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Posted by | Facility RQF-D7 {A Shifter RP} Character Sheets |
![]() Pembroke (#717) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-19 09:52:45 |
Main Roleplay ThreadPLEASE DO NOT TALK ABOUT ANYTHING HERE, THIS IS FOR CHARACTER SHEETS ONLY, EVERY REPLY WILL NOTIFY A MODERATOR. IF YOU WILL REPLY WITH A NON CHARACTER SHEET, THIS WILL BE TREATED AS SPAM.You remember the day it happened. Every TV station, every radio station, any screen at all blared the same message to all viewers: ![]() Edited on 30/04/19 @ 14:07:08 by Pembroke (#717) |
Pembroke (#717)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-19 11:14:49 |
Name: ![]() Edited on 25/04/19 @ 16:46:54 by Pembroke (#717) |
Magpie (#77195)
Fearsome View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-19 16:52:35 |
Name: Flynn Lockett Generally goes by Magpie because that's what his shift is Age: 27 Birthday: April Nineteenth Gender: Male - He/His Sexuality: Homosexual Room Number: Block C: #032A Animal Form: Red-billed Blue Magpie Physical Appearance (Human): Lithe and flexible, that's what Flynn looks like. He stands around 6'7 with long limbs and fingers and is shockingly good at gymnastics. He's a little on the weak side, but for where he lacks in strength, he makes up for in smarts and his quick reflexes. He used to be remarked for his nimbleness and ability to walk silently with how soft-footed he was, yet Flynn was popular in gymnastics and it clearly helped him with maintaining his 'teenage' skinniness and flexibility. He has skinny shoulders and his shoulder-blades often stick out of his back. Accompanying his harmless, docile appearance, Flynn has very pale, vitiligo skin. His white 'splotches' he thinks of as his physical character. He has pitch black hair that has never been styled, and has grown naturally back, somewhat reflecting his feathers while he's a bird. His eyes are a light, pale blue and he's blind in his right eye. Once, his eyes, his grandmother used to say, were filled with hope and dreams and you could see his every thought, idea, and emotion through them, but now they're almost cold, lifeless, and filled with anger. His eyes are always watching, calculative, yet when he's asleep, his face is relaxed and soft, showing his youth despite his age, showing what he once was. Like all the others, Flynn has only neutral colored shirts. He's generally wearing gray sweatpants that seem to be a little big for his skinny frame and accompanies the gray with more gray, but his shirt is usually a lighter gray than his sweatpants. He doesn't like to wear jeans and if he wears a different color shirt, it tends to be white. Physical Appearance (Animal): With the same nimbleness in his animal form, Flynn proudly sports a Red-billed Blue Magpie as his second skin. Slightly longer than average, he's 32 inches long and weighs approximately 9 ounces. Like the rest of this certain specie of magpie, he has a long tail that aids him in flight and long wings that account with his swift flight navigation. The shoulder of the wings to the primary covert and secondary feathers are a beautiful dark blue, but the primary feathers are a more vibrant blue with white tips. The tail feathers at the base where it connected to his body are a dark blue, but after that, they were brighter and the tail tip is white. Common to this bird specie, the head, neck and breast are black with a bluish spotting on the crown while his stomach to just below the tail are a light grayish cream color. His beak, legs, and a small ring around his eyes are red, like the name dictates. In this form though, his eyes are the same pale blue as his human form and he is still blind in his right eye. Personal Items: - 'Patiently Aggressive' a book written by Flynn. (not a real book) - Leather bracelet with 'Magpie' engraved in it - Thin, black bird harness Personality: Before he was taken, Flynn was a calm, kind, and gentle character. He was very soft-spoken and innocent, docile. With a warm smile and kind eyes, Flynn loved to relax and just be in someone's company. He was content with his life and often to be associated with gentle, harmless things. Flynn not once was an aggressive or 'ugly' person. He was optimistic and often comparable to butterflies or flowers. With a bright smile and a warm, childish innocence appearance, he wasn't to be considered anywhere near dangerous. Flynn used to write constantly. His thoughts, his ideas, his dreams. He was great with words, charming, and sweet. He could make one word mean something totally the opposite. He could make death seem sweet. He was accepting of everyone even if they didn't accept him. He was pleasant and peaceful and satisfied. He was a person almost anyone could be friends with. Flynn was adaptive and often quiet. He wasn't shy or an introvert, just someone that was a listener and watchful. His relaxed, kind tendencies kept him off of anyone's radar and invisible to those that he didn't want to be noticed by. After he was locked into the Rosebrook Quarantine Facility, he wasn't the same. He still liked writing and reading and most of the things he had before, but after being kept away from the real world for a while, he changed. Being one of the first to go into the facility, it has changed him. Now, he's hard to read, cold