Posted by suggested item: cocoa beans

jinx 🌿 πŸ„
{clouded sunrise} (#82111)

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Posted on
2019-04-27 19:51:27
okay so we all know what cocoa beans are, hopefully. and if you dont then im deeply sorry for your chocolateless life.

so, chocolate is poisonous to many animals, including felines, including lions. typically when ingested in a moderate amount it will just cause the animal to throw up and feel sick, but if ingested in mass quantities it can lead to death.

my suggestion for a cocoa bean item would be that it can be used on a lion to make it "throw up" and gain anywhere from 5%-20% in their hunger bar. there would be a daily cap of 5 maybe and the flavor text for the cap would say something along the lines of "Better not eat anymore, youre feeling too queasy." in addition for each cocoa bean eaten there is maybe a 10-20% chance that it can take away 1-2 stats. or if the item doesnt cause a lion to lose stats (since thats a big, sorta counterproductive risk) , there could be like a 40% chance that it takes away 10-30% energy (maybe a lion cant eat a cocoa bean without having energy?).

so why do i want this item? i think an item will be very useful when trying to get stats. many stat items are food items and require lions to be hungry and right now you just have to wait for your lion to be hungry but with cocoa beans you could be able to build up stats at a quicker pace, even though it comes with a risk.

[EDIT] to stop the rise of stat monsters lions with higher stats would lose less hunger percentage (could be as low as just 1%). very high statted lions would lose no hunger, therefore the item would be ineffective on them. it makes sense because a strong individual would never throw up from some measly little beans, right?!

a cocoa bean could be bought in the gorilla enclave for maybe 30+ monkey teeth or as an event item. or it could be gained by winning a game. really whatever seems most appropriate

please comment your feedback and/or suggestions below! im curious to hear what you guys think! also sorry if this has been previously suggested, i looked around for a bit but didnt find anything but i could have been wrong, oops.

so yeah, cocoa beans!

- - current comments/concerns/suggestions - -
- the risk of losing stats is too high to invest
- the price of monkey teeth may be too high to invest
- if a lion were to lose stats as a result of eating cocoa beans they could specifically lose strength stats since throwing up makes you feel weaker
- this item could cause stat monsters to build stats way too quickly (suggested that the item is expensive with a heavy consequence to counteract this)
- barring high stat lions from using the items isnt fair (suggested that the MONSTER monsters get barred, others high statted lions lose maybe 1%-5%?)

This suggestion has 35 supports and 18 NO supports.

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Edited on 28/04/19 @ 11:12:52 by ⊰ jinx ⊱ (#82111)

jinx 🌿 πŸ„
{clouded sunrise} (#82111)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-04-28 11:31:15
@tacatto -- yeah i get that. im just sorta saying that some people are more equal than others. and on lioden i think those uber rich stat monsters are lol

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) (#14487)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-04-28 11:31:27
No support.
Have enough things to increase stats and do not need more.

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Aredy1974 (#166030)

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Posted on
2019-04-30 02:05:41
I support!

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