Posted by Contagion: OOC Chat

cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-06-02 05:39:20

Main RP thread!
Shipping page!4-46498_displaying-17-gallery-image-for-victorian-line-divider-horizontal-line-divider-png.pngContagion
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OOC Chat
Feel free to share stuff and discuss the roleplay! :D Please be kind to one another c:
➵Kismet and Fell are the two new Proxies!

➵A shipping page will be made, strap your seatbelts on lovebirds!

➵A new ranking, Alchemist, has been added!4-46498_displaying-17-gallery-image-for-victorian-line-divider-horizontal-line-divider-png.png

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Edited on 06/06/19 @ 22:26:09 by Loey {Anubis} (#166237)

pekoyama (#175041)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-06-06 18:37:48
refuses to often flirt or try to gain a relationship

because she's still in love with her previous mate, even after he's died. she still wants him to know that she still loves him very much, and that she is sorry for everything that has happened.

I got more tea on aka's mate and pups
if you want me to spill

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Folklore (#139547)

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Posted on
2019-06-06 18:38:28
Tempest doesn't care enough. She's bluuuuunt as shit. It takes her long to actually figure out if someone likes her or is flirting, and when she does find out and she accepts those feelings, she just doesn't beat around the bush lmao

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cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-06-06 18:38:35
Spill it

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-06-06 18:43:07
Tarkik is a clueless fool, always and forever.

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Folklore (#139547)

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Posted on
2019-06-06 18:43:58
A CUTE CLUELESS FOOL!! i love him he will always have a place in my heart lmao

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cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-06-06 18:45:59
I might yeet another character and another rank :o?
The other rank is a secret so ya'll can guess what is the rank's duties if you want to.
It only needs one wolf for the rank c;

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Folklore (#139547)

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Posted on
2019-06-06 18:47:33
uuuuuuUUUUH im clueless. hints allowed or no?

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-06-06 18:49:18

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-06-06 18:52:56
Oh btw I meant to ask, y'all still alright with me having Frostbite tag on with the hunt patrol once I get around to replying?

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Folklore (#139547)

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Posted on
2019-06-06 18:53:53
heck ye~ come join the party!

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cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-06-06 18:55:51
Okay imma yeet hints
The rank's duties has something to do with destruction...

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-06-06 18:55:52
Thanks! Just wanted to double check. Don't feel the need to wait on me btw I'll catch up eventually.

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Folklore (#139547)

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Posted on
2019-06-06 18:57:32
destruction?? hm. that is very interesting... im blanking rn, anyone else got any idea? :0

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pekoyama (#175041)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-06-06 18:58:21
first things first is Aka's mate

he was a large japanese grey wolf. he bore white socked with a black blaze going down his forehead to his back and tail. his tail was docked due to hunters. he held bright yellow eyes and a large white dot over his left eye. his name was makoto. he was a lively, romantic, and friendly wolf. often sharing or helping those in need.

how aka and makoto met was a snowy winter, aka saw makoto a few times before, but avoided him in fear of scaring the poor wolf.

as aka wondered the snowy grounds of the forest, she was met with multiple snowballs. this was from makoto and his pack of friends, who began to apologize to aka. aka ignored it, and kicked a chunk of snow towards makoto's friends. playing with them until she joined her pack. through time, aka and makoto fell in love, and left the pack together after they detected hunters.

now for her pups.
after leaving the pack and finding a warm underground den, aka was pregnant months later from diacovering their den. as aka wad coming close to her due date, she's noticed that makoto was gone for a long time. she left the den to go seek out for makoto. hurrying through the snow for miles until she found makoto's body in the snow. fresh with blood on his next and chest. makoto was killed by hunters and their guns.

paying her respects to makoto, aka had to leave the wolf. traveling for miles upon miles, even giving birth during her travels. to which she had four healthy and well cups. none that contracted her unfortunate mutation. most of them looked most like makoto and some of her other brothers.

aka was quick to go back into traveling, beckoning her pups to move forward and to not look back.

during the few winters, aka lost a cub due to the severe cold as they traveled through russia.

aka was left with three cubs, as she crossed the rivers to reach across germany, she lost another cub from drowning in the river. falling in before aka could've got to them.

when the outbreak of the virus started, she lost a cub due it. leaving her with her final pup.

joining the pack with her last pup, she was over protective of the poor male. making sure he ate as much as he could.

she was a combnant for a short period of time after her cub grew up.

unfortnately, upon visiting her cub, he passed away in his sleep from pneumonia.

aka was left heartbroken, and requested to be a forebearer to care for orphaned or pups that are neglected to fill the void in her heart.

has been spilt.

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cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-06-06 18:58:40
Okay, another hint.
This hint is very obvious lmao
This rank is the opposite of a Herbalist c:

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