and not as docile. Anger boils just under the surface. He's always figuratively tired and there's no shred of the person he was inside of him. He refuses to speak in most cases and always has a neutral face. Where once he didn't care if people knew his feelings or thoughts, now he keeps everything inside of him under lock and key. The only time he feels like himself is when he's a bird, harmlessly resting in his room or the courtyard, which he much prefers to be in. He eats little and rarely does he trust anyone. Where before he was kind and peaceful, Flynn is just cold and hard-hearted. He can't trust anyone in this facility and relies mostly on his instincts instead of his 'human' brain. Likes: - The color purple - Sunny days and the beach - Reading - Canines, especially collies - Horses - Being alone Dislikes: - Chocolate - Being touched - Felines - Being unable to write - Anything too sour or sweet History: Flynn was born accidentally, but loved nonetheless. Both his mother and father had had a bird shift. Of course his parents shifts were both eagles, but that didn't mean they loved their little bird less. Yet, when he was born, his mother became sick. She was no longer able to shift and it was found out that she had lung cancer. She wasn't expected to live past three years. She died at seven months. Flynn doesn't remember her. He lived with his father for a few years after his mother passed, but the loss of his wife made his father depressed and he ended up killing himself after putting Flynn to bed one night. He didn't learn of this until he was much older. At five years old, Flynn was give to his grandmother, his mother's mom and the only relative that knew of his birth. With no other relatives in the picture, Lillian took great care of Flynn and gave him everything she possibly could. She encouraged everything he did and while he rarely got in trouble, he was the kind of kid with manners and he respected those he trusted. His grandma encouraged his writing and often found fun things to do while he was in the magpie form. Because of his joy of being a bird and flying, he grew accustomed to the nickname Magpie. The nickname that many of his friends and teachers at school called him. He loved to show off and while still young, he was taught gymnastics and even though that part of him didn't go beyond elementary school, he kept up the practice of gymnastics and always wore a smile on his face when performing for his grandmother in the backyard, adding his own touch with shifting. At age 15, Flynn had his first boyfriend, but that kid was a tiger shifter and not so kind to the small, skinny, nerdy Flynn. Too scared to break it off with the immensely aggressive feline shifter, Flynn confessed his problem to the new girl at school. Turns out the new girl was a Mockingbird shifter and his cousin. She helped him break it off with his boyfriend and became like a sister to him. She never let any guy close to him that she deemed dangerous and ever since that first boy, he's had a certain dislike/fear of feline shifters. When he was 17, he published his first book, Passively Aggressive and it is the one he's valued the most. But during that same year, his grandmother, who was growing old, passed away. He found her 'asleep' one Sunday morning, but when she didn't wake up, he called the police and they came, but by the time they got there, he realized she was gone. From then on, he lived with his cousin Ace. He completed high school and took a job as a librarian. He was happy. He'd published three books after his first one and while those weren't as special to him, he still took great care and pleasure in writing them and he thought his life couldn't change. He didn't want it to change, but it did. Four years ago, all things for shifters went downhill and instead of being caught after the waves, he hid with Ace. Now, he doesn't know where his cousin is or if she's even alive. He was forcibly admitted in the facility and he's never caused any trouble, but he does know that if there's any hope for the world, for him, he needs to leave and he needs to be free again. Past Occupation: Author, Librarian Relationships: - Ace Lockett - Cousin - Bonded - Lillian Lockett - Grandmother - Loved - Deceased Crush: None Significant Other: None Other: Pumpkin ![]() Edited on 28/04/19 @ 14:18:21 by Magpie (#77195) |
Magpie (#77195)
Fearsome View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-19 17:27:27 |
Name: Vervain Poinsettia - Named after the flower Age: 19 Birthday: July Second Gender: Female - She/Her Sexuality: Heterosexual Room Number: Block C: #109B Animal Form: Mountain Lion Physical Appearance (Human): Vervain is of German and Irish heritage, but that doesn't effect her general appearance. She has toned light tan skin with the only faults being the thin, white-lined scars that cover her body, the leathery skin on her back and her scarred, cut up ears. She's completely free of pock marks and pimples, but with her scars, she's not completely free to say she's 'model-perfect'. Her skin stretches over long, muscular limbs and broad shoulders as well of a more manly frame and stands around 5'11 with her weight always around 183 and 190, mostly consisting of muscle mass. She has long, dark russet hair that reaches mid-back and is generally well kept. Her roots are black