Posted by [Apr] Wenet's Cousin's Appearance - Solution?

BONES (#166015)

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Posted on
2019-04-30 18:35:44
Nobody really liked the random NCL cousins. So what if, starting in April, people design their own Wenets according to a certain set of rules that made the Wenets balanced (i.e. no lionesses with special bases and only exclusive marks!) while still being very pretty. The admins or mods choose a handful of Wenets that meet these qualifications, and those are the ones that are claimable!

Hi guys! So, I'm pretty sure we were all disappointed by Wenet's cousin. I mean, sure, some people got a special base or exclusive markings. But they were still regular old potatoes. I didn't even bother claiming her after I saw the claiming screen.

I was especially disappointed because the cousin that we saw in the news post was aesthetically pleasing and had a bunch of decorations.

So here's a possible solution. Members have all of April to make lionesses in the wardrobe and post their designs in a thread like the the one we have for the weekly raffle lioness. There would be limitations like if you have a special base, you can only have 1 exclusive marking. Or whatever the mods decide is fair.

The Wenet designing is limited to only April so that we don't have to sort through hundreds of designs submitted through the year. If it proves too much, we could even limit it to a week or two before the 30th.

That way players can design lionesses they would like to claim, and not be disappointed by seeing a regular NCL. And even if you get a design you don't like, you can always trade with someone else, since there is only going to be a few designs!

Mods can make a whole bunch of these lionesses, choosing at least ten designs. This way, RNG luck doesn't kill you with a potato since all of them will at least be aesthetically pleasing to most people. It also solves the problem of having a million Wenets. While there would still be a lot of these lionesses on the site, they would refresh every year.

Let me know what you like and what you don't like about this!

1. Maybe a couple mods or trustworthy players can sort through the designs at the end of the month and disqualify the designs that don't meet the requirements.

This suggestion has 94 supports and 29 NO supports.

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Edited on 30/04/19 @ 20:19:56 by BONES (#166015)

Serval (#1933)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-04-30 19:38:12
Or people could design a bucket list of lions and people could get one of those lions at random that way thought goes into the design and a ton would be different plus I'm sure many users would help with the design heck the staff could even have a list of marks that could be used. That way it wouldn't be a user done thing and I'm sure you wouldn't have this same issue where one lion has repeating marking that aid in its meh look. This also would reduce the personal time stuff would have to take to come up with said design plus it would be fun and could be something that could be worked on throughout the year ;)

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Fawn (#3654)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-04-30 19:46:07
No support. I don't want to get a lioness from a pool of premade designs. I like getting something unique. I wouldn't mind them tweaking the base and marking pools the cousin's are generated from though.

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Sivert [Patches
Ukame] (#59282)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-04-30 19:49:27
No support. It's not an effective solution to have admins slug through designs (most of which probably wont follow any rules or criteria). Everyone will just be designing lions with ultra rare markings in slots not already available and bases.

Let's be honest, all cousins were all potatos because 90% of raffle markings are potato markings except maybe the margay, lace, panther, and siamese that the cousin's could role. Those that got special bases are really only valuable because of those bases, not so much the markings IMO.

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Edited on 30/04/19 @ 19:51:22 by Sivert [Ferus Kimanjano] (#59282)

BONES (#166015)

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Posted on
2019-04-30 20:12:29
Serval (#1933)

That's basically what I said in my post, at least that's what I meant. I'll have to re-read my post and edit it so that it's easier to understand.

Sivert [FerusKimanjano] (#59282)

Well, for this it isn't so much as how valuable a lioness is, but instead how aesthetically pleasing they are. Usually people don't claim Wenet because she's worth a lot, but instead because 1. she's pretty and 2. it's for the fun of the game! A little prize for completing the quests.

If it becomes a problem for the admins to sort through them, why not ask a few (trustworthy) players or mods to manage the threads and disqualify the designs that are breaking the rules. Even then, the mods don't have to choose a whole lot, even just ten well-made, balanced, and aesthetically pleasing lions are far better than those random, ugly lions most people got.

Thank you for commenting, everyone!

