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Posted by | Bayshore Academy [Open!] |
![]() Priz (#127393) ![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-25 22:48:59 |
Main Roleplay ThreadPLEASE DO NOT TALK ABOUT ANYTHING HERE, THIS IS FOR CHARACTER SHEETS ONLY, EVERY REPLY WILL NOTIFY A MODERATOR. IF YOU WILL REPLY WITH A NON CHARACTER SHEET, THIS WILL BE TREATED AS SPAM.Form Name: Gender: Age: Rank: Power: (Must be different from other peoples) Looks (Img or description): Sexuality: Personality: Siblings: History: ![]() Edited on 29/04/19 @ 14:56:36 by greenapple (#127393) |
Priz (#127393)
![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-25 23:01:35 |
Name: Noah Steam Gender: Male Age: 17 Rank: Student Power: Telekinesis Looks (Img or description): Very tall and well-built male due to working out each day. He has many scars around his body from multiple fights he had gotten in, and tattoos on his back which had stories behind them. His hair is a left over and is a black mess. His eyes are a very dark brown which turns more like black when angry or frustrated. His clothes consist of a loose t shit with holes and black pants or joggers. Sexuality: Straight Personality:The biggest fucking asshole you will ever meet. No, he's not mean but he's very cold and never shows what he's feeling, he had never been in a real relationship but he had been on multiple blind dates that his friends set up without him knowing. He rarely ever shows any emotions but he is willing to help people who really need it. Siblings: None History:Noah grew up in an upper-class home. He grew up with 5 other brothers who were extremely successful in life and grew up to be wealthy like his parents, him, on the other hand, grew to be an outsider but got money from his parents who pitied him. At age 3 he noticed that his older brothers were all getting the grade A which made his mother extremely proud. He would play games with his brothers which normally were rough due to their male natures. He was normally taken down as quick as he could stand by them. Being the youngest was his favorite thing because he had never gotten in trouble. His mother was his best friend and would always make him sweets while his brothers were off at school. At the age of 5, he was getting ready for his first day of school, he was extremely excited to go and get the grade A, like the rest of his brothers. The day rolled around and he got in the car and drove to the preschool. When he arrived he hugged his mom and ran into the small building. During playtime, he had gotten in a fight with another little boy who had stolen his candy. The little boy left with his mother after Noah had landed a powerful punch on his nose, a move his brothers used on each other a lot when one of them took something of the others. He was sent home to and had to wait a week before going back. At the age of 12, he was the school bad boy, the guy most girls wanted but were too scared to get close to. Though he promised himself never to hurt a girl he was tempted a lot. Because of his wealthy parents, the school never expelled him, the worst he got was a month off of school because he broke a boys arm in a fight. He had asked his mom to buy him a boxing bag, she agreed thinking it would stop his violent tendencies but they only grew stronger. At the age of 16, he had caused 3 people to be paralyzed but only from the waist down, had been in juvie 5 times, had 9 tattoos and had made friends with the wrong people. His best friends name was James and they did everything together. James was in the working class and usually stole the food he ate which Noah always helping with. James probably had over 10 kids because he was a major man whore but he never left a trace scared hed have to pay child support. One day when they were hanging out Noah felt extreme pain in his back, he didnt wants James to see him as a weak person so he told him he needed to go deal with something. He arrived at his house and the pain was worse than ever. His head started to pound as he fell to his knees, he could hear his mother screaming and trying to get into hs room but things kept flying around and blocking the door, he passed out and woke up a week later. ~-~-~-~-~- Name: Iris Wells Gender: Female Age: 16 Rank: Student Power: Shape Shifter Looks (Img or description):Human form A very short girl who stands just under 5 foot. Her skin is fairly pale, though she spends her days outside, she is normally shielded by the trees canopies. Her hair looks like chocolate waves down her back falling just above her butt. Her eyes are what her mother used to say made her unique, they look like newly found emeralds but they have small freckles around them. Her clothing items consist of, a baggie swearer with black skinny jeans. She also always has a small flower crown on, normally it has different flowers each day, though it always has lilies on it because those are her mother's favorite flowers. Other forms Anything she wants, she normally chooses to shift into a wolf though. Sexuality: Straight Personality: She is very quiet and shy though she looks like she would rip anyone's head off. She's a mute due to her horrible past that she doesn't like to take about so she decided to keep it in the dark from even the people who are closest to her. Most people call her dud or mute. She hates loud noises and stays out of the path of most male scared of the stories of what her father told her. Siblings: