``Hungry for the kill, but this hunger it isn't you. It isn't you. It isn't.``
[Hunger, Of Monsters and Men]
Hunger, Of Monsters and Men
She / Her
Pansexual / Panromantic
White Bengal Tiger
6 Years, 1 Month Old
Blizzard has an oddly soft, sleek pelt compared to a normal tiger's rough, dense fur. The color of it is almost a pure, pristine white color with dazzling stripes the color of obsidian except for the stripes along her tail- those are a dusky brown/ginger color. Her massive paws hold a handful of odd black claws, that are pigmented much to dark. Her eyes are a soft pool of silvery, baby blue. They have flecks of more clear blue around the iris.
She stands at 3.5ft at the shoulder, and is about 8.5ft in length. She weighs about 310lbs.
Both of her ears have notches on the outside, probably from a long lost tracking attempt. Like many of the older cats in this Haven, she has a radio collar that tracks her signal and gives her vitals to the humans at the Sanctuary- It's a sleek black, shiny leather with a box at the front that is a thick glass. She has a scar that's from her past, a thick raised pink scar that circles her muzzle angrily.
Blizzard's always been mellow- as mellow as a massive Tiger can be, anyway. She angers easily, and will act on her anger, but when she isn't upset and irritated, this gal is calm and even loving. She loves taking care of others younger than her, because she's always been a mother- she was raised into it. She'll protect whoever she cares about fiercely.
She cannot sleep well if her nest is not to her liking- mainly because she grew up being pampered as a cub, but was abruptly taken away from comfort when a new set of people gained ownership of her and made her sleep in small, rusty cages.
Blizzard was brought to the Big Cat Sanctuary when the humans of the Haven were contacted about an abusive Circus who whipped, tasered, and starved their animals until they became overcome with fear and seizures. Blizzard was fortunately not one of the animals that seized whenever fearful, but her son was. She and her son were taken into the kind, gentle hands of the Haven and brought to the Sanctuary and responded kindly to the new area. She and her son, Enki, have thrived since.
Blizzard was born into the litter of a zoo Tiger, a Bengal mother and a White father. She was pampered in the amazing zoo, until a mistake was made and she and some of her other siblings were bought by the circus. This place forced her into training as well as her siblings, being tasered and whipped each time they did something wrong or too slow. She had two siblings that came with her, and her sister was killed by this training, having been expected to leap through fire, and burnt on stage.
As she grew older, her and her brother kept close, fearful of the other animals who lashed out in fear and anger, and continued to train until they were up on the big stage. Her brother succumbed to seizures and died a year after they got up on the main stage. That's when Blizzard was taken off the big stage and put into the breeding auctions. Where grimy humans would bid on her to their big cats. That's where she learned to become a mother- being bred over and over until the humans of the Big Cat Sanctuary found them.
She had her son Enki during the time of chaos- and the reason they kept him was because he was a successful breeding of herself and a lion. Enki is a Liger, a young one, but still pretty big. He was praised and praised and put into training at the circus. Blizzard had to watch as her son succumbed to fear shock and seizures, from the rough training, whips and tasers. Finally, Haven showed up and took Blizzard and her son, Enki, to safety.
Blizzard doesn't like snakes- they remind her of the whips she was beat with at the circus. She flinches at loud sounds, too.
Her scar is from when she got angry [her first litter of cubs taken away] and she lashed out. They taped, roped her jaws shut for a week and it tug into her skin and her fur does not grow there anymore.
Blizzard and her son spend most of their time between the back left and the front left- sometimes they switch from area to area, but mainly keep to that humid, covered area.

``If you ever fall down straight to the bottom, and you can't get back where you started- any place, any time..You gotta know, for you I'll fight.``
[I'll Fight, Daughtry]
I'll Fight, Daughtry
Kiki, Ennie
He / Him
Biromantic / Demisexual
Liger [Male Lion, female Tiger]
2 Years, 5 Months Old
Only being two years old, Enki is massive like his breed normally is. He is a light golden-ginger color with a lighter undertone that's almost white. He has very faint, slightly darker spotted stripes along his body that turn darker down his tail and face. He's all muscle and very very big. His eyes are a very pale, light yellow that have golden flecks near the iris.
He is exactly 4ft at his shoulder, and is about 11ft in length. He weighs exactly 1,000lbs, and has a bit of chub on his belly.
He has a deep, raised scar on his right shoulder from a time he snarled at a keeper, and in return they whipped him hard enough that he had to sit out on shows for a month. He stopped reacting too harshly to them after that. He has an identical collar to Blizzard's for most cats rescued do.
Enki used to be a sassy, loud cub who loved to run around and be snarky to other animals in the circus. He was hyper, happy and playful. Although still friendly and happy, after becoming prone to seizing to this day, he has become a lot more subdued and timid. He doesn't move around much even though he tries to be like he was. He's just afraid of triggering an unnecessary seizure.
He would do anything for his mother, and anyone he cares about- even if it means having a seizure or two on the way. He's got loyalty to rival a king to his pride.
Enki was brought to the Big Cat Sanctuary when the humans of the Haven were contacted about an abusive Circus who whipped, tasered, and starved their animals until they became overcome with fear and seizures. He was unfortunately one of the victims of succumbing to the seizures. He and his mom were taken into the kind, gentle hands of the Haven and brought to the Sanctuary and responded kindly to the new area. He and his mom, Blizzard, have thrived since.
Being born into the horrid life of the circus, Enki never knew what comfort and true peace felt like when Blizzard knew that for a short while with the zoo she was born in. He was kept with his mother like the others were, and wasn't taken away immediately after he stopped nursing, because he was the first and only successful Liger the Circus has bred itself. They began training him for show with whips and tasers, and when he started the real stressful work with the big show stages, Enki began to seize. Everytime he was to jump up and they would whip or taser him, the poor Liger would seize up and fall to the ground, even when they continued to whip and taser and douse him in cold icy water.
