Posted by Fantasy College(Closed)

Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-05-05 18:43:40
You are on your last day of High School at Fantasy high. As a 12th grader it is up to you of either going to college or starting to live your life as normal as possible. With the exams done with you and your class mates are free to do whatever on the last day. With that your friends look up colleges while you play games. That is until your friend says something weird "Fantasy College, make your dreams your reality. Come join our school to get the highest education you could ever dream of. With dorms of your liking and a lot of activities to join. We are more welcomed to invite you into our doors" The group laughs except for you as you already know that anything could happen.
At the last bell you leave and go to pack your stuff to go back home. That was until you read up on the Fantasy College and looked over everything. You call the college and let them know you are coming. After that you talk to your parents about your decision and get ready to go to the college. After getting on the train you ride for a long way until you find yourself at a campus where not many people were waiting there.
You see some of your other friends that came and talked. Later on you get to your dorm and find out that you have a dorm mate that is your friend or lover from High school. You chat for awhile with them. Night came and so the two of you went to sleep for the first day of college.


* Will
(Add more slots if needed)
Other Staff
(Add more slots if needed)
*Willow Holler
*Jasper Cunning
*Spirit Freelance
*Echo Bluemoon
*Luna Bluestar
*Mayhem Elkwood
*Blade Ash
(Add more slots if needed)
Children on Campus
*Sparrow Hollance
*Chris Hollance
(add more slots if needed)
*Fail 1051
*Seven Deadly Sins
(add more slots if needed)


*Willow Hollers
*Spirit Freelance
*Sparrow Hollance
*Chris Hollance
*Jasper Cunning
*Echo Bluemoon
*Luna Bluestar
*Fail 1051
*Mayhem Elkwood
*Blade Ash
(add more dorms when needed)


*Have fun
*Be creative
*No bad talking others unless the owner of that character allows it
*No sexual stuff go to PMs
*As long as you have permission from the owner your character can have a crush on others
*No OOC talk here
*Relationships allowed
*Only 2 OCs per dorm unless it is a child of theirs or pet

If you are alone and want to join in just try to find which characters are not very busy. If all characters are busy do not whine about it. We make characters a lot and every now and then die off if nothing interesting happens. If you really want to get in at the beginning then pm me and we can work out a character I can make. Remember if I make a character but then you no longer rp with them I have the right to kill them off to make more room for other characters.
OOC talk

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Edited on 10/06/19 @ 08:02:53 by Akemi Zero (#168247)

Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-06-07 14:23:15
Henry smile “what if it’s a girl” Henry looks at Nyx with a smile “what will you name her??”

Spirit smiles

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-06-07 14:25:38
" Hemera " nyx whispered kinda sleepy

(i'll end up making her btw)

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Edited on 07/06/19 @ 14:26:18 by Happy hyena (#128112)

Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-06-07 14:30:27
Henry smile “that a pretty name” and then he noticed Nyx sleeping as he got up and carry her to bed

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Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-06-07 15:17:47
Jasper lets go "i.... Might be leaving college though..."

Willow eyes changed color as she curled up "it hurts....."im going to have her give birth early since a lot happened and this is her first time)

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Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-06-07 15:28:50

Spirit jump surprise and started to look around not knowing what to do. Spirit grab sparrow and took him to mayhem as he started to banging on mayhem door.

Mayhem went to the door and open it

Spirit give sparrow to mayhem and he started to dash towards jaspers dorm also banging hard “JASPER!!! I NEED YOU HELP AND I DONT HAVE WILL FOR THIS”

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Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-06-07 16:26:03
Jasper comes out "what the heck Spirit"

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Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-06-07 16:28:02
Spirit grabs jasper and took him to his dorm “it’s willow, she about to give birth”

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Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-06-07 16:39:26
Jasper sighs and starts using his abilities to do the spell Will taught him making Willow more comfortable and less painful. He then grabs a blanket"Willow your doing great...... Just keep pushing"

Willow kept going for a few hours eventually Jasper gave Spirit the baby "its a boy congrats" he used his powers to clean everything and looks at Willow "let her rest it took a lot on her"

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Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-06-07 17:19:47
Spirit smiles softly as he looks at the child and then jasper “thank you, jasper... thank you, so much”

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Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-06-07 17:29:55
"no problem" Jasper left

Willow was sleeping to exhausted

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Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-06-07 18:30:20
Spirit smiles at willow as he gently kiss her in the forehead and hold their child “welcome to the world, Chris” Spirit gently hugs him with a big smile

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Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-06-07 18:51:01
Willow shifted in her sleep

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-06-07 20:39:55
Echo was laying down in the dorm

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Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-06-08 04:38:11
Jasper went to lay down next to Echo

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Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-06-08 07:07:46
Luna got outside as it was full moon. The moonlight was making her bigger and bigger, turning into a moon wolf beast. Luna looks at the moon as she started to howl in the moonlight.

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