started walking around them to escort them to breakfast.

At least... she could be grateful that they could be taken out as a pair, rather than being one of the poor saps who needed two guards to handle them between locations...

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GoldenLeo (#171146)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-05-12 23:05:37
Morgan Everett | 26 | Demi-Girl | Brown Bear

Morgan heard the guards coming before she saw them. Something about the civilian corporation engineered building made sound travel from strange places in the prison. She knew one hallway where the radio in the guard room could be heard, and locals could catch snippets of college football as they passed. The stairways always echoed into the cell wings, and Morgan counted a few dozen guards as they streamed out of the doors. They broke off in singles, pairs, or groups to the different cells. Though Morgan had never fought with the guards or doctors openly, her displays of hostility had earned her two guards to either side of the door. They watched her cross back to the desk and replace the rock, but Morgan knew to stay 20 feet back until she was permitted to step through.

The men fell in, one in front and one behind, until the rest of her cellblock could spill in with the main population of the facility. Morgan couldn't help but glance around. A few familiar faces from around the prison, but Morgan had only really gotten to know a few. Shifters tended to be loners, even if they were pack animals. The usual groupings had sprung up of course, as they always did when a large population was contained in a small area. For Shifters that usually meant by species, though wild and domestic didn't matter. Dogs and wolves were the same, as were house cats and bobcats and panthers. Predator and prey didn't seem to matter too much, captivity had changed them all that way. Even those that were timid by nature - Morgan glanced at a squirrel as they filed into the commissary together - could set up a racket if need be. As in the real world, they all cohabitated. But Morgan could not help but wonder if - inside - they might all feel just as lonely as she did.

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