He would've died if it happened again, because his seizures were too harsh, to frequent and too much. But Haven saved him by coming and taking him and his mother tot he Big Cat Sanctuary. He still has seizures, but only when he's surprised bad, scared or stressed.
Enki fears snakes and loud noises. He jumps at the sight of the snakes but won't seize, while a loud noise will have him on the ground seizing if he isn't already prepared, mentally.
Enki and his mother spend most of their time between the back left and the front left- sometimes they switch from area to area, but mainly keep to that humid, covered area.

``I don't speak, nobody's listening- it's not safe to seek the attention.``
[Hollow, Cloudeater]
Hollow, Cloudeater
He / Him
Bisexual / Biromantic
King Cheetah
10 Years, 7 Months
A bit more muscle mass than the average cheetah, Sin is not only built for speed, but able to bring down bigger prey than a normal cheetah. He holds the rare King Cheetah gene, so his spots can be blotched and bigger, as well as him having three thick stripes running longways down his back from the back of his head to the base of his tail- his tail being ringed with thick stripes. His pelt is a light sandy brown that fades into a golden brown and dark brown at the tom and then fades into his lighter undertones. His markings are black to very dark brown.
His eyes being a dark, amber-yellow, they look like the sun sometimes with just the right lighting. He weighs about 158lbs, and stands at exactly 3ft at his shoulder. His fur at his belly is a bit longer and fluffier along with his tail being thicker-furred more than an average cheetah. The mane-like tufts running from the back of his head to between his shoulder blades is thick and the same color as his markings.
Sin is heavily scarred. A dark, thin three-marked scar rakes across his muzzle that ends more on his right side. His right ear is torn down the middle and more scars litter across his lithe body. He truly does look like a war survivor.
Sin is a silent but deadly type. He does not make friends [easily, anyway] and keeps himself away with a ten-foot pole. He doesn't let himself get close to anybody in fear of losing them- he also thinks it's a sign of weakness. Although not having killing anyone in this Haven [yet], he has killed many outside of the safety.
If he has somehow gotten close enough to someone to care for them, he will kill for them. He keeps to himself and on good days, will even come out when a gathering forms around the watering pond in the middle of the Haven. It's obvious he's been in many fights and has lost many people he's cared for.
Sin came to be in the Big Cat Sanctuary by being in the middle of being hunted by poachers- who were out to get Sin's beautiful, rare King coat. Although he seems to hate everything and everyone, he is deeply grateful for the humans saving his hide.
Sin was born to a mother Cheetah like any other, but wasn't the only King out of his littermates. He was one out of three total Kings, while his two sisters were a normal spotted cheetah. His two brothers were Kings. His mother took care of them and it was obvious this wasn't her first litter, because they had only lost the youngest brother out of the litter, the runt. While she was taking care of them, of course.
It was when she was hunting and they were hiding in some brush, was when the male lion followed the scents of cheetah and entered the makeshift den. The big feline killed and ate the eldest sister, and was only stopped when his mother returned and distracted the male by giving him the kill she earned and begging for her children's lives. The male scoffed and took the dead sister and the meal, and his mother gathered Sin, his brother and sister, and ran.
The next death was when the siblings finally were able to hunt without mother's guidance- but still together. They were chasing a buffalo calf- that looked starved and abandoned, but once they began chasing and attacking, the mother buffalo came out of no-where and trampled the oldest sibling, the last brother other than Sin. Sin and his only living siblings ran back to where they met up and was met with a sad mother.
The day where Sin lost his entire family was a slow one. It was poachers that murdered his sister and mother, they had poisoned a chunk of meat and set it under a tree, and where waiting in hiding for the animal who ate it to fall unconscious from the tranquilizer in the meat before skinning them basically alive. Sin had let his sister and mother eat before him, being polite and having them eat their fill. His sister fell ill first, and passed out beside him. His mother was a few minutes after her, and as Sin was panicking and shaking them, he heard a click. He saw the three men and one woman approaching them with long sticks [guns] and he bolted, crying. As he left his only family behind, he had also gained four humans on his tail for the rest of his time in the wild- for they wanted the pelt of a rare King Cheetah.
Out of all the scars on his body, the only one that still bothers him is the patch of fur missing on his throat from where he was grabbed by a leopard and held down. It feels extra tight when he lifts his head high or turns his head oddly.
His collar is a bit different than Enki and Blizzard's, because it's thinner to fit his frame and not be distracting. It also is rigged to not only calculate his vitals, but track his speed whenever he is running.
The day was mid and the sun was high, slamming the earth with hot beams of light that burn the sand below foot- or paw, in this case. A lithe, blotched body was carefully, but swiftly moving through the tall grass of the plains, keeping it's form low and easy. He, a Cheetah, stopped when he reached the best spot to catch his prey- a buffalo calf, ironically. He took a deep breath as he shook the seeping thoughts from his brain.
Not now, he scolded himself in a thought, before tightening his muscles to jump. Springing in a powerful leap, the light shone on the being's fur perfectly, showing off the gorgeous blotched spots and stripes of a King. This time, the baby buffalo truly was abandoned and it wasn't expecting a streaked ball of claws and teeth and strike it down and tear it's throat open in one swift movement.
Once the deed was done, the King Cheetah lifted it's head and his sunlit eyes scanned the area, searching for anything that would potentially try chasing him away from his kill. Once seeing nothing, and scenting the best he could with the thick scent of iron blood in his nostrils, he began chowing down on the calf. He kept lifting his head every few bites to make sure nothing was amiss, the blood dripping from his jaws was downright sinful.
This was Sin, the most deadly Cheetah in the plains.