and strong and she takes pride in knowing her haid is soft. Contrast to the red-hair belief, Vervain has dark chocolate brown eyes that can be mistaken for black. Eyes that show a fiery passion whenever she talks about something she believes in. Eyes that provide a deep, focused 'portal' to her soul and her heart. Eyes that are hard to decifer. Like every other poor soul locked up in the facility, Vervain's wardrobe is nothing but bland, neutral colors. Whites, gray, browns, and blacks. Normally, Vervain will wear a black shirt and sweatpants, but sometimes she may find herself sporting jeans and white shirt. She rarely likes to mix up how she dresses even if it is so little to chose from and while she hates the fact that there are no greens or purples or oranges, she doesn't mind the consistency that comes with only a few options. Physical Appearance (Animal): At first, her predator skin was a blessng. Standing above average at 4.2ft and stretches 6.7ft long with an additional 3.1ft of thick, sturdy tail. This skin weighs 110 pounds of lean, slender muscle. Like most of this species, Vervain's second skin is lean with a round head and erect ears. On both front paws are five retractable claws, including the dewclaw and on her back paws are only four. Her front paws are adapted to clutch at prey and strongly built for leaping and short-distance sprints. Her coat color is a reddish-brown with a lighter whitish color on her undersides and muzzle. Her muzzle is ringed with a faint black line and her tail tip is black. Her eyes are the same brown as when she is in her human skin, but tend to have more of a golden tint inside them. She has long whiskers and there is a slight hint of a black tip on both of her ears. Personal Items: - A stuffed blue sloth toy that her fiance had gotten for her before he dissappeared. - A hand-crafted dream-catcher made by her brother. - A grizzly tooth necklace (in holding) Personality: Vervain is a brash, spirited, short-tempered person. She doesn't necessarily like people or talking, but she doesn't mind telling a good story and being in the company of those she loves. If one a rollercoaster, she'd be the one to scream just for the heck of it. She's not quiet and never has been. Vervain's often loud and when speaking, she likes to make herself her. If she feels she's being ignored, it doesn't sit well with her and she only just raise her voice or go out of her way to make whoever she intends pay attention to her, yet that doesn't make her an attention hog, she just doesn't like being ignored or put off. Because of this, she's considered to be a very harsh and abrasive person. People often mistake Vervain as cold and severly distant. Yes, she is a loner at times and rarely does she make an effort to make others feel better, but Vervain seems to not care. If she doesn't know someone or something or if you aren't her close friend, she won't try to help you. She's very hot-headed and stubborn and her trust runs wire thin. You may trust her with your life, she she has only once trusted someone with her life and it didn't go over well. Vervain isn't someone to readily welcome a new person or forgive. Her temper is short and things can get very heated, very fast around her. She likes to cause a problem and scene if she can get away with it and not very many people can get along with the douche personality that she has. Not even her friends can get away from her temper, she doesn't make exceptions. Yet somehow, despite all of this, Vervain is very protective. No matter what may be going on between someone and her, if you're close to her, she will protect you. Her intincts to protect and save are what had made her a great fire fighter. Brash, short-tempered and willing to run into anything to save someone, she's loves the thrill of danger and because of that danger, when it come to protecting or saving someone in a dangerous situation, she won't hesitate. She doesn't think when it comes to those instincts, not even if it means her life. She has no regard for the life she lives and while she may enjoy it, she doesn't care how she lives it as long as it is what she wants and she hates it when people get in her way or stop her from doing what she wants. Likes: - Birds - Climbing - Swimming in her mountain lion form - Action Dislikes: - Dishonest people - Having nothing to do - Being touched or grabbed - Repetitive sounds History: Vervain wasn't exactly the best when she was little and didn't exacly lead the best childhood. She was born to poor, drug-addicted human parents. Too hyped up on drugs to go to a hospital when her mother was in labor, Vervain was born out onto the dirty pavement of a waste-filled alley surrounded with drug-addicts and homeless people. Being born a shifter to human parents didn't sit that well with anyone. She was never physically harmed as a child and she was taken care of, but she was mentally abused. She was born early and her body had been small, but as she'd grown, so did the demands of the alley people. When she was 5, they stopped taking care of her. With how much it hurt her to go between skins, Vervain only shifted once or twice a day. At such a young age, it was hard for her to take the mental strain of shifting. She was reduced, by the people that should have been her parents and their friends, to stealing. She