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oliver! [G2 🥧] (#163090)

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Posted on
2019-05-01 14:12:07
I agree; the cousin that I claimed i really wouldn't have bothered claiming if it weren't for the fact I'm farming impression to raise my stats. She was so ugly, a dun base with a brown overcoat of some sort and obnoxious orangey red splotches on her back, legs, face, and tail..

I agree.

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Venex 🌸 [G2] (#167020)

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Posted on
2019-05-01 14:53:49
Huge support! A lot of people were definitely upset by how... NCLish the cousins looked in comparison to what was shown in the news post announcing them. I honestly really didn't mind since the cousins I claimed only needed a few marking changes to look decent but others weren't so lucky.

The only concern I really understand is the amount of moderation that would be necessary if all members are allowed to make designs, but like you said the mods and trusted players could help with that. Another way to limit the number of designs made is rather than having it go over the course of the month, maybe only accept designs for a week? I'm not too sure on how well that would go down though, so who knows. Regardless, I hope next year nobody has to run the risk of getting an ugly lion... oof.

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BONES (#166015)

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Posted on
2019-05-01 15:05:12
Scryb (#163090)

Thank you for posting and supporting, and I'm sorry you got a ruddy kiddo! :(

Venex [Ivory] (#167020)

Thank you for posting and supporting! I'm glad you got some ladies you were happy with. We'll see!

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Vis (#24757)

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Posted on
2019-05-01 15:09:15
This would be a HUGE undertaking for the admin. Having to sort through individual designs would be very time-consuming for them, even if the thread was limited to a week or two before the end of the event.

I feel a better solution to the Wenet/Wenet-cousin issue would be to make Onyx (or its equivalent in genetics, so Uncommon bases) the very minimum base that can be claimed, and Rare the highest. I'm not sure I like that Wenet cousins can be Special - and especially combo - bases. Wenet herself was only Uncommon. I think this would make everyone feel like they're on more equal footing in an event where everyone has to put in the same amount of effort to reach that final claiming quest.

I might also suggest that the staff themselves come up with a handful of premade designs that are cycled through for the Wenet cousins. That way they can create aesthetically please designs and you don't end up with one that clashes horribly with itself because it's a result of RNG.

Forgive my rambling -- but yes, I support the idea of modifying the Wenet cousins, but I don't support the idea of allowing every user to post potential designs that they want for staff to have to comb through and moderate.

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Edited on 01/05/19 @ 15:09:41 by Vis {clean ice wither} (#24757)

Arheeea (#146058)

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Posted on
2019-05-04 05:18:57
No support. First of all, I know a lot of people liked their cousins. If you didnt - well, I'm sorry.
I don't want "raffle lioness nobody asked for #2" for April too. I don't want someone else design the thing I get. Either let me design my thing myself or let RNG decide. I don't want players to design it.

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Edited on 04/05/19 @ 05:27:35 by This is so sad (#133577)

Rappadapa [G2 Torn] (#159680)

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Posted on
2019-05-06 07:05:15
That is a good point that Aria makes, but I still support

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Moonie~ (#160457)

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Posted on
2019-05-06 08:16:27
Bones I just made a similar one about instead of cousin it's a friend from back home would you mind if I posted a link to this forum on mine?

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BONES (#166015)

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Posted on
2019-05-06 17:32:47
Yeah, post it here and I’ll put it on the main page!

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Moonie~ (#160457)

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Posted on
2019-05-06 20:10:45

Sorry I didn’t make it clickable I’ll post a link to mine tomorrow since I need to head to bed!

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di (#126735)

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Posted on
2019-06-06 10:00:43
Support! If I wanted to claim a potato looking NCL, I would've just gone exploring. There was nothing special about the majority of the cousins people got. It's an event; we should get something special at the end, no? Not an ugly looking potato lioness. Either give us Wenet back or at least put some effort into making the cousins actually be special and not just boring NCL's. It felt like a slap in the face, honestly.

It just makes more sense story wise, that you help Wenet, so she wants to join your pride. You spend the month helping her and she offers her cousin up? Makes no sense.

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