Posted by .:Betrayed:. Warrior Cat RP Thread

Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-05-24 15:38:27


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The great Ground Shiver had ripped open the earth in various places, leaving destruction and chaos across most of the northern forests and cities. Humans and animals alike fleeing in the face of this disaster. Humans packing up and turning tail to run without a second thought towards the pets they were leaving behind, cats and dogs and various other creatures who weren’t sure how to survive without their two-legs. It was in this confusion and fear that a single cat stepped forward and rallied the former kittypets into a semblance of order, teaching them to hunt and to defend their new home from dogs and foxes that skulked back to the city after the dust had settled. Her name was Octavius, a massive long haired black she-cat that use to be a feral forest cat with a grim determination to survive and too see her ragtag little Clan flourish. Flourish it did for the next several moons too, taking up the name SkyClan and becoming fierce warriors who defended their camp with savage determination. But the kittypets weren’t the only ones affected by the Ground Shiver, a clan of cats deep in the forest were forced from their camp and territory when the trees started falling down around them. Pushed to travel far from their former home, the cats of MossClan finally settled on the opposite side of the destroyed town. Not expecting to be met with hostile neighbors who see the feral cats as a threat to their new way of life. With tensions rising between the former kittypets and the clan cats it’s beginning to look like a war is brimming on the horizon.

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Edited on 24/05/19 @ 15:45:28 by Headless (#39277)

Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-05-24 15:39:25

A rundown and weary group of cats that use to be former kittypets from the surrounding city that were abandoned by their humans. They are fiercely protective of their territory that consists of the upped and west parts of the town with the most noticeable buildings being the library where they make their camp, the old gas station, and the former apple orchard on the edge of the west side of town.

The current leader of the clan. Creates patrols and hunting groups, moves the clan, acts as help to the medicine cats, assigns apprentices, will decide the new home of the clan. They are suppose to be level headed and fair, act as a role model for those around them.

Willowclaw {Octavius} | She-cat | 54 moons | Large, bulky she-cat with long black fur with pale green eyes and a slightly shorter muzzle. |

*Medicine Cats*(0/1)
Cats with knowledge of healing and helping wounded cats, often aided by the leader and taught to use the herbs that now grow in the overrun orchard.

*Medicine Cat Apprentice*(0/1)
Apprentices who train under the medicine cats to learn their ways and someday take over as medicine cats themselves.

Cats who hunt and patrol to both protect and feed the clan. Warriors make up the body of the clan and are it’s biggest defense against most threats..

Cats who are old enough to begin learning alongside their mentor to act as a warrior and will someday have the title of warrior. Apprentices often start their training at 6 moons of age.

Cats who may be pregnant or nursing kits and cannot or have not yet returned to their duties as a warrior.

Kittens under 6 moons of age who are not yet ready to begin training.

Cats who served their time in the clan and have since retired to live in peace, it may also be a cat who is crippled in one way or another. They are often taken care of by the apprentices

A group of cats that used to make their home deep in the heart of the forest. Due to the great Ground Shiver they lost many lives and their former home and territory. Forced to wander till they found a new home they settled in the rundown twoleg town. They are more worn down but after having lost so much they plan on keeping this new home of theirs. They’ve claimed the territory on the lower and eastern sections of the town with the most notable places being the overgrown park where MossClan makes it’s camp, the old laundry mat, the grocery store, and a chunk of the outside forest nearest the town.

The current leader of the clan. Creates patrols and hunting groups, moves the clan, acts as help to the medicine cats, assigns apprentices, will decide the new home of the clan. They are suppose to be level headed and fair, act as a role model for those around them.

*Medicine Cats*(0/1)
Cats with knowledge of healing and helping wounded cats, they have the knowledge of how certain herbs in the forest can help and how others can do harm. They are chosen by StarClan to help their clan.

*Medicine Cat Apprentice*(1/1)
Apprentices who train under the medicine cats to learn their ways and someday take over as medicine cats themselves.

Snakeroot | Tom | 32 moons | Tall, lithe silver and white tabby tom with wide blue eyes and a long tail and fluffy cheeks |

Cats who hunt and patrol to both protect and feed the clan. Warriors make up the body of the clan and are it’s biggest defense against most threats..

Cats who are old enough to begin learning alongside their mentor to act as a warrior and will someday have the title of warrior. Apprentices often start their training at 6 moons of age.

Cats who may be pregnant or nursing kits and cannot or have not yet returned to their duties as a warrior.

Kittens under 6 moons of age who are not yet ready to begin training.

Cats who served their time in the clan and have since retired to live in peace, it may also be a cat who is crippled in one way or another. They are often taken care of by the apprentices

Part of the design credit goes too Potato for showing me the different CSS codes and helping with the box format!

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Edited on 24/05/19 @ 15:50:00 by Headless (#39277)

Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-05-24 15:46:02



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Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-05-24 15:46:31



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