was forced to steal for the people she lived with. She wore clothes only she could scavenge for herself and ate only what she could find after feeding the everyday changing numbers of the addicts and homeless in the alley. Thus, she was a skinny, underfed child with no real home and no way to be a child. With the pain that came shifting between skins and the headaches, Vervain settled into a routine. Two days as a cougar, one as a human. She never altered her routine and taught herself to hunt in the nearby woods, climb trees to ambush large predators and instincually learned to fight. As a human she grew taller and stronger as the years passed and it became easier to swipe things. She could feed herself and her parents whatever she wanted just by being silent and stealthy and even learned to cook rabbits and squirrels over fire to the point that they were the best thing she'd ever tasted. She spent all the time she could away from her parents and the humans in the alley she was born in. She loved the power of being a mountain lion and it was what caused her somewhat stable life to come to a halt. After one hunting trip where she'd caught three rabbits, something stung the back of her neck. She thought nothing of it. She was 15, what could have gone wrong. Covered in scars from alley fights and being ambush for her prey by coyotes, she was tough, yet unprepared for the human intelligence. Vervain spent most of her time as a mountain lion. So much time that she'd started to be the feline and less of the human. She would have been content to never be a human again and just stay in her mountain lion form, but that sting in her neck shouldn't have been overlooked. She got back to the alley and as she was waiting for the rabbit carcasses to be thrown her way, police swarmed the alley and arrested everyone. Including her. Forced early from her routine, Vervain shifted. She was only a kid and they, finding no traces of drugs in her body, they told her to stay until they could come back. They could track her now with the tracker. When they left, Vervain didn't waste her time sitting down. Despite their warnings, she wasn't going to sit around like they'd told her to. She thought she'd gotten away with it, with evading them, but she was caught by a pretty young, handsome male that worked for the fire station. He introduced himself as Lynx and took her to the station. The station that took her in and trained her to be one of them. Lynx taught her to read and to write and and made sure she was always where she should be and was the only person who kept her under control. Until he couldn't and she was burned. She suffered severe burns all along her back. Burns that couldn't be classified as anything. Burns that should have meant she was dead. While rescuing a small child from a building, it exploded. Without thinking, she covered the child with her human body and remained silent as flames devored her back, burning through her protective suit. She was found unconcious with an alive, healthy little child. Her burns were only slightly visible in her cougar form, she she remained in that form more often after the incident. At 18, she started helping rescue people from fires and was treated as a true fire fighter without the pay. After her first incident where he back was burned, she couldn't stay away from helping people any longer. Lynx supported her and proposed to her a month later. Life was good for her, finally. And then he disappeared and soon she was being sent to the RQF-D7 facility with the promise that as long as she didn't have the disease she'd be let out soon. Yet a year passed and she celebrated her 19th birthday there, the place she now resides within with no way out and a worsening temper. Past Occupation: Fire Fighter Relationships: - Zero Poinsettia - Brother - Friendly - Unknown whereabouts Crush: None Significant Other: - Lynx - Fiance - Lynx shifter - Deceased - None Other: Pumpkin ![]() Edited on 28/04/19 @ 14:18:05 by Magpie (#77195) |
dead weight (#66395)
Confused View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-19 19:44:42 |
Name: ![]() Edited on 19/04/19 @ 19:46:50 by Aldwyn (#55660) |
Cervicorn [G1 Ice Ennedi] (#33076) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-20 02:13:50 |
Trigger Warning; both of my bios include non-grapic mentions of senstive topics including murder, ptsd, depression, implied transphobia and cutting. Proceed with cauthion! ![]() Edited on 21/04/19 @ 23:36:56 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076) |
Husk (#37594)
![]() Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-23 19:40:06 |
![]() Edited on 29/04/19 @ 02:20:54 by Husk (#37594) |
GoldenLeo (#171146)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-24 00:39:54 |
