Posted by Personality Ideas
Dracon (#169459)

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Posted on
2019-05-26 21:52:43
Because lioness personalities aren't really effective (aside from nurturing) I wanted to offer some ideas I had for the following traits:

Brutal (Evil)- Because brutal lionesses happen to be more blood hungry, you'll have a higher chance of gaining uncommon or rare carcasses when you send them out to hunt.

Unreliable (Snarky)- This is generally a harmful trait. For one, when you send lionesses with this trait out hunting, they'll most likely come back with nothing. Lionesses with this trait also will happen to be more careless broodmothers and cubs will be more likely to be injured or killed during rollover underneath their watch than other broodmothers.

Humorous (Neutral)- Depending on what den they're in, pride members with neutral or kind personalities will lose less mood with these lionesses around due to increased morale.

Cold (Evil)- These lionesses are apathetic to anything around them. They will lose mood like normal during rollover, however if you kill their cubs or remove a cub's protection from a broodmother with this trait, they will not be affected.

Needy (Snarky)- lionesses with this trait will lose more mood to rollover due to needing more attention and pleasing. Depending on what cave they're in, they'll also cause other pride members to lose a small bit of mood as well due to their constant complaining.

These are just my ideas for these personality traits, please tell me what you think and feel free to add more suggestions!

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Edited on 26/05/19 @ 22:34:04 by Dracon (#169459)

Veni (#121432)

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Posted on
2019-05-27 01:45:44
Very interesting. I'd love to see more personality in the personalities regardless. It would make for some careful planning, great perks, and new challenges. I do think that there should be some "Intertwining" between certain personalities. Nothing too confusing, just an addition or exemption of certain effects (ex: As you proposed a Needy lioness lowering the moods of those in her cave, perhaps a Laidback lioness wouldn't be bothered as much and the effect could be nulled for her?)

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