Posted by (( dog rp interest check ))

ウサギ ♥ (#174282)

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Posted on
2019-04-30 01:33:19

hey everyone! I'm moderately new to Lioden but I've recently become interested in the roleplaying aspect of this site. I've rp'd actively on other sites and over discord before, but wanted to see how you guys felt about opening up a literate, post-apocalyptic canine rp over here. I don't have a full plot lined up and typed out, but the general details would encase a natural disaster (such as a nuclear leak, which leads to deformations and mutations in litters/those affected) and the dogs in the relative area having to survive due to their owners and/or the resident human population being wiped out from the harmful chemicals.

if this seems around what any of you would be interested in, please comment below! I'll start making a list of those who want to join, and once the roleplay boards are set up (don't you guys have an OOC channel, actual rp channel, and a character sheets channel? nice!) I'll personally send those who added their names to the list a pm disclosing their invitation to the rp. I was thinking we could do every application like this, such as Person A submits their app. on the character sheets channel, I (and possibly another moderator?) look at it to approve, and then I send an invitation to those who are approved. (to keep things nice and tidy? idk.)

anyways! comment below if you're down to join. C;

(( welcome! ))

vespertine #33076
mysticaljoy #174238
polopony #96942
pyre-crackle #168277 (possible mod)
blair #33821
icy #51844
kitkat #168211

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Edited on 06/05/19 @ 20:01:49 by ウサギ ♥ (#174282)

fircrackle (#168277)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-05-07 06:28:35
@bunny sure! I look forward to your pm!

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