![]() *~Partially a WIP, but most of it is here~* Name: Morgan Everett Age: 26 Birthday: Oct 10. Gender: Demi-girl (she/her pronouns but Morgan has never felt like human genders really fit. She's a bear, man, that's what matters. Would literally identify as "strong" if possible.) Sexuality: Lesbian (girls are soft and pretty ok) Room Number: Block C: #480A (i guess? might change) Animal Form: Brown Bear (ursus arctos) Physical Appearance (Human): Like both of her parents, it's not hard to tell that Morgan is a bear shifter. Just over 6' tall and with broad shoulders, Morgan worked hard for her muscles, even joining the football team as their first female defender. When she entered RQF-D7, Morgan's dark brown hair was short in a military crew cut, but in the 3 years she's been at RQF it's grown out ragged and almost chin-length. Overgrown bangs hide warm brown eyes, though it's been a while since a smile truly reached them, and sleepless nights have underlined them with deep bruises. One bicep is tattooed with pawprints from mother, father, and herself, while the other has the logo of the first platoon she served with. Though few ever see her without a top on, there are massive scars across her abdomen from an incident in her time with the army. Physical Appearance (Animal): Morgan stands at just over 8' when she shifts and gains over 400 pounds of muscle. The fur around her muzzle and paws are a lighter, tawny brown. With paws larger than car tires and black claws almost a half a foot long, Morgan has always reveled in her strength when shifted. Her least favorite part about RQF is how much the staff seem to hate the shift, and she spends as much time shifted as possible. There are patches in her fur left from scars from her time in the military. Personal Items: -Everett family photo -Small collection of well read sci-fi romance novels. -Memorabilia from her time in the army - mostly patches. -Boxing gloves inherited from her father. She still practices with them, usually while looking a guard directly in the eye through the glass. -Box of playing cards and a set of dice from her old DnD campaigns. -Collection of anything small, hard, and sharp she can use to etch into the walls of her cell. -Dartboard [Confiscated] -Journal [WIP] Personality: As a child, Morgan always got what she wanted. Not because her parents would give it to her, but because she went out and got it herself. She wanted to hunt salmon when mom said it wasn't time yet? Morgan spent three days sleeping beside the river until she found the first one. Her mother tried to explain it was a pike, but her daughter was so happy she grilled it up that night with a strong sauce. Nothing was impossible for a stubborn girl in a small town, and that stubbornness floated her through high school and basic training. The fact that she could flip humvees with ease made her popular even before they discovered her deadpan jokes. Bad bear puns are her particular favorite. She often feels like there is nothing beneath her bubbly exterior besides anger anymore, and she hasn't had a chance to talk to anyone about what she's gone through since entering the facility. This has led to sometimes violent and unstable mood swings, usually followed by frantic and desperate apologies to anyone that sees her lose her temper. She holds on desperately to friends now that she has lost almost everyone she was connected to, and that fear fuels nightmares of losing what few friends she might have gained since entering the facility. Because they can't officially decorate their cells, Morgan scratches doodles, patterns, words, anything she can think of into the walls. Rebellion via defacement. Likes: -Fish and heavy meat dishes -Homemade food -Ice cream -Reading (mostly fictional and queer books, but her favorite school subject is anything to do with space and astronomy) -Fishing (preferably in shifted form :P) -Boxing, kickboxing, the variety of hand to hand combat techniques she learned in the army. She also enjoys weightlifting and swimming. -Climbing trees -Speaking French -Being in bear form (spends as much time shifted as possible) Dislikes: -Plain cereal and most of the food served at the facility -Civilian technology (anything beyond emails and military comm tech makes her mad, but she sends her mother an email once a week from the library) -Running (HATES RUNNING SO MUCH it almost killed her in boot camp but her natural strength and "bear lungs" helped.) -Bullies -Isolation -Not shifting for long periods History: Morgan was born in a small town on the Washington/Canada border mostly populated by her family members, or so it seemed when she was a child. She spent the majority of her time climbing the trees and mountains behind the small cabin she grew up in. Her parents taught her to shift as they hiked and explored with their daughter, helping build her confidence and self assurance. When she wasn't exploring, Morgan spent hours devouring any story that took her fancy. Academics were never quite her thing since they never talked about space except in science class, and the books in English were always boring or out of date. Or ended tragically, which only frustrated Morgan more. Disdaining the idea of college, which was mostly a money drain none of her classmates could consider either, Morgan did what she thought was natural and joined the Army, just like her mother. She could put her strength to good use fighting for her country and protecting people, and in the end that was all Morgan wanted out of life. She wasn't always the best with authority, but leadership came naturally. When not on deployment, Morgan was back home carving with her mother or hiking with her dad. Morgan was happy, and her future seemed secure. One day she might settle down with an old high school girlfriend, or maybe another enlisted. But one day never arrived. Past Occupation : Army Sergeant. While leading a