Posted by The Corrupted Land

Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-05-15 06:34:33
This rp can be both 1x1 and group

It was a beautiful day outside as all creatures played and had fun. Years of war ended not to long ago as well as all the leaders have made an union with each other. Many Innocents, loved ones, and enemies that gave up in the end of the war have died. Slowly as generations have come and go have rebuilt what was lost. The year of 2027 has came with new and greater technology/advancements for both the better and for worst.
The year 2027 new leaders were chosen once more from each area. The leader your area had was an evil wizard that wanted to take over the world. He first used his abilities to get people that were voting to vote for him. After taking the role as leader he made a secret lab and started to plan for the future. While doing this his "lover" had his child in which was immune to his tricks.
Years gone by as the land started to show corruption. Many that were not under the wizards control were either killed or sent to him to get controlled. Shadows and monsters have came and were guards or soldiers for the wizard. You see your parents get taken after coming back from school by these things and ran away. Now its up to you to either help save the city along with other rebels or go and help the wizard out with taking over the land


Protagonist= Zoey Callo(played by me)
Protagonist helpers
*Luna Dark-night
(will add more slots when needed)
Antagonist=Evil wizard(played by me and ????pm me for the role)
Antagonist helpers
(will add more slots if needed)


*Have fun
*Be creative
*No bad talking others unless the owner of that character allows it
*No sexual stuff go to PMs
*As long as you have permission from the owner your character can have a crush on others
*No OOC talk here
*Relationships allowed

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Edited on 10/06/19 @ 07:51:48 by Akemi Zero (#168247)

woofwooftails (#142574)

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Posted on
2019-06-08 20:22:47
Spruce followed the directions Brooke gave him and walked in to her room. "here" he stuttered as he laded her down in her bed. He fell to his knees in a bit of pain. "ow!" he grumbled as he was forced to transform back. he got up his eyes drained of color. "do you need anything before i go? i'll send Quail to come and assist you while you recover from what is happening." he told her hoping this would provide her some comfort. "i will also tell the others of your condition hopefully help bandage a few wounds on the others since i know how. " he told her. He told himself he was caring for her because she is his ally and cause the laws of life instruct him to but something felt off telling himself that.

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’« (#171404)

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Posted on
2019-06-08 20:26:53
"Watedr would be nice" she mummbled getting comfy on her bed. "Hope you get better too" she told him, looking at his darkened eyes "and thank you" she said. her head rested on her pillow. She poked him "heal the others.... then take care of yourself" she said

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woofwooftails (#142574)

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Posted on
2019-06-08 20:32:48
Spruce for once actually smiled. He left the room where he got a glass of water and returned to give it to Brooke. "here you go." he handed her the water. he walked out his brown tail sways behind him. He went back to the others. "anyone need to be bandaged up." behind him now was a cart made of branches and leaves holding basic bandaging supplies.

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’« (#171404)

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Posted on
2019-06-08 20:34:56
Brooke drank the water, yawning. She drifted into a quiet slumber, she would fidget because of the pain but kept sleeping

Will was all better, he looked at Spruce worried "Is brooke ok?!" he asked

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woofwooftails (#142574)

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Posted on
2019-06-08 20:38:11
"she should be fine i just put her in her bed she seems to be getting better. I believe something must have cause a conflict with magic or her forms. Or she would have been perfectly fine after i healed her." spruce replied looking to the others. "i'm gonna send Quail as punishment for that little fight to go be Brooke's aid." he chuckled continuing to talk to Will.

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’« (#171404)

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Posted on
2019-06-08 20:42:08
"This never happened before! Its usually minor headaches...." will said "it could be mind controle or worse...." he said looking at Spruce. "There are no problems with her at all...Spruce im scared its something terrible.......she never had these..well not after she met Rob" he mumbled as he began pondering

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woofwooftails (#142574)

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Posted on
2019-06-08 20:43:51
Spruce sighed. "all we can do right now is try to make her better. It would be a waste right now to try and find the source while she is still ill."

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’« (#171404)

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Posted on
2019-06-08 20:49:14
Will nodded, but got up and ran to Brookes room "WHATS WRONG?!" he yelled, but froze as he saw him "Rob..." he growled

The sranger laughed, he was huggin Brooke in his arms "Ah Will! Pleasent suprise!" he smirked "I just came to see Broo-"


"Will language" Rob said

Brooke winced in her sleep, but he hushed her strocking her hair

Sorry for foul language XD))

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woofwooftails (#142574)

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Posted on
2019-06-08 20:52:38
Spruce followed Will quail now stalking behind him. He spotted a man with Brooke. He looked to the man confused. "excuse me but i don't think you should be so close to her right now. Shes very sick. "Spruce spoke walking closer.

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’« (#171404)

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Posted on
2019-06-08 20:57:05
"Spruce...Rob did thi to her!" he yelled

"What gave it away?" rob smirked

"I KNOW YOUR GAMES!" Will snapped "and brain washing is one of them..." he growled

Rob laughes "you are funny Will" the male dragon wrapped his tail around Brooke, his black hair matching his black horns and wings, andd til. His red eyes staring Will down. "And who are they?" he pointed to Spruce and Quail, still hugging Brooke

speller corrections: this and, tail

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woofwooftails (#142574)

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Posted on
2019-06-08 20:59:20
Spruce looked to dragon. "i am the one who is telling you to put Brooke down." he laughed. "Now do it."

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woofwooftails (#142574)

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Posted on
2019-06-08 21:00:27
Quail now stood in front of her brother.

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’« (#171404)

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Posted on
2019-06-08 21:01:23
"You dont boss me around young man" Rob said, raising an eyebrow. "and why should i?"

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woofwooftails (#142574)

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Posted on
2019-06-08 21:05:10
"Cause i said so." Spruce shrugged. "Again put her down." spruce spoke his voice calm. His eyes still pale from all the energy he used. Quail growled transforming back to her full wolf form. she used what little power she could gain from Spruce to give her self feathered wings.

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’« (#171404)

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Posted on
2019-06-08 21:17:00
Rob sighed "Why must we fight, Brooke just needs to rest but yet here we are about to fight? Shall we interrupt her slumber? Alas i was only visiting" he said placing her back onto her bed, then vanishing into a portal

Will had stormed off as Brooke mummbled in her slesep

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