None History:Iris never had a perfect life though many people thought it was. The daughter of the richest man alive, you would think she would get whatever she wanted but that was far from the truth. She was taught from an extremely young age how to wear an unbreakable mask, to be a young lady, not to speak out of turn, and never share her fathers father's secrets. She was only 5 years old when her mother left her father for someone else or that's what she was told when she was lying in her room staring at the blue ceiling. The maid had entered wiping tears from her eyes and a red handprint that would soon be a nasty bruise to deliver the news. Her mother had left without saying goodbye and her father wanted to see her in his office. As an only child, she was allowed in there but always tried to avoid it, due to hearing screams coming from inside. This is where it all started a room on the top floor of the biggest house in the united states. At the age of 13, she knew by now that what her father did to her was more than wrong, but if she told anything she would lose everything so she kept his secret. The days had started to drag, every night she was called down to the office to “help” her father out, then she would walk up to her room silently and cry herself to sleep. She would normally have friends over even if she didnt like the uptight bitches who came, she would let them in just so her father would leave her alone. Through everything that went on, she was still pictured as the perfect girl and had been named “The real-life angle” The age of 16, rolled around and she had completely stopped speaking, her “friends stopped talking to her and on every news feed the headlines read “The angle who lost her voice” Her father tried playing it off as a medical reason but people had started to become suspicious as the photos on her Instagram showing bruises on her neck and sometimes on her cheeks. Her father told her that how he treated her was better then any man could, she believed him but still, she started to go numb and let all feelings drift away. She let her feelings go through self-harm to herself other than seeking help, people noticed that so her father bought a cat to blame them on, but he didnt stop her from doing it. Soon after her 17th birthday, her father had been found out and instead of the headlines say she was an angel they read “The richest man using his daughter for guilty pleasures and missing wifes bones found in the basement along with other unknown women” she was shipped off to a place to help her but it only made her go even crazier. She started having nightmares of her father and every day she would wake up in a stage of Sleep paralysis. A day came where her therapist was trying to get a nurse to give her a new medication and she totally freaked out, and her bones gave a crack and after all the pain she laid as an ash grey wolf. The therapists scream made her go insane and she killed her quickly and busted out of the window into the dark forest. ![]() |
Slytherin clean fissure wine (#76271) Toxic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-26 16:26:28 |
Name: Harper Gender: female Age:17 Rank: student Power: shape shifter (mini horse) Looks (Img or description): she is short even for her age only 5'. She has black hair with a side shave.her eyes are brown, she wheres a few piercings the most notable is the bull ring handing from her nose. Her cloths consist of black, white, and grey tank tops with Tripp inc pants. Sexuality:hetro Personality: She is out goin, ready for adventures and maybe like to party too hard. But she is kind to others. Though she doesnt look it she her can throw a punch, when and if she needs to. She keeps her ability a secret as she was laughed at when she was younger do to it. But she has made most of her money in horse shows, her being the horse. But now that she is in school she will have to find a new partner if and when she need money. Siblings:none History: she was raised in a low income family that owned a farm, they raised angus beef cattle. When harper was 5, she got extremely sixck She was bed ridden due to an alarminly high fever. Her parents being called the doctor to come over as she was in know. Condition to travel. When they came back into the room there was a tiny blue foal in place of their daughter. At the age. Of 10 in elementary school she got sick again in the middle of school. She still had no control over the shift, so she transformed again while doing her show and tale she was showing her pet calf. The children all were shocked and some even ran. A couple weeks later the student body started to make fun of her calling her names like horse face and other childish things. By 12 she was finally in control of the shift. She became distant in the family business when her pet cow was sold to the butcher her oarents say "there is no pet cow" and "all cows end up this way" she even became vegetarian after the vowing to never eat beef again. From 14 to 16 years she found out about miniature horse shows. Her friend Chris and her found away to make money to split by joining the shows. Shes won many ribbons and Chris even won a scholarship. But then Harper was sent to this school. ![]() Edited on 28/04/19 @ 02:08:52 by Hyena (#76271) |
Polo (#96942)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-27 16:40:37 |
![]() "Good days, bad days, I take what I can get." ![]() |
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