routine patrol through a section of foothills in Iran, an unexploded IED buried nearby was set off by an animal. Two of the soldiers under Morgan's command died, and she was left with shrapnel in her chest and abdomen. She spent more than a year in recovery, not just for her body but for PTSD and other mental health issues. Just as she received approval to rejoin the ranks, the Disease was discovered. At first no one took threats to their positions seriously. Sure maybe they would be separated, but that just meant shifter only platoons, right? A week later, Morgan received a letter from her former CO. If she wished to rejoin them, she had to undergo testing at the Rosebrook facility. Her parents drove her to the pick up site, and Morgan hugged them goodbye before she left. That was the last contact she would have on the outside since, and only her parents had ever responded to her letters or emails from inside. Relationships (Friends, family, etc.): [WIP] Mirajane Everett: Mother/52/NPC: Always expected to have a big family. She had four sisters herself, plus a brother that had all had multiple children themselves. Mirajane - or MJ as she was known to most - followed in her own father's footsteps and joined the military, always expecting some day to arrive just like she always expected. Yet even after she left, it took years before Mirajane and Bernard managed to conceive. Bernard Everett came from farther north, one of the last brown bears to come from the glacial fields. He taught his daughter French before English, much to her mother's annoyance. Morgan's Last Squad Members: Will add more about them later, but for now Morgan feels betrayed by anyone she used to know in the military since she feels they "locked her up and threw away the key." Crush (optional): Morgan often thinks of the many women she dated over the years, especially the last she met on deployment. Also even if the uniforms are "totally horrible like wow my army fatigues were better than this shit", it doesn't stop her from noticing her fellow shifters. Significant Other (optional): [N/A or TBD?(pls)] Other: Cookies and creme, or french vanilla bc it's deliciousssss :3 However it seems Morgan prefers rocky road and moose tracks ;P In summary: Basically a Tol Strong Butch who served her country and is now p pissed there's been no progress and their lives were interrupted. Will kick ur ass but also loves her friends and also food. ![]() Edited on 25/04/19 @ 22:52:04 by GoldenLeo (#171146) |
Cervicorn [G1 Ice Ennedi] (#33076) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-27 00:08:28 |
Have another wip. ɴᴀᴍᴇ ![]() |
Magpie (#77195)
Fearsome View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-28 18:46:01 |
"I think I'm afraid to be happy because whenever I do get too happy something bad always happens." Name: Alistair Wolf Age: 32 Birthday: December 25th Gender: Male Sexuality: Demisexual Room Number: Block C: #004B Animal Form: Snow Leopard Physical Appearance (Human): People are puppets held together with string A once tall and proud man, Alistair stands at 6'7 with broad shoulders. Weighing a total of 176 pounds, Alistair is known for the muscles that define his otherwise healthy looking body. Pale tan skin stretches over his tall, muscular frame. War wounds scar his whole body, marring the perfection of his skin. His body is nothing but muscle and with his height, he can be very intimidating to be around. His jaw line is sharp and he has high cheekbones. His ears are somewhat flat to his head, but also large compared to normal people. Alistair's hair is black and thick, styled to the side. His eyes resemble the rest of him. A broken mess. Their deep emerald green hues tell a story far beyond what can be put into words. His skin, besides the scars, also carries tattoo markings on his shoulders and the span of his back as well as his upper arms and calves. The markings are all similar to the rosettes on his snow leopard body as well as a long stripe from the base of his hair to just above his waist. The wide stripe runs parallel to a smaller, thin line on each side. His sides, under his arms, are decorated with the same rosettes, but appear to weave in and out of lines that are supposed to represent his ribs. His tattoos are not void of his scars and the line of his back is broken by pink-healed claw marks. Physical Appearance (Animal): Shockingly pure white fur with pitch black rosettes. Alistair's snow leopard form is a one of kind among the species. Although the same height as recorded for snow leopards, he is slightly smaller than other big cats of the Panthera genus. With short legs and stocky, muscular build, he stands 2'4 at the shoulder and over 4 feet in length. His tail adds an additional 3'1 feet to his overall length. His eyes in this form are the same emerald green as his human form. Personal Items: - A bunch of books. (All sensitive topic books were confiscated) - A necklace from his mother. - Two jackets lined in rabbit fur. (Confiscated due to the various hidden pouches that had contained daggers) - A harness specifically made for snow leopards. - A collar for his calico cat form. (Confiscated due to messing with the tracking collar) - A harness for his rabbit form. Personality: There's a beautiful sadness that runs through him In highschool, Ali was a smooth-talker