Posted by Masquerade (disc rp)

❝Orion❞ (#172490)

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Posted on
2019-05-04 12:20:14


many years ago, the four kingdoms were trapped in a terrible war. death was a scourge that fell upon every kingdom and hardly any warriors were left in the kingdoms. the leaders came together at a private gathering to discuss what to do.
under the full moon of peace, the four leaders hatched a plan. every tenth spring the four kingdoms would be brought together. the rules against inter-kingdom romance would be dissolved for just that summer. this would allow the kingdoms to flourish with new children and would hopefully break down hate between the kingdoms.
still, since the romances would be outlawed after that summer, the people of the kingdoms were told to wear extravagant masks and costumes to hide their identity from each other. the only thing the people couldn’t do was tell others who they were. so, this event was given the title of “the masquerade”.
now the time has come again, all are invited to the masquerade, but this time something is different. The curse of the witch is real and the witch could be anyone and anywhere. is it possible that an evil force is on the rise amidst this celebration of love?

Welcome lovely people of lioden to the masquerade! Oooh Im so excited I could just... Oh my gosh! Before you continue reading just gotta say two things!

❥ welcome!

❥ this is an anthro rp! I believe it will help us have a variety of different people and help us rp better (if you get what I mean) so don't go around saying: ``oh this a furry rp`` or ``Hah! furries!`` just not cool!

when you are accepted into the rp you will get the disc link!

♛Dress Code ♛

each kingdom has a specific attire that they usually where to the masquerade. this is the only way that the people are able to tell who is from what kingdom.

Bolt (thunder kingdom):
- masks: their masks are usually very naturally, often incorporated leaves and feathers from birds.
- clothing: their clothing is also very forest themed, usually being green or brown. a very robin hood type of style.

Hydra (water kingdom):
- masks: their masks are very focused on the river, using cattail plants and fish scales, as well as clam shells, to make very extravagant masks.
- clothing: they usually wear very light clothes that are blue or light purple. the style often used semi-transparent cloth that flows onto the ground.

Ventus (wind kingdom):
- masks: their masks are usually the most simple. they often use rabbit furs and long, draping plants that blow in the wind. they also paint beautiful designs on their masks that tell their life stories.
- clothing: they were the least amount of clothes. they usually where simple shirts made from rabbit furs.

Mist (shadow kingdom):
- masks: they often make very dark and mysterious masks. theirs range from masks that look very african to masks bejeweled with beautiful gemstones.
- clothing: they also where a wide variety of clothes. usually they wear dark hoods or long dark clothing that includes gemstones.

there may be half kingdom children “made” in past masquerades that use the style of both of their parents!


q: i am not the best artist, so may i describe my mask and outfit in complete detail?
a: of course! or, if you need to, you can always find and image or two online and attach them to your post to show what your character will be wearing!
q: do you have to make a new oc or can you use an already existing one?
a: you can do either! if you use an already made oc, just make sure they are in proper masquerade attire.
q: when are auditions due?
a: i honestly dont know yet but maybe next saturday so... may 10!
q: would we be allowed to submit 2 ocs? one male, one female?
a: yes! you can submit as many ocs as you can handle, just don’t overwhelm yourself.
q: i want to try out for the masquerade but where can i?
a: oh! There is a link you can to a character sheet thread at the bottom UwU
q: are all sexualities allowed or must the cats only be straight in order for the kits to be born?
a: all sexualities are allowed! kids are an important part of the masquerade but it’s mostly about breaking down the barriers between the clans so there isn’t another great war.
q: is magic allowed?
a: it depends. i don’t want this to become a rip off of a magic rp, so i may decide whether the witch is the only one with powers or not but i can maybe approve some mostly likely i will say no.

Good luck!

have fun!

character sheet link!

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Edited on 05/05/19 @ 03:16:53 by ❝Orion❞ (#172490)

❝Orion❞ (#172490)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-05-04 16:19:12
questions and stuff here!

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