and sweet. He could make anyone smile and loved to be the one to brighten someone's day. He was a charmer and it didn't matter if they were the ugliest person alive, he'd still give them a compliment. He loved to see someone smile and he couldn't resist making sad people laugh. He was known for his sweet-talking and his honey-dripping voice. Even if he wasn't having the best of days, he always tried to make someone else's day better. He loved to laugh and smile and hang out with people that needed a friend. At 17, Ali joined up with the army. He had reached his max height of 6'7 and with all of his tattoos, he was known to them as a gentle giant. No matter how the training or real fighting was going, Ali always showed up with a smile. He was calm no matter the circumstances and with his persuasive skills, the first to be called on to defuse a situation. A sweet-talking charmer, Ali was the calm, strong rock anybody could lean on. He lived to help people, loved to make someone's day better, strived to be the perfect guy. And he was. Somehow, someway, Ali was perfect. He never raised his voice, he never laid a hand on anyone, he never took a life. Despite his intimidating size and appearance, Ali could be compared with a baby bird, soft, sweet and gentle. As he asked me to pray to a God he doesn't believe in But Ali wasn't what everyone thought he was. Ali was hurting underneath his smiling facade. He was depressed and his mind unstable. He loved to see other people smile because he couldn't smile for himself. He loved to make other people laugh because he couldn't find a single thing to truly laugh about. He might have been a fun-loving, gentle giant, but he was genetically hurt. A chemical embalance is what they called it and no matter how sunny, how warm, how bright he could be or the day could be, it wasn't him. It was all just a mask he wore everywhere but with himself. Yet, at 26, he married the love of his life. She took away his pain. He could finally allow himself to smile for him, he could allow himself to laugh for the sun, for him, for her. But here was a man mourning tomorrow So, when he was taken to the facility, it is no mystery as to why he's become a shell of himself. His heart has metaphorically shattered into a million tiny pieces held together by tentatice tape that falls a bit every day. For his 6 months of being in the facility, he's never smiled, he's never laughed, he's never cared. His mind and heart have broken and he's a pitiful, beautiful giant with tear-filled eyes and grief heavy words. Likes: - To make others smile - The sun - Rainy days - Hanging out at the park Dislikes: - Aggressive and rude people - Storms - Death - Inconsistency History: Turn back the time that drew him Alistair was born to an unknown father and mother Nessika Wolf. She named him after her great grandfather, but she was not right in the mind. Nessika's side of the family is the one heavy with a record of depression. She lived most of her life in her leopard form and slowly became the leopard. For the three years that she was human again to give her son a chance at life, but when she started to feel human again, she left and did her best to ignore his cries. His cries caught the attention of a stranger walking on the street, as he was left in an alley. The straner took him to the police station where he stayed for a few days and was watched over by the officers until child protective services could pick him up. Found in his blanket wrap there was his name, birthdate and age. Being so young, it wasn't hard to find him foster parents and they adopted him and another, younger male when he was five. Yet, they'd been hesitant because for some reason, they'd never seen him smile, never heard him laugh. They wanted to give him a chance at a normal life and put him in therapy. He was diagnosed with depression after finding an unhealthy chemical embalance within him. But he couldn't be saved He shifted around age seven, yet his human adopted parents didn't freak out and just helped him, finding another shifter to teach him anything he might have needed to know and when he struggled to cope with school and his depression, his parents decided it might be best to teach him how to be happy. If he couldn't smile or laugh for himself, they didn't want him to be a downer to others. What they didn't know was that he already knew how to be a fun-loving person. A part of himself was not showing his real self to other people. When he got to high school, he'd even gotten his parents to believe he was fine. He was too skilled at pretending, so when at 17 he went into the army, his adopted parents and brother thought it was an attempt to get rid of himself. He'd gotten his tattoos shortly after joining the army. His squad was chill with his actions. Who could deny a fun-loving, gentle giant his wishes? In the army is where he gained all of his scars from both humans and shifters, but it is where he found the love of his life, his future wife, fox-shifter Lora. At 26, he married Lora and she took away all of his pain. She was his sunlight, his soul, his only reason to live. He could no smile for himself. His adoptive parents accepted her and was glad he was finally happy. His hapiness only increased when they realized they were pregnant. At 31, he'd found out he was having his first child and he couldn't have been happier. He coulnd't have hoped for anything more. He turned 32 two months before his child was supposed to be born. After the need for all shifters to go into quarantine, they'd stayed hidden, but one day, there was a knock on their door. A cop had found them and had back up. They had to go to a quarantine facility, there was no other option. A sadness runs through him Not wanting to risk either his wife's or his unborn daughter's life, he was ready to agree. They had to leave. They'd be realesed when a cure was found, but Lora was a war vet, agressive and her motherly instincts were heightened because she was so close to her fox side. Unfortunantely, she didn't agree and was thought to have gone savage and contracted the disease, so she was shot. In the forehead, right in front of Alistair. Everything he thought he'd fixed came rushing back and he was forced to go with the authorities, but he had not the will to stay. His wife and unborn child lay bleeding in the doorway, her face twisted in anger, one hand on her stomach and he broke. Past Occupation: War Veteran Relationships: Mother: Nessika Wolf - Having lived most of her life as a leopard, she wasn't ready to give it up. Being human reminded her of the depression. After three years of raising her child, she left before her human thoughts returned. Father: Unknown Adopted Mother Leslie and Father Johnn A semi-close relation, but Ali was never around. They cared about him, but he felt they didn't accept him. Peter H: Squad commander. Human, but a nice guy that also gave him the first chance in both of his forms. He was very respected by a lot of people, but had a deep respect for Ali and often went to him whenever both of them needed time to just relax and talk. The guys: Nine different humans that all have their own nicknames from Alistair. Each guy used to be on his squad in the army. Each are, well were, as important to Ali as his wife, until she died and then nothing could compare. They care for him, but now they don't contact him at all. Crush: None Significant Other: Lora Wolf: Red Fox Shifter - Deceased - She was his sunshine, literally. When she and their unborn child were killed, all the life inside of him died with her. Other: Pumpkin - All but the top italics is lyrics to A Sadness Runs Through Him and I know they are not in perfect order, but I only included the parts that related to him. ![]() Edited on 29/04/19 @ 20:51:03 by Magpie (#77195) |
Tinyboops (Clean) (#113796)
Sweetheart View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-13 09:20:07 |
Name: Alex Brewman, prefers to go by Brewman Age: 22 Birthday: August 2nd Gender: trans male Sexuality: we just don't know Room Number: Block C: #002A Form: Kangaroo Rat Physical Appearance (Human): 4'8". Thin frame. Large dark brown eyes. Light brown skin. Ear-length curly black hair. Wears the grey clothing. Average looking. Physical Appearance (Animal): Body is 3" long. Tail is 5" long. 8" total length. Dark grey, almost black, fur. Cheek pouches. Tail is slightly fluffy at the end. Large head-- about 1/3 of his body. Smallish ears. Elongated back feet (like kangaroo feet). Whiskers. Short front legs-- act as hands, not used when leaping/running but used when walking. Personal Items: A small bright pink bouncy ball, a bag of rat pellets, a bin of shredded paper, and various small chewing toys. Personality: Very mouse-like. Skittish and shy but incredibly curious. Once he trusts someone he has no issue with personal space. High energy, not good at being cooped up in a small place. Prefers to spend time as a rat while in the cell so he "has more room" to bounce around. Would rather flee than fight, but most of the time he just ends up freezing. Likes: Sunflower seeds, digging, zoomies. Dislikes: Loud noises, surprises, tall people. History: Comes from a small town in the middle of Kentucky. Town mostly consisted of shifters. Tight knit community-- everyone knew everything about everyone. He attended school in a neighboring town but dropped out at 16, thus never completing high school or college. He loved his neighbors and got along well with most of them. His mail routes took him all over the town so he ended up seeing almost everyone every day. There were no children his age while growing up so he often spent time with the older kids, who were happy to let him ride around on their shoulders and bounce along beside them. As the "disease" started to become a problem, he watched his town slowly dissolve. By the time they came for him, most of the town was gone. The few that remained were fully human or small rodents like himself. How he got captured is a bit fuzzy in his mind. He remembers running to find his parents and warn them, then a small prick in his shoulder, then waking up in the back of a truck with the windows blacked out. Past Occupation: Mailman. Relationships: Status of all family members is unknown. Elicia Brewman (mother), Donald Brewman (father), Crush: N/A Significant Other: N/A Other: Speed of up to 10ft/s, leap of up to 6ft, max vertical jump 2ft. Able to fit through holes 3/4" in diameter, tight squeeze if they are that size, easier as they get larger. Must be constantly eating in rat form due to super high metabolism. Cookie dough :3 ![]() |
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